Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Grey said
Ren looked at Arydun with a face that basically said 'are you some kind of stupid?' without having to use any breath actually posing the question. It wasn't that her suggestion was illogical, but rather, it was that final question tacked on to the end that was quite off-putting. He stared for a bit before just shaking his head. "Does it really matter if you aren't enrolled?" Ren asked rhetorically, "It's just for one day, and only to use their library. to get some free lunch, but nothing more." He pondered the convenience of Arydun's spirit guidance plan for a moment before adding to his statement, "If you think you can finish by the time we procure a uniform, then go ahead. Fine by me, but it seems pretty inconvenient. You wouldn't be able to know if they were helpful or not, which would mean that we could possibly have wasted 'X' amount of time for nothing."Ren then directed his attention to that old dragon book key to their entire goal. "So, anything useful in there? Like whether or not we actually need to find the others? Or where some of the ones that don't seem like they would've been found yet could be?"

Arydun pouted a little when she noticed the look Ren gave her, crossing her arms in a huff "Well don't look a me like that, I don't know how you humans do things" she replied to the look before shutting her mouth and listening to what he had to say, still not sure what he was meaning but the dragonette just nodded her head and pretended to understand what he was going on about.
It really wouldn't be to hard posing as a human student for a day or so, she might be able to learn new things and she loved to learn new things. When Ren asked about the book Arydun glanced down to it and tilted her head, thinking for a moment before nodding "Yes we do need the others, all five to have all the information we need to find what I'm looking for, it dose have the location of some of the books, though unfortunately this was written so long ago that all the books would have been taken from their original resting place. that would be for better and worse though it makes finding them a challenge" She explained "My hope is that some other of my kind has at least one of the books. no offence but I don't trust it in the hands of another's kind. that whole could be fatal in the wrong hands sort of thing could happen" She shrugged.
"So about this uniform? and getting into this school of yours, what do I have to do?" She then asked Ren
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dazed
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Zylar was no longer leaning against the wall of the cafe, now traveling towards the academy. Noticing the time he realized the time of the opening ceremony was getting close. In fact he was becoming late rather swiftly. Zylar was Seemingly calm as he rushed about, across streets, in between civilians, finally reaching the campus only to look upon it. Zylar chuckled as he momentarily examined the campus and wondered where the meeting hall was. Shortly after he recalled the directions told to him by his employer, along with hearing the sounds of the speaker inside the meeting hall. To say the least, the speaker sounded enthused.

When Zylar entered the meeting hall, where the ceremony was taking place. He hears the speaker say a few words. 'And now. We gonna let every representative of each Continent to give a word to their Continent's residances that enroll here' Zylar merely leaned against one of the walls near the entrance, eyes cautiously scanning the whole room as he waited. Wondering if his late appearance would effect his status of employment. Because he knew it would at least get him a 'stern' talking to.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Ren sighed very loudly. "I'll get back to you on that one... Give me a minute..." he answered dejectedly as he removed his cellphone from his pocket and turned the corner of the alley, evidently needing some privacy for this call.

The sound of a female's voice reverberated from the speakers towards the audience. The first representative, it seemed. Oddly enough, she seemed to be a student herself, or perhaps she just preferred to wear the uniform. Either or. Her brown hair was unusually long and tied with yellow ribbons. Any sufficiently knowledgable ESPer in the crowd would immediately be able to identify the lady.

"Greetings, minor characters from the Island Nation! I am your representative, Ak-"

The sound of somebody's phone ringing forced Akane to pause mid sentence. The young lady seemed to scan the crowd a bit before realizing it was coming from stage. From her skirt pocket, in fact. Evidently not caring she was up on stage, in the middle of a presentation, she decided to answer. "Ohayou! Who might this be?" she began, conversation being broadcast to the audience, "Sorry Owarin, I can't really help you right now! I'm in the middle of a presentation. ... Eh? It's important? ... What do you mean you can tell that the microphone is picking my side of our conversation? ... No need to yell... I'll turn off the mic~"

After the microphone was turned off, Akane seemed to be talking a bit more before turning it back on. Then, putting her phone to her thigh, Akane turned back to the crowd. "I apologize, but I'll need to leave now~"

And then she was gone, microphone taken with her.

....The awkward silence should be setting in any second now...


After quite a bit of time talking, evidently involving several profanities and what seemed to be tearful begging for mercy from what Arydun could feasibly be able to pick up from the call, Ren turned the corner once more, this time looking much more irritated than usual. Like he had been pulling metaphorical hair out in frustration, it seemed. He clenched his fist so hard he cracked his knuckles and then said, "She'll be here in a second... Don't worry about size fitting, she can deal with that." He looked around their general vicinity as if confused, "That's odd... That bothersome underclassman of mine usually shows up pretty damn fa-"

It seemed that out of nowhere and mid-sentence, a brown-haired young lady clad in the Elftheria Academy uniform had managed to sneak up the rooftop and drop down out of nowhere, immediately between Ren and Arydun. Or, y'know, just teleported or something. That too. She was also holding a disconnected microphone, but that was of no consequence... probably.

"So Owari~n!" the strange female started as Ren seemed to gasp for air in the background, "You want me to provide one of my uniforms for your pal here?" She looked Arydun over a few times and snapped her fingers, "Well! I don't know what creepy fetishes you're into, senpai, but I can indeed supply you with what you are looking for! I shall return!" And with a curtsy, she was gone as fast as she left.
"As I was saying... I am your representative of the Island Nations, Akane Komaru."

Akane continued, returning and cutting whatever silence there was short.

"It's very likely that the other representatives will make long-winded declarations of friendship, hard work, and victory... But I really must be going now, so I'll cut mine short. Make friends. Work hard. Reduce the other continents into less than minor characters - render them into nothing more than faceless mobs in the background, unnamed by even the author of this world! ...That is all~! Goodbye everyone~"

And with that, she walked off stage, handing the microphone to Bernabe before disappearing again.


And she was back! This time with a spare uniform! "Here you go!" she declared cheerfully, handing the thing off to Arydun, unaware of the fact she was standing right on top of Ren.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amalvi


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Grey said
Any sufficiently knowledgeable ESPer in the crowd would immediately be able to identify the lady.

Bernabé was no exception, the Seraphim of of Uno Mundus (not to be confounded with the angelic beings) the one in possession of the AEK-Class-V-Type-Black-"Scalar Change" ESPer, known as Akane Komaru, who was, paradoxically, a highschool student. One couldn't but wonder how that girl, in possession of such power wasn't already a queen that ruled over Elfteria

Akane said "Ohayou!"

Then she knew why, that girl was as irresponsible as only a teenager can be. Although that shameful display of lack of professionalism didn't make Bernabé respect and fear the girl less, she certainly was surprised and the abrupt ending and sudden pass of the microphone to her didn't help to ease the confusion of what had just happened, unnamed mobs in the background? In any case, it was her turn to talk

"She is right."

"Nothing more than faceless mobs in the background. Have you ever considered how many people you see on a daily basis? Absolutely any of them could be a potential friend, lover or business partner but we decide not to, even we all preached about the wonders that friendship, partnership and love brings."

"Don't try to know everyone."

"That's impossible."

"Instead, just try to acknowledged the truth

"That there are only a handful of people that matter in our lives. We walk a lonely road, and the burden is heavy, so we cannot be bothered with knowing everyone that gets in our way. So look at your side, who is that person you sat with? Why did you decide to get near him or her?. I had never been to a school since the tradition for angels in Pitover is to be home schooled, but certainly, had I been enrolled in this school I would have out aged any friend that I could have made here."

"Don't waste your time with things such as popularity, make friendships that you know that will last long or otherwise don't bother with half assed relationships. That's all."

She was about to leave when someone, probably a teacher, caught her attention

"Sorry miss, you are supposed to state your name first."

Bernabé turned to face him and with defiant tone she said

"It seems you haven't understood it."

Bernabé walked to the backstage, leaving a death silence behind her. That was not part of the plan, but she had to admit that the words of Akane had influenced her deeply, way more than anyone would have expected.

"Faceless mobs in the background..."

Why was she there? For what purpose had she been relegated from her duties without previous telling? What are the unnamed mobs in the background plotting?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

rydun didn't even know how to react as she watched Ren call someone, all the shouting and the conversation over the phone that she with her dragon ears could pick up very clearly, made her look rather confused and concerned for what ever was happening over the phone. Though she was excited to be getting some new clothes as she knew that the set she currently owned was a little out of date with current fashion.
Having some lady pop out of nowhere gave Arydun quiet the scare as the dragonette visibly jumped a little, not expecting some or of teleportation or something as the only other creature she had meet with that kind of ability was a Dark dragon or a Death dragon, not that she had meet the latter.
Arydun hardly got a chance to speak when the lady and Ren started to chat, watching with wide green eyes as she still didn't really understand human communication, it wasn't as formal as Dragons when they speak in their native tongue. The girl mentioned something about a fetish whatever that is before proclaiming that she would return with said outfit in hand, soon after a curtsy she was gone within the blink of an eye, Arydun looking none the less confused and concerned about what had just transpired.
Arydun stood there silently for a moment after the girl was gone, blinking a few times in confusion before finally deciding to speak up "She was...certainly lively, much more so than I am" The Dragon admitted to Ren "But at the least we have our problem sorted out, how soon until she comes back?"
No Sooner had she said this did the girl return with clothes in hand, handing them over to her as Arydun accepted with a bow of her head and a quiet thank you, noticing that Ren was suddenly under her feet and she did not seem to notice.
"Um...I don't know if you have noticed...But you are standing on top of Ren...and he doesn't look happy about it" She spoke up to the girl, green eyes watching as she felt a little weary about her, a thing she had over people who were more lively than herself
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Hmm~? Oh, that's fine," Akane handwaved, stepping off of Ren, if only to humor Arydun's concern. Ren was a big boy, he could handle the weight of an average teenager standing on him, could he not? "Anyway!" the strongest ESPer chirped, "I think you'd best be dressing up so we can get back before it all ends, no?" She glanced at their surroundings and added, "Mm... Don't think this is a very good place for that... Pedestrians 'n' stuff..."

Ren got off the ground and dusted himself off. He looked to the two girls and grumbled, "Why don't you just go to the school and have her dress there or something? Geez..." He registered the sound of fingers snapping and looked up to see Akane's finger pointing right at him.

"Yes! That is what we shall do!" Akane grinned, wrapping an arm around Arydun's shoulders and grabbing Ren's ahoge. Suddenly there was a strange tugging sensation that could be felt as the surroundings sort of blurred and un-blurred into the image of a locker room. Girl's locker room, probably.

"...I should leave," Ren said, figuring out their location.
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