"Katherin and Julius, Roxy and Myra, Marshal and Kyo, Cenhelm and David, Liz and Nixie." The housekeeper explained. "You will go up to the gym after eat."
Cenhelm looked around and saw that David wasn't down here yet. He decided that this was probably going to be the best time to think of a strategy. So, he can read minds, so he can use that to know what I am doing. I guess the best thing to do would be to fight without thinking what I am about to do he thought. He stopped thinking about the strategy before David came down. He continued to eat.
"She is dangerous I know and I expect to get my butt handed to me on a silver platter. But before that why not have some fun?" Myra asks still smiling brightly.
"Because Roxy will fry you. If you piss her off enough she might lose control and fry us all. I can heal you guys but not myself. So do me a favor and don't push her too much." Liz said with a shutter.
Katherin carefully picked up the muffin and began nibbling on it. "You don't have to worry Myra. I'm sure if you can touch her you'll see something that will cause Roxy to lose without risking anyone.
Nixie got bored just sitting there, so, she got up and stood on the floor. She closed her eyes and felt herself going into the form of a Lynx. When she opened everyone was taller than her.