Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jurano watched as Koat explained their background and couldn't help but laugh it off. He exited the ship before the rest of the crew and headed straight for the small restaurant he always visited and sat down. He picked up the menu on the table and ordered the same thing he got every time. He ate quietly and when he was done he headed for the angelic entity's ward. When he arrived the guards stopped him and asked about his wings, he explained and showed them the electronic I.D. he kept in his wallet. He headed for the armory knowing that the new swords he ordered several months before hand were ready to picked up.
"Hey there." he said walking in the shopkeeper asked him about the wings but Jurano replied,
"I'd rather not talk about that." the shopkeeper kept quite and gave him the new swords. He gave them a few swings and was happy with them as always when he got new swords. He decided to roam the angelic ward for a while longer wondering if Koat would come along.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(It probably won't be very long, but it's something ><)

Zayne smiled at Ryan, squeezing his hand again softly and looked at him. When X spoke again she looked back at him and nodded a bit thankfully. 'Thank you X, I appreciate it.' she said softly. X was always so kind, but Zayne and the rest of the crew rarely saw him due to them rarely getting hurt.
She looked back at Ryan and tapped the bed lightly. 'Can you come lay down with me?' she asked.

Nari listened to Koat's story, but didn't feel much for it. Nari didn't care much for people's backgrounds, she simply cared for her friends and nothing else. She could be quite ruthless, hence her nag of interrogating people.
She smiled at Mike when he requested her help in testing his new wings. 'Of course cappy~' she giggled. 'I'd love to.'

Mina sighed a bit at Mike's reaction when she rolled in on her invisible wheelchair. 'Thank you...' she replied in a mumble.
Despite the fact she didn't get hurt, no, it was because of that fact that she looked so defeated.
Mina didn't take defeat particularly well, but this one was the worst. While her teammates were mauled and torn apart, she was simply frozen by the power their enemy let off.
Her dragonic follower noticed her depressed energy and nudged her lightly.
She gently brushed over it, but was still deep in thought, planning a trip home.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

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Ryan nodded a thanks to X as well, before returning his gaze to Zayne. She squeezed his hand, asking him to lay down next to her and he nodded. "Of course." He waited a moment before slowly laying down next to her to avoid shifting her too much. He didn't want her to be any more uncomfortable. He changed his shape slightly to avoid taking too much room as well, and then smiled to her. "Any other requests?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A light smile appeared on Zayne's lips as Ryan lay down with her. His gentle movements made her giggle a bit and she scootched over a bit to allow him to lay comfortable as well.
'I'm just a bit sore and have a headache, relax. I'm not made of porselin all of a sudden.' she nudged him softly.
After turning on her side and curling up against him she sighed contently. 'Hmm, this is nice...' she murmured.
'You're not uncomfortable, are you?' she looked at him with a curious expression to see how he would react to her rare show of affection.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxWolfyxX


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Blake sat in there he was wandering if the other were gonna come for the debrief. It has been half an hour since he first entered. He got tired of waiting and walked to his room. He turned up the radio and got dressed in his casual clothes. His casual clothes were a black shirt a jean vest and a pair of jeans. He walked toward the mess hall. "Leave it to me to think of my belly in a time like this" he said jokingly to him self as he waited in line.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan glanced to her, then shifted his shape to take the additional room he had been given without excess. He nodded as she said it was nice. A little nicer than she normally is, but I'm okay with this... He glanced to her, shaking his head as she asked if he was uncomfortable. "I'm perfectly comfortable, you?" He turned his head to look at her as he waited to hear her response.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Razil


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maria walked the empty halls Whistling to Hugo as they walked.
acasuanaly passing an occupied room, the mes hall had Blake eating away his appetite, the Medical bay that was being occupied by Zayne and Ryan sitting on her bed and talking, deeply engaged in a conversation.
she passed the empty debriefing room and started to make her way to her room. passing by Juranos empty one.
"must have gone to get some food or something from the Citidle. what do you think Hugo should we do some sight seing as well."
"might as well Maria". he say.

Rounding the corner and pacing the last few stride she came to the oak wood door of her room. she detested the electronic door when she first entered the ship and had it replace for a more natural feel to the room. two long rectangular stips ran down the far sides of the wall and in then was a a thing layer of fresh soil, rose bushes sprouted forth and snaked up the wall covering them with red and black roses and spiny thorns. (thanks to her ability to control plats she had decode rd the room in the most unusual way.)

Maria Walked to the wall and touched a few of the dying Flowers there petals slowly falling to the ground. as soon as her black finger tips touched the rose it blossomed and relished in its new growth as the color returned to its petals. she did this to the remaining flowers and then sat down on her wide window sill looking out at the citadel.
Hugo had Flown to his perch above the Door when he came in and now perched silently with his head under his wing.

"Lets Go Hugo" maria said walking out of her room and down the corridor towards the ships exit ramp. passing the Captain and Nari of Her way, smiling to herself at the sight of her two friends. He clearly had a thing for her it was cute. she thought. "well lets go see if we can find a certain low flying angel shall we Hugo?"
"heehaw i wanna go scare him" Hugo said in reply.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kiotra546


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Koat returned Sashias hug She's so warm, and kind
"I'm alright really, but thankyou." she whispered letting go she wiped her tears and smiled, she noticed her brother had left and frowned at his impatience.
"Well if it's alright with you Sashia, I wouldn't mind going to the angelic ward where Jurano probably is. He always was impatient." she giggled softly
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sashia smiled at Koat but said "Ermm actually before that, I need you to come with me and Mina to the debriefing room. We need to record you in our system properly so we have a really good idea of what your best at. I'm just a learner because Mina was teaching me all about it before we met that man". She walked over to Min and her dragon and gave them both a hug "I know your upset Mina but please I need your help in learning everything we can about that man and how he could do all those things" She asked her politely.

Mike looked at Nari and then back at the gathering crew before he said "I guess, that the end of the meeting for now". He then turned his attention to Nari once more and said in a partly flirty tone to her "Nari you and I have a date in the combat room". He then walked to the combat room, his wings whirled and clicked a little with every step. X had told Mike that his wings would be like that for a few minute while the cybernetics in his body got themselves calibrated and set up. In fact, by the time he reached the combat room the wings were no longer whirling and clicking in fact they felt and acted like proper dragon wings now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Jest
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The Jest Professional Nice Guy

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

"What meeting, Captain? All you did was have the new one explain herself, before you now go to the...combat room...with..." X was trying to say as he entered the bridge, to Mike before he left with Nari to the combat room. He made a sigh as he looked at this. Ignored again to love, he sees. It's a wonder if Nari is literally all the captain thinks about when there's no mission to be in and no one to face off with.

"That relationship they share, as sweet as it is, I swear will get them both killed one of these days." He thought, slowly shaking his head, somewhat annoyed, yet at ease by the captain's romantics on Nari, then turned to Koat.

"Well, welcome to the team, It's quite frankly about time that Jurano has someone to look after him. I often worry about that boy the most." He said to Koat. He then walked over to Mina and turned to Sashia.

"Well, if I can't hear what is going on or what we should do from the Captain, his sister and Vice-captain should suffice. I take it your Wheelchair is working well so far, Ms. Mina. If you and Ms. Sashia could, I would like to know what it was that caused this as well as what we should do? I personally recommend taking the time on this planet to relax and recover. I myself, intend to head off to restock on supplies. But I would like to know where we intend to go or do next, so I can get them accordingly." He said. He did promise to get the up-to-date information to Zayne and Ryan after all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxWolfyxX


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Blake pulled out a small pocket book of nano science. "Gotta try to repelicat the affect of my fire minuplation into this cyber netic arm. Maybe if I take a graft of my skin and synthesize a replication I could make a cover that does it." He said. He started to eat. He was deep in thought and most likely unable to be snapped out of it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

rusty4297 said
Ryan glanced to her, then shifted his shape to take the additional room he had been given without excess. He nodded as she said it was nice. He glanced to her, shaking his head as she asked if he was uncomfortable. "I'm perfectly comfortable, you?" He turned his head to look at her as he waited to hear her response.

'Extremely comfortable.' she replied to him, seemingly happy to hear he wasn't taken back by her change. She curled against him some more and closed her eyes, a faint smile on her lips. If she was a cat she would have purred, that was how comfortable she felt right now. At least, when she didn't move.
'So, anything I missed when I was out?' she asked. 'What happened to the others?'

Mike the Bloodwolf said
Sashia smiled at Koat but said "Ermm actually before that, I need you to come with me and Mina to the debriefing room. We need to record you in our system properly so we have a really good idea of what your best at. I'm just a learner because Mina was teaching me all about it before we met that man". She walked over to Mina and her dragon and gave them both a hug "I know your upset Mina but please I need your help in learning everything we can about that man and how he could do all those things" She asked her politely.

Mike looked at Nari and then back at the gathering crew before he said "I guess, that the end of the meeting for now". He then turned his attention to Nari once more and said in a partly flirty tone to her "Nari you and I have a date in the combat room". He then walked to the combat room, his wings whirled and clicked a little with every step. X had told Mike that his wings would be like that for a few minute while the cybernetics in his body got themselves calibrated and set up. In fact, by the time he reached the combat room the wings were no longer whirling and clicking in fact they felt and acted like proper dragon wings now.

Mina was shaken out of her own thoughts when Sashia walked up to her and hugged her. A surprised look appeared on her face, fading when she realized the girl was attempting to comfort her. She looked plain, emotionless for a moment before smiling grimly. 'Finding out enough about him to actually deal damage will take a very, very long time, but I can tell you right now how he could do all that. Without a doubt, we were beaten by the very essence of Hell, or at least a Hell.' she stated. 'It's a bit complicated, but simply said he was the manifestation of a Hell, any Hell in any dimension and any universe. That's why finding out more about him is extremely difficult.' she said as she started wheeling herself toward the debriefing room. 'I'll try to explain more while we register Koat in the system.' she said.

Nari simply giggled at Mike's flirty comment and partially skipped after him towards the combat room. She noticed the whirring and clicking of his wings and kept gazing at them from time to time. Nari loved Mike's wings, every aspect of his wings fascinated her, due to her inability to fly. It wasn't just him, she was intrigued by Sashia and Mina as well, even more by Zayne when she showed her wings, which she did rarely. She was glad that the new wings didn't seem to bother her captain a lot, but she still found it a waste that his wings were torn off. Even more so, she wondered why that horrid man had done that. Was it a statement? A challenge? A way of telling them to back off or be crippled even more? She couldn't figure it out, though she shivered at the thought of having her tails ripped off. She tried to place the thoughts aside as she entered the combat room and started to stretch a bit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan smiled, hearing that she was comfortable. As soon as she asked about everyone else, his smile faded. "Well... A lot of us were injured... Greatly... If I couldn't change my shape at will I would still have broken bones..." He looked towards the door from where he was, "The captain's wings... replaced with artificial wings..." He looked to her, "We're all injured, even just a little bit... What happened while you were in that portal though? Do you remember anything from before you came back?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mike stretched his body out though he flinched a few times as the cybernetics in his body were leaning how to work together in Union. Mike faced Nari before he heard the crew members that controlled the combat room. "Safety mode engaged and power limiter online so nether of you can activate killing or transformation powers so that this battle will not endanger ether of you" The crew member said. "Thanks" Mike said before he got into position ready to fight her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

rusty4297 said
Ryan smiled, hearing that she was comfortable. As soon as she asked about everyone else, his smile faded. "Well... A lot of us were injured... Greatly... If I couldn't change my shape at will I would still have broken bones..." He looked towards the door from where he was, "The captain's wings... replaced with artificial wings..." He looked to her, "We're all injured, even just a little bit... What happened while you were in that portal though? Do you remember anything from before you came back?"

Zayne frowned slightly hearing what had happened to the rest of the crew, feeling guilty about not helping, even though she wasn't able to. A light shiver went through her body when she heard about Mike's wings, she hugged him a bit tighter. 'Are you okay?' she asked before answering his question.
'I don't really remember anything from inside that place. It was all dark and depressing, literally depressing; I could just feel all hope draining out of me when I was inside.' she shivered again. 'Then it became cold, like a deep chill into my bones. I'm not sure what it tried to do, but before I knew it I was away from it again. I passed out at the exact same moment, but I guess it was when I was tossed out of the portal.' she said.

Mike the Bloodwolf said
Mike stretched his body out though he flinched a few times as the cybernetics in his body were leaning how to work together in Union. Mike faced Nari before he heard the crew members that controlled the combat room. "Safety mode engaged and power limiter online so nether of you can activate killing or transformation powers so that this battle will not endanger ether of you" The crew member said. "Thanks" Mike said before he got into position ready to fight her.

Nari drew her attention away from the wings on Mike's back when she readied themselves. Injured or not, Nari wasn't one to go easy on anybody, not even Mike. She always believed it to be worse than injuring somebody in a practice battle, or hurting somebody's ego.
She didn't enjoy not being able to use her powers, but it was for the best. Nari had noticed her pheromones activating even when she didn't mean to, it would change the battle.
She got into her battle stance, tails stretched out a bit, blades glistening in the light of the room, muscles tensed up and ready for her first move.

She shot forward, nails digging into the ground for more force, and lashed her tails at Mike in a spinning motion, creating a whirlwind of blades toward him. Her entire weight balanced on her hands, which she rapidly switched around to keep spinning.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mike nose twitch slightly when he could smell Nari Pheromones, he was wondering what she was trying to do was she trying to make him aroused, he had always had a crush on her sure but he though she would just wait for him to be ready. He saw her charge into battle and he saw her using the spinning blade move so he quickly drew his duel swords to guard against her attack. He closed his eyes before he began to slowly move forward blocked more of her blade spin before he would tackle her and try to disarm her of her blades. His Cyber wing began to lit up as X had built them to work just like Mike's old wings so they could defend Mike against attacks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan nodded in response to her asking if he was okay. "Like I said... my shapeshifting is the only reason I don't still have broken bones..." He looked at her as she spoke of how the place seemed to drain her hope. His form changed slightly to make it easier to wrap his arms around her and hug her. "We'll kill him if we ever see him again... He hurt all of us too much to let it go by as nothing..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Minarawr


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mike the Bloodwolf said
Mike nose twitch slightly when he could smell Nari Pheromones, he was wondering what she was trying to do was she trying to make him aroused, he had always had a crush on her sure but he though she would just wait for him to be ready. He saw her charge into battle and he saw her using the spinning blade move so he quickly drew his duel swords to guard against her attack. He closed his eyes before he began to slowly move forward blocked more of her blade spin before he would tackle her and try to disarm her of her blades. His Cyber wing began to lit up as X had built them to work just like Mike's old wings so they could defend Mike against attacks.

Nari could feel his shift, his movement and change of stance through her sensitive tails, even while she attacked him rapidly. Before he could get close enough to tackle her, she used her hands to push her back and jump back onto her feet. She dropped onto all fours and shot forward again, not giving him time to see through her movements. A rapid assault of claws, her tails and kicks was unleashed onto him as she was close. Nari used her limber body to it's full potential, making weird bends and limb movements to stay out of reach and keep her movement difficult to predict.

(Don't forget about Sashia Mike ^^ I responded a few posts back)

rusty4297 said
Ryan nodded in response to her asking if he was okay. "Like I said... my shapeshifting is the only reason I don't still have broken bones..." He looked at her as she spoke of how the place seemed to drain her hope. His form changed slightly to make it easier to wrap his arms around her and hug her. "We'll kill him if we ever see him again... He hurt all of us too much to let it go by as nothing..."

Zayne sighed slightly when he repeated his answer, closing her eyes. In other words, he could have been dead if he didn't have his ability to shapeshift his body. That came a bit too close for Zayne, every member of the team should be able to keep each other safe. If they were all hurt so badly, that enemy must have been even more powerful than Zayne had felt when he first appeared.
She huddled against him some more when he shifted his form to hug her, nuzzling into his neck and taking a deep breath. 'We will... I'll make sure my father will send him to the deepest, darkest, most gruesome part of his own realm..' she stated.
After a moment of silence she spoke again. 'When I'm able to move again, we should go out for a drink.' she said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan nodded slightly, agreeing with everything that Zayne said. "Right..." He waited a moment before speaking again. "It's lucky that you weren't hurt more than you were, so I agree we should go get a drink... It can be kind of a celebration that we're better off than we could have been..." He waited another moment before speaking again. "Has your condition improved at all? I don't want to go to get that drink while you're still barely walking or anything of the sort."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxWolfyxX


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Blake finished eating and ran to his room to work on the designs and make preparations for the skin graft. He sat on his bed drawing the designs and at the same time was seeing if any thing like it had ever been done. He turned on and up his radio he was a bit tired and didn't want to go to sleep. It caused the bed to vibrate and the door to rattle. maybe if I, no that won't work maybe if, no not that either. This might be harder than I thought. he thought to him self.
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