Thank you for your help, Celaira <3
Alright, got some data here... I may be wrong, so feel free to correct me.
Interest Check (1 person)
Message: Crabmeat, in case you see it here, sir, you should post in the OOC and make your presence known, as well as your intentions with us. I will be sending you a PM.
OOC Thread (7 people)
Message: Alright you lot! You're here. We know it. You know it. Get your asses spinning on those Character Sheets so Slade and I can approve them a.s.a.p. and get the party going for you. >:3
OOC Thread - CS posted (2 people)
Wind Wild (Darren Winsor)
Glitchy (Brysen Gray 'Glitch')
Message: Wind, you need to post Darren's abilities as a weather angel. Glitchy? You need to respond to our group PM and await my final response on what you should do with Mr. Gray. I wish to see your characters here approved quickly so you can go write for them. =)
OOC Thread - CS approved (9 people)
Synthorian (1/1)
Krauxis (2/2)
Celaira (2/3)
Wind Wild (1/2)
yoshua171 (6/6)
Rtron (3/3)
Vinsanity (1/1)
Fallenreaper (1/1)
februari (1/1)
Message: Guess what? You are licensed to write here and the IC thread has been ignited. GET YOUR DEBUT POST UP, IT'S SHOW TIME BABY!!!
Total Roleplayers Interested: 18
Total Roleplayers Established: 9 + 2 (GMs) = 10
Total Characters Approved: 18