I'd have to say, i'm pretty much all over the spectrum, including a few off the wall ideas. Let's see, Conservative, because I'm pro-life, traditional marriage and a strong military keeps your enemies in line, progressive, because I believe in unions as a way to ensure workers are properly paid, and know that there are some incredible fat-cats on both sides of the aisle, ya, Kock and Soros both are crooks. I do also think there are a lot of loony laws out there, but as well there are more loony lawyers who make a lot of money off of people suffering, after all, how many people get rich chasing ambulances, besides doctors? I believe in the Darwin awards, and that they need to remove safety labels and let God sort out who survives and anyone dumb enough to juggle chainsaws should not be allowed to sue the company for his or her own stupidity. If you're smoking by a gas pump, you're an idiot, and if you blow yourself up, thanks....now we don't have to deal with your genes.
In terms of society, I think there is a strong lack of common sense, morals, ethics, values and behaviors in this day and age...ya, i'm old, but at the same time, we didn't have school shootings, rampant desire to legalize everything, and that if a car was backing up, hello, stop and wait for the car? Nowadays we see a generation growing up believing in entitlement...and it's frightening to wonder what the next 30 years will play out with.
Lastly, let's throw a major curve ball. Communism, if done properly, would be a good thing. How? Simple....Communism doesn't have a welfare state....you have to work, to eat. No work, no eat. No need for money...granted, communism isn't well-known for having a major use of lawyers or over-priced doctors...but at the same time, communism suffers from two fatal flaws: In communism, there is no major desire for people to better themselves...greed wouldn't exist, because what are you going to do, hoard food? Secondly, is that naturally people are greedy, and with greed, fosters a desire to do more....sometimes for good, sometimes for worse. Hey, look at what we did with airplanes, in the first fifty years that it was around? A rickety glider, to the ability to wipe out a city with a single bomb...scary, but that's progress.