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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

GM: Kate
Co-GM: Yzza

Hunters CS Thread
Witches, Warlocks & Others CS Thread

At one time the people of Adin were known for their strength, their fortitude and their perseverance, but that was before the Shade of Esper moved into the peak of the great mountain that overlooked their quaint villages. He was a monster that was said to have evolved into necessary evil at the birth of the angels and his offspring became known as sorcerers, or black magic wielders.

Village after village was destroyed throughout the land of Capernaum and yet those who came against the Shade fell into madness or were yet to be heard from again.

An invitation was extended to the surrounding villages and the country just beyond Adin’s borders to come and give assistance if capable. The prize was more valuable than any riches could ever be. Eternal life would be the victor’s bounty if he produced the head of the shade and put an end to the madness that ensued.

The only problem was that the prize to be won disappeared last night from its sanctuary and nothing remained in its place but the onyx, inky marks of the one who took it.

I love fantasy and dark realism, so they will encounter a few monsters, dragons and perhaps more hunters than they can handle.

I’m thinking a good hydra or snake should jack up the hunters quite nicely as well as a few tricks that we’ll get to encounter both mentally and physically.

Your opinion, thoughts and creative ability will be used to help paint the world, the journey and the nastiness of the witches/warlocks.

Rules: I actually dislike rules, so we’ll keep it simple. Keep to casual standards and don’t post a string of one liners or I’ll steal your cupcakes and pop your butt. Be nice to each other and respect one another’s writing. I will clear up issues or problems as we move through this, but we’re here to have a good time, so make sure you act right or that good time will be at your expense.

Fill out your CS and when I’ve approved it we’ll have you move it to the CS thread I’ll create to give us one central location to house our characters.

Magic User: Kate, Yzza, Lost, Phantom, & Icmasticc

Hunters/Huntresses: Kate, Yzza, LadyBella, Caits, Bane, Nobody, Insomnia, Icmasticc, Sturmgewehr, & Avanhelsing
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So I'm going to be the Dragon then?, just to be clear.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

You sure are. I added you on YIM too. <3 You are the "Other Characters" hider. Let me know if you think the CS should look differently. That one is really just for you at this time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Name: Evangelina Vertesca

Nickname, if applicable: Eva

Age: 27


Home Country: Eva hails from Demura, a land that lies three days journey from Adin, but still within the land known as Capernaum. Her village is known for their military strength and their ability to keep peace amongst the sea-faring traders. The land is two-thirds surrounded by the golden sea and is a bustling port of activity for most of the goods that come into Capernaum by sea.

Background: Eva’s father is the general of the Solaic Army, the protectors of the land and though it is quite unheard of for a woman to be involved in battle or things of that nature, she forced her way into the fold. Having a strategic mindset and strength that shouldn’t belong to a woman of her size and structure, she has trained for years and years to perfect the art of stealth and hand to hand combat. Something is a bit strange about her and though most would inquire to know more, they fear the wrath of her father might befall them. Having lost her mother during her birth the town whispers in the shadows of a curse that holds tight to the girl, but nothing has ever been proven.

Magic is looked down upon in her village as is anything outside of the normalcy of life. Eva works with her Aunt in their bakery during the early hours of the morning and then trains with her father’s men all afternoon and deep into the evening. Even though she’s a bit older, her interest in relationships – families and such – is little to none. She believes something bigger lies just beyond her grasp and waits impatiently for the opportunity to attend to it.

Strengths: Stealth – Eva is capable of sneaking through the shadows without moving the very air around her, her body agile and her mind completely focused on the art of surprise.

Hand to Hand combat – Having trained with her father’s men she is quite capable of wielding a small blade and dancing on deaths edge in the form of hand-to-hand combat. It’s uncanny how she seems to understand which way her opponent might move before doing so.

Manipulation – Being a woman, and a beautiful one at that, she is quite capable of manipulating her way into or out of most situations. Her father spoke only days before her departure of never being willing to send his only child to a foreign country and yet – she leaves today.

Weakness: PM’d this one.

Weapons: Two small daggers.

Additional Info: It has been said that Eva’s skin will almost glow as if sunlight lies below her skin when she is in danger or fear has consumed her. She has the ability to move the air just around her and has a connection with animals that she shouldn’t have.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Katelyn said
You sure are. I added you on YIM too. <3 You are the "Other Characters" hider. Let me know if you think the CS should look differently. That one is really just for you at this time.

Good good, already have thought as to a possible turn of the plot to which may be discussed later once the RP progress's.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sounds great. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and I'm thinking Y is hoping to yoke up to your character. *smiles and chuckles* Like old times.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Children of the Shade (Witches/Warlocks):

Name: Arralina

Nickname, if applicable: Lina

Age: 83


Background: Lina, being one of the older witches in the Shade’s covenant acts namely as a leader amongst the group, her only fault being her curiously unapologetic nature. She grew up in the fold of the shade, one of the few offspring to be brought up directly by her father and given the ability to learn a few of his dark secrets.

Magical Element: Fire

Magical Abilities:
Lower-level: Conjuring the Flame - Lina is capable of calling fire forth from her palm with every little effort, the ball she's capable of creating can light the path before her as a large flashlight might be used to do and even hover above her for a short period of time. She is able to throw these balls of fire at an enemy and catch his clothing ablaze. Its about the size of a large grapefruit.

Medium: Ring of Fire - Lina can use more of her strength to create a ring of fire from her mouth, eyes and fingertips, the blaze surrounding those she chooses in a ring of fire that lasts for a sustained period of time. This is often used to trap her victims and put those she wishes in fear and peril.

High: Melted Hearts - Lina's touch is warm and welcoming, the fire from her heritage rocking through her veins, but be careful. Her fingers can move from warm to fiery hot as she slides them into your aorta and lets your heart beat for her. If kept there long enough she can whisper a spell that will warm you from within. Too bad it will leave you breathless and dead as well.

Weakness: PM’d this one.

Additional Info: Lina is not able to be completely submerged in water or she will lose her abilities for a few minutes which is seemingly enough to remove her as a threat.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Insomnia


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Reserving this post for my hunter <3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yzza


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hey bitches
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Insomnia - Sounds great! Looking forward to it, love.

Hey bitch. :) Get me some scary, jacked up CSs pronto. *pulls out whip*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yzza


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Name: Vitralese

Nickname, if applicable: Vita (only to those close to her)



Background: Vita is her father’s favorite child, raised mostly by her mother under the Shade’s careful supervision until her mother’s death when Vita was 15. She is also the full sister of Lina and so feels close to the mean spirited woman. Vita is strong but mostly quiet, her glare itself holding enough to silence most, and tends to keep more to herself.

Magical Element: Spirit

Magical Ability:
Haunting Gaze: Vita has a powerful soul, drenched in evil of her father, and while she is quiet her gaze is hard to with stand. Average humans often scream and flee in terror while others of magic blood find her gaze uncomfortable and distracting.

Astral Projection: She can separate her spirit from her body, traveling astounding distances and moving silently to spy on or even interact with others. She can touch most non-magical items, paper, lamps etc and can be felt by humans but cannot speak to them directly. Only her father and siblings can understand what she tries to convey while in this form.

Raise the Dead: Vita has a powerful link to those spirits that still roam the world and can call on them to attack her enemies or defend her position. The onslaught is intense and powerful but completely drains her body of energy and can be used rarely because of this.

Weakness: PMed

Additional Info: Vita is able to communicate with her father relatively easily because of her spiritual link and powers and may pass of orders or advise.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ThePhantomM


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If I wanted my Warlock CS to specialize in using ice would that be water or air? I've heard of element systems that have put it water and ones that have put it in air, so i thought I'd ask.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LadyBella


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Name: Marcus Selwyn

Nickname, if applicable: N/A

Age: 31


Home Country: Marcus is from a small town on the outskirts of Capernaum known as Kilmer. The tiny town runs solely on it's profits from it's farmers. It is surrounded by rolling hills of golden wheat, corn, vegetables and fruits. It's a poor town, but it provides a lot of food for other cities around it. The journey from Kilmer to Adin would be a long one, perhaps 5-6 days depending on the steed.

Background: Marcus grew up as a farm boy and for the most part he had no qualms about it. At seventeen he married, had two daughters in the coming years. He had his own land, his own buyers, he had everything he wanted. Life was good for him. When he was twenty, Marcus's wife and his two young daughters traveled to a neighboring town to visit family. On their way back they disappeared, no trace of them was ever found save one of his daughters shoes. Marcus went insane. Literally, he locked himself in his house, drank himself into a stupor and paraded around town on his horse, screaming and cursing God and anyone who tried to quiet him. Finally, he left the town, taking only what he could pack and started to travel. On his travels he learned, through trial and error, to throw a punch. He was a pitiful excuse for a man.
In a tavern he picked a fight with a rather skilled warrior, his own drunken mistake of course, but the aging hunter saw potential in the drunken mess and cleaned him up. By cleaned him up, the hunter locked him in a room, cut him off of alcohol and women and let him be. When Marcus emerged, dirty, haggard, and quite smelly, the hunter told him what he wanted. Marcus no longer had anything to live for in his own mind so he agreed to learn to fight.
By the time he 'graduated' from the hunters teachings, he was twenty-seven, with a rage behind him that not many people had seen. He returned to Kilmer, but did not farm any longer. He basically became a monster killer for hire. It seemed he had no morals or any sense of right or wrong. If someone offered him the right amount of money he would kill who ever he was asked to kill. However, this was simply a facade. Sure he'd kill anyone for money, he enjoys killing, perhaps too much, but he knows he is no better than the people who took his family. He has accepted that he is a tainted soul and will burn for his indiscretions and he simply doesn't care what happens to him after he dies. He doesn't want to get close to anyone ever, having convinced himself that he is somehow cursed.

Strengths: He is quick about his work, doesn't ask very many questions, and he doesn't care who he kills as long as he gets paid

Weakness: Will PM shortly

Weapons: The two swords in the picture above. Marcus is ambidextrous.

Additional Info: He may seem unfeeling and a little evil, but he isn't actually he just has a really hard time expressing feelings...except anger...he's pretty good at anger. Also he turned out darker than I originally had planned, but he'll change over the course of the RP I promise :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Phantom - Feel free to use Ice and I'll adjust my criteria. I don't mind that at all.

Keep in mind we're looking for small, med and large scale magic use and remember to keep it plausable with your energy level being used IC. If you use your large level power you should pass out or something close to it.

Lady - lovely. I'll read up on your cs shortly and give you the green light. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Lily bellafante
Nickname: n/a
Age: 22
Home country: Lily comes from the small town of Weathering. It is merely a farming town, where the emphasis is on provoding for yourself, your family, and any other person in town that may need it. It has good farming and stock raising lands surrounding it.
background: Lily was born in a neighboring town, however at the age of 12 when her parents died she fled the town, and upon her families horse came across the town of Weathering. It was two weeks before anyone noticed that she actually didn't have a home. She would sneak into a barn and spend the night. She got food from hunting, as, thanks to her father who trained her, she was an excellent shot with a bow. When the towns people realized this, she was taken in my a couple who, for years, had been trying to have children. Lily was grateful for this. Lily however didn't want to be an imposition, so she worked various farms, learned various trades, and learned how to stand on her own two feet.

Her saddest moment was when she had to say goodbye to her horse, the last thing she had of her parents. When this happened, Lily withdrew into herself, often sitting for hours staring at nothing. A man came to her, and said "you need to be strong, to get stronger" and that was it. She rose, and then set out to become strong. She quickly sought out how to fight.

She learned all she could go survive, and become a serious young woman. She didn't take kindly to people saying something was a mans job, and quickly proved that she could do just about anything, maybe not as a man would do it, but she still managed to do it. Many thought it was a shame that she never showed any interest in settling down, having a family, for they thought that was what she needed. Lily however didn't want to be known as someone's wife, someone's mother. She wanted to be know for who she was. So, she continued to live her life as she had been.

Bow master-Lily is excellent with a bow, and rarely has she missed a shot. She makes her own arrows.

Hunting-Lily is exceptional at hunting. She knows which tracks are which, and can track an animal for, potentially, miles.

Adaptability-Lily can easily adapted to many situations quite fluidly. She has been known to get out of dangerous situations unscathed
Weaknesses: pm'd
Weapons: bow and arrows
Additional information:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lost in my Mind
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Lost in my Mind Lord of the N.O.N

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Acride

Nickname, if applicable: Old Man Death (Very few people get away with calling him this however)

Age: 88


Background: In his youth Acride had little care for life, and he had no heed for the consequences of over abusing his magical abilities. He would kill anyone that irritated him even in the slightest manner, which lead to numerous bodies piling up under his name. While the easily perceived consequence of his actions, the numerous Hunters that came for his head, were picked up quite quickly by Acride the other consequence hid itself until he was in his 40’s. Over the years as he continued to indulge in casting his magic at every available moment, his life force was steadily being eaten away. It wasn’t until he was 47 that the effects were noticeable. His hair began going gray, wrinkles creased his face, and his bones felt his strides a little more heavily. Despite this he still did not change his ways until he was in his early 60’s, and the effects could no longer be ignored. He started using his magic less and less, until for a time he stopped using them all together. He became a hermit, hiding away from the world to prevent himself from aging even further.

Eight years ago he reemerged, whispers in the darkest corners of his mind telling him that his services would be needed once again.

Magical Element: Death

Magical Ability:
Low Level- Fog of Wicked Breathe: A poisonous fog saturates the air within a 10 foot radius using Acride as it's focal point. It is a very slow acting poison and one must be breathing it in for several minutes before they are unconscious, and a few more before they are dead. In addition to this a stronger than light breeze will blow the poison away, effectively diffusing it.

Mid Level- Touch of Rotting Flesh: By making physical contact with an uncovered or very lightly covered piece of flesh Acride is able to make it begin to rot from the inside. If the section touched is removed, which may be an entire limp depending on how far it spread before they took action, it will be prevented from entering the rest of the body. Once it has reached the torso it is very difficult to stop.

High Level- The Cloth of the Reaper: The strongest magic ability Acride possess, it is the most dangerous to not only his enemies but himself as well. A dark robe appears floating behind him for several seconds, before it begins siphoning Death magic from Acride, creating a shadow body within the robe. After siphoning even more a scythe appears within it's grasp. The reaper will cut into enemies without hesitation, it's large scythe capable of cleaving an unarmored man in two. It has the ability to use Touch of Rotten Flesh, although much faster than Acride's. Besides the amount of time it takes for the Reaper to manifest, it completely drains Acride of his magic leaving him unable to use any of his other abilities. In addition to this it drains his life force the longer it is in existence, shortening his life with every casting. If left in existence for a long enough period, Acride will fall ill although what form this illness takes differs.

Weakness: PMed

Additional Info: While he is aged further than most Witches/Warlocks he is still capable of travel, he tires a more easily but he will not allow that to prevent the group from continuing on. He is immune to his Fog of Wicked Breathe, after years of subjecting himself to it to gain this immunity.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yzza


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I think Kate was wanting to be the eldest but check with her
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lost in my Mind
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Lost in my Mind Lord of the N.O.N

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Already have Yzza, but thank you.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yzza


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Oh our characters will get along, or hate each other
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lost in my Mind
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Lost in my Mind Lord of the N.O.N

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Why do you say that?
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