Character Sheet: Rowan Thanewulf
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Faction: Republic
Current Rank: Agent
Current Position/Title: Special Attache to the 4th Special Forces Regiment, 5th Special Forces Division, Third Battle Group of the New Republic Armed Forces
Physical Description:

Weapons and Equipment:
Stun Baton-Combat Knife
DH17 Blaster Pistol Electronic Lock BreakerPersonality and Traits:
Rowan, like most spies, hides a cold and calculating demeanor behind a warm smile and a surprising charisma. His exact personality traits differ with each encounter however, as he changes his nature to achieve a desired result from those around him.
Coruscant-born to a family who's history was entrenched in the service of the Galactic Empire, and the Republic before it, Rowan spent his younger years listening to the tales of his older siblings as they rotated home from their service. Thus, it came as no real surprise when he came of age and announced that he too, would be leaving for the Imperial Academy at Corulag, to join the ranks of the Imperial Stormtroopers. Already he was beginning to dream of the day when he too would wear the white armor and march alongside his brothers and sisters to crush the enemies of the Empire. His time at the Academy would show him that he was meant for a different destiny however.
Although determined to join the ranks of the Imperial Stormtroopers, the results of the aptitude tests administered at the Academy convinced his instructors that he would do better in a different field altogether. Rowan was initially confused as new orders began to pour down from the administrators, placing him in classes focusing less on operations and battle strategy, and more on electronics and communications yet continued his combat lessons alongside the other cadets. It was during this time that he had begun to hear the murmurs of a rebellion building in the galaxy at large, but he dismissed them as nothing more than the grumblings of those too lazy to do the things the Empire asked of them to survive. He continued devoting himself to his education, determined to succeed in whatever the masters of the Academy had planned for him. His answers came in a small, encrypted data file sent to him a few weeks before his graduation: he was to report to the Military Intelligence division of the Imperial army.
As an Imperial agent, Rowan displayed a surprising ability to blend into his surroundings, even on worlds in which humans were uncommon. He performed his work with pride, gathering information about what his commanders told him were isolated terrorist cells bent on the destruction of the Empire he had been raised to serve. Each time, he gathered details on their locations and the names of their members, but was surprised to discover many of his targets were simple dissidents, only guilty of grumbling a bit too loudly. Each time, after submitting his report, he was immediately reassigned to some other planet with another target but he just shrugged his shoulders and obeyed his orders. It wasn't until the destruction of Alderaan that he began to question if he was working for the right side.
In spite of Imperial attempts to the contrary, Rowan was able to discover through his own network of contacts that Alderaan had been destroyed by some powerful Imperial weapon. The idea that anyone could destroy an entire planet, even if it was to crush a rebellion, disturbed him enough that he began to ask questions of his superiors. When they wouldn't answer, Rowan used his contacts to find out the information for him, even going so far as to discover what became of the “terrorist cells” he had been spying on. When he learned that many of his reports had led to blatantly unnecessary executions and attacks, he saw the Empire in a different light.
During the short period of confusion after the destruction of the first Death Star, Rowan defected to the Rebel Alliance. Since then, he has turned his skills against the Empire that he felt had used him to murder its own citizens.