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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oscar noticed the girl do something that he knew she did very rarely, if at all, smile, it was a good smile, and semi-infectious, so Oscar let his own lips begin to curve in an upward direction as he listened to Erin's response to his statement with interest, keeping in mind that while, yes, greeks as a whole were a secretive people, he had been promised that the pair of them, Erin and himself, would talk about it, in addition to several statements that hunted at interesting events in her past had come up, he simply shrugged off the notion with an inner thought of "She'll tell me when she's ready, or she won't, either way, these things have a tendency of coming to light" he made sure not to say any of this out loud of course, that might make things awkward and nobody wanted that.

"That's very......enlightened, of you" Oscar said after the quiet moment that proceeded the daughter of Hades's statement on how she treats everything fairly "and admirable, not many others would be able to give all animals such a fair shot" then Oscar waited a moment before continuing a little more wryly as he picked up a rag nearby and dried off his wet hands on it, tossing it to Erin as he did so. "Besides, I'm pretty sure there aren't any places that deliver up here"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"That's very... Enlightened, of you. And admirable, not many others would be able to give all animals such a fair shot. Besides, I'm pretty sure there aren't any places that deliver up here." She shook her head slightly her gaze still on the warm soapy waters that held what was left of the dishes and her hands as her mind began to reflect on his words. She was admirable? Really? Most people just thought of her as a bitch. This-... This was new to her. "Don't mistake me for some type of fairytale princess who's mission in life is to bring happiness to all those around her and live in utter bliss with her true love. I honestly couldn't care what happens to others unless it immediately concerns me, or someone I really care about... And also, being able to pass through shadows has its advantages. Don't need them to deliver when in ten steps I could be pick it up and be back on my couch eating." She chuckled turning her body so that she could grab the rag as it came flying at her though as she went to lift her arms she was stopped, turning her gaze down to the sink she narrowed her eyes all amusement leaving her face.

A cold shiver ran through her body causing her to grit her teeth her small though still identifiable muscles tensing as she pulled trying to rip her arms from the now large ice block that kept her captive in the sink, tearing her gaze away from her unfortunate situation she glared at Oscar, "Don't just stand there bird brain! Help me!" Her head turned following the little drops of water out the door and over to where the guy they had all met stood. So, he was responsible for this. Pulling her foot back across the tiled floor she lifted her leg up taking a deep breath as she concentrated, so the boy wanted to train? Well... She could help him out with that... Slamming her foot down on the ground there was a deep rumble small cracks appearing around her spreading over the ground before becoming bigger, the ground opening up as it shot towards Peter in a warning, "You." She glared at Adam, "You need to work with him! Help him control this shit." She shuffled her body as far away from the sink as she could her leg stretching out until she was just able to touch the door, kicking it she watched as it slammed shut separating the two groups, "Oscar, cant you go any faster? I'm beginning to not be able to feel my fingers..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Peter heard a string of swear words and shouting from the kitchen. He'd let his powers go a little and had accidentally frozen that girl's hands in the sink. Brilliant, one day mingling and he was already making friends. Peter heard cracking of tile from the kitchen and turned to look. The floor was cracking apart giving way to ground then to an abyss that might well lead all the way down to her father's land. Daughter of Hades confirmed.

Peter reacted quickly with instinct more than rational thought. If he'd paused to thing then he would have realized that the fissure stopped a few feet short of him clearly meant as a warning. Peter swung his dominant arm away from his body and three foot long icicles formed and launched themselves at his attacker. Thankfully they burried themselves in the walls on either side of her but it was close. It was his Greek battle reflexes, or ADHD as the mortals called it. Seconds later he realized the mistake he'd made but it was too late to take it back.

"Sorry I..." Erin kicked out as far as she could with her hands frozen and slammed the door shut. Peter let the rest of his sentence out even though he knew she couldn't hear him "...didn't mean it." He looked at Adam whom he could only guess was speechless. "Sorry about your girlfriend, I should just go."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oscar was shocked at first, the experience so surreal that he almost fully believed that he was dreaming, but the sudden anger and yelling at him, not to mention the strange chill in the air brought him back to reality, he heard that last bit of her words Oscar, cant you go any faster? I'm beginning to not be able to feel my fingers... "W-w-what oh, oh...yeah" and with that he jumped into action, his heart thumping in his chest, he rushed over to the sink and he began to isolate and analyze the ice that was surrounding Erin's hands, his analytical instincts kicking in, he found it, a small crack in the ice, and quickly applied the appropriate force to the crack, shattering the ice around Erin's hand, praying to the gods that Erin's hand wouldn't go with the ice, that it was simply surrounding them.

"How very greek, that one of the iciest people I know should be in a sudden and very real danger of frostbite" Oscar dared not think out loud, but thought to himself, extraordinarily not even letting a small chuckle escape his lips as he quickly turned the sink on to warm and shoved Erin's fingers and hands under it, making sure that it wasn't scalding, simply very warm. He stayed there, making sure all of her finger's were still attached and useful, until he felt comfortable that they all were. afterword he slumped down into a chair and took a deep breath saying "Well that was all rather adrenaline pumping wasn't it" he chuckled to himself, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow, finally noticing how hot it was in the kitchen as compared to the adjoining room.

As Oz sat in the chair, chuckling to himself to relieve some of the excess adrenaline that had come with the rush earlier, he considered going out and teaching the little punk who had done this a lesson, after all he had attacked a fellow camper, perhaps not on purpose but that was no excuse, he had certainly done more for less, but Oscar disregarded the thought for several reasons, the first was that Oz would get his chance to wail on the kid, now that he had agreed to join the sparring group, the second was that it wasn't his right, not only was Adam Erin's boyfriend, and as such had first dibs on deciding how to proceed, but he also barely knew any of the group he had just had a meal with, it was hardly within his rights to attack one of them for the sake of the other, and lastly, Oscar just didn't feel like getting up, the meal had been good, and the sudden rush and then lack of adrenaline hadn't helped how sleepy a good meal always made him feel. He yawned, and asked "You okay?" in the direction of Erin.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"W-w-what oh, oh...yeah." She shut her eyes forcing her mind to shift to warmer things; hot chocolate, food... no not food. Her stomach churned slightly at the thought of eating anymore than she had. Sun, tropical weather, Australia; yeah, that place was hot depending on where you went. His hands were warm and considerably a great change from the ice that was now shattered around them both, the warm water running over their hands helping to bring back color and feeling. Her eyes opened slowly as her body relaxed feeling less and less panicked with each moment passing, she turned her head looking over at Oscar as he moved back slumping down on a chair; the excitement getting the better of the both of them in the heat of the moment.

She shuffled her feet back leaning over her elbows resting on the bench with her hands still under the stream of running water, she was much calmer than she had been a moment ago and even though he had taken his time with it, she owed the still able use of her hands to Oscar. "You okay?" She turned her gaze back over to him nodding slowly before her eyes returned to her hands, "Yes, I'm okay now...Th-... Thanks okay..? Not many people would help someone like me, unless you count Adam out there." She reached over picking up a tea-towel wrapping her hands up in it first before she shut off the faucet, "Oh and before you get the wrong impression, his not my boyfriend."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Yes, I'm okay now...Th-... Thanks okay..? Not many people would help someone like me, unless you count Adam out there." Oscar smiled in response to the bit of observation, and tipped an imaginary hat at the girl, still exhausted, full, and rather sleepy, he chuckled again and responded with "I'm not like most people" he turned to face her, seeing her red hair shimmer in the waning sunlight of the continuing afternoon. Oz yawned again, marveling at just how incredibly red her hair was then continued "Besides why wouldn't we count Adam?" but Oscar's ears perked up at the mention of Erin's singular state, he raised an eyebrow in semi-disbelief before getting out "Oh....I had just assumed....." He scratched the back of his head with one arm, raising an elbow and turning his head slightly as he did, a nervous tick that he had had for quite sometime.

Oscar wasn't sure what to say at this point, while it certainly freed up at least one of his reservations for going out and teaching peter a lesson, he wasn't entirely sure what else to do, the moment to either do or don't had passed, and anyway, after that mess of a situation Oscar doubted if the boy wouldn't be joining the 'sparring group' that had been theoretically formed over dinner, and that would provide many opportunities for pay back, also Oz was still quite enjoying his seat on the chair. Oscar threw his neck back and felt the stretch as he looked at the sun, the pale light of the afternoon ball of fire made everything look serene on the campgrounds. As Erin responded Oscar retracted his neck and looked back at the red-headed girl.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The look on his face said it all, he had truly believed that the two of them were a couple, but then again so did most people that met the pair, "Oh....I had just assumed....." She stood up tall looking back over to where he sat, well, now was a good a time as any to tell him what he would eventually find out one way or another. But what was he to her? What was she to him? A friend? It seemed very unlikely. "Adam found me weak and barely alive in the middle of the street. My boyfriend at the time had been abusing me and controlling me and I had pushed everyone away." She sighed pulling the tea-towel from her hands only to drop it onto the bench her attention turning to her bag.

"Adam was stubborn, kept on confronting me about what was going on and eventually he found out. Things happened and well. I would be dead now if he hadn't of found me and brought me here. Now he takes care of me." She slipped her bag over her shoulder fixing the strap so that it was comfortable as she turned back to him, her free hand coming up to brush her hair off her face though small strands fell back over her eyes, "Adam is my best and only friend here. I owe him my life, that's why I listen to him; that's why he can control me and have a say in my life more than others. I used to be a perfect daughter, a perfect student. I tried. But that part of me is gone thanks to my past... Now all I have is a shitty life here in this hell everyone calls camp..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oscar watched as she stood up and looked back at him, finding herself a comfy spot as she spoke, he had figured he would find out about her past, but he hadn't expected it all to be so blatant and sudden as it was, but he managed to keep his cool, listening intently, leaning in from his spot, his elbows on his knees, his neck bent as he looked up at her with his hands folded together, occasionally leaning back and stroking what little facial hair he had in interest as she told her tale. "Adam found me weak and barely alive in the middle of the street. My boyfriend at the time had been abusing me and controlling me and I had pushed everyone away." Oscar's fingers became clenched in fists of rage as he heard about the abuses the pretty redhead before him had suffered at the hands of one she had so trusted. They unclenched as she continued to tell of Adam's stubborn and tenacious nature. At this he leaned back, and smiled slightly, he had suddenly gained a new perspective on the relationship of the two, and had some newfound respect for Adam's tenacity.

Oscar regained his composure and upon hearing the last bit of Erin's monologue, felt the hackles on his neck rise, he sensed his jaw begin to stiffen and his knuckles begin to curl up in an attempt to control himself Now all I have is a shitty life here in this hell everyone calls camp..." Oscar took a deep breath and watched as the beautiful redhead brushed a bit of her hair behind her ear, he closed his eyes and counted, now was not the time nor the place to express what he was feeling, so he, putting on his empathetic face, not a false one by any stretch, and he looked at her in the eyes, he could see that she was questioning why she had told him this, and he wondered himself, she certainly didn't owe him anything, and what were they, Friends? hardly, Acquaintances? maybe, but that certainly didn't warrant the information she had told him, but he put that out of his mind as he formulated a reply.

"I.....wow, just....wow" he managed to get out after a moment. Inwardly berating himself for the social fumble he cleared his throat and tried again "I guess....thank you, for sharing, I know it sounds not very masculine, but I appreciate you trusting me with that" He cleared his voice again before he continued "And for the record, I'm glad you're here, it means I got to know you, and thats an experience, something worthwhile and worth suffering for" Oscar smiled at the red head, attempting to convey some compassion and empathy as he did.

"But, and I don't mean to be rude, especially after you've just shared your food, past, and company with me, not to mention I find you quite attractive, so please don't take this the wrong way but..." His caveat over Oscar's tone became more intense, not yelling, not angry, not even stern, just....intense "if you EVER insult this camp that way again, we are going to have serious issues, because not everybody has the luxury of hating this place, see for some, it's more than just the place that saved us, that taught us that we aren't total freaks of nature, that we can have normal lives again, it's more than a place to train, and make friends, and eat shitty food, for some of us, this place is HOME, and I WILL NOT let you come into our home and insult it" Oscar took a moment to catch his breath before he realized that he was standing, he sat back down in his chair and put his head in his hands, catching his breath and calming himself down. "I'm....I'm sorry" he stuttered after a moment, the cool of his voice and eyes returning "I....I don't know what came over me, I guess I got a little carried away"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"I.....wow, just....wow. I guess....thank you, for sharing, I know it sounds not very masculine, but I appreciate you trusting me with that. And for the record, I'm glad you're here, it means I got to know you, and that's an experience, something worthwhile and worth suffering for. But, and I don't mean to be rude, especially after you've just shared your food, past, and company with me, not to mention I find you quite attractive, so please don't take this the wrong way but..." His caveat over Oscar's tone became more intense, not yelling, not angry, not even stern, just....intense "if you EVER insult this camp that way again, we are going to have serious issues, because not everybody has the luxury of hating this place, see for some, it's more than just the place that saved us, that taught us that we aren't total freaks of nature, that we can have normal lives again, it's more than a place to train, and make friends, and eat shitty food, for some of us, this place is HOME, and I WILL NOT let you come into their home and insult it." Her eyes widened slightly at the sudden intensity in his voice, her hands gripping hold of the bench she was leaning on.

So he was threatening her? She had just shared something with him and now he was threatening her. This camp may be his home, but it was also hers; she had nowhere else to go, because if she did not only would monsters be chasing after her but so would her ex. Pushing away from the bench she stood in front of him her chest moving up and down as her breathing picked up slightly, lifting her hand up she brought it down and across his face her hand colliding with his skin causing a loud smack to sound around the kitchen her teeth gritting as she narrowed her eyes, "I don't give a shit what you think about me, but don't you dare threaten me! No matter what you think loser, this shit hole is my home too. I have nothing out there. But fine, have it your damn way, I'll fucking dissapear into the shadows. Don't talk to me again..." Turning on her heel she stormed out the backdoor her arms crossing over her chest as she made her way down the familiar path and back to her cabin, slipping through the door she slammed it shut behind her. Dumping her bag on the table she made her way down the hall and into her room dropping down on the bed while pulling her laptop from the bedside table.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ManoftheNorth
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ManoftheNorth A Bear

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Adam's ears perked as everything around him, seemed to freeze mentally, and many words were spoken in the distance and the foreground. He moved to the back, gesturing for Peter to stand behind him as a friendly follow. Then, with closed eyes and a lowered head he sat with his right shoulder braced against the door frame of the exit door that Erin burst through, he then kicked his heel off the ground and turned with a swift irritation in his movements that placed him adjacent, and a few feet in front of, Oscar. Adam stood with curled fists and clenched teeth. His eyes were closed yet again, this time un-bearing to open. His eyes, while shut, were fixated on the floor, presenting a drooped head and a tightly stout figure. He spoke, but the first sentence was short and almost unnerved to escape his lips. "You talk about some people not having the luxury to hate this camp, because it is their home..." His sentence, while brief and almost stone-faced in pace, was in a quirky voice. It sounded as if it were said by sorrow wrapped in anger, and it was for once.

"... But what you don't realize, is that while many call this home.." He paused and took a deep breath through his grinding teeth while shaking his shoulders a little, but then continued on. "..many don't have the luxury of knowing what a home is anymore..." Adam's heart felt like it was sinking, but also rupturing at the same time. His muscles quivered beneath his skin and he raised his head to stare Oscar down a moment before giving him a glare. "Don't ever, and I mean ever threaten her for hating the camp. This is place may be home to some, but to her.." He broke off again while taking another deep breath, before speaking more. "If you think she can seem evil, you have no idea what someone with a harsh winter's heart can do my friend, it is literally a heart of cold." He stood their a moment, seemingly frozen in his emotional state and his physical bearing. He then turned after finally breaking his mind loose from the emotional waves and he kicked up into a jog after Erin, heading towards the cabin.

He quickened his pace after exiting the back door, and with each step a thick layer of ice was left in his shoe print, while his eyes gleamed a now brilliant turquoise and they shimmered as the sky seemed to gray over the blue. It was slowly drawing into a shower, as the forecasters had predicted. The droplets of water began to mist from the sky and fall down upon the now dreary looking camp, all for Adam. As the drops got within feet of Adam they seemed to freeze into hail and fall with a tiny thud off his body and the ground around him until he finally reached the doorway of the cabin. He forced himself through the cabin quickly before making it to the door of her room and standing outside of it with the infamous drooped head. He slowly raised a hand and then knocked on the with a single, light, knock and soft, care-filled words. "Erin.. I am sorry, may I come in?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Before Adam could respond to what Peter had said or done there was the sound of yelling from the kitchen. It wouldn't be about Peter's ice. Erin must have long gotten that off her hands but Peter couldn't make out all the words from where he stood. Adam had heard it too and approached the door gesturing for Peter to fall in line behind him. Clearly whatever was happening to Erin currently was more important than any sort of punishment that he cared to deal Peter.

From the crack in the door Peter could hear some of what Oscar was yelling. It was about the pride of the camp and how he didn't want Erin insulting or hating it. From the sound of his voice he was ready to lash out soon. Adam appeared to have come to the same conclusion, the snow boy kicked the door down. When the arrived Erin was already storming out the back door and there was a red mark on Oscar's face. That wasn't the end of his punishment. Adam had some very strong words to say and when he'd gone after Erin Peter had something to add.

He walked up to Oscar and grabbed one of his fists. Peter's hands were naturally cold but now he let some of him power seep into them. Oscar's hand would be red and painful from the cold when he let go. "Hey Skippy," Peter said his eyes narrow. "I was a foster kid, I know the difference between a home and a place to sleep. This place, have you ever noticed that only the kids that don't have to be here regard it as a haven. Those of us that don't got a choice can feel the cage. What gives you the right to impose your selfish naive beliefs on others." Peter let go of the kids fist and sure enough there was an ice red hand print that looked rather painful. Peter turned and walked towards the doors but then another thought occurred to him. "I don't know what happened to Erin but anyone who is that angry has some suffering in there past that gives them the right to be angry, it's pretty clear from the way she acts that whatever happened to her makes my life look like a picnic."

Peter stormed out of the kitchen slamming the door behind him. A second passed and a thought occurred to him. Peter walked back to the door and lay his hand on it. Ice spread from him to the door freezing it shut with several thick layers of frozen water. Then as an after thought Peter pushed something very specific into the ice. He could see what he was doing so he couldn't be sure that it came out right but if it had then the ice on the other side of the door should read "Victory doesn't always mean Success."

Peter walked away his stomach full of food and his heart full of rage. It had begun to rain while he was inside. No, no no no, the rain all around him started to freeze and for a few minutes think balls of hail fell but as his powers streaked the hail turned to snow. Shit, he couldn't control his powers with this quantity of transferable medium around. He needed to find a place that the rain couldn't get but wouldn't be a danger to anyone around him. The Gods would probably curse him for this but he made a be line for the Artemis Cabin. Artemis was a maiden god so the cabin was only ever occupied when her hunters needed to stay at camp.

The inside was pearly white and almost ethereal in appearance but Peter wasn't really concentrating on that. He sat down on one of the beds, the water he'd tracked in turning to ice. Peter closed his eyes and concentrated, he needed to be calm. Concentrate on still warm things. It didn't matter he could feel the storm getting worse outside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marrow


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

What had she been thinking? It wasn't like she had the capacity nor the luxury to make friends, she wasn't meant to have friends and those who were her friends were long gone back in the town that her and Adam had grew up in keeping an eye on their families for them. Did they even remember her? She doubted it, after everything that happened she was surprised that they even agreed to help out back there. No, Oscar was not her friend. He had made that clear when he had threatened her about how she spoke about the camp. She took a deep breath letting it out slowly as her fingers glided over the keyboard searching for a place she could go that was far from camp though still affordable for a girl on a generous but limited allowance of drachma. She only needed an apartment, one bedroom if she had to... Two if Adam insisted on coming with her, but then she knew he would never allow her to leave if he had the choice. Maybe she would just pack up and go, there was no need for him to know, besides, its not like anyone would miss her. Oscar hadn't been the first to have a go at her, it probably just hurt more because she had thought she could open up to him.

A soft knock on the door and a familiar voice brought her attention to her guest, "Erin.. I am sorry, may I come in?" Sighing she turned her gaze out the window as she nodded her voice speaking out her actions, "I guess... What do you want Adam..? I know I screwed up okay, I'm just going to stay indoors from now on... Maybe disappear like I promised. Either way, Oscar is never going to see me again." She put her laptop down on her bed sitting up properly so that he could join her and keep her company like he normally did when she was upset, "You know he said he found me attractive. Like I'm supposed to believe that... That... That freak likes me when he goes and says something like that to me. Yeah right... I'm never opening up to anyone again. It only ever causes me pain..." She closed her eyes leaning into him once he sat beside her, her body cuddling into his as she fell silent wanting him to tell her that somehow no matter how much of a bitch she was things were for the best or whatever cheesy thing he was going to say.
Her soft pink lips turned up in a soft smile as she let a soft giggle escape her filling the air around the small group of young demigods around her, lifting her hand up she gently pushed back some of her bright apple red hair her head dropping down slightly as she pushed the locks gently tucking them behind her ear a soft shade of pink crossing her cheeks, "Oh stop... Come on, you know that I'm not that funny..." Her soft silver orbs lifted up flicking lovingly over the four guys who stood surrounding her, "No way Jess, you are funny, don't doubt yourself beautiful. What about you guys, what do you think?" Her cheeks turned a darker shade of red as she watched the other three nod their heads in agreement, she pushed away from the trunk of the tree she had been leaning on smiling brightly a soft laugh leaving her lips, "I would love to stay and chat boys... But I have things I need to get done."

She let her feet carry her through the small group and out into the open space of her fathers camp the stunning rays of light shining down upon her causing her skin to glow in the afternoon sun accentuating the beauty that was the Goddess herself. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the rain was falling... She frowned lifting her gaze to the quickly darkening sky above her, it shouldn't of been raining. Demeter and Eirene had not mentioned a shower that morning when she had spoken to them. One of the campers must of been having a bad day to have the camp drowning in the heavy rain that was pelting down over the campers and buildings making it hard for the others to go about their everyday chores. Looking about her eyes fell on the closest cabin to her, Artemis, her little sister. She surely wouldn't mind if she took shelter within the walls of her huntresses cabin while she waited out this little tantrum to finish.

Stepping inside she closed the door behind her taking in a deep breath before letting it out slowly, "At least she keeps it warm in here..." Swooping her hair around and over her shoulder she smiled twisting the locks into a loose braid as her feet carry her further into the cabin, rounding the corner she slipped her hand automatically shooting back as her body fell hitting the ground below her, "Ouch! What the hell Artie..!" Frowning she pulled her arms in gently rubbing her wrist as she searched for the reason to her fall, reaching out as her eyes got caught on the patch of white on the ground she brushed her fingers over the ice, "Ice..?" Turning her head up she pushed herself to her feet moving about the cabin as she called out her voice soft and sweet as she saw the boy sitting on his own, "Hello..? Are you okay? You look kind of upset..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Peter collapsed into the blanket thst decorated the bed he had sat on. It was bright silver and seemed to glow like everything else in the place. In honesty though Peter didn't care. He didn't care what this place looked like, he didn't care if the gods struck him down for being within these walls, he didn't even care about the water he'd tracked into the space nor the moisture that was staining the blankets from his hair and cloths.

What mattered to Peter was the sounds of the storm outside becoming agitated, and the water that he'd brought in with him turning to ice. Petef was positive he hadn't started the storm, perhaps it was natural or else caused by another camper what he did know was that the powers of the North Wind, of ice and cold and storm, his powers were amplifying the wind and rain turning it to a blizzard of snow outside.

Normally Peter could control his abilities with some degree of success but with this much water around and the anger that filled his heart he fear that he might bury Camp Half-Blood in ice.

Peter heard a sudden exclamation of pain followed by a curse towards Artimas whom the soeaker refered to informally as Artie. That was odd but perhaps not unusual, the demigod in question might have had prior dealings with Artimas. It was clear what had happened, the intruder had slipped on the ice on the floor that Peter had created. He couldn't go anywhere without hurting someone with his powers.

Peter pulled back into the shadows of the bed as the person entered the room. She was very pretty with tannec skin that almost glowed and red hair the color of apples. She must have been from the Aphrodite cabin but Peter didn't remember seeing her around the camp though that wasn't surprising given that he avoided human contact so as not to hurt anyone.

She asked him if he was okay, that he looked upset and as Peter made to answer he realized he was crying the tears turning to ice as they fell from his face. "A little upset yeah," he said through his tears. "I'll calm when this storm runs it's course. If you don't want to get frostbite I'd suggest you find another refuge." He spoke true enough, since she'd entered the temperature had fallen ten degrees and still going down. Peter had a sense for temperature, he knew he would be fine amoung the ice but she wasn't frost proof.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Oh you poor thing..." As she saw the soft sparkle of tears running down his face she moved forward taking a seat by his side on the bed her hands reaching out to gently rest on his knee as she listed to him speak, "A little upset yeah. I'll calm when this storm runs it's course. If you don't want to get frostbite I'd suggest you find another refuge." Smiling slightly she lent in her eyes catching on his as she spoke, her voice warm and inviting, and like that of a siren, alluring to all those who heard it, "I'll tell you a secret...The cold doesn't really bother me. Some of my family? Now, they can unleash a frozen hell like that!-..." As she spoke the word her hand came up clicking out of habit as she accentuated her words, "And that's for something as simple as borrowing a toga without asking..! They are so touchy..." Thinking about it for a moment she shook her head before snapping herself back to reality and the matter at hand.

Lifting her hand up she gently let her fingers glide over his cheeks and under his eyes as she wiped away the tears that were falling and that had fallen, "Now, why don't you take a deep breath dear and tell Jessie what's troubling you..." Once all the tears had been dealt with she let her hand slide up her fingers entwining themselves in his hair as she slowly pushed it back so that she could see his face properly, "You never know, I might just be able to help you out." Glancing around she reached over grabbing another blanket from one of the other beds reaching around him she wrapped it over his shoulders before getting herself comfortable by his side, attention from the boys had been nice, but being able to help someone who was feeling down was something better and worth while in her eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ManoftheNorth
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ManoftheNorth A Bear

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"I guess... What do you want Adam..? I know I screwed up okay, I'm just going to stay indoors from now on... Maybe disappear like I promised. Either way, Oscar is never going to see me again."

"You know he said he found me attractive. Like I'm supposed to believe that... That... That freak likes me when he goes and says something like that to me. Yeah right... I'm never opening up to anyone again. It only ever causes me pain..."

Adam curled his tongue within his mouth, letting her speak her mind, before he interjected with words of his own, words that were more or less cheesy, but that is what made them so true. Cheesy meant used, or common, and that often meant those words were right, and they were true ever more so in Erin's case. He let hidden smile slide over his lips as she cuddled into him. His arms placed themselves around her and he held her warmly once more, as he always loved doing, though to a lesser knowing of her own intention. His lips parted softly as she rested, and his turn to speak arrived. "He is right you know..." He paused for a moment, letting the moment seem to cull it's own air of emotion before he continued on. "You are attractive, more so then any man can imagine. You are beautiful Erin." He closed his lips and used his hand to brush the hair over her exposed ear softly before speaking once more. "You said once before the Aphrodite kids didn't like you, have you ever wondered why?" He asked her rhetorically while looking down at her fiery hair, and her beautiful skin. "It is because you have a natural beauty, you have something naturally, that they got because of their heritage. They are just jealous of you, that is all." His hands rested on her softly as he continued to speak, but also as he comforted her with his own posture and manner of holding her. "Nothing is your fault, you didn't screw up, you don't need to say silly thing like you are going to stay indoors, and you certainly aren't going to disappear." He stated with a soft voice, a voice less of stern words, and more of caring ones. His words conveyed that he didn't want her to leave, because it wasn't her fault, but they also conveyed that he couldn't lose her, not now. "You need to stop saying the things you do, about yourself, and about how you want to disappear. Those aren't who you are, not in the slightest. Other's don't understand, and they can't possibly attempt to understand without going through it themselves. You know that, I know that, and we both know that people who do that are just unaware of the spectrum. You are literally the most important person in my life Erin, do you really think you need to disappear, when you have friends who care about you, and a place to stay where you are accepted for being yourself?"
(Going to put Chris' up later on this evening, I am having trouble with some things here at the house, and I need to deal with them.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The girl took no head of Peter's warning about frostbite. He hadn't been joking. He could feel that it was already minus ten degrees Celsius and still dropping. He had a sense that it would settle around minus forty but that wasn't a temperature that any camper without an ancestor in ice should be dealing with.

The girl took a seat next to Peter. "Oh you poor thing..." She caught his eyes and her voice was warm and inviting like the warmest summer's day, it stirred an early memory of the smell of apple pie on a warm on a summer's day just starting to turn to autumn. He remembered a woman in a yellow kitchen setting a pie on the windowsill to cool. Peter bit down on his lip and the memory vanished. Perhaps it was just the nervous tick but he had the strange feeling that the girl opposite him was using charm speak. She looked to be a child of Aphrodite after all. The mild pain kept him centered.

She brushed the tears away from his face. They froze on her fingers but she didn't seem to take any notice. She smiled sweetly. "I'll tell you a secret...The cold doesn't really bother me. Some of my family? Now, they can unleash a frozen hell like that!-..." She snapped her fingers and the sound reverberated around the cabin. "And that's for something as simple as borrowing a toga without asking..! They are so touchy..."

The girl had to be talking about the gods. She must have been one of the demigods that had more contact with them. She had to be in order to refer to them as family, something that most demigods only applied to there immediate parent and only very grudgingly.

Peter though about telling the girl what was troubling him. He could talk about what had happened with Erin and why that had been such a big deal. He could have talked about Marcus and his untimely demise. He could have talked about his isolation within the camp. There were a thousand different thoughts that ran through his head constantly that fueled this storm but could he really confide about any of it to her. She was a child of Aphrodite. They weren't known for there caring and while exceptions weren't uncommon he couldn't be sure that this one wasn't just looking for the latest gossip. Whatever else she seemed a bit air headed.

She fetched a blanket from another bed and wrapped it around his shoulder. In reality neither of them should really be here, let alone messing with the place settings. Artimas' cabin was sacred. "Now, why don't you take a deep breath dear and tell Jessie what's troubling you..." she said sweetly pulling his hair back from his face so she could see him properly. "You never know, I might just be able to help you out." Jessica, that was her name and while Peter found it a little creepy how she referred to herself in the third person he could use someone to talk too. What was he thinking, of course he was thinking selfishly. She shouldn't stay here. He didn't want to be the cause of someone else's frostbitten death.

"Just some trouble at lunch, the storm will calm itself eventually. You really shouldn't stay here. I don't think you understand just how cold it is going to get. He placed his hands forward and closed them. When he opened his palms a little ice made ballerina was sitting on his palms. It wasn't really using his powers that caused him problems, it was stopping once it had begun. "It's going to get so cold in here that water will freeze in minutes. I'll be okay but I don't think it's healthy for you to be here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

His arms wrapping around her helped her body relax even more than it had originally, his strong yet gentle embrace making her feel warm and safe while she was with him. He always had a way of bringing out her more vulnerable side, but only whenever the two were on their own; with others around she was defensive, judgmental... A real daughter of Hades. Calming down from her little rant she let her head gently come to a rest on his chest his soft heartbeat sounding through one ear while she listened intently to every one of the words that left his mouth as he spoke to her. "He is right you know... You are attractive, more so then any man can imagine. You are beautiful Erin." Closing her eyes a small smile crossed over her lips as his hand came down over her ear gently brushing her hair as he continued to speak to her in such a caring way, "You said once before the Aphrodite kids didn't like you, have you ever wondered why?" Her smile faded as she frowned slightly thinking back, it was true the Aphrodite girls didn't like her that was evident when they had tried to ambush and attack her with curling irons and their makeup kits during the last capture the flag game that had been hosted.

She had just always thought that it was because of who her father was, that seemed to be the reason for everything; the teasing, the fear, the no friends. It all buckled down to being his daughter. "It is because you have a natural beauty, you have something naturally, that they got because of their heritage. They are just jealous of you, that is all. Nothing is your fault, you didn't screw up, you don't need to say silly thing like you are going to stay indoors, and you certainly aren't going to disappear. You need to stop saying the things you do, about yourself, and about how you want to disappear. Those aren't who you are, not in the slightest. Other's don't understand, and they can't possibly attempt to understand without going through it themselves. You know that, I know that, and we both know that people who do that are just unaware of the spectrum. You are literally the most important person in my life Erin, do you really think you need to disappear, when you have friends who care about you, and a place to stay where you are accepted for being yourself?" He was right. He was always right. But it didn't stop the fact that the number of those who cared for her was greatly outnumbered by the ones who didn't. Taking a deep breath she let it out slowly taking a moment to let his words sink further into her before she even tried to respond to him.

So the Aphrodite girls were just jealous of her... Oscar was an asshole, but he was right... There were people who cared about her here... And Adam didn't want and wasn't going to let her go even if she wanted to. Lifting her head slightly she looked up at him silently her head working a million miles per hour while her mouth and voice on the other hand didn't want to even try, she couldn't just lay there and stare at him... He was cute, definitely. Extremely attractive, by gods yes. But that wasn't the point. If she stared at him any longer without speaking she really would be considered a freak, "You're right... I'm sorry I even thought about leaving... It was stupid. Thank you Adam, for looking out for me when I clearly can't." Dropping her gaze again she hugged him tightly her eyes closing once more as she cuddled closer into his side.
"Just some trouble at lunch, the storm will calm itself eventually. You really shouldn't stay here. I don't think you understand just how cold it is going to get." She raised her eyebrow her soft silver orbs breaking the gaze she had been holding so that she could follow his own down to his hands watching as he showed her some of what he could do, the small delicate figure of a ballerina now sitting in the palms of his hands. Ice sculptures, and the one he now held in his hands was nothing but beautiful. His father would defiantly be proud when she spoke to him next. "It's going to get so cold in here that water will freeze in minutes. I'll be okay but I don't think it's healthy for you to be here." He was worried about her, the thought of his sweet and considerate notion caused a smile to cross over her lips though he didn't have to worry. "Peter... Your concern is so heartwarming, but I am honest when I say that you will not hurt me. I'm here because of what I want to help you, I'm not going to leave you here in my sisters cabin alone." Standing up she moved around in front of him gently taking the sculpture from his hands before moving it over to a bedside table.

"You have been honest and sweet, concerned about my own health by staying here with you and for that I am very appreciative. Your a great person, your father will be very proud of you. You may not think you can trust me, Peter. And I know that you think I am an air-head prom queen, but I can assure you that I value intelligence as much as the next person." Turning her upper body around she looked back at him her hand coming up to brush back some of her long fiery hair, her silver orbs shining a deep brown as a streak of auburn showed through her fingertips. The silver and red coming back as she dropped her hand back to her side thinking about what to say next, "I'm not like the girls you see in the Aphrodite cabin, I do not gossip or spread what others say to me in confidence. You have my word, son of Boreas."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ManoftheNorth
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ManoftheNorth A Bear

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So the Aphrodite girls were just jealous of her... Oscar was an asshole, but he was right... There were people who cared about her here... And Adam didn't want and wasn't going to let her go even if she wanted to. Lifting her head slightly she looked up at him silently her head working a million miles per hour while her mouth and voice on the other hand didn't want to even try, she couldn't just lay there and stare at him... He was cute, definitely. Extremely attractive, by gods yes. But that wasn't the point. If she stared at him any longer without speaking she really would be considered a freak, "You're right... I'm sorry I even thought about leaving... It was stupid. Thank you Adam, for looking out for me when I clearly can't." Dropping her gaze again she hugged him tightly her eyes closing once more as she cuddled closer into his side.

Adam wanted to tell her that she wasn't stupid, and that she could look after herself. He wanted to say so many things, some of which he was sure would drive an awkward wedge between them if he did speak, but he kept quiet. He smiled warmly as she hugged him and his eyes closed slowly to the warmth of the moment. He hugged her back softly, but with care and wrapped his arms around her as she slid further into his side. His heart raced a moment, before settling to the nature of the hug and his calmed thoughts. He sighed softly in content as they sat there moment, in an a caring embrace before Adam finally spoke once more.

"Erin.. It isn't that you can't look out for yourself, it is just that I will always be here to look after you whether you need me to or not." He lowered his head slightly to rest it with her's and he sighed once more in content, this time certain he would stay quite. He had a bad knack for wanting to get the last word out, good or bad. He felt that in these sort of situations, the person giving comfort should get the last word, even though that wasn't always the case.
Chris stood over the stonework of his forge, the storm erupting all around. Blistering chills splintered the nerves of those around the camp and many sought the warmth of their cabins and the main building. Chris though, he was unaltered, and kept to his forge. He raised his hammer time and time again, pounding the finishing touches of the cherry red metal on his anvil. The fire in the pit of the forge rumbled to a smolder as the dying heat withered in the storm, but Chris continued on with the metal as he turned and dunked it into a pool of water next to his coal pile. The metal sizzled heavily under the cold of the water and steam filled the air about Chris, leaving only a simple outline left in his place.

The steam cleared, moments later, as the sound of metal and stone grinding together filled the air and Chris' ears. His new piece was being ground to an edge and with time, it was slowing pulling together to what he wanted, but it was going to take time. He slid the blade into a leather sleeve and then stood from the grinding wheel and heated the fire of the forge to produce more heat. He wasn't cold, but he didn't want the chance to overcome his current state of adrenaline and unnerving power. Once the fire was large, and roaring through the air of the forge he returned to his new project and the grind wheel. The wheel spun to life and the metal clashed with the stone creating a storm of it's own formed of the sparks of creation. The sparks halted and the sound of metal and stone clashing ended as he lifted the metal up to inspect the edge, half an hour passed over all, and it was finally finished. He stood from the grinding wheel and held the project firmly in his right hand while muttering to himself a moment.

"The balance... the weight... the form..." He muttered as he shifted his stance with the metal object in his hand and he seemed to dance about the Forge, but in a masculine manner, like a warrior's dance across the field. "Father..." He added in a whisper as he pressed the blade above the forge's fire and watched it glimmer brilliantly. "Silver's light... Silverlight... of course. My new blade will be dubbed 'Silverlight." He held the grand new blade, a metallurgy creation of steel and silver, a blade fit for a Demi-god. It held nothing anymore special then any other blade, aside from it's silver and what Silver was strong against. It was said forging a metallurgy weapon of Silver could have repercussions for a Forgemaster and their forge, but none were evident to Chris.

Chris stepped a few feet from the main part of his forge, and was now at the set-off part of his Forge's location that held all of his tanning and leatherworking materials and tools. He took up a long thick, wide section leather and his leather knife, a long and thin, yet sturdy, blade designed to cut and section thicker leathers with ease. The leather was dark and held a deep midnight color to it, almost as if it had hints of blue in it, and he began to square it off in the shape of a square sheath. Then after getting the square he began the tedious work of detailing the shape further for a Saber's Sheath. Once all of the pieces were ready he took up a few pieces of metal, tacks, and leather thread strips and began assembling the sheath. The finished product was a naturally black leather sheath, tipped and based in silver, with burgundy leather strips tying the seam down the outer side of the sheath. He looked in a sense pride over his creations, a blade and it's sheath, both of which were designed to accent him as a person. He poured his heart and soul into both the blade and it scabbard. A silver metallurgy blade, a Forgemaster's grand creation, and a sheath of pure Night Wolf leather, a hunter's trophy tool. His father and his legacy, both parts of the man that was Chris Levins, rolled into a single unit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nikolai ran in front his half brothers, all were drenched in sweat and rainwater most of them panting like dogs. Nikolai himself was breathing heavily, they exited the woods and found themselves back at the camp. Nikolai looked at the group and saw them collapse to the dirt, some put their hands on their knees and retch. He smiled remembering his first 4 miles, he stood tall against the rain. Trying to embody the type of person they'd need to become. He saw some with expressions of turmoil on their faces, he willed his words to come out.

"Get inside!," he said approaching Clovis and pulling him off the floor, " Everyone inside now!"

Nikolai pushed his brothers forward across the green grass and into the hypnos cabin, he grimaced looking at the sky. A storm like this was not a good sign, he saw a younger child fall and he scooped him up. The Hypnos kids made it back to their cabin and Nikolai looked out the door with a look of utter annoyance.

He turned away from them and returned into cabin, he strapped on his leather breastplate and fastened the handle of his axe to his belt. He looked at his brothers and saw them sleeping soundly in their beds, he couldnt help but feel confused and envious at them. He looked to the kid from earlier.

"How do they all just drop like that," he asked the kid. The boy shrugged and leaned back on his bunk and closed his eyes. Nikolai sighed and drummed his fingers on chestplate and layed back on his bed, he wasnt comfortable sleeping right now. What if something happened, what if a tree caught fire from lightening, what if the camp itself just blew away.
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