[i]A group of college friends, sitting around in an apartment. Summer has just come and school's out. Rather then head to the beach, go outside or do anything boring like that, the first day of summer vacation begins with what they consider to be the best thing in the world: A VIDEO GAME MARATHON!
Busting out the Atari 2600, NES, Sega Genesis/CD, Super Nintendo, Gameboy, PSP, Dreamcast, N64, Playstation, Xbox, and their Laptops, these friends are ready for the greatest four day and 96 hour tournament of the champions, to see which one among them is the ultimate gamer! Loaded with a keg of beer, energy drinks, pop, chips, and enough order-in pizza to choke a Ninja Turtle, these gamer guys and gals are ready for anything... Except what happened next.
The enormous amount of items plugged into the back of the television and the wall socket behind it is consuming a large amount of energy. After the power goes out, one of the friends finds a mysterious generator that nobody realized was there before. Ignorant of the strange circumstances surrounding the power generator, one of the gamers plugs it into the power socket, which causes a shocking event: a powerful vortex busts through the television and rapidly begins to suck in the gamers, teleporting them to a world that they thought was purely fictional: the Virtual World of the "Datacore". Upon their arrival in this strange world within the video game, they discover that the only way to leave is by gathering many mystical artifacts. The only way to recover these artifacts, is by defeating the Bosses at the end of the level in each game world. These so called "Game Masters" are equipped with technology and items from each world, giving them certain skills to help conquer the Ultimate Gamer Challange.
Armed to the teeth and ready to face the challenge of the game world before them, the Title Screen comes up, playing an epic pixel tune, preparing them for the awesomeness that lays ahead. As the opening cutscene to the game ends, a sole option appears on the massive door before them, containing the portals to the game worlds:[/i]

So, as you've probably guessed by the little overview I've written up, this RP will centre around a group of gamers who are pulled into a video game and must defeat the many Level Bosses in order to escape. Think something along the lines of "Captain N: The Game Master" and "Sword Art Online" in terms of how the worlds and level systems work.
This will combine elements from our favourite gaming companies (Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, SEGA, Capcom, ect) and our favourite game series (Super Mario, Little Big Planet, Halo, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mega Man, and more!) This will be a very relaxed and comedic RP, where the characters simply try to interact with the worlds around them and most likely get into all kinds of jams (ex. In the Kirby world they would argue over killing the adorable enemies, while the Killzone world would reluctantly pit them against each other in a randomly generated death battle). Some worlds will change them and allow them upgraded versions of their hear (ex. Going to Skyrim will make all the equipment more medieval based, while landing on Planet Zebes will force the weapons and armour to get as futuristic as humanly possible).
Now then, here's some basic rules to follow when playing the game:
1. No GMing. We don't want any Mary-Sues or Gary-Sues
2. Maximum of 3 Active Characters per person. Any more needs approval by a GM
3. Characters can and WILL die, but please ASK somebody before you attempt to kill their character rather then just say "Your guy is dead."
4. Keep it PG-13!! Romance and Lovey-Dovey stuff is fine, as well as the occasional innuendo, but take smut scenes to PM, please. Also, violence is allowed, but please don't rip out a guys entrails and hold them above his head while he slowly dies. We're not monsters (well, not all of us)
5. Some scenes will be time skipped if they drag on too long/get too boring, but most of the time we will RP things through.
6. Each member of the RP, unless you play an existing game character, is a Game Master and will play through the worlds with the group to escape the game.
7. Your character cannot have any GM abilities.
8. Post at least two paragraphs each time (more is fantastic)
9. GM posts will be announced (these include plot movers, special events or even the death/introduction of a new character)
10. If you got this far, here's a cookie *hands cookie*. Also, include the name of your favourite game character in your "Other" section so I know who's read the rules.
11. Please make PvP combat fair. It really sucks when somebody unleashes their ultimate power and freezes the other person's foot to the floor, then proceed to just punch the crap out of their immobile opponent. In addition, GM moves will NOT be allowed inside PvP combat unless approved/announced in a GM event.
12. Enjoy the RP to the best of your ability!!
Now, here's the two CS's you can choose from. After a certain point in the RP, I'll stop accepting Game Master sheets:
"Game Master" Sheet (College Friends)
Image of Character: (feel free to include their normal look and what they may look like in their Game Master Outfit)
Nickname: (optional)
"Game Master" Title:
Chosen Game Mastery: (Mario, LBP, Final Fantasy, ect. Your selected game mastery will define your powers/abilities. An example would be if you picked Mario, you could jump higher then other characters and be able to adopt the various jobs Mario has gotten in the past, but you won't be able to use weapons like somebody who chose Zelda. Also, try to avoid having similar/the same game masteries as other characters. One Game Master per series, please ^^)
Preferred Weapon(s)/Power-Up(s): (if any, based on your Game Mastery)
Other: (include any additional information you want. Maybe a catchphrase that your character says, or their favourite video game).
"Hero of the Game World" Sheet (Video Game Character Sheet)
Image of Character: (feel free to include a new design you feel would work for them if you don't like the current one. If they have different costumes like armour, include an image of that as well).
Nickname: (optional)
Game Of Origin: (What series are they from?)
Preferred Weapon(s)/Power-Up(s): (if any)
Game Background: (Can be pasted from Internet if you want, but feel free to rewrite it to your liking)
Other: (include any additional information you want. Maybe a catchphrase that your character says, or their personal thoughts on the "Game Masters").
Now, here's a list of game worlds which we will be going through! I'll be editing this as more are added and cross out the ones we've already been to.
• Super Mario
• Sonic the Hedgehog
• The Legend of Zelda
• Mega Man
• Double Dragon
• Metroid
• Castlevania
• Street Fighter (or) Tekken
• Harvest Moon
• Contra
• Kirby
• Yoshi's Island
• Donkey Kong
• Battletoad's
• Mortal Combat
• F-Zero
• Final Fantasy
• Portal
• Pokémon
• Pikmin
• Chrono Trigger
• Halo
• Minecraft
• World of Warcraft
• Disgeaea
• Earthbound
• The Nonary Game from Zero Escape
• The Stanley Parable
• Civilizations
• League of Legends
• The Sims
• Secret of Mana
• Metal Gear
• Miscellaneous Internet Flash Games
• Mass Effect
• Katamari Damacy
• Little Big Planet
• Star Fox
• Luigi's Mansion
• Super Smash Bros
• Grand Theft Auto
• Elder Scrolls
• Brony GMes
With that in mind, let the games begin!