Also keep in mind any last minute interactions should be wrapping up Tuesday or Wednesday as I'll, or Lucius/Rtron, move us along ASAP. Once we get there and what happens then we'll see who does it.
WitchChild said
Anyone get a feeling of deja vu? Just me?
WitchChild said
I am just sayiong that because of the other....three four times this was said.
Lucius Cypher said
I know right? Not even ten shots to the face with a 12 gauge pulse slugs slows those bastards down. It's time like that that I have to rely on all those points I put into explosives and let loose with Annabelle.
Freeshooter92 said
I like the good old "Super tesla cannon+cowardly backpeddling" maneuver. Failing that, YCS/186 with MC cells, and failing that, Sprtel-Wood. Though I'm running out of Electron Charge Packs fast.
EliteCommander said
I think the extra day was for Crossark, even though he hasn't actually showed up yet. Still, if it means Ssarak gets to drug Althalus and Mar, I'd say it was worth it.
Lucius Cypher said
Too bad I always find them in tight quarters.