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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 10 days ago

The sun began to rise starting a new day in the wastelands. Gunshots could be heard in the distance and a fire burned brightly in the distance. The day marked The sixth month since the bombs where dropped and with them the creation of the world today.

Flint continued to walk along the mass of fields. He was tired and sore but he continued down the small slope. His rifle slung on his shoulder as he looked to the sunset. The new day beginning. Everything seemed normal enough. Until Flint heard the sound of a car engine. A running car was rare in recent times and hearing the engine of one only caused Flint to worry as he quickly hit to the floor. He began to look around and soon found the truck that was making the noise quickly drive down one of the small dirt roads. It was about half a mile away but it continued to drive closer. Flint began to crawl to some near foliage for cover as he took the rifle from his shoulder and into his hands. He wasn't sure on numbers or what weapons they may have had but if they had fuel they more then likely had ammunition and numbers too.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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Lakshmi was on the truck, they had kidnapped her and took her gun that she had, all that she was left with was her axe, she was trapped in the boot of the car unable to see anything, she felt the vibrations on the truck fall to a halt, this was strange, why were they stopping, they kicked open the boot and Lakshmi saw a strong, bearded tattooed man. "Get out." He said in a commanding tone, Lakshmi did as she was told and got out of the truck, taking her bag with her. The strong bearded man then struck her across the face "We have no use for you anymore, we've taken your stuff, so we're going to leave you here. To die. Alone." He chuckled and then slowly started walking towards her, Lakshmi slowly backed up, but he kept on following her, before she knew it he had shoved her over the edge and she was tumbling down the edge of the slope. Pain, all she could feel was pain, the stones were cutting at her hands and the bumps were scraping at her back, she tumbled to a halt and weakly opened her eyes, she could see a man holding a rifle, she tried to say help, but only a low moan came out, the pain was too unbearable to speak.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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Rick stood in a crater the size of a town. In what used to be a town. It was huge. "I am in the middle of where one of the bombs dropped..." He muttered to himself. Behind him, the mangled remains of a radio tower creaked and started to fall. It dropped onto dead telephone lines, crashed through them, and landed on an old school. Rick had learned to expect this, being in this sorry wasteland for... Damn. He forgot how long it had been. He heard suppressed voices coming from the old town hall, no telling what was there. He raised his gun and slowly started his advance. He hated having to rob other people, but he had only one weeks rations left. If there were supplies in the town hall? Well, they wouldn't be there for much longer.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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Anwen quickly tiptoed across the town hall, hurrying in quick quiet movements, she hurried up as she walked across the broken rubble towards the town hall door, she could hear whispers there, and hoped there would be a group to take her in, or at least she could sneak in and steal some stuff, she was going to open the door when she spotted a man with a gun, she threw her hands up and mouthed the words 'Don't shoot' and pointing at the door, at this moment in time adrenaline was pumping through her body, what if she killed her? She really didn't want to be in this situation right now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 10 days ago

Flint watched the truck stop then a woman was brought out and pushed rolling down the hill and close to his side. He freaked out a little racking the bolt on his rifle and aiming it before realising the woman was injured "Hey ... you ok?" Flint asked his voice raspy. He coughed to clear his throat, that had been the first time he had spoke aloud in several days. "What happened there?" Flint asked his voice normal now. He looked over the woman with her scrapes and bruises. He kept the rifle barrel poised at her, he felt sympathetic but she had a weapon and you could never be too careful.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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Lakshmi looked up weakly at the man, observing his face, she was too weak to speak, but she took her axe and placed it to the side of her, she finally gathered enough strength to rasp "I-I was k-k-k-kidnapped, t-hey took m-my stuff" She stammered and stuttered her way through the sentence "I-I should be fine, I just need to rest for a b-bit" Lakshmi closed her eyes and gathered strength to slowly shuffle towards him "I don't ha-ha-have any weapons, apart from my axe, so you know." she examined her feet and arms for cuts, there were quite a few minor ones, but on her left arm there was a massive large cut, about the length of a pen. "T-t-his is going to need fixing up" she muttered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 10 days ago

Flint sighed as he looked back to the road. The truck was now driving away , Happy their captor was suitably tossed away. He turned back to the girl and slowly stood up. "She would just slow me down" Flint thought as he placed the barrel of his rifle against her head and slowly began to squeeze the....
He stopped and quickly pulled the gun away from her head "Dam it" He said aloud frustrated as he couldn't be so heartless. He placed his rifle on the grass as he went into his satchel and removed the first aid kit inside. He slowly helped the girl in a sitting up position and carefully began to clean and tend to the gash. Softly wrapping it up with the last of his bandages. "How's that?" He asked the wound covered and cleaned.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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Lakshmi felt a fear from this man, she was scared of him, sure he was fixing her arm up, but he had just put a gun to her head, she had decided it'd be the best plan of action just to follow his orders and do what he says. She took a few sniffs of the dusty air, she could smell smoke, but not fire smoke, cigarette smoke, the smell almost made her smile, it reminded her of her dad. "T-t-t-thank you" she said, her stammer had become more pronounced as her fear increased.

(( Btw, just a quick thing: Their= possession 'Their dog has a limp' they're= shortened 'they are' there = place. Aloud = out speaking Allowed= acceptable, 'smoking was allowed in the pub'))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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Rick knocked down the door to the hall with the butt of his gun. It wasn't hard; the place was in shambles. He spotted some frightened people, none of which had a gun. "Don't move! I'll shoot ya!" Rick did his best to sound intimidating as he searched the makeshift satchel he found nearby. All he could scavenge was a small bottle of painkillers and a fresh apple. He started out of the town hall, gun still pointed at its residents. He shouted, "Stay back!" as he left, and started his ascent out of the crater. When he got out, he saw a truck, tilted sideways with an unknown substance dripping out of it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

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Jack sat inside a library moving around some of the cases to block windows and doors to make it more defensible so he could stay there. Books were strewn everywhere in the building and yet nothing seemed out of place. This is how it was now, chaos has become the norm for anyone still alive. Jack heaved the tall shelves from place to place, probably making quite a bit of noise, but didn't care. He had blocked all the first level entrances but the back door, which was rigged to make noise upon opening as a makeshift alarm. "Come on you giant useless hunk of wood, why are you so heavy!" He struggled to get the last shelf in place as it was half full of boosk to make it harder to knock over. "There." He stood back looking at its placement. *Crash* the window he blocked shattered as a few books fell out. "Whatever." He went back to the main counter located in the middle of the base floor and sat down to rest before going back to work.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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Anwen quickly darted away from the town hall and ran to the library, she pulled on the door but it refused to budge "Let me in! There's a madman with a gun out here" she tried the door a couple more times before resorting running to the back, she ran through the back door and heard a noise emit "Don't shoot at me! I'm unarmed!" she said, which was not strictly speaking true, but that didn't matter "Well, I do have a bow, but I'm putting it on the floor now, please don't shoot!!" She pleaded, slowly walking in.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 10 days ago

"Its ok... " Flint said as he stood up "So where are you off to?" He asked picking up his rifle and helping the woman up. "Im looking for a town nearby I have heard a few survivors are living there maybe I could trade with them.." He picked up the girls axe and passed it to her trust fully.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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Rick carefully approached the truck, unaware of what was happening inside. As he approached it, however, something slammed out the window on the front door. Rick almost fired his weapon, but decided that it was not a threat. "Curious.... What liquid is this?" He managed as he approached the back of the truck. He grabbed the handle and lifted the door when...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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"I-I-I Don't know, I was hoping I could stay with you, i-i-i-if that-t-'s o--ok?" She stammered, she turned her eyes away, embarrassed of her stammering, she took her axe in her hand and held it tight. She kept her eyes away and tried to make her body language look as non threatening and as accepting as possible
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Totts said
Anwen quickly darted away from the town hall and ran to the library, she pulled on the door but it refused to budge "Let me in! There's a madman with a gun out here" she tried the door a couple more times before resorting running to the back, she ran through the back door and heard a noise emit "Don't shoot at me! I'm unarmed!" she said, which was not strictly speaking true, but that didn't matter "Well, I do have a bow, but I'm putting it on the floor now, please don't shoot!!" She pleaded, slowly walking in.

Jack heard someone at the fron of the building trying to get in yelling something that he cohld not hear. Then it stopped, but he was already on alert with an arrow nocked ready to be pulled back and fly. He was slowly making his way across the now simi clear library to the back to watch the door. Then it opened and a woman walked in throwing her hands up immediately after hearing the alarm saying she was un armed. He pulled back the arrow and presented himself pointing the arrow at her. "Of course you are." He remarked with a tone. "Stop there. How many are you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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"One. I don't want to get hurt, I just want a place to stay, you can have my bow if you like" She said, placing the metal bow down (She has a metal one like the olympic archers). She could immediately sense something about this man, she got a feeling about everyone, this man could be summed up in one single word. Dominant. She kept her hand raised and slinked off her bag. "There's a madman outside. Please." She was trembling now, she had a arrow to her head and could die at any moment. She closed her eyes to show that she couldn't possibly make any offensive move against this strong man.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by hivekiller
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hivekiller SCP

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"What the..." Adan muttered to himself when he heard some loud noise from somewhere near. He tried to open his eyes but the sun was too dazzle, but after a few seconds he managed to open his eyes and regain his vision. Adan tried to find the source of the sound he heard just now, and out of the blue he heard something. It was coming from the old town hall. "Don't !mov..! I'll ....." It was definitely a guy but the sentence was too indistinct. "None of my business." Adan said again as he lay down, tried to get back to his sleep again. It was not the first time that noises interrupted or waked Adan up during his sleep. He was not able to sleep again as he was too sober at the moment, so he decided to check his resources in his backpack again. "Great... I can only eat two more days with these things." Adan sighed and started to remember before the war, he used to work inside a fancy restaurant as the main chef. He never ran out of food during that time, but now it was completely different. Adan stood up and began to look for a route to the old town hall.

"Let's do this."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Jack though a moment as the woman put her stuff down and explained that there was a madman outside. He was abot four yards(12 feet) from her. "If there is a man as you say you will need your stuff." He said lowering his bow. He didn't put it away as he secured the door once more. "I blocked all the windows down here, so upstairs would be the safest place." He didn't really care foe the woman's safety as much as he wanted some distance. "I will take care of down here. In the mean time help yourself to any book you see." He said wirh a smirk.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 10 days ago

"Don't slow me down and put in all your effort if you do that you can stay with me...." Flint remarked as he began walking away " The names Flint" He called back to her as he began his journey once again. "What about you?" He slung his rifle on his shoulder and went into the satchel at his side, removing a cigarette and a lighter. He placed the cigarette in his mouth and lit it. "Ever killed someone?" He asked casually "Who am I kidding, if you hadn't you wouldn't have made it this far in the wasteland." He blew smoke from his mouth as he adjusted the strap on his satchel "Yep its a 'dog eat dog' world out here that's for sure."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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"How many years of experience do you have with your bow? If you have more experience then me I'll gladly lend you my bow, it's a modern metal one, with sights, unlike your conventional bow." She said, walking upstairs, she was afraid of this man, but he was giving her safety, so who would she be to decline? She pushed several of the comfy chairs together and made a makeshift bed, she snuggled into it, but kept one eye open, 'this could all be a trap' she thought to herself, but going 3 days without sleep makes anyone tired, so she eventually drifted off.
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