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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A quick, cruddy post. Sorry guys work got my brain fried X-x
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Silverwind Blade said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ramzam

Ramzam Squeaky Boi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I did a stupid and went 24 hours on 3 hours of sleep and caught some kind of bug. It's making it kind of hard to think, so whatever I was going to do here, I'll have to delay it until I'm not paste on the wall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Hello, everyone. Sorry for the delay in posting. Between my hand being hurt and otherwise kind of feeling rushed around, I haven't managed to get a post up. And the times I have logged into the site, I've kind of sat there just looking at the screen and finding it more of a chore to write something than a joy.

I will try and get something up in the next few days, but as I said previously: the frequency might go down for a while until I can find this more fun than a job I don't get paid for, and don't get much reward from. I may be concentrating on doing other things for a while too. But, I will be keeping GEARs alive, and it's probably going to be my only RP for a while as well, since it's the most developed and I lubs it so. Also, I really like all of you guys who play - you're all friendly, fun people to chat to in the OOC as well as in the game, and I'd legit miss all of you if I wasn't here.

So, yeah - New post will be coming soon-ish, and things might be a bit more relaxed for a while. But we will be going on!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowman215
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Shadowman215 The Necrotic Nerd

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sorry about not posting, doc said I had to take a break, else id get carpal tunnel
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowman215
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Shadowman215 The Necrotic Nerd

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sorry about not posting, doc said I had to take a break, else I'd apparently get carpal tunnel, had a scan of my wrist and somehow half of the tendons were inflamed
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

I know that feeling all too well at the moment - I'm still having trouble with my wrist too, so having to try and cut down a lot on posting, as I work on a computer all day too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
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MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Overdueeee, grr, I know! I've been struggling to find time and write, but that doesn't mean my dedication for this RP is wavering!

Also, I am really sorry to hear such news about your wrist, Silver. :c

I do hope you'll get well soon, though! ^0^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

No worries, man! Like I said, I'm trying to keep things being a bit more casual than pressing everyone to post all the time.
And thanks - my wrist is slowly getting better, but it'll take a while! Thankfully I'm left-handed, so it's not a huge issue, but having to try and learn to use the mouse with my left hand instead of right is... challenging. Especially with things like certain programs and commands in them too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowman215
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Shadowman215 The Necrotic Nerd

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A post should be up tomorrow
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Shadowman, I'm a little confused by your post - Our team weren't engaged by any hostiles at all so far, and where we are is suspiciously quiet, rather than anyone showing up at all. I'm not really a fan of players introducing elements into a scene without asking either - it can really throw things off, and I believe I even mention it in the game rules too.
I actually had a really bad experience with that in an RP I ran, and it nearly derailed the plot, so I'm very set against it as a result.

In the meantime, post is incoming from me
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowman215
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Shadowman215 The Necrotic Nerd

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alright, Ill wait for your post and just roll with that. Sorry about that..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Made a post updating everyone with what's happening in their respective areas. New bad guys have appeared... and they mean business...
I look forward to the replies. I'm eager to get this battle into it's main and end phase, as the REAL plot will start once we get the intel and hostages back...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hm, so yeah. I have too many RPs under my belt. Gonna have to drop this one, so I guess you can either NPC Arcade or have him die in an epic fashion of some sort.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Well, thanks for letting me know. It's a shame after all that waiting and holding your place that you're dropping out, but I can't really comment since I dropped a bunch lately for the same reason. See you around!

Aristo, guess this means you're free to post as soon as you see fit. And no more excuses about waiting for ASTA any more either :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Rightyo! I guess Myrina's on her own for now. Should one of the OPFOR get a good shot on him?

I'm bogged with senior projects and just now escaping midterms, so I should guess I'll have a post later in the week.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Let's give this another go. I'm gonna try a different character for a change too.

Character Sheet

Character Name: Christina Moore
Nick Names: Chris or Christa
Age: 22
Species: Bengal Tiger


Christa is an incredibly strong willed individual who isn't afraid to show her talents in the field when presented with an opportunity, often volunteering herself for the tougher fights and harder responsibilities, sometimes even getting herself into trouble where she can sustain serious damage due to pushing herself too hard. That isn't to say she isn't disciplined though, as she appears to respond well to authority and respects the chain of command. To speak too she is pleasant and respectful, often eager to have a good chat full of laughs and good banter. However she does have a serious side which tends to present itself in the field and mission based scenarios. Christa does have the capacity for a temper and consistent provoking or pushing will usually be the cause of her outbursts, although she'll usually seek to mend the fallout once she's had some time to calm down. Some of her biggest personality traits are her unyielding loyalty, her resolve and her persistence. She doesn't give up without a fight and pushes a hundred and ten percent into every aspect of her job role.

Personal History:

Christa entered her career as a GEAR pilot just like any other, passing her physical and mental examinations and completing all the necessary training required to become a pilot. However it wasn't until she was observed in the field that her talents were realized, completing orders without fail as well as going beyond the boundaries of her orders to ensure the safety of her comrades and the people they were sworn to protect. She demonstrated flawless skill in combat and appeared to have a good head for strategy which was when her superiors decided she was suited for a training course in advanced battle strategy. Following the completion of the course she was seen to participate in a few more teams, taking part in two major fights which were believed to have been secured thanks to her and a few others pilots present during the engagements. Christa soon began to build a reputation among the higher authorities and it was because of her accomplishments that she was eventually recommended to the command of the Parvan's Claw.

Personal Weapons and Equipment:

- Combat Pistol
- Combat Knife
- Sub machine gun

Personal Theme:

Mecha Sheet

Gear Name & Serial Number: ATAM Sovereign


The primary role for the ATAM Sovereign variant is assault, often seen with ranged weaponry as well as close quarter weaponry in order to maximize range efficiency at multiple ranges. Equipment such as a medium ranged radar and tracking software are also included on this model along with a flight unit in order for the GEAR to perform quick dashes and jumps to close gaps between enemies at close range, or to avoid damage of course. This particular variant is usually favored among assault strategists, however this particular model is brand new and is currently undergoing field testing as it had more up to date equipment compared to the previous Sovereign models.

Normal Loadout:

x1 Sniper Lance (Doubles as a primary and melee)
x1 Assault Rifle
x1 Combat Shield (Right arm)
x4 Thrust jets (Located on arms and legs)

Other Systems & Equipment:

x1 Thermal Camo armor
x2 Chaff pods
x1 Medium range radar
x1 Searchlight
x1 Laser designation system
x1 Frequency & Satellite up link

Other notes:

None yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Looks good to me, although the GEAR wouldn't be able to be equipped with a flight unit at this stage of the game, as that tech isn't fully developed (our 1x1 takes place in a slightly off-center version of the universe, where the tech is a bit more advanced). Otherwise Chris looks good, as does the Sovereign.
Although, I would advise editing your systems and equipment for your 'thermal cameo system' ;-)

In terms of introducing her, my recommendation would be that, if it's okay with yourself and if Aristo is okay with it too, we just drop you into ASTA's position, and just pretend you were with us all along, and are backing up Myrina. It saves having to do any plot gymnastics to introduce you, or to explain where he's gone and killing him off too.

I'll add the CS to the OP later on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Silverwind Blade said
In terms of introducing her, my recommendation would be that, if it's okay with yourself and if Aristo is okay with it too, we just drop you into ASTA's position, and just pretend you were with us all along, and are backing up Myrina. It saves having to do any plot gymnastics to introduce you, or to explain where he's gone and killing him off too.

Sounds a-okay to me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MachineSoul
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MachineSoul Ghost in the limelight.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I will claim the 1000th OOC post position because I want to achieve this in my life.

You can now carry on with your day
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