Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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[Argon Charr, Team Omega, Underground Safe Location, Code Geass World]

"I will go with you," Charr said removing his helmet and setting it on a near by box.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Amano__Yukiteru said
[Yukiteru (Alpha) Metropolis]Yukiteru awoke from his void. He noticed that the Fighting was finally over.-"Finally..."Yukiteru spit blood, he was in horrible shape. He headed back to where everybody fought Doomsday. He fell on the floor behind the group.-"I'm sorry I couldn't, help you guys, I was... just in the way... I'm sorry if I'm a burden, I guess you wont have to deal... with me."

"Don't look so down Yukiteru, you did what you could, and i'm proud of it, you're never going to be a burden." said Lerafa to Yukiteru.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

[Mephiles (Omega) - Underground Hideout - Code Geass Universe]

As everyone got into the hideout, Mephiles did see something that caught his attention. A single Chaos Emerald. Without hesitation, Mephiles picks up the purple jewel, feeling it's energy within. It wasn't as intense as it was before, but it was still a good amount of energy from the Chaos Emerald. Though, with it's energy, the duplicates that Mephiles can make would be perfect in appearance and ability, but this doesn't change the fact that Mephiles could only summon two duplicates at a time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sakaki Chizuru
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Sakaki Chizuru

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. . .
. . .
. . .
Wow, it did seem like only Ange, Kiritsugu, and herself were the only competent ones. This wasn't anything too special, but she at least expected people to be as incompetent as Battler Ushiromiya. These people were on the same tier as Gohda, the most incompetent person on Rokkenjima.

Well, the three of them should be able to deal with this. It wasn't like this was a brute force mission. This was like Diplomacy. You had to be sneaky, devious, and ready to do all in your power to succeed without getting caught.

Not only was Erika Furudo The Detective and a pirate, but she was also a top tier politician.

Manipulation is the name of the game for Erika Furudo, and she is by far the queen of it.

" Good Job, Ange! That is a wonderous idea! A small group of us should be enough, no need to attract a lot of attention to ourselves. It would also be ideal if we kept with Japanese people, so that we blend in everyone else. "

Now who to pick . . .

A few of them could blend in pretty easily, but did Erika trust them? No, no she didn't. Hell, Erika only trusted Ange, and Kiritsugu to a MUCH lesser extent. And she probably need more than three people. Well, time to make an educated and guess and hope not to fail.

" Ange, Kiritsugu, and Ash. While Ash doesn't look Japanese in the slightest, he might need some backup in case of a worst case scenario. I want the four of us to go explore the town and try to locate a library. The rest of you should fortify the area. This shouldn't take too long, a few hours at the most. "
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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[Team Alpha – Metropolis – DC Universe]

You guys suddenly find yourself in the future, the city is rebuilt. Yet before any of you can react, you are all punch in the face hard enough to send you each flying a few feet back. “So he was right after all, you guys are here.” says Professor Zoom as he then moves again at a speed that the eye cannot even keep up with.

[Team Omega – Ashford Academy – Code Geass Universe]

Nova began to look around and found some clothes that match her size and were in style with the time period. “Now only if there was a place I got get changed.” said Nova as she then spotted a seperate room with a lock. “Alright boys and girls, I'll be back in a few minutes.” said Nova.

(Team Alpha, you have a new fight on your hands, also Professor Zoom isn't your objective nor is he your guide. Team Omega, feel free to leave the building, talk and find info).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Charr dug trough the clothing and found a set that he would fit into. The mandalorian set aside the clothing while he waited for Nova to come out he messed with a holoterminal in the back of the room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

-"What the... I'm hurt enough as it is."

Yukiteru looked at the man whom quickly ran towards him. Yukiteru jumped at least 5ft back. His diary was fully functioning again. He took out his darts to the ready.

-"Who are you! Answer!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

[Lerafa Oliver - Team Alpha – Metropolis – DC Universe]

BGM: Shut up ~ Go to hell

"I'm not liking it..." said Lerafa as he fell on his feet. "Only vague informations are being given to us ever since we arrived at this place...I didn't knew Doomsday was a monster until i saw it with my own eyes...and now we got thrown here whithout even knowing what to do." Lerafa started emanating a blu-ish aura, he summned the Energy Azure Blade. "You might be fast, but i know someone who is just as fast, i might not have the same speed...but my eye is used to fast people like you." he put the sword on his shoulder and walking slowly. "I don't know who you are, but you are going to pay for hurting Yukiteru...he's still injuried...do you expect me to forgive you like that?" Lerafa started to run at Dr. Zoom. "I'll beat you and ask you some questions later." he screamed as he run while dragging the sword in the ground, emmiting a high pitched noise, even if the sword was made of energy, its propeties are similar to metal.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Erika was right. A small group was probably best to maintain a low profile and not get caught. However, there were multiple objectives here beyond the library.

Ange and Erika were already wearing clothing that modern earth would be accepting of; Kiritsugu also already seemed to be in clothing befitting of it, along with Ash.

However, as it was having a team larger then say, three people would be dangerous.

Multiple objectives called for multiple teams. There was also culture shock to consider here; some people may not even recognize a car or its functions, either because they're far to advanced or behind in technology.

With that, the Witch of Truth began outlining her reasoning.

"Kiritsugu, Nova, and the man in armor(Charr)." You three seem to have military experience. Why don't you go find out about this eras weapons and technology. These "Knightmare Frames" seem particularly important. If you could somehow bring one back here and in one piece without arousing suspician that'd be fine, but at least seeing one would confirm many things."

Now, on to the library and information gathering group.

"The man with a metal arm, myself, and Erika should try to find a library and gather general information about this world."

Now, on to a trickier part of the mission.

A girl had said she could make it so others could not see her. That was excellent ability that would help them, much like the other girls ability to turn invisible.

"You're the girl who can manipulate peoples subconscious, right?" Ange spoke to Koishi who seemed to appear once more.

"I'd like you to find someone and bring them back here. Be careful and don't risk to much, and most of all don't get caught or alert others to our presence. We can use them as a means to gather more information as we need it."

On to more tasks to be designated.

"Girl with the guns(Jo), I'd like you to scout out the area around us along with Mephiles. Keep track of anyone who enters and exits this entire area. If anyone attacks, you need to warn those still here. I'd also like you to look for any easy escape routes, above and below ground. If the sewers are large enough, we can use those to escape with our allies from Cybertron if we must run."

And finally, the all important job of their base.

"Everyone I didn't speak of(For the most part the "Warriors of Cybertron", who seemed to be more aligned to wrecking their enemies in direct combat), please try to sort through everything here and prepare defenses for the warehouse. The "warriors of cybertron" can perhaps start digging a large enough tunnel into the sewers or something to that effect, so that we may have a chance to all escape if need be."

Well, that was finished. Still, there was one last thing. . .

"Everyone, try not to telegraph your presence. If you do intend to let people know we're even here, make sure to silence them forever or bring them back here to store. We cannot let others know we're here this early on. Don't have your weapons out among the public, and try not to make scenes.

Also, if anyone can find devices we can communicate with, that'd be useful. I don't want us to be cut off from each other in the event something goes wrong."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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[Mephilia Divinae | Team Alpha | Location: DC Universe]

The punch made Mephilia be impulsed by a few meters away. She soon removed her sword and activated her shield. "Attacking me is justified, but attacking someone in worst conditions than yours are not!", she said, dashing to backup Lerafa.

[Koishi Komeiji | Team Omega | Location: Code Geass Universe]

"Lovely~!! Then I'll be going!! BYE!!!", she said, disappearing once again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 8 days ago

(THe Doctor (9th) ALpha. DC Universe)
The Doctor saw something coming. He saw time different then other. He saw Professor Zoom coming, but he couldnt dodge the punch. He hit the TARDIS door and curse.d He stood up and glared. This guy was possibly the fastest enemy he ever met. His speed seemed to match that of the weeping Angels.

(Ash. Omega. Code Geass)\ Universe)
Ash jumped and pointed his shotgun at the people he saw. He asked "What do you want me for? And why the hell am I here?" He asked but felt like he should be with them. Then they mentined a library. *the Necronomicon....it might be there* he lowered the shotgun and said "Lets find this library.."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Jo was not one to take orders from anyone but hearing she would be able to do what she enjoyed she grinned "Alright my kind of party?"She said walking over to Mephillis smirking.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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[Mephiles (Omega) - Code Geass Universe]

"Fine...this shouldn't be too much trouble to do..." Mephiles said as he put the Chaos Emerald he had away. He took a glance at Jo. Well, he preferred working alone, but decided to let this one slide for now.
[Sonic (Alpha) - DC Universe]

He was thrown off by the punch, but got onto his feet without a problem. "Whoa, that was fast, but not fast enough to match my speed!" Sonic says as he sped after Professor Zoom, his speed enough for the hedgehog to catch up and aim a fast and powerful Homing Attack on him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Jo nodded to her companion. Like him she liked working alone or with her friend Meg but she was involved in this now as much as she disliked her predicament.

Elsa was about to walk into the Tardis when the shift happened and she was knocked back from the punch. She looked annoyed...like she could just go off with her Power at anytime...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(Omega - Code Geass Universe - Hideout)
Swoop and Slug didn't need to reload, so they waited inside for something to happen. They were suited to fighting, not sneaking. So until a distraction was needed, they'd be on standby.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

The mandalorian climb out from under the holoterminal upon hearing the plan. "I get right on than, also I for got to introduce my self I'm Argon Charr" he said grabbing his disguse cloths and when to change.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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[Nova (Omega) - Code Geass Universe]

Nova came out of the room still wearing her combat outfit. "If I'm going to steal something I should probably keep my suit which allows me to turn invisible. That being said I like this plan. Stealing a Knightmare I can probably do. If required I could probably hack their computers and steal a nuke as well." said Nova who then went to a computer and started to access information. "Speaking of which, why go to a libary when you got a ton of information on current events on this computer." said Nova as she began to start hacking miltary database.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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[Kiritsugu, Team Omega, Underground Safe Location, Code Geass Universe]

"Because hacking leaves traces and runs a risk of getting caught. Not to mention, this is much more diverse. And with the number of consoles, only one person can search at the time. This is much more effective, even if you stay to hack." he said to Nova as he put on his coat. .

"Well then, I'll be going. Saber will be with me at all times, so don't worry." he said to the group in general before he left.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

[(Omega) - Code Geass Universe]
"If you need a distraction for anything, count us in!" Swoop said cheerily, they were eager to see what the hype was about these 'Knightmares'. Slug didn't say anything, and went back to checking his weapon. He always preferred the Gear Shredder. It was nice and simple, and easy to use. It also got the job done quite thoroughly
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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[Team Alpha – Metropolis – DC Universe]

Seeing as several people come after him Professor Zoom, speed up but the so called Sonic seemed to be able to keep up. "Is your entire body fast or just your legs?" said Professor Zoom as he then vibrate all his molecules making sonic phase through him as if he was a ghost. "Lend me your speed." said Professor Zoom as he then pass through sonic, robbing him of his speed and adding it to his own. "You can call me Professor Zoom." said Zoom as he then created a tornado by running in a circle so fast as Lerafa and Mephilia came at him only to have them get caught in the tornado. As Yukiteru looks at his diary it doesn't say anything about Professor Zoom but it does state that Doctor Who will suddenly drop to the ground, probably indicating that Professor Zoom will attack him next.

[Team Omega – Ashford Academy – Code Geass Universe]
(No update is need, simply carry on)
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