Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This is really great though. With so many new CSs and people wanting to join, I feel like the day we start the actual RP won't be too far off! :DD

ADDED: And wow, HylianRose is gonna have a lot of fun catching up with all these new posts. Ha ha ha.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

David has short, brown hair that seems like it has never seen a decent comb in years. His face has nothing special. It’s rather V shaped yet his chin is a little bit more horizontal and not pointy. His eyes are deep, dark brown. So dark that you actually need to focus for a second to see that his pupils are a bit darker.

He stands a good 5’ 9” (175cm) and weights about 154lbs (about 70kg). He’s not really muscular and neither is he very strong. But he’s very flexible.

(I’m sorry for the lack of picture)

Name: David Archers
Age: 18
Gender: Human/Celestial

A Celestial spirit is a creature that roams Space with pure freedom. It’s one of the creatures closed aligned with Cosmic Powers. It is whispered that Celestial Spirits do have a home world. The truth is known to few men. Celestial Spirits do have a place they can call home. A large Nebula. Ancient Celestial Spirits go here to go die. But a Celestial Spirit does not die so easily. Instead, much like a star, it explodes like a supernova. But due to the fact it is in this nebula, a new EGG is born and from that, a star.

However, the birth of a Celestial Spirit is much less explosive or dangerous. Instead, a Celestial Spirit is born as a human (or possibly other life forms far, far away). Just like humans they grow up. Around early adolescence they start developing powers whom have close resemblance with Cosmic Power. Do note that a Celestial Spirit is born at random. They do not reproduce in a traditional way. Instead there is a small, small, small chance that a baby simply is a Celestial Spirit while both his parents are human (magical or non-magical, it does not matter). But due to this, infant Celestial Spirits have no knowledge of their powers or what they actually are.

However, they can mediate, learn and train their powers. Through this they come closer to the Cosmic Powers. Eventually a, Infant Celestial Spirit can achieve ‘enlightenment’ which is commonly seen as the point when he gains the ability to switch between an Ethereal form and a Corporal form (his human body). Upon reaching enlightenment they mostly leave earth in search of other spirits or to travel the vast Universe. Some do return to earth and take up their Corporal form once more. Mostly they leave behind coded scrolls full of mythical knowledge. But only in capable hands.

Celestial Spirits are not all mighty. Nor are the Cosmic Powers something to laugh at. When used too much with not enough focus, stamina and attunement to a Cosmic Power, it can and will destroy you. While violent emotions like hate, fear and even love can greatly enhance ones powers, they are the single greatest cause of personal destruction. Furthermore, Celestial Spirits, when they die, leave a single, little crystal in their stomach. This crystal is said to greatly enhance cosmic magic and is therefore a greatly prized object. Infant Celestial Spirits will most likely be targeted for said crystals, as they are not yet powerful enough to defend themselves.

Finally, Celestial Spirits are very, very rare. Mostly, maximum 10 Infant Spirits grow on earth worldwide at any given time. However, Celestial Spirits achieving Ethereal Sentience and Enlightenment age much slower than humans.

A celestial spirit can also chose to never achieve Ethereal Sentience. They then continue to live as humans and die as humans. When they die of old age, there is no violent reaction.

Powers: Attunement towards the Cosmic Powers or simply Cosmic Magic.

He draws power from suns, moons and the many celestial bodies. He can bundle the light of stars, the sun and moon into beams, orbs or, after lots of training, he can weave the light other shapes.. That is the simplest of part of Cosmic Magic. It’s not very effective against foes but great for light sources. This is made possible through Attunement towards the Cosmic Power named Cosmic Light.

Another Cosmic Power is the Cosmic Flux. More often called the Ethereal Flux. It is raw Cosmic Energy that can be turned into black and purple shockwaves or blasts. It’s much more powerful against foes. But its powers greatly fluxuate when emotions are involved. It’s often the second Cosmic Power a Celestial Spirit discovers. It also leads to the most death as the Cosmic Flux is a pretty violent power.

The next force is called Cosmic Order or Gravitational Magic. The use learns how to revert gravitons. This allows him to make himself float or lift objects. Celestial Spirits cannot lift other sentient beings nor can he interfere with other magic that manipulates gravity.

The final power learned on earth is Ethereal Sentience. The Celestial Spirit knows what he is and used his powers enough to be aligned enough with the Cosmic Powers. The search of Ethereal Sentience is none the less a tricky one. It requires long days of meditation and reflection. A Spirit must be willing to leave behind his old life, friends, family and earth to achieve Ethereal Sentience. Once he succeeds he is enlightened and can turn his body into its Ethereal Form. Mind you, Ethereal Form does not mean immortal. Celestial Spirits can still be hit by magic and can die (and that can turn out pretty violent. It is whispered that this is one of the reasons so few Spirits ever return back and stay for such a short period. They might fear for the destruction of a planet if they are killed.)


The very power he uses can and will kill him if he isn’t cautious. To make things worse he doesn’t even know exactly with what he’s dealing. That means that it's very likely that he might hurt himself when casting spells. Or that a spell backfires. It’s not excluded that Wizards might hunt him down, kill him and steal the crystal in his stomach. But he would have no idea why he’s being attacked.

A stranger weakness might be the fact that Celestial Spirits cannot swim. They don't float nor can they ever learn how to swim. Because of this, they have an inborn fear of large quantities of waters. Washing and taking a shower is not that bad. Taking a bath is testing one's courage. Demand him to swim in a pool and an Celestial Spirit won't stop running untill the water is out of sight. Throw him overboard on the sea and the poor creature is doomed and death.


Silent and always thoughtful. He will talk with people. Might even make the first step. Never the less sometimes he just doesn’t want talk every minute of the day. Some might say he doesn’t really talk much about himself. That probably because he never had a very interesting life and he prefers listening to other people.

He will also constantly overthink things. To the point that if a friend doesn’t say hello to him he might start thinking they hate him. Never the less he’s good of heart and will always try to help his friends. Maybe not always in the right way.

However, he has quite a problem with his own self-esteem. He doesn’t think himself to be much nor does he think that his magic is really powerful. He rejects compliments and takes criticism close to heart. He also is prone to hide it if something is wrong.


David was raised in an upper-middle class family. His parents valued personal success above all. The subtle game of showing off (be it with their own accomplishments or those of their children) dominates every meeting with other people. This meant that anything weird like David powers were not allowed. From a very young age he was disciplined to never use his powers. At least not in front of his parents. They did love him though.

Study: Science, History, Art, Sports, Computer, Cooking, economics.

Three I believe.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shadowfall


Member Offline since relaunch

How detailed has a cs to be?

I am used to simply using notes for the cs and not write them out... but everyone seems to write it out..

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aoi Sora

Aoi Sora

Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Luna Laciel

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species/Race: Lunar

• Sickle Travel: Luna can summon a sickle moon-shaped craft, on which she can sit and travel quickly. The moon craft is much like the magic carpet from the movie Aladdin, and will not allow you to board onto it if you feel fear or doubt.
• Full Moon Shine: She can create a artificial light source similar to how the moon works: as a mirror. This light can illuminate dark rooms with a leak of light or can be used as a precise pointer. However, whenever Luna uses it, she is drained of massive amounts of energy and sometimes become inebriated randomly. Guess it comes with the name...

• Sunlight: One of the key reasons why people mistake her for being a vampire, Luna cannot stand the sun's bright rays. However, it does not harm her, it just weakens her celestial powers and dampens her usually bright glow.

• Darkness: Ironically, the space she is supposed to light up is a dampener of her lunar abilities, causing the effects of her powers to be obsolete.

Personality: Luna has two personalities, dependent on the time of day. In the morning all till noon, she is grouchy and aggressive, unwilling to put up with anyone. As the day moves on, she begins to adopt a calmer and more polite persona, rather sweet and flirtatious.

Background: She is the spawn of the Man on the Moon, and was found as a baby by astronauts looking for rock samples, the space federation adopted her and realized that even though they had found her breathing on the moon, she was much more supernatural than they hoped. They gave her to an expert in the supernatural, a witch by the name of Sunny Laciel, who had raised her and sent her off to the Academy three years ago so she could be with others like her.

Core Classes: English, History, Physics
Electives: Art, Choir, Student Body Government

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shadowfall said
How detailed has a cs to be? I am used to simply using notes for the cs and not write them out... but everyone seems to write it out.. >~<

Er, actually, from what I could tell, many people have used surprisingly detailed Character Sheets. I recommend having at least a paragraph for your bio.

Are you talking about notes like thsi?:

Personality: -Cheerful
-Loves angus

Weaknesses: -Hates shrimp
-Farts a lot
-Needs vespene gas to move

If that's the case, I think it'd be fine to use them if you used full sentences in each bullet.

If not, someone go get me my shotgun and play Target Practice on my head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I am making a CS, this roleplay seemed like it's going to be huge and awesome. XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shadowfall


Member Offline since relaunch

I meant like

Power: Pyrokinesis

But, I think I'll just be unlazy and write a sheet, although I might edit the History later due to ... lack of creativity at the moment
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Legion I have some advice about your character. This i my personal opinon so feel free to ignore it. But I have a question concerning David's weaknesses.

You said - The very power he uses can and will kill him if he isn’t cautious. To make things worse he doesn’t even know exactly with what he’s dealing. Finally, it’s not excluded that Wizards might hunt him down, kill him and steal the crystal in his stomach. But he would have no idea why he’s being attacked.

The first weakness, is kind of pointless, unless you really intend for him to die for his own powers. I like the second weakness, I mean, if you actually roleplay him messing up a few times. The third is a little weird, do you really intend for him to be hunted? That's not really a weakness, it's a DANGER. I think ou should make an actually physical or psychological weakness. Like he can't use his powers properly if he isn't in the light of the sun or moon or something like that. Or something even as simple as he's afraid of fire, etc.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shadowfall


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Serenity Clayton
Nickname: 'Ren'

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Species: Fallen Angel
Her appearance is human, albeit she isn't. The only aspect of her true nature is found within some strange dreams about obscure lights. She has no memory about what happened before she was 9years old.

Her shoulderlong White hair surrounds her face in straight, slightly curved insidely, lines. Some strains, however, are longer and even reach her waistline. These lose hair seem to have their own will and fall in whatever way they want. The unusual Color, or rather: absence of Color, is caused by a lack of Melanin within her cells.
Matching her hair, her Skin has a rather pale Teint, almost vampiric pale. Although, her physics are perfectly human and a faint pink might appear upon her cheek when she blushes.
Her eyes are pretty random in the normal ways: The white in her eyes was White, the pupils were black and around her pupils were the colored irises. The only dashy Impression wouold be made by her pupils, though: They had a full yet dark orange Color, almost red.
The famle has a perchant for the Color blue as well: Her clothes vary in different hues of this Color and even her nails are dark blue. Sh wears a thin Dress which is dark blue, matching her nails, around her breast and turns into a faint blue the further you look downwards. Some ribbons hold the silky Cloth in place as well as are used as necklace, wrapped twice around her neck. She loves to run around bare-footed but wears normally comfy black Sneakers due to her manners.
Other visual noticed aspects might be The netlike gloves she is wearing. They are rather artificial wristlets than actual gloves. Moreover, she also wears jewelry: Two delicate yet huge structures, building a pentagram-shaped pattern, are her earrings and in her hair is a barrette of the same form. Three wires extend upwards of her hairclip. On each end is another pentagram. These three are White, the oposing 'color' of her other ornaments. A silver pentagram on a blue ribbon completes it.

Pyrokinesis: She is able to control, manipulate, rise and distinguish flames. Moreover, she is capable of creating her own fire within her Palms. This Special fire occurs to be Cyan and can't be controlled by other fire users.

Temperature manipulation: The affiliation with fire already allows her to be greatly involved with heat and pretty immune to it. Her own fear of fire developed another power out of this. She can control and manipulate temperature itself. This ables her to noot be dependant on certain clothes thus might let others notice her feelings in sudden alterings of temperature. However, this power is related to her fire and therefore greatly bound to her emotions as well.

Will strength: She is able to withstand the attempted Manipulation of her brainwaves in every way. As result, her mind is safe from outer influence. This, however, will not help her against physical influences, e.g. Pheromons or illusions by fooling her eyes.

Pyrophobia Ironically,she is afraid of her own ability and as a result she never trained it. Furthermore, this caused her flames to be uncontrolable and dependant on her emotions.

Antropophobia Another disadvantage is her fear of other people. It is not that distinct and seems to vanish at times. Although, the more people she encounters at once, the more she panics.

Nature is beloved and the only place to find her a bit relaxed when others are around. Everytime else, she is seen as rather shy, even scared of social interactions. Oposing her character is her fighting will: She would never turn down an accused challenge.

History: -will be edited later /if/ this character is accepted-

Chore classes: English, Psychology, German
Electives: Art, Latin, Chemistry
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

DaDrummer676 said
Legion I have some advice about your character. This i my personal opinon so feel free to ignore it. But I have a question concerning David's weaknesses.You said - The very power he uses can and will kill him if he isn’t cautious. To make things worse he doesn’t even know exactly with what he’s dealing. Finally, it’s not excluded that Wizards might hunt him down, kill him and steal the crystal in his stomach. But he would have no idea why he’s being attacked.The first weakness, is kind of pointless, unless you really intend for him to die for his own powers. I like the second weakness, I mean, if you actually roleplay him messing up a few times. The third is a little weird, do you really intend for him to be hunted? That's not really a weakness, it's a DANGER. I think ou should make an actually physical or psychological weakness. Like he can't use his powers properly if he isn't in the light of the sun or moon or something like that. Or something even as simple as he's afraid of fire, etc.

I will most certaintly listen to it! Thank you very much. I made the power yesterday evening and it was getting kind of late. I already thought that it hadn't have enough weaknesses but couldn't really make any up. Also, about the first weakness. I'm not very sure if i want him to die because of it. But he will most certaintly get hurt by it. That's where the second weakness also comes in. He doesn't know what he's supposed to do and has painfully little experience. So it's very possible that spells backfire. If i want him to be hunted. I have no idea to be honest. I just placed it there if anyone ever wants to use it or not. Anyway i do think i'm going to make up another few weaknesses.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Theobromine said
This is really great though. With so many new CSs and people wanting to join, I feel like the day we start the actual RP won't be too far off! :DDADDED: And wow, HylianRose is gonna have a lot of fun catching up with all these new posts. Ha ha ha.

No kidding. Give me like... an hour. I have to address all of these characters and comments. Sheesh.

(Still, I'm glad this has gotten so much attention.)

Actually, on that note, I said this in my Int Chek, but I am desperately in need of a co-GM! PLEASE. If you are at all interested or think you could do the job nicely, please PM me with a paragraph or so on why you think you'd be good for the job. It would help if you included how often you'd be able to get on. I'll message the person that gets it back with a message and we'll go from there.

But yeah... On to addressing CSs and such.

OH. And I would strongly recommend visiting the Character Listing. There are some playable NPCs that some of you might want to know about. Just know that the principal isn't around very often. But you can still use her in your posts. Just know that she is very rarely seen.

(I'm glad I actually like reading... This is quite a bit. Haha. Also, Hey Ebil. Glad to see you! :D)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hi Rose, haven't seen you in a while :) If you want, I could be a Co-Gm, or a Co-Co-Gm.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ebil Bunny said
Hi Rose, haven't seen you in a while :) If you want, I could be a Co-Gm, or a Co-Co-Gm.

I'll address that in my next big posty thingy. I don't want to do any type of favoritism. :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@NarayanK Very nice character! I can't wait to read about his shenanigans. ~

@UrbanDecay Also very nice! (I love Plato and Aristotle and ugh. GJ. Lol.)

FaithsRose said
Hmm, I was probably aiming away from him mimicking humans or vampires for that matter, in fact I'm sorry but vampires didn't even cross my mind as an option :O In my mind that kind of shapeshifting is different but I see what you mean :S If I'd of put animal mimicry or beast mimicry I'm guessing it would have been the same. The idea of him being able to is a rather interesting one, and I would be willing to accept it as a challenge with all the rules you stated. As for Serena I realized my mistake there with that >.< I have gone through an altered it, though can probably change it this evening if you would prefer, I worded it terribly!

Much better. I'll add to her to list once I'm done making this post.

(By the way, if any of you have submitted a CS, had to fix something and have now fixed it but I haven't said anything, PM me! It's hard to be able to see everything with how crowded the OOC is (Not that I mind. I prefer a crowded OOC to a dead one.) I'll almost always answer PMs.)

@Animal You should really look at the Character Listing. The Vice-President is a Dragon Kin. xD Approved. :P

@Zordon I didn't have an issue with the fire weakness. I just wanted some other type of weakness be it physical or Psychological. Like, a fear of bugs or of dying. Or she's too nice for her own good, things like that. Once you've added something, just let me know and I'll add her to the listing. (PMing would probably be the best way to get my attention.)

@McFazzer Alright. So, my only problem with this has to do with definition. What sort of objects? In my mind, other characters are 'objects' of a sort. Do you just mean inanimate objects? If you'd change it to inanimate objects, I'd be fine with it. (Knowing the past of characters is a touchy power.) I'm sorry if I'm being picky I just like things to be clearly laid out. Other than that little detail, good character! An interesting power. :)

Ebil Bunny said
Rose is female :P

Yes, I am indeed female. 19 year old female, Up coming sophomore in College, English Education major. I have a boyfriend of 6 years, and I like music, playing my trumpet, my cat and RPing. :D

@Legion Once you've made the edits you want to make, just let me know and I'll look it over again.

@Aoi Sora Nice CS, Approved! I'm interested to see how she interacts with those two different personailties. ^-^

@NarayanK No target practice needed, haha. I just prefer you be as detailed as you possibly can about your powers. That's all I really need to be detailed. Background and Personality, are up to you how you want to do it. Those are just kind of extra information. So, feel free to use bullet points for those. I just prefer writing more myself because it solidifies the idea in my head. Just personal preference there.

@Shadowfall Nice character. I will warn you however, that without a very outgoing character to pair it with, a shy character can and will fade into the background. Just be wary of this. I'll be creating another character that'll be very, very outgoing so don't worry too much about it. Just... You were warned. Otherwise, approved! ^o^/

Whew... And to think I didn't think much would have gone on while I was gone. I left when like 21 posts in OOC and came back to like 50. Dx Again, I don't mind. I prefer it this way. I just wasn't expecting it, haha.

And now I have to go and add characters to the listing...
Merp. ~

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Rose has spoken.

Btw, ty for accepting me! I might make another character, but that really depends on my mood.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I made a few changes now. I hope it's bettter. Also, just out of curiousity, what would be the tasks of Co-GM or Co-Co-GM?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@NarayanK Haha. Yeah, it was a lot. And you're welcome! Feel free to make a second character any time to like.

@Legion Lol. I'm not what use a 'co-co-GM' would be but a very good question. As co-GM, one would accept characters in my place and put them in the Character Listing(Jk. I'll have to do that. Just realized this. Lol.), settle any and all disputes, answer questions, etc. Basically, anything that I do. I need a second me to stay here in case any of you need me. And I'll go have a look at your CS now. ^-^

@All Once I can get enough time to get an intro post up, all characters that have been approved/accepted may begin their journey at the academy. (Aka, IC is open once I make the intro. :D)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Thank you ^^ Looking forward to getting started :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I know! Very excited to get this off the ground. :D

@FaithsRose: Btw, I'm really looking forward to Crash mimicking someone and/or stealing their identity. Please tell me you intend to do this at some point~!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I'll make a CS in a bit :)
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