I'm assuming Damo01 is almost finished, so I'll try and speed things along towards the next stage: Ability Ratings.
First, assign a starting rating of 17 to any one ability (keywords, i.e. species and class, included) that you consider the most important to your character. All other abilities and keywords start at 13.
Next, you have 20 points to spend on any and all of your abilities and keywords. 1 point raises the rating by 1. You can spend up to 10 on any one ability. If you go over 20, you get a Mastery, which means the rating loops around and becomes 1M (if and when during play you will get to 20M, the next step will give you 20M2). Masteries are really, really awesome. More on that later.
You should also rate your flaws in order of importance, or the level of hindrance you expect them to provide to your character. The first rated flaw will have the same rating as your highest ability; the second flaw will have the same rating as your second highest ability; the third one will have the same rating as your lowest ability.
And lastly, you start out with 3 Hero Points. Hero Points are also pretty awesome. They're like... fate points to help you get out of trouble and XP all at once, so have fun figuring out what to spend them on during play and in between missions. You can't use them during character creation though, so don't ask.
I think this is simple enough. When you're done I will put your sheets up on a googledoc, for ease of use.