A group of college friends, sitting around in an apartment. Summer has just come and school's out. Rather then head to the beach, go outside or do anything boring like that, the first day of summer vacation begins with what they consider to be the best thing in the world: A VIDEO GAME MARATHON!
Busting out the Atari 2600, NES, Sega Genesis/CD, Super Nintendo, Gameboy, PSP, Dreamcast, N64, Playstation, Xbox, and their Laptops, these friends are ready for the greatest four day and 96 hour tournament of the champions, to see which one among them is the ultimate gamer! Loaded with a keg of beer, energy drinks, pop, chips, and enough order-in pizza to choke a Ninja Turtle, these gamer guys and gals are ready for anything... Except what happened next.
The enormous amount of items plugged into the back of the television and the wall socket behind it is consuming a large amount of energy. After the power goes out, one of the friends finds a mysterious generator that nobody realized was there before. Ignorant of the strange circumstances surrounding the power generator, one of the gamers plugs it into the power socket, which causes a shocking event: a powerful vortex busts through the television and rapidly begins to suck in the gamers, teleporting them to a world that they thought was purely fictional: the Virtual World of the "Datacore". Upon their arrival in this strange world within the video game, they discover that the only way to leave is by gathering many mystical artifacts. The only way to recover these artifacts, is by defeating the Bosses at the end of the level in each game world. These so called "Game Masters" are equipped with technology and items from each world, giving them certain skills to help conquer the Ultimate Gamer Challange.
Armed to the teeth and ready to face the challenge of the game world before them, the Title Screen comes up, playing an epic pixel tune, preparing them for the awesomeness that lays ahead. As the opening cutscene to the game ends, a sole option appears on the massive door before them, containing the portals to the game worlds:

"Okay, lets see.. Game Consoles? Check. Portable Systems? Check. Games for all of them? Check. Pizza, Burgers, Hot Dogs, Potato Chips, Nachos, and other various Snacks? Check. Enough beer to drown a bum? Check. Energy drinks and cola's in case somebody decides not to drink? Check. Finally, and most importantly... Gaming Undies?"
... SNAP!
"Check! Alright, seems like everything's in place! Just gotta wait for the guys to show up, and then thing's will really take off!" the brown haired man said with a triumphant smile as he observed the rack of games he had built up over time. It was all there, going all the way back to the good old 90's. Every game he ever owned was in that corner of the room, and the collection was quite impressive. He had original copies of outstanding and rare games such as Super Metroid or Nintendo World Championships (both copies: one with a regular case and one with a Gold case), to horrible and terrifying games such as the fabled E.T for the Atari 2600 and the entire Bubsy Collection. On top of that, Dylan had a whole bunch of other game memorabilia such as posters, limited edition gaming magazines, Collectors Items such as a real sized Energy Sword from Halo, The Tri-Force, Snake's Box, and much, much more. Sure, he had wasted dozens of dollars on this pointless crap, but when you came from a rich family, you could pretty much do whatever you wanted and have little to no repercussions for it.
As he checked off the last thing he had on the list, Dylan smiled and sighed, tossing the pen and clipboard aside. This was going to be a great start to a great summer break. He had just finished another brutal year at Rosenbush College in the Creative Writing program, and was eager to spend the next 4 months relaxing and living a carefree life with his friends. Like him, they too were gamers and they had all met in 2008 during the first day of E3. After that, they spent the rest of the time chatting and attending the various booths. They even managed to win a costume contest, where they entered as the "Best Nostalgic Game Character Collection" group. Of course, Dylan was "X" from the Mega Man X series, as the super fighting robot was his all time favourite game character. A knock at the door brought Dylan out of his nostalgic thinking and memories, which he was slightly pissed at, because he was just remembering the time when he made out with that hot chick at Fan-Expo who was dressed like Tifa Lockheart from Final Fantasy 7. "Oh, shit! Right! People!" Dylan exclaimed as he jumped off of the couch and ran over to the door of his moderately sized apartment. With a quick movement, he grabbed and tossed on a Mario Cap before he opened the door. Seeing a group of his friends standing there, he instantly jumped into what was probably a very embarrassing Mario impersonation, but he did it more as a joke to his friends.
"ELLO! Please, come-a in! Everything's-a set up, so just-a enjoy-a yourselves! The main-a event won't-a start until we're all-a here! LETS-A GO! WAH-HOO!" Dylan exclaimed playfully before he laughed and waved his friends indoors. "Alright guys, food's over on the counter. We've got everything you need: Chips, Booze, Pizza, you name it. Feel free to take a seat by the TV if you want to get a good spot, but the white single-seat Easy-Boy in the corner is off limits. We'll get started as soon as everybody's here."