Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Aristo said
Sounds a-okay to me.

Great, I'll just wait for a word back from Winter too, to make sure she's okay with it as well.

I meant to ask, too, Winter - who is the artist for your images? They're pretty cool.
Also, stockings. Guaranteed to make your GM dribble like an idiot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
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MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Silverwind Blade said
who is the artist for your images? They're pretty cool.

Tailsrulz a.k.a. Vulpine Studios

Don't ask me how I know that
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm at work so I'm posting this from my phone. That'd be fine, though as an alternative I thought that maybe she could be called as reinforcement after the other pilot is disabled and or killed in combat. It could make fr some juicy story telling and that way I could still do the greetings and introductions with her.

Lol I'll remember that when I need something from you IC :P

I'll get the artist for you when I get home ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Winter said
I'm at work so I'm posting this from my phone. That'd be fine, though as an alternative I thought that maybe she could be called as reinforcement after the other pilot is disabled and or killed in combat. It could make fr some juicy story telling and that way I could still do the greetings and introductions with her.

That would be good to have the introductions done, and if we lose someone, then it kind of proves that the enemy are actually dangerous too, which is probably worth thinking about.

Lol I'll remember that when I need something from you IC :P

Dammit. My one weakness, exposed!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'll try to post ASAP boss! And I remember seeing some of V.S on Ifunny.. I do not know how it ended up there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Silverwind Blade said
That would be good to have the introductions done, and if we lose someone, then it kind of proves that the enemy are actually dangerous too, which is probably worth thinking about.

Dammit. My one weakness, exposed!

Awesome. Once you've made a post for the disabling or death, I'll jump in with a post. ^^

Prepare for the stockings!

Also I made the edits and switched out the flight unit for thrust jets. That way she can make short jumps and dashes instead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ramzam

Ramzam Squeaky Boi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll be posting soon...ish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

I'll wait for a few more replies before I post again. The battle shouldn't last too long, as I'm keen to move us on quickly into the meaty bits of the plot and keeping things going.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yes sir! I would post but yesterday and today work happened! BUT DO NOT WORRY! I WILL POST WHEN I GET HOME TONIGHT!

Hrm.. Should I think over a co-pilot like last time? XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Cartwright said
Hrm.. Should I think over a co-pilot like last time? XD

You're welcome to have one as an NPC if you like - after all, most attack helos have two crewmen, so it would fit.

Also, I just realized I hadn't added a theme to my character since we started. I've now gone back and amended this >.>
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

I just need to point out that Adrian and Aiden, your team wasn't investigating a warehouse, it was a copper mine. I think Adrian went into one of the mine shafts for a look around before it collapsed partially, and then the booby-trapped GEAR exploded shortly after that.

Imagine your stereotypical mine-workings. Heavy machinery, multiple mine-shaft openings, narrow-gauge rails, all that lovely stuff.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
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MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

In my head, I saw all that plus a warehouse to store mine-related stuff, but I'll rectify that when I get to a PC
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MusesFallFirst


Member Offline since relaunch

"The Militia may be gone, but Reeza still here 'tupids...dat's more den enough to take you out!"

Name: Reeza Whiteflash

Age: 21

Species: Ferret

Appearance: 4'11, lithe girl. She often dresses in the brightest or most bizzare outfits she can get her paws on. Her fur is white, when it's not covered in soot, oil, or god knows what she gets into. Her eyes are bright blue, with one chipped fang. She wears a relic weapon holster, reminiscent of the wild west for her revolver. On her back is her blade, when combat begins she will move the sword to a mag-clip at her side.

Her hair is kept in two bright pink pigtails, something that is a point of pride for Reeza.

Personality: Described as a cyber-punk ninja by her allies. A loud-mouthed sharp edged nuisance by her enemies. Reeza earned her stay on the Borderlands of the Country. Fighting alongside the misfit group "The Fuzzy Militia", she often lead the crew into their escapades with fervor. Reeza is often fearless in combat, determined to prove herself to those she fought beside. Often believing that the bigger they are, the better the bounty!

Off the battlefield, Reeza shows a different side, mostly...more of a sugar-fueled brat with an endless curiosity for machines and to understand the world about her. When the Militia was docked, she was often found in the arcades, or building machines to better the children of the Border Towns. Often the signs of the Militia can be the mechanical critters left behind by Reeza.

Personal History: Reeza came up in a bordertown that when asked if she could remember where. She wouldn't remember either due to her adventures or by blocking it out. Thanks to her agility and penchant for getting into trouble, she was sent to a temple that taught the ills of the new world. Technology is frowned upon, and the sanctity of the blade is all. Reeza, began as an earnest student. Her desire to understand often causing her to clash against the elder's views. Often she escaped into the neighbouring communities, and watched the machines, LCD's and GEARS.

Due to her fascination of tech, and the not playing well with others eventually found Reeza ejected from the temple. Into the real world, Reeza found something that called to her ferrety instincts. Technology, GEAR's, explosions, and so many video games!!

Reeza attempted to enroll into the Military, running into both ridicule for her speech, and her short temper resulted in her being discharged for less then noble conduct. Accepting defeat as gracefully as a stim-fueled ferret did. She ended up challenging anyone to prove she deserved to be a pilot. This resulted in her challenging the leader of a mercenary group, "The Fuzzy Militia," The Kommanda, the boss of the group whumped her quite soundly. He was intrigued by the little misfit, she had no military or formal training, and to be honest, probably a threat to everything around her.

She had potential, so he made her an offer. Gave her a GEAR, and let her prove she had what it takes. She accepted and never looked back.. The Kommanda trained Reeza in being a pilot, and a capable GEAR pilot. He found Reeza still fought wildly, but she began to understand why the Kommanda fought. She later found a passion for the Kommanda's books. Especially the stories revolving around blade wielding guardians who protected those who couldn't fight for themselves.

Eventually, this family had to leave too. They bit off more then they could chew, and were dispatched by a group of GEAR's that decimated the Militia. Finding a final transmission by the Kommanda, Reeza left for a cabin that housed a GEAR she'd never seen before. It was ancient, and almost felt like a living beast. The roar that shook the valley when Pandora was awoken was Reeza's promise to the Kommanda. She would keep fighting, he lived his life helping others. She'd do her best to live up to his legacy!

Pandora, a Military GEAR that left her with more questions then before. However, Reeza knew the Militia still had a job to do. Kick some butt! The reappearance of Pandora brought Reeza to the attention of the L.D.F. and a connection to the Kommanda's past. Silverwind Blade and his Roughrider's weren't the Fuzzy Militia, but they were close enough and could put up with Reeza's limitless energy. Besides, he promised to tell Reeza about when the Kommanda actually had a real name, between that and all the enemies Reeza could swing her blade at.

Good enough for her!

Personal Weapons and Equipment: XF Blade 03-Ragnorak. A specialized blade created by the Military, fueled by a power cell located in the hilt. Capable of cutting through more dense alloys then a standard sword, allowing the wielder to hold their own against armed soldiers. The hilt contains a modified trigger grip, allowing the wielder to eject the blade for a speed-draw.

Militia-Modified Revolver. "Mr. Fluffy" Reeza's modified six slug revolver, more of a hand cannon. Reeza has several modified bullets to stun, incinerate, or armor piercing. Carries three quickloaders with various ammo combinations.

Reeza-tech Goggles- A pair of steampunkish goggles Reeza has created. Syncing up to her own server, the goggles provide Reeza with mathematical and statistical probabilities of various enemies, weapons, tech, even aiming potential. Anyone with a grasp of how her mind works can view through these goggles and be fed the same data, although may be dizzied by the amount of data pumped to the wearer.

Outfits varying.

Three jars of Bordertown "Nuclear pink" hair dye. Ingredients unknown. Almost positively unhealthy.

Personal Theme: Lumberjanes by Adam Warrock.

Mecha Sheet

Gear Name & Serial Number: Pandora SR003


The GEAR is decorated with symbols of the Fuzzy Militia, including a garish pink pigtailed caricature of Reeza on the back of Pandora. Along the one arm is the name of each GEAR that fought and fell alongside her. Reeza doesn't believe in an afterlife, but will carry the memory of her friends into combat!

Role: Close Ranged Assault, underwater recon.

Normal Loadout: Two XF blades mounted within the fins of the GEAR's arms. Cluster Missles in each bay designed for short range damage. Mortar launcher located in the body, smoke, and explosive rounds. An aftermarket modification resulted in the "jaw" of Pandora operating as it's own weapon. Designed to latch onto it's prey with a missile combo for additional damage..

Other Systems & Equipment: Sonar, along with a small repair bay that Reeza can use to perform basic repairs on her GEAR and any other nearby. Cupcake, mechanical Guinea pigs, drones designed by Reeza as additional scouts can be deployed. Each one is painted crudely to look "cute". They also broadcast a rather large GEAR matching Pandora, leading the enemy to firing upon Cupcake instead.

Heat concealing armor and stealth tech, allowing the pilot to get in range of her XF blades to do damage.

Other notes: Pandora was piloted by Commander [REDACTED], it's disappearance was assumed due to the original pilot's fall in combat. It's designation was originally as an underwater scout to get closer to the enemy and determine numbers. It was modified and upgraded to mimic the original pilots fascination with the Samurai. Due to cost, this line's scout brethren are still active. This version has been discontinued.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Yey, Reeza (and of course, inked-now-muse) is back!

Once your sheet is up and ticking, I'll work out a way to introduce you. Probably at the same time as Winters' character, as that will make sense :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MusesFallFirst


Member Offline since relaunch

Can I use Pandora. Her blade wielding gear?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MusesFallFirst


Member Offline since relaunch

Double post. Sorry!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Yeah, the forum is a little buggy - sometimes you'll end up with double, or even triple, posts.

As for Pandora, possibly - close combat weapons aren't as emphasised, but as per the current battle, there are a few pilots who tend towards close-range, high-speed striking GEARs. Mainly for flanking and attacking slower-moving or support GEARs and vehicles, and using their speed to fade away quickly before getting torn apart by gunfire.
You'd have to use a lot of stealth, speed and wits to avoid being shot to bits to get into close-combat range, but it could work. It'd be a good partner for HopelessIncubus' character and his GEAR, which is a scout and also tends to be close-range, but can also double as a marksman.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MusesFallFirst


Member Offline since relaunch

Well if you don't mind helping me modify like last time I'm always up for the help :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

More people! Hurray!

Oh and @ Silver: Looking over ze acknowledgement I guess I will try to arrange that extra char to jump in after ze mission ((If ze colonel doesn't get occupied right away XD)) ze question is: should I develop a small CS or something? I mean all I got are.. *Sifts through canine CSs* o.o
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
Avatar of Rhona W

Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

MusesFallFirst said
Well if you don't mind helping me modify like last time I'm always up for the help :)

No problem at all - always glad to help out. We have the whole of mecha anime to use as a reference and inspiration, and (as I'm sure you'll be shocked to know), that is kind of my expert area. And All of us, as well as me, will be happy to give you a hand, as we have in the past.

Cartwright said
More people! Hurray! Oh and @ Silver: Looking over ze acknowledgement I guess I will try to arrange that extra char to jump in after ze mission ((If ze colonel doesn't get occupied right away XD)) ze question is: should I develop a small CS or something? I mean all I got are.. *Sifts through canine CSs* o.o

Ach, mein German is not being too good, mein friend Cart! But if I must translate your vords, I would imagine zat you are saying zat you vould like to introduce your co-pilot shortly? After ze current operation is concluded?

That's enough of that. But yeah, feel free to introduce them at the same time as Winter and Muses' characters. We can work something out between all three of us to introduce them all once we return to the Landcruiser with the information gained from this mission. I will try to get a post up moving things onward toward that goal tomorrow or on Sunday.
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