Character Sheet:
Name: Jayce Cavalier
Age: 18
Innocence(Innocence type, where its located, how it works and how it looks.): Equipment, a small dagger located in a sheathe on his left hip. When activated a chain spurts from the hilt. The chain can grow as long as desired, but in a resting state it is about five foot long. If knocked away from his hands or if he lets go he can will it to return to him. The chain can also sprout spikes that can grow and pierce akuma armor, allowing him to cling to them or other objects if his dagger doesn't stick in.
History: A thief by trade before he became a part of the order. When most think of thieves they think of bad men that do not care for the well being of others. Jayce is not one of those men, he learned at a young age that the world was not charitable. He was raised by a poor family in the slums of a major city, barely living off scraps for many years. The lord of the land they resided on had increased taxes until the living conditions were unbearable causing his father to die of malnutrition. Realizing they had no available source of income and his mother stricken with grief over the loss of his father, Jayce had to resort to other means. Finding no other work that would pay enough to feed what remained of his family he resorted to stealing. While raiding a local lords stores the day he felt a strange sensation come over him, he was drawn to the corner of the room where a bone hilt dagger was laying. He took the dagger along with as much food as he could carry, and headed home. Upon arriving he found his siblings strewn about the room coated in blood. Horror rose in Jayce as his mother seemingly glad and smiling slowly walked into the room from her bedroom. He was about to cry out what had happened but instead he yelled in shock as something seemed to burst from his mother. Something huge and monstrous, Jyace could sense the sorrow and loss on it. As it loomed before him he could feel the dagger at his side pull at his hand. He killed what was his mother that day. Soon after an exorcist came through town and found him and brought him to the order.
Other: He named his dagger Tooth. Despite his serious demeanor, he is actually quite the flirt.