Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


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Trista walked through the forest alone, humming a lullaby that she heard when she lived with humans. The Mismagius Gijinka was used to living in the wild alone but things still managed to scare her from time to time, a passing pokemon could make her jump if she is not paying attention. With the all the news of Gijjinka hunters, Trista became a bit more jumpy, not wanting to get forced into slavery or worse, be killed. She had begin to wonder if just finding a human to serve now would be easier than being forced somewhere later. She also thought about getting close to the human city to see what it was really like and if some would seem like suitable masters if she were to go back to living with humans.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Veyas awoke, suddenly after sleeping for who knows how long, it was now night though. Veyas knew he couldn't leave, he felt indebted to his savior. He didn't have anything to do inside, so he went and sat outside acting as a gaurd
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ritsu rushed through the streets, looking for the meeting point that he and Kelts had agreed upon. He knew he was late, very late, and was absolutely certain that his partner would be very mad at him. At least he wouldn't be coming back empty handed. Maybe the fruit would appease him? It wouldn't matter if he never made it back, though!

Kelts was a ways into the woods, still looking around. Hearing someone coming, he hid in the bushes just to be safe. Who knew who or what could be wandering around here? Unfortunately, he ended up in an odd position and lost his balance after a few seconds, causing the leaves of the bush to rustle.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hearing the noise, Otto immediately turned around, taking a defensive position. "Who's there?!" His voice reached a note it probably shouldn't have, and he held Joseph's hand harder, ready to attack at any moment. Usually he wouldn't be this bad, but he really wasn't in the mood for others right now, especially if that other turned out to be a human. While he didn't think it was one, he wasn't taking chances.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alanya's head shot up at the sound of the rustling leaves and her fur stood on end. She didn't want to call out, hoping that if it turned out to be trouble she could run away without being noticed. Still she remained frozen in place, wide eyes trained on the direction the noise came from.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kelts froze. This was not a good day for him, apparently. First he loses Ritsu to goodness knows what kind of chaos, and now he's the one potentially in trouble. He weighed his options: Stay in the bush and either they will eventually think it was their imaginations or attack, or reveal himself and have to deal with whatever they decide to do with him. He could sense a ghost type around, too. Not good. After thinking it over, he eventually stepped out of the bush, running a plan through the back of his mind in case this didn't go well. Upon exiting the bush, he found himself staring up at three Gijinka, one of them appearing to be the ghost type he had sensed before.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Seeing the pokemon that emerged, Joseph relaxed. "Okay...It's fine." However, it made Otto inexplicably angrier. "No, Joseph, what the hell is a pokemon like that doing out here?" They weren't exactly known to the area, and he found it's arrival shady.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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"Are you sure? I don't want you to be stressed or anything. I know that you can get stressed at times, I have known you for quite some time so all you got to do is ask and I will do anything you need me to, especially since if your dad found out you weren't treating me how he wants you to then he would be disappointed and angry. So I will do anything you need me to even if it means that I need to go talk to your dad for you, that's what I am here for and what being friends involves." CiCi says all of that truthfully and genuinely, she doesn't tell him but she does really like him and has since she met him. Carson makes her feel accepted and not like any other gijinka even though she does what most people believe gijinkas are used for because she cares enough to keep people happy and protect others if she can.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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" no,no..talking to my dad wont be a good idea. He'll just ignore you." Carson had placed his hand carefully on her shoulder. " look..you should get some rest ok? I'll be ok.." he smiled. He felt his smart phone vibrate and took it off the case. It was was a text from his friend. " well,i guess she wants me to go now. Wonder what it could be.. " he shrugged. It may be another prank..." hey,i have go to the lab now. Wanna come?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kelts stepped back, seeing that there were actually two ghost Gijinka, and one was angry. Apparently he was fairly suspicious, and he was certain the odd single ponytail uncommon to most Kirlia probably didn't help. He looked over to the third, who seemed a lot less threatening. Maybe she would would be more friendly? Either way, he didn't feel like fending off the other two on his own. He walked slowly over to the Ninetales Gijinka, hoping that she wouldn't freak out as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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"Oh um sure." CiCi said walking out the door and waiting for him to come out. She could sense a disturbance in the winds and hopes that there will be no trouble, but if there is she knows that she will help out and maybe Carson could too.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Carson walked out with sparx on his shoulder and walked ahead with cici. " hey..once i get some time,would like to go out to eat with me? Its been a while i hung out with anyone." It take him long to reach the lab. Besides,it just around the corner from his house
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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"oh u-um. s-s-sure." CiCi stuttered out before clearing her throat. "Sure" She says trying not to stutter again. "It's a nice night out don't you think?" She asks trying to keep conversation during the short walk.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Otto was not going to stand there and watch a stupid pokemon talk to a stupid Gijinka too stupid to break out of the human's metaphorical bonds. He made a noise that sounded like a mix of anger and disgust, storming off, his friend dragged along (Which to him, was a shame - the Ninetails had such pretty fur, and he would have liked to look at it longer.). "Humans are so disgusting, Joseph, why do they stay?" He was swearing every other word, and not exactly keeping his voice down. "I know, but please just try to calm down..." The Chandelure's voice became more and more timid. "Calm down? What, are you on their side?!" Suddenly, Joseph stopped, upset with what his friend had just said. "...Come on now, Otto, you know they burned down my house..." Otto stared at him a moment after he finished the sentence, making another noise and kept on walking. Of course if he wasn't in such a bad mood he would actually apologize, but that would have to wait. At least the walk was helping him calm down a little bit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


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Trista continued walking but froze as she heard the voices of two others who were walking the woods during the cover of darkness. She quickly made her way onto a thick branch of a tree with a good view of who would pass on the path below her. From what she could sense, they were both ghost-types like herself and she assumed they were probably gijinkas by all the noises they made which could only be done if they were walking. She thought how she should probably get out of the tree since they could be friendly but they could also be enemies which is why she sat in the tree and waited.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Otto, by now, had had enough of a cool down period so that he was still angry, but able to express more than just hatred. He stopped, causing his friend to bump into him before realizing what was going on. "Look, I'm sorry," It was a quiet, embarrassed apology. "I just...I cannot stand humans." And after forcing himself to spend over an hour in a city full of them, his nerves were shot, and the extra excitements didn't help any. "No no, Otto, it's fine. I understand, don't worry about it." While he was genuine in saying that, it did hurt to be reminded of his incident, and that he still hadn't found any of his friends from the house. It made him worry, whenever he thought of it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Carson nodded. " it sure is." He glanced up at the shy and kept walking until he reached the lab's door. Took a card and swiped his.card. the door clicked and opened." After you."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alanya relaxed some at the sight of the pokemon, still somewhat frightened of the gijinka standing between her and the creature. Seeming to sense the one guy's hostility, the Kirlia walked around them and towards her which seemed to further anger the boy. She sighed as the pair walked away, kneeling down gently by the pokemon. "Hey little one, what are you doing out and about this late? I hope they didn't frighten you as much as they did me."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Thanks." CiCi walked in and looked around. She has always feared being in here after hearing stories but she trusted that Carson would help her if she needed it and she would be able to use her abilities to her advantage. "So where to now?" She asked looking at him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Carson gave her a nod." Where going to the computer room." He walked down the hall,waving as people greeted him. Once he was in the computer room,he logon and checked his email." Whats this? A hidden entry from telca. .how did she find this." He started to read the entry." It says that theres an project that shouldn't be completed. It will bring great danger humans,gijinkas,and pokemon alike. Project 037? MissingNo?"

Sparx started to dig through the papers on the desk
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