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Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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Pitch led the class through the caves like it were some sort of class field trip. "Does anyone know why the school was built here?" Pitch a asked.

There were a dozen students with Pitch, and another dozen students behind Jack. Honestly, the students chose their chaperones based on who they trusted more. Pitch was no doubt the safer choice, he was more experienced and skilled then Jack was. Jack, however, was considered more enjoyable to be around, most of the other students stood behind him to socialize with each other.

There was a buddy system, they partnered in groups of three. No one really paid attention to it since the entire student body was together. There was no doubt in Jack's mind that the students didn't take his warnings seriously. It was his own fault though, he did decide to scare one of the students when he yelled out the word "Werewolf".

Fact was, the caves were dangerous. They ran deep throughout the entire mountain range and will never be properly mapped out because of it's size. The school records have reported werewolves, vampires, cannibal spirits, possessed animals, and even some mutated bugs. Jack wonders how bugs could've mutated like that, it's like something out of an old monster flick.

Anna stood next to Pitch, "probably the weather." Anna said, "mountain tops do tend to get the best snow for snow sculptures."

"Um." Pitch said, "not quite. Five hundred years ago, an astroid hit near where the school stands. The meteor had a rare mineral that amplifies psychic abilities. Over the last few centuries, psychic anomalies have been attracted to this place. Since the astroid amplifies all of your abilities, we felt that the school was most appropriate to be built there, where your powers can develop more quickly."

'Well, that explains the giant bugs.' Jack thought to himself.

As Anna began asking more questions about the area, Jack noticed someone scurry from the side of his eye. Although everyone followed Pitch, there were dozens of cave tunnels that the group had been passing. Upon looking into one, Jack noticed the shadow of a girl from a distance.

"Hey!" Jack yelled, flying over to her. The other students looked over, but Jack assured them to stay behind with Pitch. "I see something, you all stay here." Jack flew into the tunnel.

Pitch rolled his eyes, and continued leading the students through the direction the he knew. "As I was saying, mutations are one of the more common side effects of the rock. The bigger question is, how do the mutations react to paranormal beings?"


Jack flew deeper and deeper into the tunnel, unsure if any of the students were following him. He eventually reached a large cavern deep within the mountain range. The cave was pitch black, impossible to see anything. Jack flicked his fingers, releasing a blue ball of light from his hands.

Upon shedding some light, he found himself face to face with Elsa. Except, it wasn't Elsa, it was simply a shadow of Elsa. Her hair and skin was black, her eyes were glowing yellow, and her teeth were wide and sharp like a shark's.

Jack looked at her in horror, "Elsa... What did he do to you...."

Else grinned, with her smiling spreading to half her head. She opens her mouth, revealing a snake tongue. She jumps into Jack, ready to bite him with her jaw stretched to the size of his head.

Out of some unknown instinct, Jack turns off the light, and stops her by the shoulders. "Help! He yells, not sure if anyone was there. this monster can't be Elsa, can it?

Elsa lays Jack to the ground, struggling to devour him. Her tongue slithers like a reptile's onto his face. Jack uses his staff to hold her away.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AreYouMyMummy


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Amelia had chosen to shift into a bat for the trek into the tunnels. She thought it most appropriate for the journey- bats were incredibly good navigators. She followed the group into the cave, not having a travel buddy. No one had really noticed her, and everyone else seemed to already be in a group. She flew for a while, behind two of the teachers, one a tall, pale man who struck her as not exactly trustworthy, the other a red-haired woman. The teacher she had met in the halls earlier, who she heard was named Jack, had wandered in a different direction from the group. Being a bit curious, she decided to go after him. Just to see what he was doing, she told herself. After a while of following him, and getting a bit lost, she heard a yell for help. Jack! She flew towards the sound of the voice, dodging pillars and stalactites, until she came to a room. There was Jack, on the floor being attacked by a woman, who she assumed to be Elsa. But she didn't look quite right.. Amelia fell to the ground, herself again. "Hey, you!" She cried. "Let him go!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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Upon hearing the words "Let him go", the Elsa shadow jumped off Jack and lunged itself into the student. Jack, out of blind instinct, threw an ice wall between them, stopping the shadow from reaching the student. "Go get Pitch! Hurry."

Jack turned on a light, using his magic to illuminate the cavern, the light showed shadow creatures crawling all up and around the cavern. Each creature the shape of an animal or monster, crawling towards them like bugs.

Jack throw more ice walls up, hoping to slow them down. At the center of the cavern an enormous beast could be seen, stretching a black aura into the back of all the creatures.

It stood at the center of the cave using it's zombies as it's eyes. It's scales covered it's snake like body in a black cacoon. It was corrupted by a darkness, enchanted by a magic it shouldn't be born with. Jack didn't flinch.

"Hurry!" Jack yelled to the student.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AreYouMyMummy


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Amelia paled at the sight of the creature. It reminded her of a giant worm, if worms had scales and giant teeth. "Go get Pitch! Hurry!" Jack shouted. Amelia assumed Pitch was the male teacher. The name suited him. "Hurry!" Jack urged. Amelia shifted back into a bat and flew back through the passageway, until she nearly hit someone's head. Realizing it was Pitch, she dropped to the floor and turned back into herself again. "It's Jack! There's like this massive worm thing, and it's attacking Jack!" She blurted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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Creatures chased Amelia as she flew away. Although Jack managed to hold his ground, he wasn't able to stop all of them from following her. They roared and scurried the caves leaving a track of black aura as they ran. They made no noise aside from their footsteps. This type of magic was all too familiar to Jack.

Shadow magic. Something Pitch was an expert in, but this wasn't his, it was impossible. Not even Pitch could corrupt a cave serpent that large. This magic came from somewhere deep within the unknown cave systems of the mountain range. Jack wasn't sure what sort of powerful being could curse a monster so enormous, but he hoped that he would never have to find out.

Jack flew across the walls, running on them like gravity wasn't an issue. He lured as many away from Amelia as he could, getting them grouped together so he could ice massive blows into the groups. But each time he could get a hit on them, he couldn't help but look at Elsa.

She was on ground level, and her shadow behaved like an animal. It couldn't walk on walls like Jack could, but it growled at Jack like an angry mutt. Jack prayed that it wasn't the real Elsa.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AreYouMyMummy


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Amelia heard noises behind her, in the corridor. Growling, angry noises and unearthly shrieks. She turned to see what looked to be a large dark shadow moving towards her, eyes roiling about in the mass. Amelia turned and ran. She ran as fast as she could, panting. Where are the others?! She desperated, then she came to a dead end. "Poop," she cursed. The creatures were almost upon her. She turned to face the mass of darkness, trying desperately to think of a way to fend off these... things. Then, she smacked her head. "You idiot!" She shouted at herself. "You're a shapeshifter, you dimwit!" Amelia concentrated, thinking of something terrible, frightening, something that could keep most anything at bay- Amelia shifted into a dragon. She let loose a terrifying bellow, shaking the cave, then a blistering wave of flames.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


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Nessa had chosen to go with Pitch's group, hoping she could eventually see how he used his Shadow magic. She had a similar power but she could not create a full living things, maybe a part of one but never an entire being. She was better at making objects which she could use as if they were real. She felt a bit excited when Amelia had come running back screaming about a monster. She then regretted it since it probably meant she and all of them were in danger. Seeing they were made of Shadow magic, Nessa thought this would be the a good time to try more with her powers. She concentrated as hard as she could to try and control the creatures but they were too wild and too strong. She then decided to create obstacles for them, boulders here and there, large stalagmites and stalactites, but she could not keep up with them and creating some many things was beginning to exhaust her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


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Nessa looked over at the boy for but a moment as to not lose her concentration. She gave him a slight nod and ignored the hand he held out to her. Though she was tired she was not going to let creatures of her own sort of magic harm the other students. Sure she didn't know any of them or cared for them but she knew someone somewhere probably did. So she kept on creating obstacles for them to run into.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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"Elsa!" Anna yelled. From a distance as the boulders began to collapse into the cave, Anna saw a figure with glowing eyes whose anatomy was identical to Elsa's. "Elsa, it's me!" Anna cried out. The figure stood there, staring out at her.

Anna began running towards her. Upon doing so, she felt a hand on her arm stopping her.

"Don't even think about it," Pitch said, "the cave is collapsing, you won't survive if you're trapped here."

Anna shook Pitch off, "She's my sister, I will help her and there's nothing you can do or say to stop me."

Pitchh let her go, if Anna wants to die, so be it.

The other students can easily stop her, save her from being entrapped in the falling cave. She's weak, a simple blow to the head would get her knocked out and carried out afterwards. But Pitch wasn't going to do it, if the students weren't willing to save her she didn't deserve to be saved.

Jack kept fighting the beast deep inside the cavern. He now saw that there would be no escape, but he continued to fight anyay. Holding back as many shadow monsters from the students as possible, Jack noticed Anna running towards Elsa.

"Stay away from her!" Jack yelled, Anna ignored him. Being preoccupied by the monster, all Jack could do wa was hope that the other students could stop her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


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Nessa saw a girl running towards a figure that resembled another girl but she could sense the shadow magic in her. She then focused on making a wall between Anna and Elsa. "She can't be saved!" Nessa yelled to Anna, pleading to this girl she didn't know to let whoever that shadow figure was supposed to be go. She would not be able to keep the wall in front of Anna for long so she hoped she would understand. "This is just a corrupt shadow of who you once knew, the real one is gone! "
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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Kristoff grabbed Anna and put her over his shoulder. "Bad idea," He said as he carried her away from the tunnel.

"Let go of me!" Anna cried, trying to punch her way free.

Pitch rolled his eyes. I'll never understand teenagers

In one fast motion, Pitch raised up his arms and flung them down toward the floor. A wave of blackness released from his body, pushing away every black creature that was attacking them. As the creatures ran away, the tunnel finally collapsed on itself, entrapping Jack and all of the monsters deep within the cavern.


Saturday morning, some of the kids had to go to the infirmary. Although most were fine and left the cave in scratched, some of the students were bruised by a rock or cut by a shadow. Pitch looked at one of their blood samples from underneath a microscope.

"Hmmm..." The blood sample Pitch looked at had black spots forming in it, growing slowly under magnifying glass. "This... Is not good..."

He hoped the other students won't be visiting the infirmary soon, he hates being disturbed while working. It was still morning, Pitch doubted any student would bother waking up this early to visit anyone in the medical bay.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


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Nessa had slept in, something she didn't do very often. Using her powers as much has she did the night before had really drained her. Once she woke up, she put on a pair of light colored jeans and a slim black t-shirt. Her hair was up in its usual ponytail that was tied with her turquoise though it was not as nice as it usually looked. When she stepped out of her room to walk around a bit, she felt how sore her body was from the draining night before. She decided to go and ask for something for the pain from the infirmary. This would also give her the chance to visit the students that were hurt, like the one who tried to get to the shadow figure that seemed to her like her sister. She thought about the strange events of the night before as she made her way to the infirmary.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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"Anna, you might want to sit down for this."

Anna was out of bed in a fighting stance pumping herself up for another expedition. "We finally found my sister, now all we gotta do is go back there, work your goth magic, and kick some shadow butt." She threw a punch in the air.

Pitch rubbed his eyebrows, goth magic?. Pitch decided to be blunt. "You're not going back to the cave," he said.

Anna stopped what she was doing and tilted her head, "wut?"

Pitch took out a sample of the blood he was looking at, it had now become completely black. "Whatever it was that we saw in the cave, it seems to have infected you with a black curse."

Anna lifted an eyebrow, "but you can fix it right? Aren't you the king of black magic?"

Pitch shook his head, "I'm the master of shadows, not the master of curses. All I know is that if you strain your body too much, you'll be completely consumed by this curse. You'll end up looking like Elsa did back there."

Anna leaned closer to Pitch, "but we can still save Elsa right?" Anna's voice lowered itself, "she can still be cured right?"

Before Pitch could answer, his phone rang. "Hold on, this is important."

Pitch left the clinic, leaving Anna by herself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


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Nessa walked into the infirmary as Pitch stepped out. She noticed Anna was awake and decided that it would be the right to check on her. But what would she say? She didn't even know the girl's name and it seems like she has finally lost her sister for good. She was not good wit her words since she didn't speak often but decided she really should. She walked over to her, giving her a very small smile to say hello. "I... I'm sorry about the girl who was close to you being lost that way." She said quietly as she played with the hem of her shirt and forced herself to look at her with her blue-green eyes. She was not sure that was the right things to say but it was too late to take the words back, she just hoped she didn't make things worse for her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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Anna glanced around the room, more importantly though, she glanced over Amelia's shoulder to see if Pitch was outside. Fortunately, he wasn't.

Anna smiled at Nessa. "You don't actually believe that do you?" Anna walked over to the window and opened it. Since they were on floor level, Anna easily stepped outside. "My sister is just sick and needs someone to bring her here." Anna extends her hand for Nessa to grab, "I'm sure if I talk to her, she'll come back here to get that curse lifted. Wanna help me find her? My name's Anna, by the way."


A hologram projection floated out of Pitche's phone. The hologram was an image of a husky, white bearded Russian man, wearing red overalls. "Where's Jack?" The old man said glaring at Pitch.

Pitch rolled his eyes, "apparently he'll put his own safety ahead of his own common sense."

Nicolas crossed his arms, "I highly doubt that is what happened. Jack told me that you two were heading to ze caves, he told me to check on him in ze morning. I called him, but he won't answer. Where could he possibly be?"

Pitch shrugged, "with his track record, he's probably fornicating with his ex girlfriend."

Nicolas growled at Pitch. "Answer my question. What. Happened?"

Pitch sighed, he looked around the hallways to check for any students. "It's something I'd rather the school staff not know about. If you really want to know, call me back within a few hours."

Before Nicolas could answer, Pitch hung up his phone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


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Nessa was amazed by the hope that seemed to be endless in this girl named Anna. Though she knew looking for her sister would be dangerous and probably in vain, she also knew that she could not live with herself if she let this girl go out alone. "I'm Nessa." She began as she took her hand to step out of the infirmary through the window. "I can't let you do this alone, you'll get yourself killed. At least with me we'll have a slightly better chance of not dying." She knew the shadows well and would be able to help guide them through the darkness of the tunnels though she was not sure what good her powers would do if they ran into those creatures again.
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