Name of Nation: United Revolutionary Socialist Republic of Seratenland

Demonym of Nation: Seratens
Race Description: Human
List of Race Perks and Nerfs: Negligible
Nation Location:
Description of Nation: The last Great War saw the destruction of many old empires, and gave rise to many new states. The advent of the wide use of steam technology was brought about having proven its effectiveness in the last Great War. Old ideas, and traditions were questioned, the ordinary man began to question why feudal lords, aristocrats and kings were the rulers of the lands. And the oppressors of the common folks. There were many that argued that the people themselves should rule, and that the people should be equal. There would be no hereditary privilege, no oppression by the supposed "betters". Every man would be a member of the state, and every man would labour for the state, and every man would receive from the states the means with which to subsist for himself, and for his family.
The fall of a great militaristic, and aristocratic state, the Grand Empire of the Seraten, located in the heartland of the western continent at the end of the last Great War led to a period of anarchy. A crippled government of lords retreated from its position of power, and the streets of the homeland were torn asunder by fighting. Brothers of this once great nation fought against one another, spilling each others blood in the name of their chosen ideology. This great nation could trace its heritage back to the founding of the great capital city, of Seraten, many thousands of years ago. The nation had gone through many phases, first a small republic, then an empire, a period of cataclysm, a reduced empire, and so on, until the founding and eventual fall of the previous administration. The nation had long been an esteemed international player, a place where a many great ideas, and people had been born, and from this nation spread. But that long and prosperous history was forgotten, as the beleaguered state collapsed, into a period of civil war.
Every part of the nation was engulfed in the civil war, the people had to chose whom to back. The Blue Faction Coalition, a group who argued for the re-establishment of the kingship, and old traditional values which had brought the nation this far. Directly opposing the Blue Faction Coalition were the Revolutionary Unity Party of the People of Seratenland. Caught in the middle of the conflict was a pro-democracy organisation. Their in-between stance, left with the least followers, with the Communists and Loyalist forces appealing to people the most.
The civil conflict lasted 6 years before the Revolutionary Unity Party of the People of Seratenland finally won the conflict. They had captured the capital, and controlled almost half of the original state. They executed the main generals and commanders of the Blue Factions forces, and having captured part of the royal bloodline, and many other aristocrats put on great show trials, condemning the entire bloodlines and all their ancestors for their horrible crimes against the peasantry, followed by gruesome executions of the worst kind. With this stage of the conflict come to its end, the Party declared the new state of the United Revolutionary Socialist Republic of Seratenland.
But in the fighting many different peoples who had once been under the thumb of the Imperial Rule, had broken away. The great nation was composed of many ethnicities and various religions. Some had taken the period of disorganisation to establish their own independence, or to join other nations whom they felt more aligned with. But that desire for empire within the heartland has not changed, even though the government has.
Government of Nation: Revolutionary Socialism
The nation is a one party state, with the only legal political party being the Revolutionary Unity Party of the People of Seratenland. Though being a one party state, it is nominally democratic. The smallest subunits of government (town, district) elect directly their Representatives. These smaller subunits are organised into larger subunits all the way up the latter to largest Region based Council's which make up the government. Each Region Council is largely independent and self operating. Though the nation operates on the principal of democratic centralism.
Principality Councils --> District Councils --> Regional Councils --> National Council
The National Council is the highest form of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of the Government. From the members of the National Council, the President of the United Revolutionary Socialist Republic of Seratenland is chosen.
Capital of Nation: Seraten
Population of Nation: 65 Million
Economy of Nation: Market-based Socialism, Syndicalism, Collectivism
The state doesn't control the means of production. Businesses, corporations and factories are owned in equal parts by all workers by law. All workers of any business share in the division of profits, but wages are not always entirely equal. Regional Councils make the laws regarding the how wages are operated, and benefits given to those who perform the higher order tasks.
Nation's Major Exports:
Basic Resources: Coffee, Tobacco, Opium, Spices, Dyes, Fruits, Grapes (domestic), Fish, Crab, Whales, Pearls, Goat (Wool & Meat), Ox (Wool & Meat & Milk), Horse (Transport & Military & Milk), Gold, Copper, Salt, Sulphur, Iron (low yields & low quality)
Industries: Glass (Domestic), Wineries (Domestic Glass & Domestic Grapes), Ammunition (Domestic Sulphur & Domestic Copper), Fertilizer (Domestic Sulphur), Explosives (Domestic Sulphur), Cloth & Textiles & Fabric (Domestic Wool & Dyes), Jewellery (Domestic Gold & Domestic Pearls)
Nation's Major Imports: Grain, Iron, Steel, Coal, Machine Parts, Small Arms, Artillery, Naval Supplies, Aeroship Supplies
Nation's Military Description: The Armed Forces of the United Revolutionary Socialist Republic of Seratenland are charged with, in the constitution, "protecting the populations of all ethnic Seratens, the territorial integrity of the United Revolutionary Socialist Republic of Seratenland, the civil liberties of the citizens of the United Revolutionary Socialist Republic of Seratenland, and aiding the cause of Revolutionary Socialism."
Total Strength: 1 000 000 professional soldiers in the standing army. 50 000 aircrew and sailors in the Navy and the Air Force.
United Revolutionary Army: The ground forces of the army, these combine infantry, armoured, mechanized, artillery, pioneer, and cavalry units. The army is divided into 20 Army Corps of 50 000 men. These Army Corp are further subdivided into smaller and smaller operation units to maintain strategic mobility and flexibility. Corp-->Division-->Brigade-->Regiment-->Battalion-->Company-->Platoon-->Squad
Infantry of the URA are armed with bolt-action rifles, some proto-type submachine guns, semi-automatic rifles, standard military uniforms, hand grenades, a side arm, bayonets, signal flags, prototype mobile radio's for petty officers, and a sabre for all officers, petty officers and above. 10 cm Mortars are attached to Company's for use as the commanding Captain or Major see fit to distribute them. Heavy Machine Guns are likewise attached to specific Company's for use as the commanding Captain or Major see's fit to distribute them. Shoulder mounted anti-tank rockets and anti-tank rifles (the latter being far more common) are likewise attached to a specific Company for the use as the commanding Captain or Major see's fit to distribute them.
Pioneer's are equipped in a similar regard, but take on the role of combat engineers. They have other explosive devices and tools useful for the set up of defensive fortifications, or the destruction of enemy fortifications, or other strategic assets such as a bridge or building. There are entire Pioneer Regiments, but are seldom seen as a whole. Usually attached in smaller units to sub-units for minor battlefield fortifications. The entire regiment will only operate as a whole when there is a specifically large demolition or defensive task at hand.
ArmouredArmoured Regiments of the URA are made up of steam tanks. Steam tanks are used as mobile fortresses and gun platforms to break enemy positions, and move over enemy lines. Breaking stalemates and swarming enemy positions en masse is where they are best utilized. These beasts can also be used to support infantry positions. As a highly pro-industrial state, as is one of the tenets of Revolutionary Socialism, the state is a firm believer in the ability and use of steam tanks for warfare. The near constant civil war saw the Armoured Regiments show their dominant position on the battlefield in the hands of both the Socialist and Monarchist factions. Now that the war is over, the Revolutionary Socialist Regime has all the tanks produced by both sides

The Mark I. Light Tank, a steam powered tank. Faster than the heavy tanks but not packing as much armour, this tank boasts a rotating turret and two 30mm Autocannons. It sports several machine guns machine guns to take out squishy targets. Best used for supporting infantry pushes.

The Mark I. Heavy Tank, a steam powered tank. Slow, heavily armoured, with a big gun. Main gun is a swivelling 88mm Cannon. The two side guns are 47mm cannons, and it has a top mounted heavy machine gun for improved defence.
ArtilleryArtillery Batteries operate on the same level as their infantry counterparts, a company. They are assigned by the Lieutenant Colonel of their Battalion, and their Captain makes on the ground strategic decisions for them. Crews are generally armed with bolt-action rifles, side-arms, and bayonets to defend the Battery should it come under assault. Batteries are outfitted with significant signal flags for the reception and dispersion of information. Horse teams are used to carry around the weapon systems.

The 15cm Type I Multiple Rocket Launch System is the URAs premier siege equipment. On the defensive these weapons can deal terrible damage to enemy infantry pushes, movements, or charges using convential explosive round or air burst ammunition. And when being used to support the URAs own infantry can be used to same effect on the enemy defenders. When loaded with High Explosive rockets, these systems become capable anti tank systems.

The 155mm "Revolution" Type IV Howitzer. These are the big guns of the URA, used for their sheer power. Specifically useful for besieging heavily fortified positions, and assaulting dug in defenders. These weapons are capable of doing these jobs from a distance as well. Up close in a more personal position to the battlefield the guns can be used with good effect to attack enemy infantry, cavalry, tanks etc..
The 10cm Type 1 Mobile Flak/Anti-Personnel Gun. Attached at the company level. These guns are used by the Captain or Major to lay smoke to cover movements, fire flak shells at airship targets, or use 10cm explosive rounds as an anti-personnel weapon.
CavalryCavalry are attached at the Battalion level, meaning there are Cavalry Company's. Used for fast movements to capture strategic objectives and to support infantry with rifle fire and constant mobility on the battlefield. Routed enemies or breaks in enemy positions can be used by these troops speed, to deliver charges to break the softened enemy positions, or to push through and force a reposition.
United Revolutionary Navy: A large portion of the Grand Empire's fleet was destroyed in the Great War. The post-war period was tumultuous period, culminating in a civil war and regime change. During this period there was little funding or significant work done to improving the navy. The current navy is composed of smaller, lighter, faster vessels, that the Revolutionary Socialist Regime captured after defeating the old order. There are a number of steam powered frigates, galleys, and ironclad warships. These vessels number 49 vessels in total (not including merchant ships) and are primarily meant for patrolling the territorial waters and the inland seas that the Seratenland is on. More recently these ships have been used for some oceanic exploratory voyages. The URN is a smaller navy, and not a particularly powerful. It currently gets the job done, but the Revolutionary Socialist regime believes it needs to expand its navy to become a global power.
United Revolutionary Air Force:Similar to the navy, the Air Force of the URSR of Seratenland is very weak, in fact it is almost non-existent. The crushing defeat the Grand Empire of Seratenland suffered at the hands of its enemies during the Great War left in such a state of disrepair that it was unable to spend time building up an air force. There are only 4 prototype airships in the hands of the URAF. These vessels were constructed by the Grand Empire just after the end of the Great War, as the administration had seen the potential air superiority held, as it had been instrumental in allowing the enemies of the empire to win the war. However as it became apparent resources were needed to combat problems at home, and that building an expensive airship fleet was not a pressing issue; the funding was halted indefinitely. Now that the Revolutionary Socialists have won the civil war, they intend to make it a priority to modernise the airship fleet in order to protect the sovereignty of Seratenland, and to protect the regime from its many potential enemies, as well as to attain great power status.

Heavy Airship of the URAF. Dubbed the "King" after the deposed monarch, but officially designated Heavy Class Multi-purpose Aero-ship Model I. There is only one of these vessels in the Air Force. The front guns are twin 360mm breech loaders. There are 2 twin breech loading 133mm cannons along the top, and 2 more twin breech loading 133mm cannons on the sides of the vessel. There are five of the 40mm Flak Autocannons, one located on the top, one on the back, one on the undercarriage, and two on the sides. The undercarriage also has a bomb bay, for attacking ground targets.

The other 3 prototype vessels of URAF are the "Workers" Class Light Aero-ship Model I. Armed with one twin breech loading 133mm cannon along the top of the dirigible. The rotating turret at the bridge sports a 20mm Autocannon. The undercarriage sports a bomb bay, and small 20mm cannon. These ships are lightly armoured, but are quite fast. Their large and powerful steam engines combined with the light weight give it an edge in speed and mobility over other airships. Whether that speed and mobility will be a deciding factor on the battlefield, or whether the future or Aero-ships in heavily armed and armoured vessels remains to be seen.