@Kirah Thanks for letting me know! I have tried leaving it blank but it won't save, so I'll just leave it like that for now
Name: Jennifer "Jenna" McAvoy
Age: 27
Occupation: Private School English Teacher
Appearance: Jenna has shoulder length, wavy, dark brown hair, fair skin and green eyes. She's 5'6" and though she would say she is a bit overweight, she carries herself confidently enough that most people don't seem to notice. She wears cat-eye glasses and academic yet colorful clothes (think sweater-vests, pencil skirts and argyle socks).
Personality: Bookish yet bubbly. You could just as easily find her spending her evening nose deep in a leatherbound piece of classic literature as you would hanging out with the girls for a couple of drinks. While most enjoy her congenial attitude, others can get quickly annoyed with what might be viewed as toxic positivity. She is always the person encouraging others to see the silver lining or look on the bright side, and often finds herself being the mediator when there are conflicts in her life, whether they be socially or professionally. Although she is socially gregarious, Jenna has no true friends. In fact, she tends to people keep people at a distance hiding behind her overtly-chipper demeanor. The truth is, she struggles connecting with people and uses her smiling facade to coast through life and keep her mind off the disturbing thoughts that creep up on her every day like clockwork.
Background: Jenna grew up as what you might call trailer trash in poor area of Western Michigan. Her mother got pregnant at 17 and she knew nothing about her father because her mother didn't care to talk about him. In fact, her mother didn't really care to talk to Jenna about much at all. She mostly spent her days drinking and watching television. It was her grandmother, Pearl, that took care of her. At some point, one of Jenna's teachers told Pearl about Jenna's alarming behavior. She would turn in assignments with disturbing themes and imagery. Despite this, Pearl was also informed of Jenna's academic potential and it was Pearl that encouraged her to "blind the dark thoughts with a smile," and focus on creating a new life for herself after college. But, even with scholarships, college is expensive. Because of that, after she graduated and received her teaching credential, Jenna entered a program that would match her with a school anywhere in the country that needed teachers. She did not expect to be matched to Havenwood Preparatory Academy, a private school, but they had been having trouble hiring a new English teacher since their last one disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
The Touch: Jenna has always been plagued by intrusive disturbing thoughts of violence, death, and gore. She never acted on these thoughts, but they always crept their way in. Since moving to Havenwood a few years ago it has only gotten worse. Not only are the thoughts more frequent and persistent, but they are also more strange and surreal in nature.
Weaknesses: Jenna has only ever felt true human connection to her grandmother, who passed away while she was still in college. She has no contact with her mother, and the friends that she does have are surface level social companions at best. She is afraid that if she gets too close to someone that she might let the truth of her mind be revealed and be seen as a monster. Moreover, she is afraid that if she lets someone see the dark part of her mind that it might make it more real, and if it becomes more real then perhaps it could take over.
Motivations: Despite her fears of getting close to people emotionally, she has been taking small steps to put down roots in Havenwood and make good on her promise to her grandmother to create a good life for herself. Although it's been difficult, she's been trying to become closer friends with Maggie, one of the secretaries at Havenwood Prep, who she occasionally has drinks with after work. Maggie has even encouraged Jenna to start dating, although for one reason or another she finds some reason not to have a second date with any guy she's gone out with. Still, she's hopeful that with slow and steady steps that she can find some sort of life here in Havenwood. That is if the darkness doesn't claim her first.
@Kirah Thanks for letting me know! I have tried leaving it blank but it won't save, so I'll just leave it like that for now
How do i put someone as co gm? Seeming as chronic wanted to post before i did it.