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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It is your first day on the DSS Dellias, an infiltration-class Divitian ship, outfitted with a ship-wide warp cloak and along the center of the ship is a Obliterator Class Warp Cannon. The ship is roughly 1.5x the size of a normal frigate, and is equipped with Akin’Is anti-gravity engines and weaponry. Most of the ship is exposed to space and sealed off by blue force-fields that lock the air in. You are to be deployed to Vorku, an oceanic planet, as a research group. There have been reports of Halycon ships leaving this particular planet. You are three days warp from the planet, and are stopping by a war front to clean up some stray Halycon.

As you step off the boearding ship with your personal belongings, you immediately see a multitude of Divitians of varying subspecies, but it seems to mainly Avians. If you payed any attention to Divitian Biology in school you would recognize that it is most likely because Avians have a natural resistance against the effects of Warp Cloak, though biologically, this doesn’t make sense, they should be just as affected as any other subspecies. You can see from the faces of some of the older and more expressional Divitians that being on the ship for long periods of time has had some wear and tear on them.

A small Insectoid Divitian falls down from the ceiling and hands all of you a slip of paper each, it’s the crew assignments. Once he hands them to you he points you all towards the area in which your rooms are, and then to the area to meet their respective commanders. He has a sad, old look about him, which is odd, as Insectoid Divitians really only live to be ten years old.

Agana Chambers - Room S1 - Security - Report to Cpl. Wict - Away Team A
Niivari Vi”saad - Room S1 - Engineering - Report to Cpl. Valastai - Away Team A
Zarnex Draco - Room E5 - Tactical - Report to the bridge ASAP - Away Team A
Vark Bacarus - Room E5 - Security - Report to Cpl. Wict - Away Team A
Damakos Suonlung - Room E5 - Atmospherics - Report to Cpl. Hel - Away Team A
Vlair Stomp - Room S2 - Primary Cannon Crew - Report to Col. Diva - Away Team A
Felith - Room E5 -Primary Cannon Crew - Report to Col. Diva - Away Team A

”If you wander the ship, be sure you know where you’re going, it’s easy to get lost, Infiltrator ships are designed differently than the ships you all are used to. You will receive the rest of your schedules once it is finalized. Any other questions?” He looks up at all of them, and then down at Damakos and Vlair, being half a foot taller than the two Dragon-subspecies Divitians.

((Order of posts, so one gets left out: Joeycbee, LiegeLord, SoundByte, EffinBrofis, metagros, BlackCat, Guardian))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Burthstone said "Zarnex Draco - Room E5 - Tactical - Report to the bridge ASAP - Away Team A"

"THEY GOT MY NAME WRONG!," he screams after reading the note. He then ausflippen and starts ranting about it for about five to seven minutes till he manages to find a pen and crosses the c and puts a k. He then puts the note in his pocket, picks up his 2 black and white striped suitcases, and sprints at full speed to the dorm to unpack he belongings thinking he has his own room.

When he arrives the first thing he notices is that it is a dorm not a personal room. He almost starts to complain about it till he realizes that he will probably not get he's own room and yells "I CALL THE TOP BUNK," even thought there was no one in the room at the time. He places his 2 suitcases on the bottom bed, opens them, and takes out a picture of a on obelisk with a frame around it. The thing about the picture is it was take slightly tilted so either the frame was crooked or the picture was crooked. So he hung the picture above the top bunk and tried straightening it for another five to seven minutes till he momentarily gave up, striped himself of his clothing, put the suitcases under the bed, and walk down to the bridge.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Burthstone said "Vark Bacarus - Room E5 - Security - Report to Cpl. Wict - Away Team A"

He looks at the note and nods, he walks around the ship a bit looking for the Dorm. Finally after some time he asked around and figured out where to go and headed to his dorm right away with his bag and a suitcase. Crossing part of the ship trying to get there in the process. "I really have to learn everything about where everything is here..." He stays away from most of the other Divitians and looks at several that tried to get close to him with a sour look, not really trusting anyone.

When he finally reaches the dorm, he sees the top bunk of one of the beds is taken. He shrugs it off and takes a bottom bunk of one. He starts to take out his things, some pictures of nature in frames on his wall, a framed poem from a friend, yes amazing, that he lost quite a long time ago next to his bed, A notepad and some pencils he puts to the side along with some other things he makes sure no one is around as he puts them away, and finally just puts his clothes away in his bag under his bed. He looks around and bows his head for a moment before looking up, sighs in relief at the quiet and enjoys it for some time before getting up, getting dressed in some pants and heads out to get to Security.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Even the bloody INSECT is bigger then me!" Damakos mumbles as he cross the ship. After a couple of of minute of walking (and waving at any one he passes) he looks around... "This docent look quite right" he thinks to himself. "In fact isn't that the armory over there? Why would the dorms be near a armory?" Confused he asks one of the officers, and learns that he managed to end up on the wrong side of the ship. After thanking the officer, he sets of in the direction of the dorms.

After a hour (or two. He isn't very good at keeping track of time) he finally sees the dorms. Surprisingly only to people are there (weren't there more people at the entrance?). Seeing that one of the two top bunks where open, he climbed to the top and calmed it as his own (there is a whole ritual involved typically, put the wolf was watching him, so he had to skip it.) and set down his stuff. After unpacking and making the nice bunk a compleat mess, he decided to start a conversation with his bunk bud (is that a good name for the wolf for now) until he was needed. But he hates waiting so he leaves for his post
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Yippee, I hope I get a nice room," Agana said, gleefully. She started skipping towards the dorms. After a while Agana realized that she had no idea where the dorm was.
"Oops! I guess I should have asked," Agana said as she walked towards an officer. She asked where the dorm was and then raced of towards the dorm.
Once Agana arrived at her room, she flung the door open. She ran in, spun around and the jumped onto a bed. She put down her bags and then looked around.
"A room all to my self, sounds fun," she muttered. Agana opened her bag and took out four seperate journals and put them on her bedside table. She then proceeded to hang the picture she owned on the wall. The picture was of Agana as a little girl standing next to her brother. She then got up and headed to the door. "Well, off to security!" Agana yelled as she ran out of the room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guardian


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*He thanks the bug Divitian then quickly finds an officer, asking where the dorms are. He thanks the officer and heads off, quickly arriving at the Dorms of E5. After arriving he sighs, seeing all but one bottom bunk is taken. All he carries with him is a small travel bag and a medium sized hard case. He walks over to the one open bunk and slides his stuff under it, and sits down. He looks around at the others but doesn't say anything. He wouldn't pull anything out of his bag or hard case*

"Might as well report to the gun.." *He mutters*

*He gets up and jogs out, asking an officer where he can find the main cannon, and then jogs off. After getting there he slows to a walk and wanders around, observing everything. After about 10 minutes he starts looking around for his CO, Diva. Upon finding her he salutes (Assuming that is standard)*

"Reporting for duty, Ma'am!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Zarnex Drako is let into the bridge wordlessly by the two Avians standing on either side. Once inside he would see that the bridge is not the center of all activity on the ship. A wingless dragon subspecies, obviously the captain, motions for Zarnex to come over. Just behind him is an black-and-red avian staring off into space through one of the many windows. As Zarnex approaches he glances over at him, raises an eyebrow, then looks back out at space. On his hip is a short sword, and he’s in the lightest tier armor. There is a small device on his left hip that Zarnex wouldn’t recognize.

The Captain speaks up.
“Ah, Zarnex, about time you join us. This here is Dreveden, he is an Ah’Kier assassin and he will be joined you and your team on your first assignment. Don’t expect much talking from him, but he’ll make sure you don’t do anything stupid. He has the authority to overrule you if he feels you are doing a poor job as commander.” When his name is said, the avian simply waves a single hand to Zarnex, then crosses them again.

After a few moments, he would turn his head to Zarnex for a moment, simply to say.
“I will give your team a debrief tomorrow morning. Make sure they’re there.” After saying this he gives a wave, dismissing Zarnex.
As Vark Barcarus enters security, which he was likely directed to, he would find a smaller version of the armory with stun weaponry, instead of lethal. There is a Crocodile benching around 150 Kilos in the middle of the room, his uniform is pulled down revealing his absolutely ripped chest. From the colors of the uniform Vark can tell that this is indeed the captain. He finishes his set then sits up and looks over Vark.

“Vark Barcarus. Areas B through C. Your gear is in locker number 15. Combination is One-Four-Nine-Six. Hop to it, your work begins now.” After saying this he goes back to doing reps. The locker has one of those locks where when you set the four numeral slots to the right number it opens. Inside the locker is a uniform (Fitted to Vark’s size) a stun pistol, and a folded up map of the ship. At least they don’t leave you to find your post on your own.
Agana would notice that the other bed in her dorm would have a bag under it, but no other sign of inhabitance.

Agana Chambers would be met by the same crocodile.
“Agana Chambers. Bridge and A1 through A15. Locker number twenty-seven. Combination Three-Five-Two-Seven.” The locker would contain the same gear as Vark’s, but smaller.
The Primary Cannon is effectively a long room running the length of the entire ship with a long cylindrical object going down the center of it. Col. Diva would be a dragon subspecies Divitian, about four foot three in height and is covered with pink scales. In her right hand is a datapad. At the time Felith finds her, she is directing a small group of insectoids on how and where to do maintenance on the cannon. When Felith catches her attention she dismisses them and turns to him, pad in hand.
“Ah you must be…” She glances down at the pad.

“Felith, right? Hmph, if they keep sending me avians I’ll never get the right people to clean out the secondary warp vents. The damnable insects never do it right. Whatever. You see that line there?” Diva points to the hazard marks on the ground around the cannon. “Don’t be there when the cannon fires, or we’ll be a crew member short. You wouldn’t be the first to do it, and you certainly wouldn’t be the last. You’re working at station E down there.” She points generally down the left side of the cannon. “You’ll perform basic maintenance on the power conduit there, keeping it clean and all that. Only job I have open for a giant like you. Now off with you, I’ve got more important things to deal with right now.” She waves him off, and checks the datapad. She looks up at Felith and growls, before jogging past him and yelling at some Insectoids that had just broken something.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zarnex stands there for about a minute thinking about what Dreveden just said before saying "I don't know about my men but I'm already debreifed," he says with a ridicule smile on his face. Everyone except Dreveden groaned and then he asked "should I go put my clothes on then?" Everyone except Dreveden said yes so he sighs and starts on his way to the dorm. Half way down to the dorm he suddenly remembers that he doesn't know the way back to the dorm. So several times he ask the staff where they are and every time he still got lost till finally a staff member walk him to his dorm. He eventually arrives at the dorm and puts his clothes on and lays on the top bunk fiddling with his picture.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Zark would head over and grab his things out of the locker. He puts the uniform on and readies the stun pistol at his side and look at the map for a minute, trying to memorize everything on it before heading out. After being lost a few times as he gets to understand most of the ship he finally gets to his post, after three hours he is relieved after another taking over shift. He heads back to security to put his things back and heads back to the bunk, using the map at times and not talking to anyone as he gets in bed. He takes out his notepad and pencil and dots something down as time goes by.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Left, left right, "is that the armory?" right, left, right, "i think that is the armory", right, right, left, "OK that is definitely the armory." Damakos was lost agen. He had left to go to atmospherics, and somehow got lost (but if he ever needed to go to the armory, he will easily be able to find it. There it is agen). Worst part was that the numbering system was not helping him. The numbers and letters jumped all over the place. perhaps he should ask for directions? (Hi armory) But what if that makes every one look down at him. No, he will try for a bit longer and......"that's odd." thought damakos, "Usually the armory appears by now . Have I finally broken free from the loop......never mind.time to ask the officers."

After explaining his situation, the two officers (the same form before) pointed him the the direction oh atmospherics. At least this time it was a lot closer. Having finally arrived (and triple cheeking the room number to make sure that he had actually arrived.) he entered the room, went to the person who looked in charge, and formally apologized. His quest was over for now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Agana put on her uniform, grabbed her stun gun, and opened her map. She heads towards her stations, amazingly not getting lost. When she arrived, Agana went and took over her shift. And boy, was she there for a while. When her shift was over, Agana headed back towards her locker. Thanks to her handy map, Agana was able to put her gear away much faster than if she didn't have the map. Once all of her stuff was put away, she headed towards the dorms. Once she arrived, Agana grabbed one of her three journals and wrote down a summary of her first day. She also included some directions on how to get to her posts.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guardian


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*He nods and salutes once more before heading off to station E. He familarizes himself with the layout, checking over everything before going to a nearbye console to monitor the power. He monitors the console for awhlie, before going over the power cord visualy. Checking over everything before heading back to the console to watch it again*

"Everything seems A-Ok for now"

*He nods to himself before heading back to the dorms, asking an officer where it is after getting lost. After he enters he sits down on his bunk and pulls out his bag, He opens it up and pulls out a small puzzle chain, and lays down, working on it. He would ignore anyone that tries to make a conversation for now.*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The night would be typical. Around midnight, Diva comes into Agana’s room, Agana might get a glimpse of a completely yellow Avian waving her good night. She quickly waves back and closes the door. She then turns to Agana, shrugs, and heads to the other bed, looking very tired. She would head to the bag under the other bed and pull out some clothes. She would shamelessly change into them and climb into the bed, going to sleep.
A small transport would arrive around three in the morning, containing three people. The crew, and “Parasite”. The same insectoid that welcomed the rest of the crew gives Parasite his slip of paper, which says “Marcolus M. Metirin -- Private Quarters 14A -- Research -- Go to Bridge to Recieve Colors -- Away Team A”. He points Parasite to the front of the ship, then heads out, looking tired. The ship would virtually be empty.

“You’re late.” Is Cpt. Hel, who is a fairly large spider-looking Divitian. Gender is indeterminable without getting too close for comfort. He/She/It grabs a datapad and types something out on it, then puts it back where it was. Cpt. Hel moves over to Damakos and looks him over carefully, before saying “Station 9, monitoring atmospherics in engine room. You’re working all night.” He/She/It moves off to monitor everyone elses work. Atmospherics is just a bunch of cramped cubicles and large machines, nothing special.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zarnex continued to lay on the bed and just thought. here is what is going on in his mind. "I wonder When the brief is happening. in fact where is it happening? maybe in the kitchen, yea the kitchen will be the perfect place to have it! they have cake and food and water, and cake, and some snacks and cake ,and maybe though's little mint things, and CAKE!.....nah what if someone was allergic to peanuts.

Maybe outside yea theirs trees, and oceans, and trees, and other people, and trees, and i can kill though's little bastards that dare to even look at me much less throw a acorn at me. First ill bite their legs off, so they cant move. Then O THEN I'll shave them butt naked like me and carve there eyes out and turn them into marbles. Then ill take their tail yes their brown bushy tails that they wag so proudly ill tear it off and make a mustache out of it, YES A MUSTACHE HA HA HA HA HA.......then ill take their heads and go bowling with them. Hmmmmm maybe the briefing is in a bowling ally yea that where it totally is! (and so on and so forth)"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Vark would be in bed, dotting something in his journal. When it gets closer to midnight he would put it away and head to bed. Quickly falling asleep.


Parasite looks around the ship, quickly seeing every detail of it. "Complex yet simple, fine ship. Must evaluate it further to find capabilities and power. Might use such capabilities for research and progress." He quickly says that and heads off to find the bridge, looking at everything along the way and making a mental map in his head about the layout of the ship. Making quick notes about structure, flaws that can be evaluted and fixed, locations of areas, and other small things here and there. He has a small pack on his back and a black suitcase that looks reinforced for some reason. He actually takes some time to look around but gets to the bridge faster then some would expect him to be. He looks around for the person in charge and salute them as if he was in the military himself and quickly says, "Parasite reporting for duty. Ready and willing to support the cause."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"what the heck is with this armory" yelled Damakos. It was early in the morning, he had just gotten off his shift and wanted to sleep, but no, the warped laws of physics had a different idea. No mater where he went or how many turns he took, he only found the armory. At least there was one good thing about this. He was becoming real familiar with the officers that sleep near the armory. "Maby i should ask them for help? but then agen they are probably sleeping" thought Damakos, "NO i must find my way. it is my challenge. after all..." "SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK" yelled Damoakos, be for passing out in the armory.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

When Agana woke up the next morning she took note of her new roommate.
" Dang, I was so glad to have my own room. Oh well." She muttered to herself. Agana wondered how the other soldiers were doing.
"They probably got lost, I'm lucky to get a map from security. Teehee, they have to find their way around the ship on their own." She thought. " Oh yeah, I should get breakfast. Now where is the cafeteria." Agana looked at her map and found the cafeteria. Once she found it she started walking.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guardian


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*Felith would mess with the puzzle chain until he grew tired and restless, he puts it away and sigs, staring up at the ceiling. He looks around to te othre three before getting up and heading to the restrooms. After doing his buisness he comes back and lays down, quickly drifting off to sleep*

*In the morning he would wake up, and grab some spare clothes from his sack, and find the showers. After showering he would set his dirty clothes in his pack, then head to the cafetriea to eat, offering a nod to anyone that he passes by. After asking for directions, he eats at the cafeteria then heads to hsi post in the cannon room*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As Parasite walks into the bridge, Dreveden and the Captain seem to be having an argument (Something to do with cheese). Obviously, The Captain is doing most of the talking here, but Dreveden puts in a word every once and a while. As Parasite approaches, the Ah’Kier puts up a hand, gesturing for him not to even start talking. He fishes something out of his pack with his other hand, and throws it to him. It’s the badge to indicate he’s a sergeant. He shushes The Captain, who doesn’t look particularly happy about it. “Go get some sleep, there’s a debrief later this morning and it’d be better if you were wide awake for it.” He turns and walks out, giving Parasite some breadth. The Captain looks absolutely pissed that he was blown off, and goes to angrily ordering people around. Along with the badge the Avian had thrown, there’s a map of the entire ship.
A short time after most of the crew finishes breakfast (And just as Felith is opening the door to the cannon.) an announcement comes over the loudspeakers all across the ship.
“Away Team A report to the bridge. Repeat, Away Team A to the bridge.” The speaker would obviously be the captain, and after a moment, he then adds something else. “Dressed.” There’s then a loud cut-off sound as the announcement ends.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Zarnex ran down the opposite way of the bridge ( which is actually the right way) he spotted something that resembled a segway. He jumped aboard it and and wander the ship for the bridge going 20-30 mph. He eventually arrived at the bridge's entrants. The guards stoped him and insisted him to get of the centipede, and he insisted that he had to get across the bridge. So the guards made a deal (more or less) that they would let him cross the bridge but not with the centimeter. And so he got off and entered/crossed the bridge.
(Srry it took so long got buzy and lazy)
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