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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
Avatar of Aphelion

Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rain pitter-pattered against her oiled cloak as she strode at a determined pace towards the Ranger Headquarters. Her face was pulled into a hard scowl that told the Rangers milling around the entrance not to mess with her as she passed by. The sword at her waist managed to drive the point home further. Behind her, Aragorn was hurrying to keep up as he wrapped his wings around his body to stave off the brunt of the cold. The double-doors of the lobby slid open at their approach.

Eloise shrugged off the wet and cold that would normally set people to shivering. She shook her cloak out in the lobby of the re-purposed hotel. Since the Rangers had come to take over, the place had begun acquire a more modern look but it still held its stately elegance underneath the newer bells and whistles. She thought it was shameful to ruin the old hotel so, but she had no say in the matter. Once her cloak was properly free of most of the droplets of rain, she swung it back over her shoulders and continued to the large semi-circle desk that occupied the wall opposite of the entrance.

As she approached, one of the clerks behind it addressed Eloise without looking up at her. His eyes were fixated on the stacks of papers he was shuffling through. “State your Divison, name, and business.” His voice was nasal and his tone humdrum, as if nothing mattered to him. Eloise wanted to punch him instantly.

“Gale, Eloise Fenmar, and I'm here to attend a meeting with Grand Warden Zachary Moreau.” She said in a harsh voice, her one eye boring into the clerk. He looked up at her as she spoke and recoiled slightly at the sight of her. “It's important, so hurry it up!” She growled, slamming her fist onto the desk. As if to punctuate her statement, Aragorn flapped his wings. The droplets of water clinging to his webbed appendages showered everything in the near vicinity, causing anyone else nearby to take an extra step back to avoid being splashed. Eloise wasn't bothered, but the now-drenched clerk behind the desk stood gaping at them with his mouth open in a large “O” as if he couldn't believe what had just happened.

The clerk's face quickly went from surprise to livid with anger, but he kept whatever he wanted to say behind pursed lips. “The Grand Warden is down the hall to your left. He'll be in the conference room F.” His tone was filled with spite this time and he bit off each word. Eloise wanted to punch him less, now.

Without a reply, Eloise turned on the heels of her boots and strode that way immediately. Aragorn followed dutifully, but before he turned down the hall to follow Eloise, he stuck out his tongue and cackled at the clerk's misfortune. The clerk's face went red and he hurled a cup of pens at Aragorn's retreating back, missing the Pokemon and shattering the glass on the wall next to him. The Noivern's cackles carried down the hall as he followed Eloise.

She passed many doors on her march down the long hall, and noted that nearly all of the rooms were in use, which was odd. Some of the doors stood ajar as if meetings had just adjourned, and the stragglers spoke together in urgent, hushed tones. Other than those glimpses into open rooms, she didn't run into anyone else in the halls, which suited her just fine. She was not in the mood for pleasantries.

She turned left at an intersection, following the sign that pointed that way for conference room F. When she looked down the hall, clear as day, a Charizard that she recognized to be the Grand Warden's stood in front of a closed door marked with the letter F. It watched them approach with its intelligent looking eyes. When they got closer, it turned and pushed open the door, allowing them entrance to the room. Inside, the imposing figure that was the Grand Warden, was hunched over the circular table that claimed the center of the room. He seemed preoccupied with studying what was on it. On the table itself was a holographic map of Hoenn.

Eloise felt her insides sink. Her suspicions became more justified, but she kept her decorum. “Grand Warden Moreau, sir.” She said with a salute, standing at attention while the weathered man continued to study the map. The brief silence that followed was filled with her mind screaming at her. They captured Erik, didn't they? He's dead, isn't he?

“I'll cut to the chase. You and Keeper Falston were good friends, were you not?” He stood to his full height of 6-foot-something and walked around the table to stand nearer to her. His blue eyes seemed to pierce right through her.

“Yes, sir. He is my best friend.” She replied, stressing that she wasn't going to refer to Erik in the past-tense. Her one eye shone with intensity when she met his eyes. She realized she was being disrespectful, but she wouldn't lower her gaze. Not today. Not about this.

He studied her for a moment then nodded. “Good, you have hope. That's what you'll need when you go to Hoenn with the rest of the task force.” He gestured to the map suspended in mid air over the metal surface.

Without missing a beat, Eloise stepped forward to examine it. “Keeper Falston. He went there to gather intelligence about Team Zodiac. He hasn't been heard from for a month and a half.” The idea of exploring that foreign land didn't excite her nearly as much as it would have under different circumstances.

He gave her an affirmative nod. “Grand Watcher Argenta Lambert personally asked me to assign you to find him. However, you have more important duties while you're out there so keep in mind that finding Keeper Falston is a side mission. Let me fill you in on your true mission...”

Two hours later, Eloise was in a worse mood than before. She sat in the conference room with only Aragorn for company. She cradled her head between her hands as she propped her elbows on the table and mulled over the briefing that the Grand Warden had given her. She couldn't even imagine the gall it took for Rangers, highly trained and disciplined, to betray their own and join the likes of a Team. Her face seemed to be fixed in a permanent scowl, the more she dwelt on that thought.

“Unforgivable!” She spat out finally, causing Aragorn to jump slightly at the sudden sound. She stood, glared at the map of Hoenn like it was the one to blame for her current mood, and stomped out of the room. As always, Aragorn followed, but gave her a much wider berth than before.

Three days later...

Eloise and her fellow Kalosian Rangers had arrived at a small private dock located on Route 104N earlier in the morning. They were all weary from their journey across the ocean. The trip had been anything but pleasant. It awarded Eloise with more time to dwell on her anger, which set her on edge. Unfortunately, there was no way to vent her frustration on the tiny vessel. She and Ensign Hughes Campbell nearly had fisticuffs on the boat due to a small disagreement. They had situated themselves apart from each other since, to avoid any repeats.

They were in the lobby of the Ranger Headquarters in Rustboro City now. They had made the two-hour long walk from the small dock while morning dew still blanketed the ground. They were here to report to the ranking officers, as was customary for any foreign Ranger to do upon arriving in a new region. Eloise had taken a chair to sit in, and Aragorn napped peacefully next to her. Mornings weren't his thing.

One of the other Rangers, Lieutenant Holly Bright, still looked green around the gills from her time on the ocean. Eloise had to help the younger Ranger to the ladies' room on more than one occasion during their journey. Currently, Holly was slumped against her Metagross, in an effort to make herself less likely to hurl the contents of her stomach up.

Holly noticed Eloise staring at her and returned Eloise’s stare with an apologetic smile. Something about Holly made Eloise want to hug the girl and tell her that it was no problem. Eloise fought that urge and quickly looked the other way.

Between her and Hughes sat Keeper Virgil Moon. He was such a stark contrast to her friend, Keeper Erik Falston, that Eloise couldn't help but judge Virgil based off of that fact.

On the far side of Hughes stood the final Ranger of their party, Captain Lain Ickeringill. He was a lithe man with a swimmer's body and a tan. He was leaning against the wall with his arms folded. “How do they do things in this backwards country?” He muttered loud enough for only them to hear. “We've been waiting for nearly four hours. I want to get a good swim in before I grow old and die.”

“Don't be a fuckin' twat.” Hughes smacked Lain lightly across the back of the head. “I wouldn't mind a bloody smoke, though.” His hand twitched toward the pocket of his pants where he kept his cigarettes.

It was just then that the double doors to their left burst open and a swollen stream of Rangers marched out of the large hall. The din of conversation rose to uncomfortable levels, but Eloise could pick out some of what the passersby were saying.

All of it had to do with Team Zodiac in one fashion or another. Sicknesses caused by the lack of modern medical care. The death count was racking up and citizens were pointing the blame towards the Rangers, instead of where it truly belonged. Rangers seceding. Chaos. Eloise blamed the Hoenn Rangers too. They hadn't been vigilant enough to stop Team Zodiac from sinking its roots into this region and taking hold.

When the throng of people died down, she leaned down to pat Aragorn on his head. The tired Noivern looked at her pleadingly to let him sleep, but she shook her head curtly in response. Defeated, he stood up and so did she. “Sorry. There's just no time for that.” Eloise murmured to him and gave his ears a good scratch, to try to cheer him up. It wasn't very effective in raising his spirit.

Hughes and the others were already heading in to the large hall that had just emptied. She bade Aragorn to follow and walked several paces behind the rest of her party. On the far side of the room, a group of people congregated with their Pokemon on the stage. Eloise could only assume that they were the ranking officers who had just held the sizable meeting.

One of them noticed their party walking in and waved them over. When Eloise got closer, she noted that the one who waved them over was a buxom woman with inky black hair pulled tight into a pony tail, and a smattering of freckles decorated her cheekbones. Her eyes were bright green above those freckles. The woman's attire screamed gym-goer. At the her side was a shiny Arcanine who seized the Kalos party up. After a moment, it let out a “harrumph!” and wagged its tail.

“You darlings look like the Kalos party we've been expecting.” The woman said, hopping down from the upraised platform. The other Rangers on the platform dispersed, leaving them alone with the voluptuous lady.

Just as Eloise was going to introduce herself and the others, Hughes took the lead. “I'm Ensign Hughes Campbell, and these are my fellow Rangers. This is-” Before he could introduce anyone else, however, the woman spoke over him.

“I don't give a flyin' shit what your names are, or what your ranks are, sweetie.” She said, waving her hand as if to brush his words aside. “You foreigners come into my region, you're gonna follow my rules – oh, take a seat.” She gestured to the fold-out chairs placed in neat rows through out the large hall.

Eloise narrowed her eyes and took a seat as instructed. Two of their members refused to take seats, however. Hughes and Lain. Eloise groaned internally. The two men had belligerent looks on their faces in response to the woman's words.

“Oh, you two darlings are gonna be just a bucket of swill.” The woman folded her arms under her ample bosom and gave them a cold stare. The Arcanine beside her began to growl low in its throat. Lain caved quickly and took a seat, but Hughes folded his own arms in front of him and stared the woman down.

Eloise was surprised that Hughes had made it as far as he had in the Rangers with the attitude he sported. She couldn't see any redeeming qualities about him, but maybe, just maybe, if she looked hard enough she'd find some. She doubted it, though.

With a snap of the woman's fingers, Arcanine lunged forward and shoved Hughes into the chair behind him with its large paws. It pulled its lips back to reveal sharp fangs as it growled at him. Hughes' Swanna swooped down to help its master. But, before his Pokemon could reach them, the woman had already snapped her fingers again and Arcanine trotted easily back to her side. Its tail began to wag again when it sat back down. Swanna landed on a chair next to Hughes hovered over her master protectively.

“Now, darlin', I'm going to introduce myself.” She plopped down on the edge of the stage. “I'm Grand General Vivian Lacrosse. You're all insignificant and a nuisance. I don't like you, but you're here.” She stopped to pat her Arcanine on its head. In the moment of silence, Eloise heard Hughes cussing underneath his breath.

“So, here's the deal. You're in my territory. You're intruders. But Team Zodiac is a whole lot fucking worse, so I can handle you. For now. You get in the way of any of my Rangers, I will deal with you personally. Wherever you happen to be.” Vivian pointedly looked at Hughes, singling him out as the trouble maker. “If I hear about you doing anything to the citizens of Hoenn, I will send my Rangers after you to fuck you up. You have no jurisdiction here, you might as well think of yourselves as Area Rangers again. You will comply with the rules and conditions set forth by any ranking Ranger of Hoenn.”

Eloise actually found herself liking the Grand General as the woman continued her spiel. If all of the Rangers in Hoenn were more like Vivian, then Team Zodiac would have found the region extremely inhospitable. At least, that was what Eloise thought.

“If you have any questions, thoughts, or concerns, I don't care. You have your mission to hunt down your renegade worthless pieces of Kalosian refuse who are infecting my region like a blight. Do it quickly, because if me or my Rangers get our hands on them, they're dead meat, darlings.” Vivian smiled, showing too much teeth. “Understood?”

Eloise had no problem with the Grand General's proclamation. Honestly, she wished that the Hoenn Rangers would find those betraying scumbags so that they would get the punishment they deserved for helping a group of villains. She already knew that in Kalos all that would happen for the renegades would be jail time. It was too cushy of a punishment for what they were doing.

Next to her, Eloise heard Holly gasp in horror as if the Grand General had already slaughtered all of the renegade Kalos Rangers. Eloise felt a pang of sympathy for the younger woman. Eloise didn't think Holly was prepared for this kind of job, but the higher ups had insisted that she was a necessary asset during the mission. Holly hugged her Metagross for comfort.

The men, Lain and Hughes especially, looked pissed off at the insults aimed at them. Virgil wore a mildly irritated expression in comparison. It seemed it was up to Eloise to be the rational member of their party. “Understood, ma'am.” Eloise replied simply.

“I hate ass-kissers, sweetie.” Vivian gaze swept to her. “Get the fuck out of here and make your visit in Hoenn a short one. For your sakes.” The Grand General stood and walked from the room, the Arcanine prancing by her side.

Silence filled the space while each of the members of the team digested the meeting they had waited nearly four hours for. For once, it wasn't Hughes who broke the silence.

“That woman is a bitch. Nice rack though.” Virgil stated simply. The other men agreed with laughter. Eloise heard Holly snort derisively.

After their laughing broke the tension, Hughes regained his usual demeanor. “Let's listen to the broad and get out of here then. I need a bloody smoke.”

The five of them exited the Ranger HQ and discussed what their plan of action should be. Being in the city was an unwise choice with the sicknesses getting worse and worse in close quarters. They started their journey to the outskirts of town.

Eloise wondered if Erik had met Vivian Lacrosse on his trip here just two months ago. She could see him trying to hit on the Grand General, and failing. Hard. The thought made her smile.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jonnyh447


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


The blinding light of the afternoon sun woke Newton, he'd overslept again. Without delay he wrestled himself free from Grump's ever tight embrace and shot to his feet. The Muk's actions matched Newton's emotions, with a mighty stretch the big purple slime began meandering about the campsite aimlessly. As Newton stood up, the nuts and bolts from last night's tinkering rolled off of his lap and onto the shallow amber sand that covered the entire southern valley. He set up camp in a small open cove knowing that Jonton and his crew were heading north, this alone put his mind at ease. After retrieving his fallen equipment Newton smothered the embers left from the small campfire he'd made and took a moment to take in his surroundings.

To look north he could see the treacherous, rocky cliff faces of Mt. Chimney, the jagged pass looked a most unwelcoming host when compared to the much smoother and hospitable climb of the Fiery path. South he could see where the uneven mountainous terrain turned to dense forest and the tiny forest clearing that would lead him directly to route 111. Going west would be going back to Lavaridge and the coast was east. As he decided which way to head the events from a few days ago rushed to his memory; the menacing look on Jonton's face, the cleaver coming down, the screaming, the blood.

Newton found himself caught up in the horrific memory, it kept happening lately, as he gazed vacantly into the distance it took all of about five minutes for something foreign to draw his attention. A Pokemon maybe, slowly headed towards the opening of the forest it dwarfed the nearby fauna, leaving a trail of flattened bush weeds and long-grass in its wake. Newton's vision had been getting worse as of late, as a boy he could spot the tiniest imperfections in devices that whizzed about him on never-ending conveyer belts, now he could barely read the small-print text on his own gauntlet. He knew he'd have to get closer if he was going to identify the roaming creature.

As Newton turned around ready to pack up his stuff he noticed that Grump was nowhere to be seen. Instead a trail of purple slime glistened in his place, a trail that could easily be traced to the Pokemon heading towards route 111. Letting out a sigh he rolled up his sleeping bag, picked up his sack and began following the slimy trail towards Grump who waited at the opening. With no wild Pokemon in sight Newton figured he'd let Miss Moans out. He rummaged through the various metal scraps and broken devices in his sack before finding Entei, he held the ball tight in his clutch as he considered the possibilities of unleashing the fantastic beast, how would it react? Would it like him? What if it didn't like him? He put the ball back before catching up to his more predictable companions, sorry buddy.

'What's the matter? Scared it's going to erupt?' Newton jibed, he liked to think he was going on an adventure wherein he'd decide things, not his Pokemon. Grump knew when he was being scolded, he'd always freeze in place and look blankly towards the ground with what Newton thought looked like an upside down smile. The face always made Newton laugh and as he did Grump relaxed again, leading the way to route 111. The Muk was beginning to smell normal again and Newton concluded it must've been the arid atmosphere surrounding Mt. Chimney.

The journey to Mauville was pretty uneventful, upon seeing the first signpost Newton recalled Miss Moans back into her pokeball - the last thing he wanted was to be chasing the Linoone around the city all day. In fact he wanted to be leaving for verdanturf by nightfall, that way at his pace he'd be back in Rustboro in about three days. I must tell Gaillard about the Fairfax bastard. Garrett's screams resonated through his head and before long Newton needed to find somewhere to take a seat.

As he wandered about Mauville thinking about Garret and whether or not the young trainer survived Newton barely noticed the looks of disdain being shot towards him and Grump by the few that passed him by. He always thought Mauville would be more heavily populated from the stories he'd heard, maybe it was the time of the year but there were more folks at Fallarbor than here. Eventually he found a small cafe with no customers, somewhere nice and quiet that he could just sit and clear his mind of what had happened in the mountains.

Cafe Coffee, very original Newton thought as he entered the cafe, the door was heavy and creaked open no wonder there's no customers, poor buggers can't even get through the door. The door became stuck as it was halfway open and with one big shove Newton found himself slamming the door wide open and cascading into the cafe with a great loud crash.

The cafe's interior was just as bland and unimaginative as its namesake, dull brown tapestry draped over grey cobblestone. An old-fashioned till made from bronze and copper and a few cheap looking tables and chairs made of the same material were all that accented the otherwise large and foreboding room.

'No! Nooo, no nonono... This. Out. Put it away.' The owner immediately corrected the table and chairs that Newton had crashed in to and gestured angrily towards Grump. She was a small, old lady with more wrinkles than Newton had ever seen on a person and a fiery attitude. He could tell immediately from her accent that she didn't grow up around Hoenn.

Before Newton could get bothered by the discrimination Grump began frowning at the elderly lady mouth agape in the shape of an upside down smile. Newton cracked a smile and his growing anger arisen from his friend's mistreatment quickly faded, 'look buddy can you wait outside? I won't be long, I promise.' Grump averted his gaze to Newton for a few seconds and after he'd made his mind up slunk down into a large, thin puddle and squeezed his way beneath the cafe door. 'Sorry for barging in like that... it's just the door...'

'Shit door. Very shit door. I try to change for long time but nobody listen to me, y'lo?' the old lady interrupted as she mopped up the mess that Grump had made. 'So you want drink? Coffee?' She asked as she returned to behind the till.

'Well actually, I was just looking for somewhere to rest for a while, collect my thoughts before continuing on my travels...' Newton replied, honestly.

'You no spend money. You go! This not hotel. This coffee shop!' The lady was already pretty pissed off about Grump and seemed to be getting increasingly more agitated at Newtons presence. As she reached for a nearby broom and began shuffling towards Newton he knew he'd be getting the boot if he didn't think fast.

'Hey, hey... Stop that,' the woman started prodding him with the brush, she was deceptively strong for a frail old woman. 'I'll fix the door, okay!? Let me stay for a while and I'll fix the door!' the woman ceased her attack, pondered for a while and once again returned to behind the till.

'Well? What you wait for? I make tea.' The lady put the large, silver kettle beside her to boil and began crushing some herbs into a small bowl. Letting out a small sigh Newton got to work on the broken door hinge. He expected it wouldn't take long and surely enough the door was as good as new, before the lady had even finished brewing the tea, too. As he sat down to relax again Newton considered that the job wasn't much of a chore, if anything it was a welcome distraction from thinking about what happened to Garrett.

Then he started to remember it all again, he could hear Garrett screaming as he clutched at where his arm used to be, memories of the blood soaking into the sand flooded his mind. When he thought of the blood he began visualising the gruesome dismemberments that he'd seen during his years at the factory. Images flashed through his mind, images that he couldn't stop. He could see Jonton's menacing scowl and he found himself once again becoming despondent, replaying the experience over and over.

The increasingly loud whistle being emitted from the kettle eventually pulled Newton back from his memory, he sat upright in his chair unaware if the lady had been speaking to him or not. All of a sudden the cafe door swung open and an elderly gentleman sullenly made his way inside. He wasn't expecting the door to be fixed.

The man was dressed particularly well, Newton noticed. A suede suit, dark brown in colour with a smart bowler hat that he respectfully took off upon entering the cafe. His shoulder-length hair was whiter than snow but he had a youthful look about him. The old geezer didn't shuffle along and slump over like other elderly people Newton had met and his skin had not one wrinkle, yet this man appeared weak, dragging his feet as though his shoulders weighed a tonne.

'Good evening, Sun! Got back just in time for tea, aye?' The man asked rhetorically as he gave the elderly woman a tight embrace, he spoke with a warm tone in his voice, soothing almost. He removed his jacket and took a seat on Newton's table 'Don't mind, do you?'

'Not at all.' Newton lied, there were plenty of other tables, if anything this was the dirtiest of the lot. He'd learned the hard way that people avoid filth and dirt, with age he used this fact to get away from people. People would leave him alone in the sewers, leave him alone if he wore dirty, stain-covered clothes, yet this man was different.

'Got that door sorted then?' He asked Sun, who was placing two porcelain saucers out on the table, one for each of her guests.

'This young man fix. Good boy.' She gave Newton a beaming smile as she poured the coffee, after adding some milk she went back to the till, Newton wondered how long she'd stay up for - it was already pretty late and the chances of another customer didn't look too good. Yet she stood, waiting. She seemed much happier now at least.

'So a good boy huh? A good boy with a good story I bet. What brings you to Mauville?' The man stirred his tea as he spoke. How does he know that I'm not from around here?

'Is it that obvious?' Newton stirred his own tea. The man paused for a moment and let his eyes wander around Newton's shoddy outfit. He didn't typically like being judged by others but this felt different, as though this well-dressed gentleman deserved to judge him. It was an unusual feeling that Newton couldn't shake or explain but before he could fill the silence with words the old man pulled a dark wooden box about the size of his forearm from his bag and laid it flat on the table.

'It was your friend outside, don't see many like that 'round these parts' he gestured towards the window. Newton couldn't help but wonder what was inside the box. Looking through the half-closed shutters he caught a glimpse of Grump squandering about in the rain, he couldn't keep his buddy waiting much longer. He took a sip of his tea, it was piping hot but surprisingly delicious, it was a relief to feel his insides warmed by the broth after spending so long on the road.

'Quite an uninteresting story, actually.'

'Oh come on now!' the man pleaded, 'even the most boring people have an interesting story or two to tell. Take me for instance; my name's Giddy. I've got a brother named Gaddy, do you have any brothers or sisters?'

Newton took another glug from his tea, it was beginning to cool a little and as scintillating as this old man's conversation was he knew that if he stayed much longer he wouldn't much feel like hitting the road again before sunrise. He'd also met people that like to talk a lot before, too. He wondered what was in the box. Although the man had friendly intentions Newton was quick to remind himself that he wasn't here to make friends 'No sir, I do not.'

'Without my brother; Gaddy, my niece would never have been born, precious thing she is...' The old man reached into his pocket and pulled out a black wallet with a fancy, ornate fist clamping it shut. Gaddy unclamped the wallet and leaned over to show Newton a picture of his niece, she was picturesque, that he could not deny. Gaillard would have liked her a lot. 'Her father moved her and her mother; my sweet sister, to Kalos on her seventh birthday. She is dead now. May the gods bless her soul, she was everything I had and I let him take it away from me.'

Newton could tell the old fella was fighting back the tears now, he felt sympathetic towards the man, hearing stories of heartache and sorrow made him think of Michelle and how much he misses her. His eyes darted to the wooden box before he wrestled his focus back to the old man. 'I'm sorry to hear about your niece, maybe you should find your brother, he may need ...' Before Newton could finish the man burst into tears.

'Don't you understand!? He killed them. He took them away from me and he killed them both!' Gaddy struggled to speak through his whimpering but it didn't take him long to realise the situation he'd put Newton in and almost as quickly as it began the broken man gained back some composure. 'You might as well have it.' He gestured towards the wooden box on the table.

'I'm... Uhh...' Newton was at a loss for words, he lost the woman he loved to a behemoth sea vessel that should never of made it through the designing stage. A hideous contraption, ill-made, badly neglected. I told her not to go. Newton struggled to imagine life with a brother but he knew that brothers were supposed to be close. He tried to imagine how he'd feel if he did have a brother, one that was capable of doing something so horrible, so monstrous. Realising there was nothing he could say to mend a pain so deep Newton picked up the box and gently opened it 'What is it?' He asked, his curiosity getting the better of him as he took away the silk cloth that wrapped around yet another box. Newton hated excess packaging.

'It was hers. Well, I never got the chance to give it to her but she loved to fish...' Gaddy almost smiled when he spoke about his niece. 'You'll make more use of it than me.'
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
Avatar of Aphelion

Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Eloise followed their fearless leader, Hughes, as he and Lain laughed at a joke Virgil just told. She didn't really care to interfere with that trio of testosterone, and instead stuck by Holly. A trail of cigarette smoke wafted behind the men, so she and Holly walked a little bit off to the side and back a ways. She was amazed about the amount of cigarettes Hughes could suck down. She stepped over another squashed cigarette butt, to avoiding letting the foul smelling aroma touch her boots. He had left a trail of flattened filters behind him from the time they left the Ranger HQ back in Rustboro City.

With a sideways glance, she noticed that Holly was looking a whole lot less nauseated. Time spent on solid-ground did wonders for the young Land Ranger. Holly no longer needed to lean against her Metagross for support. With a new-found joviality, she spent her time admiring the nearby foliage as they walked past.

“It's strange how, no matter where you go, the plant life is usually the same.” Holly remarked. “I've seen many of these species in Kalos. It reminds me of home... it's oddly comforting.”

Eloise lifted her eyebrows a notch while she pondered what Holly had said. There were a couple of flowers growing along the path that she had seen while growing up in Lumiose City. She had spent many afternoons plucking their petals and wishing she was anywhere else. The plants brought up memories of her younger sister, Violet, and the flower patch behind their home. Violet had poured so much love and energy into caring for them. The memory was a stinging reminder of Eloise's own failures.

“Yeah, I see what you mean.” She said hoarsely. It had been some time since Eloise thought of her childhood.

Holly put a hand against Eloise's shoulder. A concerned look painted her face. “Are you oka-”

Blessedly, each of their Cubes began to produce high-pitched dings and blinked in various colors. Eloise was grateful for the interruption to what was becoming a very uncomfortable conversation with Holly. Eloise unclasped her own from underneath her cape where it was attached to the belt slung around her hips. Each of the other Rangers around her stopped in their tracks and also retrieved their own Cubes from wherever they had them stored.

When she touched the side of her cube, the noises from it ceased. A moment later, the lights it produced coalesced into the holographic image of a man she was certain she had never seen before.

The man's brows were wide and almost furrowed without much effort. His hair was kept quite short all over except for his crown. His face was unkempt and he wore a dog tag on his left lobe. His irises looked black in the hologram, giving the impression that they were a dark brown. His nose was crooked, misshapen, a sad mass of cartilage under skin. His face indicated a seriousness that was common of most Rangers. However, its intensity was uncommon. His wide neck alluded to a strong torso. His jaw hardly moved as he began to speak.

“Sergeant Broadson addressing the Kalosian Rangers: Lieutenant Holly Bright, Captain Lain Ickeringill, Keeper Virgil Moon, Ensign Hughes Campbell, and Sentry Eloise Fenmar. Please report to Petalburg Woods to your immediate south. You will be briefed on your mission as soon as you arrive. Sergeant Broadson, over.”

After Sergeant Broadson stopped speaking, the Cubes shut back down. Without coordinates, or even a landmark, the Sergeant didn't give much on where to go. Eloise frowned at the Cube in her hand.

“These Hoenn Rangers are something else.” Hughes stated in between taking exaggerated puffs of his cigarette. “You were right, Lain, this place is pretty backwards.”

Lain gave a shrug of his shoulders, as if to say I told you so. She was sure she had heard Virgil say something about how Broadson was handsome. His comment was passed over quickly in favor of complaining about the man instead.

Meanwhile, Holly held up her arm with the Gauntlet strapped to it and was looking for something within the confines of the device. Eloise left Holly to it. Instead of fiddling with her own Gauntlet, she signaled to Aragorn. She had had enough of meandering and waiting for Hughes to pick up the pace. Whatever Broadson needed from them must be important, even if she did question the Sergeant's lack of reliable direction.

The Noivern flew down from where he was circling in the sky above them and landed next to her in a rush of air. Holly sputtered when some of her own hair got into her mouth from the gust Aragorn's landing caused.

“To the south. We're looking for a man. He probably has a facility or a camp of some sort. Go scout for us.” She ruffled the scruff of fur around his neck and held out a berry for him to eat. He munched on it happily before turning and taking off to the skies.

His powerful wings carried him to the woods in no time, and now they rushed beneath him as he scanned the area with Supersonic. The information he received back from his scan surprised him. From what he could tell, there weren't any trainers roaming the woods in searching for Pokemon. He noticed an abundance of what appeared to be Pokemon, however. Perhaps it was because there were no trainers which would dissuade them from gathering in the woods.

Out of the corner of his eye, Aragorn spotted thin, wispy trail of smoke. He veered that way smoothly, riding the air currents which flowed above the tree tops. When he came to a stop above where the smoke was coming from, the only movement Aragorn saw was the twinkle of a small fire. The only sounds he heard were those of leaves brushing against each other and the creatures throughout the Woods. With no other apparent human activity, Aragorn decided that this must be what Eloise was looking for.

It was less than an hour when Aragorn came back to report to Eloise. With the crude communication system they had, he used Screech to confirm that he had found what she was looking for. To let him know she understood, Eloise held up her Cube and pushed a small indentation in the side. It let out a pulse of soundwaves that Noivern could see. She slipped the device back underneath her coat. She highly disliked using technology for such things, but it benefitted her and Noivern on more than one occasion.

“Aragorn can lead us to Sergeant Broadson's camp. There are alot of wild Pokemon in the area, so watch yourselves.” She kept her eye on Aragorn while she followed his silhouette in the distance. She heard Hughes say something about how she should watch herself. She brushed off his commentary for the sake of civility.

It took them much longer to reach the Petalburg Woods than it had taken Aragorn on his initial flight. They had been forced to camp when night settled in, but otherwise the trip was uneventful. They arrived at Petalburg Woods in the early afternoon of the following day.

Hughes stepped forward but Eloise stuck out a hand to stop him. “All due respect, Ensign, this isn't your specialty. Lieutenant Bright or myself should lead here.” Her voice was firm. She resisted the urge to put her hand on the pommel of her sword. Aragorn loomed behind her, his eyes on Hughes' Swanna.

Everything about Hughes' posture tensed up as if he was preparing for a fight. His face molded into a scowl. “Why should I have to listen to a crazy bitc-” He started, his voice raising in anger. He was interrupted by Holly chiming in.

“St-stop it! No fighting! I think Eloise should lead us, okay?” Holly's voice was pleading. She had tears forming at the corner of her eyes.

Hughes let out a huff and glowered at Eloise. A few breathless seconds later, he backed down. He lit up a cigarette and inhaled deeply. His shoulders visibly lost their tension when he exhaled. “Fine. Take the lead, crazy bitch.” He motioned for Eloise to go ahead.

She fought down her own anger and gave Aragorn the signal to take to the skies. The Woods sprang to life all around them as they followed the well-worn path. Eloise noticed that despite being well-worn, plants had begun to creep across it. Nature was retaking what humans had made. All around the group there were subtle noises, indicating that life was going strong within the green expanse. Fog obscured the trees around them, giving the Woods an ominous aura.

Each of the Rangers had vastly different reactions, but all of them noticed the atmosphere change from the moment they stepped into the Woods. Holly's instinct was to huddle closer to her Metagross as it stomped it's feet over the vine-covered path. The sound of it's footfalls were muted by the surrounding vegetation. Virgil had pulled out a small drawing pad, and began sketching things that caught his eye. His Pokemon, Noctowl, was watching his back.

Hughes and Lain trailed behind the group, both were unusually quiet and had their eyes peeled. Eloise was amused, but grateful, for them managing that feat. They were usually far too chatty with one another. She was sure that they knew each other from before being assigned on this particular mission. Their Pokemon, Swanna and Cloyster, brought up the rear of their ragtag posse.

Eloise kept her eye on Aragorn's shadow above the canopy. Her hand was sweating from the grip she now held on the hilt of her sword. The hairs on the back of her neck and arms stood on end. There were no visible signs, but something wasn't right. She just couldn't put her finger on it.

That was when Aragorn and Noctowl sounded the alarm. Aragorn let out a short screech shortly before Noctowl let out a low and bold hoot. They both noticed a Pokemon having been following them for a few minutes now. Noctowl telepathized that it was a Dustox, one of the native Bug-types found early in this region. He also thought how it was odd it was following them.

Noivern, however, noted a Beautifly hovering back and forth over the group and letting loose some kind of powder.

With no sign of hesitation, Eloise drew her sword with a resounding metal-on-metal sound. “BLOW IT AWAY!” She bellowed to Aragorn. Holly winced at the sudden explosion of noise from her teammate.

In response, Arargorn turned on a dime and shot himself like a rocket at Beautifly. He then quickly released a Gust aimed directly at the powder that the opposing Pokemon was releasing. He swooped back around and did it again, making sure to carry the powder far away from his companions below.

Meanwhile, the rest of Eloise's teammates were already coming out of their initial surprise and springing into action. They all jogged away from where the powder was floating through the air. Virgil ordered his Noctowl to fly up above in order to keep everyone informed of the situation, while also looking out for any other Pokemon that may join their battle. Holly and Lain faced off against Dustox. “Metagross, use Scary Face!” Holly commanded just as Lain said, “Cloyster, use Rain Dance!”

Their Pokemon obeyed, and soon rain poured down over the section of the woods the Ranger's party was in. Before it could obscure her vision too badly, Eloise pulled up the hood of her oiled cloak and kept her eye on the woods around her. She trusted her fellow Rangers, as well as Aragorn, to watch her back. Next to her, Holly had retrieved a dainty umbrella from somewhere on her person and was huddling beneath it.

Lain, however, seemed to relish in downpour. “After Rain Dance, use Blizzard on the rain around Dustox!” he ordered with a wave of his arm. Eloise watched with no little surprise as Lain and his Cloyster artfully began crafting a makeshift prison to capture the Dustox in. It was part of a Ranger's duty to let no harm come to Pokemon, even if they were attacking you. However, she hadn't expected Lain to come up with something that clever. The rain began turning to ice in the vicinity around Dustox. Soon, the Bug-type Pokemon would find it very hard to escape the trap Lain had set for it.

Hughes' Swanna was busy grooming herself instead of helping the group. It was as if she were trying to get rid of the powder that could possibly be dirtying her plumage, and it was of the utmost importance. “What are you bloody waiting for, love? Go help them!” Hughes barked at her. Swanna widened her eyes in shock, unbelieving that Hughes could speak to her in such a manner. She made an indignant hiss low in her throat, and then took to the skies.

“Metagross, use Light Screen to protect us.” Holly told her Metagross. Holly's actions surprised Eloise very little. She knew that Holly was defensive more so than offensive, and that the young Land Ranger would do her best to hold back Metagross from unleashing it's psychic-type powers. The Light Screen that Metagross now expanded in front of them was quite large. Eloise couldn't help but think that Holly had trained it extensively in the use of the move.

A few moments of Cloyster's assault passed before the jagged and uneven sphere of ice erupted in a fine powdered snow. The Dustox used a powerful Bug Buzz, it seemed, and was following up with an immense Silver Wind which integrated itself into the snow in an indistinguishable manner. It surrounded all four of them, but the Light Screen proved much stronger than the Dustox expected. The snow whirled around them and spun into small vortexes before falling from the force of the rain.

Directly below them, where the Light Screen could not reach, the ground began to turn black. Orbs of the viscous liquid formed and popped at their feet, splashing them with toxicity before it erupted and covered them all in its gooey blackness. The Venoshock took them by surprise as it was performed in a very peculiar manner. This Dustox wasn't playing around.

When the toxic fluid erupted around their feet, Eloise went to step back before it could eat through her clothing. However, she stopped mid-movement when she heard Holly cry out in pain. The younger Ranger had a nasty splotch of goo across her right upper thigh which was bubbling in a sickening manner. Instead of stepping safely from the Venoshock, Eloise threw her sword behind her into the woods where she could retrieve it later. She rushed forward and hoisted Holly up into a bridal-style carry, then turned and waded through the fluid. Eloise was certain that her boots would need repair after everything was said and over with.

Lain side-stepped the Venoshock and came out nearly unscathed. Small droplets had splattered against his calves, but nothing so bad as to cause him to stop his assault on Dustox. His Cloyster, however, was covered in the goo. "Cloyster, freeze the ground around you and use Withdraw! Wait for the rain to wash away the poison on your shell before coming out!"

With Cloyster temporarily out of commission, Metagross hovered into the center-stage of battle against Dustox. With it's master in danger, it no longer had a reason to hold back. It was using Magnet Rise in order to lift itself above the ground and projected a vicious Psychic assault against Dustox behind the relative safety of it's own Light Screen.

Dustox reacted by emitting a strange wave of Psychic energy that seemed to counteract the Psychic from Metagross. It was pushed back far, regardless, but it held strong and its focus was entirely upon the metallic heap.

When they were a small distance away, Eloise helped Holly sit down on a fallen log so that she could tend to the younger girl's injuries. After pulling two Pokeballs out from the confines of her cloak, she brought out her other Pokemon, Blissey and Lombre. "No time for pleasantries, Dro. This is serious. Wash away the poison on her leg." Eloise ordered, her voice firm and commanding. Lombre hesitated for a moment, as if to challenge Eloise's command. He looked around at their situation briefly, then nodded his head in understanding. He let out a small stream of water against Holly's leg where the goo was coagulating.

"Hallie, you know what to do." Eloise gave Blissey a fond pat on her head. With a cooing noise, Blissey retrieved an egg from her pouch and waddled over to Holly.

"You two protect her." Eloise told her Pokemon and marched off in the direction of where she threw her sword. When she glanced back at Holly and her Pokemon a moment later, Blissey was tending to Holly with care. The pink Pokemon's stubby arms were holding the umbrella for Holly, since the Land Ranger seemed to be in too much pain to carry it herself anymore. Lombre was carefully watching the battles take place between the other Pokemon, but not getting involved himself. This wasn't a fight he cared about.

The rain fell hard as it pushed through the leaves and branches above them. Soon, the soil had turned to a thick mud and puddles formed around them. Holly was passing out from the pain, so Lain had to take control of the situation. However, the land wasn't his specialty. He only had the lessons he'd learned when he was an Area Ranger a few years ago.

"Metagross! Keep up the Psychic! Don't let it attack!" Lain called out, hoping the Metagross would listen to a stranger.

"Cloyster! Muddy Water!" he shouted without a breath.

It was something he'd never asked of his Cloyster. Being at sea meant there was no earth from which to take mud, but with the environment, he had to adapt quickly in order to take advantage of the situation. Adding Ground to the Water attack would prove more effective to the Poison-type. Metagross just had to keep it low enough so the Dustox couldn't fly away.

Metagross noticed what was happening, which wasn't surprising. It closed in slowly and began to form a Reflect just above the Dustox to dissuade it from flying any further up. The Dustox also knew what was happening and tried to perform Acrobatics and Bug Buzz at the same time, but the mental assault from Metagross proved too overwhelming to break. They were both covered with the sloppy mess which torrented from behind Metagross.

Dustox was pushed to the ground as the browned water passed through the Reflect above him. Metagross was sturdy enough to not be moved by the attack from its ally, but the damage wasn't unnoticeable. It was the price to pay to subdue this foe.

A twinkle blinked white through the trees until a horrible rumble began to shake the ground all around them. Metagross was going to end this with a powerful Meteor Mash, something it wouldn't perform often. But this Pokemon harmed its trainer, and it wouldn't let that pass.

The trees around Dustox crumbled under the weight of these immense spheres of metals from the heavens. They crashed into the ground around Dustox and splashed the much away to reveal dry earth. The rain began to subside as Cloyster recovered from performing such a foreign maneuver.

"Ice Beam," Lain commanded in a lowered tone. Though he hoped the Dustox hadn't died, he would still feel relieved if it couldn't attack them anymore.

The meteors were coated with an ice that shone white in the brightening forest. The clouds were beginning to break, but even the sun would not melt this new ice prison.

Up in the skies, Swanna had joined Aragorn against Beautifly. However, unlike Aragorn, Swanna was very, very pissed off. She rushed at Beautifly and tried using Wing Attack to beat down the Bug-type Pokemon.

The Beautifly darted with a lack of grace through the sky, dodging the Swanna was little effort. She sprayed Swanna with various dusts, but it seemed largely ineffective. At this revelation, the Beautifly allowed the Swanna close to her so the force of her terrible vibrations would be most effectively felt. Swanna cringed, unable to see the damage done to her feathers and the look of her down spewing from underneath in the most unflattering patterns.

Eloise had found her sword, and was cleaning muck off of it when she heard a Pokemon cry out from the sky. Her eye immediately went upwards to make sure Aragorn was alright. She was relieved, but dismayed, to see that it was Swanna who was falling from the sky in a mess of shedding plumage. Hughes rushed toward his Pokemon when she fell to the ground in a heap. With surprising affection and tenderness, he huddled over Swanna and started administering medical aid. Eloise put it on her check list to have Hallie check up on Swanna.

Aragorn didn't like Swanna, but the knowledge that a teammate was just downed because of Beautifly made him upset. He let out a horrible Screech in Beautifly's direction, which tore through the air with a horrible force. Eloise's ears rang from the noise. Immediately after, Aragorn used Hone Claws and Tailwind. A dangerous aura began to surround the bat-like Pokemon.

Noctowl saw what Aragorn was preparing to do, and used Double Team. The Tailwind from Aragorn made Noctowl faster, causing his Double Team to be even more effective in creating clones. The clones surrounded Beautifly in all directions in attempt at disorienting his foe. Then, just at the height of his speed, he stopped. Six afterimages remained and copied his movements as he used Shadow Ball. The dark orbs flung towards Beautifly at an alarming speed.

Aragorn waited patiently for the right moment high above, and prepared an Agility when Noctowl used Shadow Ball. Knowing that Beautifly would dodge the orbs, he took advantage of that opening and dove at the opposing Pokemon using Aerial Ace. When he reached Beautifly, he latched onto the Bug-type and, instead of stopping, he plowed through and dragged Beautifly with him. Performing Sonic Slam, he crashed himself and Beautifly into the ground next to ice prison holding Dustox. Large chunks of ice and earth flew into the air upon their collision.

“Aragorn!” Eloise cried out, rushing toward the area of impact. The area around the Pokemon was full of craters from Meteor Mash, making the terrain difficult to navigate. Eloise stumbled on one of the craters, but caught herself by jabbing her sword into the rain-softened ground. She left it there and continued the rest of the way in a stumbling, running panic.

When she arrived, she saw that Aragorn and the Beautifly were trapped underneath debris. She began to lift heavy pieces of ice and rocks off of them with grunting, panting effort. Before she could get very far, Metagross and Noctowl used their psychic powers to lift the debris easily out of the way.

“Aragorn, are you okay?!” Eloise's voice was tinted with worry. She knelt on the ground next to him and put her hand on his head between his large ears. The movement of breathing soothed her panic marginally, but it was him turning his head and letting out a subdued noise that calmed her moreso. He was just dazed and weak from battle, but not permanently hurt. Now she turned her worry to the two Pokemon who had been attacking their party.

She made a motion for Aragorn to get up, and he complied. The Beautifly was sprawled across the ground, it's wings flattened limply. It was unconscious. Without even having to ask, Blissey was already by her side. Hallie always knew when to be there to help. “Make sure Beautifly is alright.” Eloise told her, but it wasn't necessary. Hallie had already slid down the side of the small crater, and was now running her stubby arms along Beautifly's wings and body to check for life-threatening injuries.

Eloise stood up and peered in the direction of the Dustox. Lain and Virgil were already there with Cloyster, who persisted in keeping the ice up around the moth. “As Hughes likes to say, what in the bloody hell was that about?” Virgil's hands were planted on his hips and his brows were furrowed. “It isn't like Dustox to act like this during the day. I could see it from Beautifly, though.”

“The little fucks will have to answer for hurting Holly and Swanna.” Hughes' deep voice came from behind them. His Swanna was by the log where Holly was sitting and recovering from her injury. Lombre stood by them calmly and merely watched the situation unfold. However, his posture was like a spring that was about to be sprung. Eloise had no doubt that he would, and could, react quickly to any sign of danger.

Eloise was about to argue with Hughes' statement, but the discussion was cut off by Noctowl. < Somebody I don't recognize is coming here. She doesn't look happy. >

With that very small warning, the group of Rangers prepared to face off against another opponent. Eloise put a hand on Aragorn's wing. She felt his body tense up in preparation for battle.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

”Jeanne,” Medicham telepathized to Forrest as he grappled his friend.

He picked Mitchell up off the ground and slammed him down, knocking the wind out of him. It seemed Forrest was holding back due to the swiftness with which he ended the spar. Mitchell coughed a few times when retrieving his breath.

Adrenaline flowed through him and his arms and chest showed this. They were puffed and red with the rushing of blood. His abdomen stretched and contracted dramatically with each breath as he walked toward his wife standing a distance away from the chaos of this “training.”

“Forrest,” she said sweetly when he was close enough. Her eyes were sad, however. “Your mother is looking for you. Were you supposed to hold a class, today?”

He couldn’t think of a reason she’d show sadness in her eyes. He focused on the question, instead, and answered through deep breaths which raised his chest and shoulders. The woman only stood to his collar bone. He might have been imposing if she didn’t know him properly.

“You’re right,” he finally said. His breathing was leveling out as his body calmed.

“Your students are looking for you.”

Still that sadness in her eyes.

Forrest’s mother, Barbara, disallowed the teaching of lessons and classes to be held outside of Oldale for the sake of the safety of Pokemon and her students, regardless of their ages and experiences. Her current focus was on self-defense, defensive battling, and healing. The Elite Four and Gym Leaders appreciated her efforts to help the people of Hoenn keep safe from threats during this time of emergency. Forrest held intermediate to advanced classes in these areas, since he had more recent and relevant experience.

”Valoria should be here,” Forrest thought, since she’d actually faced a member of Team Zodiac. But she was off on her own to train in secret, hoping not to be found. None of them could think of anything more dangerous than being alone at a time like this, however.

But with the rumors turning true that a member of Team Zodiac having killed a civilian and his Pokemon spread quickly. Panic was growing. Much of the respect for their efforts was quickly transforming into disdain and distrust. Valoria had told Aries that the Team would lose. Perhaps it wouldn’t be by Valoria's hands alone.

Forrest walked quickly toward the Academy and paced toward one of his classrooms. Still without a shirt or shoes, he thrust into the room and toward the front where his desk was placed. Papers scattered the top of the desk and etchings remained on the blackboard behind him from the last lesson. He snatched an eraser and began to swing his long arms back and forth to remove all the old information in order to write new information.

He wrote “Ganlon” and “Apicot” in his neat cursive hand upon the board. “Fettel” was then written beneath them.

“These two berries are quite rare and difficult to tend. Currently, Aromatherapy and myself are the only ones to grow them with some level of success.”

The students just gazed blankly at the large and half-naked man standing at the front of the classroom. This wasn’t the first time they’d seen him like this. What was unusual was the demeanor with which he entered the classroom. Also, his current state was usually saved for the outdoors. Still, they listened on to his lecture.

“They are from the Fettel family of berries that increase a physical ability when one’s vitality is at a state much lower than normal. These two in particular,” he continued, pointing at the words at the top of the board, “increase one’s endurance from physical attacks," he said, pointing to "Ganlon," "and indirect attacks,” he ended, pointing at "Apicot."

His voice filled the room. It seemed he was rushed or something. Jeanne could be seen standing outside the open door across the hall. She looked on with caring eyes. His demeanor calmed significantly and his chest fell back from its puffed state. “I have a Ganlon or Apicot for each of you. Both need low sunlight but high temperatures and high moisture. They must also be kept clear of weeds since they are relatively susceptible to being overgrown. However, germination occurs quickly and budding occurs within the first two weeks. Berries should be present after a month and a half. They grow very quickly but require much attention.”

It was a short lesson, but most students continued to attend the Academy simply for the items they would collect along with relevant information related to said items. Each took a berry of their choosing before rushing to their homes to further expand their personal gardens.

The classroom was quickly emptied of students. Forrest took a seat at his desk and began to organize the mess of papers upon it. Jeanne passed into the room. Her heels clicked lightly against the floor. Her steps were slow and methodical. It was as if she didn’t want to disturb her husband. However, there was something more pressing than his duties as a counselor of the Academy.

“Forrest,” she said. Her voice raised in tone. It sounded like a sweet question for the man’s attention.

He just grunted as he whipped papers back and forth into piles and into folders and into the desk.

“Forrest,” she said again. This time there was a soft sternness in her tone. She needed him to look at her.

His head rose to look at her. His irises looked paler than usual and his hair was pulled back into a pony tail that waved away from his head and shoulders. His brows were down, immediately recognizing that something was amiss. A pit formed in his stomach, thinking it had to do with one of their children.

“Valoria is at our house,” she said as if he knew what that meant and the severity of the situation.

Forrest squinted his eyes in thought, trying to comprehend what it was she meant. She was back with her family, which was the safest. Was she injured? Was her life being threatened by Team Zodiac? But then why would Jeanne allow him to conduct his class?

“That’s good,” he said. It almost sounded like a question, but he was questioning his own reaction. “Is she alright?”

Jeanne just nodded her head but her eyes continued to show a sorrow, or was it concern? “What's wrong?” he finally asked, hoping to get a more direct answer.

“She’s changed,” she said. Her brows showed a bit of discontent, anger even.

He hummed. His hands began to work at the papers with greater ferocity. His brows showed a determination to finish what it was he was doing so he could assess the situation himself. “Just a moment,” he said, making her wait so they could return home together.

Route 102 was spectacular during the evening hours. The sun set over Petalburg City. The sky was fazing through purples and pinks. Orange clouds spotted the sky. The green of the woods around them provided a wider color palette for the eyes to behold.

“Who was with the kids?” Forrest asked in his deep voice.

“Well,” she began. There was a pause that was a bit longer than he was comfortable. “Valoria.”

Forrest looked up to see Flygon soaring high above with Medicham on his back. He would have heard something should anything be amiss at home. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves. He was overwhelmed with grief and anxiety. With his Pokemon ever-vigilant, he could still retain some level of security for himself and his family.

Milotic snaked through the air just above them. Her body was covered in a tube of water and her eyes glowed, utilizing her abilities to keep herself aloft and submerged in water. Shiftry, Breloom, and Cacturne were further up ahead, walking together and warding away any wild Pokemon who might seem eager to battle with a trainer. Masquerain kept close to the both of them, as she usually did. Banette was elsewhere, mostly likely in a different dimension or causing some sort of mischief.

“Why so sad?” Forrest finally asked. He didn’t have the concentration to address her obvious demeanor earlier.

“Everything,” she exhaled.

She didn’t have to explain. The death of a “brother”-in-law was enough to make anyone feel such a level of remorse and sorrow that it would be near impossible to contain. That, with the fact that Team Zodiac was reverting the region back to primitive times, worried her for the sake and safety of her children. Now, with Valoria back, a heavy feeling of dread filled her. But she wouldn’t explain this to Forrest. Instead, she would let him come to his own conclusions.

The moon was still under the trees when they made it home. A fire had been made and the children with Valoria were sitting around it. Espeon was upon her lap and urged Valoria to pet her. Chingling was entertaining Shelynn, and Meowstic was cuddling with Elizabeth. Rowan and Jerrek just chatted with their "Auntie V" while the other Pokemon were elsewhere.

“Valoria,” Forrest said with his usual rumble which filled the area. It sounded like a call for attention rather than a greeting. She just turned her head so her profile faced Forrest and Jeanne. “Let’s go inside and talk,” he said politely but intended it to be a command.

“Forrest.” Jeanne pleaded with Forrest to not press the situation. Forrest ignored her plea and simply turned to enter the cabin behind them.

Valoria gently lifted Espeon and handed her to Rowan without a word.

“Valoria,” Jeanne said, now pleading with her “sister”-in-law to not listen to her husband. But Valoria ignored Jeanne all the same.

Jeanne’s brows twitched with concerned sorrow as she watched Valoria pace toward the cabin after Forrest. Her breathing became shallow with anxiety. She exhaled a short breath, knowing it wasn’t worth the effort to stop either of them from instigating any negative emotions unnecessarily. She just glided across the grass and sat down next to Jerrek. She squeezed her arm around her eldest son and rubbed his arm as if to comfort him. But it wasn’t he that needed comfort.

“Where have you been?” Forrest was stern, but there was a deep concern which showed in his face clearly enough.

“Meteor Falls,” she said plainly, avoiding to look in his eyes in some kind of shame.

“What happened?” His brows fell closer to his eyes, trying to understand what brought her back.

“They destroyed the Ener-Geo Corporation. They’re out of power, now.”

At first, he was taken aback by the lack of profanities she added into her response. She had quite the foul mouth, but that was gone, it seemed. Still, Forrest couldn’t respond. It’d been four days since they destroyed Sea Mauville. They were moving quickly and sinking Hoenn deeper into a crisis that needn’t occur.

“And I met Sagittarius,” she finally added after a pregnancy of the evening sounds outside the cabin. Valoria placed her hand upon the granite countertop to keep herself from collapsing.

Forrest looked at her, and she back at him. He wouldn’t know what that phrase actually entailed, and she, herself, didn’t entirely understand it herself.

“She tried to tell me that the incident with Caleb wasn’t intentional,” she said. Her brows made her question what she was saying.

“Fucking bullshit,” Forrest spat out in a growl. Their lies were fantastical and this attempt to hush them was an insult to their cousin. Though Caleb wasn’t related to Valoria directly, they were a very close family and they were more like brothers and sisters than anything else.

“That woman,” Valoria continued, but paused in an attempt to remember the interaction as accurately as possible, “Aries, the woman who killed him, is being punished by Pisces.”

Neither of them knew what this meant, exactly. Would Pisces kill a member of his own team? Was she going to be exiled or something? Regardless, without proof of this punishment, he wondered what they were trying to get out of this “apology,” or whatever it was supposed to be.

“Fuck those cunts,” he said with a sneer and a scoff.

“Stop,” Valoria now pleaded with Forrest. She needed Forrest to take the situation serious and stop cursing everything and listen to her. Her eyes were beginning to water, something Forrest had never seen from her before. It was unusual and her eyes quickly grew bloodshot in an effort to hold back the production of tears.

Forrest’s brows sank with a sympathetic sorrow. “So what does this mean?” His voice still growled, but it was calm.

“I think they’re either trying to get us to stop the rumors or instigate an attack upon them so they react in self-defense and hopefully take us out. It could all be a trap,” she said.

“That fucking bitch is still going to get her throat fucking sliced,” Forrest hissed. The words flowed out of his mouth as if they were being savored.

“Fuck it, Forrest! Shut the fuck up!”

Forrest’s eyes widened. He saw a tear fall from one of her green eyes when she contorted her face in order to shout.

“You’re putting yourself and your family in danger, you fucking dick,” she hissed back. “You need to let the Rangers and the Pokemon League to handle this.” She was angry, but much more concerned.

“I’m in the fucking Hall of Fame,” he argued with a look of irritation.

“Yeah, and the fucking Pokemon League aren’t stretching their necks out for Team Zodiac to lop ‘em off,” she spat back, trying to make him understand the gravity of their situation.

“That’s ‘cause they’re fucking pussies,” Forrest continued.

Valoria took a deep breath. It raised her shoulders and she closed her eyes in order to concentrate on not exploding onto Forrest. “I know,” she finally said through a sob. She tilted her head in order to keep the tears from falling from her eyes.

“Come on,” Forrest said. He stretched out an arm to reach his hand to her shoulder and bring her back outside. He wanted to be able to relax from the increasing chaos of the region.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jonnyh447


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The door to the cafe opened without a sound this time. A hooded and blackened figure entered, unbeknownst to Newton and Gaddy. The air remained unmoved as the mysterious figure gracefully swanned through, making no noise as it floated across the hard-oak floor of the old cafe. After reaching the other end of the cafe, it stopped stiff upon reaching the wall and remained there.

Cafe Coffee wasn't an easy place to find in Mauville city. Tucked into a corner of a small suburb, the cafe didn't often see travellers, much less strangers. Katrina; the aged owner, had traveled from Kalos for a reason she was never able to annunciate clearly enough for the natives to understand. Katrina was the first to note the stranger.

She hobbled over to the figure in a gesture of proper hosting. "Would you like tea?" She asked with a shiver in her voice.

"Yes, please," an androgynous voice replied.

The figure waited a few moments after Katrina exited into the kitchen before floating toward a round oak table and lowering itself onto one of the two chairs that surrounded it. Long sleeves covered its hands which rested upon its lap.

It didn't take Katrina long to return. Steam from the hot broth she brought with her warmed the air around her. She placed the drink down in front of her new guest before giving a meek bow and quietly returning back to the kitchen. The figure didn't return any sign of acknowledgement. This time, though, its actions had been noticed by the two men that sat across the room.

Gaddy politely excused himself from the conversation and approached the mysterious figure. Newton discerned the difference in the man's behaviour - he moved a lot more apprehensively, his behaviour appearing far more aged when compared to the energetic, vigorous facade he gave when first entering the cafe.

"Excuse me, friend..." The old man bumbled nervously, "that's an awfully good cuppa to be drinking alone, care to join us?"

"No, thank you," it said with a motion from its sleeved hand as if to say "good-bye" in the most polite manner she could without verbalising it further.

As the old man began slowly strolling back towards Newton's table another guest entered the cafe. Another frequent patron, Newton could tell from his surprise at the efficiency of the door. Gaddy's attention turned entirely on to the new visitor and before long Newton's friend began recounting tales and stories from a time well before Newton was even born. *All the while the figure remained perfectly still save a pair of hands that gently reached out for the cup on the table raising it under the hood.*

Newton saw this as his chance to leave. Would it be stealing if I didn't let him know I'm leaving? Newton thought as he examined the rod given to him by Gaddy.

"Gaddy, I should leave. It's been real nice speaking with you and everything..."

"I'm sorry son," the old man replied. "Have I met you somewhere before?"

Newton scratched his head, puzzled. Gaddy abruptly turned his back on him and continued conversing with the cafe's newcomer before he had the chance to answer. Newton took this as his queue to leave. As he exited the cafe the watchful eyes of the mysterious figure studied his every move.

The sun was setting and the sky a light shade of purple as Newton exited the cafe. Grump didn't seem nearly as bothered by his trainer's absence as Newton had expected. Joyfully he lead the way through to route 117, the Muk had an uncanny ability to tell which way his trainer was headed.

Newton took the opportunity of the remaining daylight to study the rod as he travelled. It had an understated design; made from mahogany and oak, the wood had been treated so as to make it appear black and white when both parts are assembled. It was durable enough to withstand a good pull and came with a variety of different hooks and bait as well as three small, blue pokeballs. Newton tried not to think about how much money the old man must have spent on it.

Curiosity got the better of him as he neared the river Sharbane. A river that serenely flowed alongside the route, what it lacked in size it made up for with its beauty. From the grassy riverbank he could see the abundance of Pokemon swimming, hopping, floating. A small congregation of marills bumble along peacefully on the opposite bank. Past them; a wooded area with a few deerlings bouncing, springing in and out of view before hopping off into the green fields in the distance.

Deciding to sit down on a patch of the riverbank sufficient distance away from the marills allowed Newton to see that the wildlife was equally as plentiful below the water. Hundreds of magikarp varying in size darted about, a few other species Newton was unfamiliar with mingled with the plethora of fish.

Taking in his surroundings he decided to screw the rod together. As he did the colours shifted from resembling an old, wooden rod to the black-and-white, sleek, wand-like rod that he quickly began baiting. He eyed up the three pokeballs and wondered how his Entei would fare in them, there was a place in Verdanturf Newton knew that he could make a few repairs. For now he dismissed the idea of letting the entei loose.

In the distance he could see a thin fin swiftly cruising upstream followed by the emergence of several other, larger fins. Violent ripples appeared downstream. Newton watched as blood began tainting the water, creeping up Sharbane alongside the ripples. Beneath the shallow waves he caught a glimpse of magikarp schools desperately fleeing from their predators. With a jerk of his arm he cast his line into the chaos that swiftly commandeered the previously peaceful river. Grump readied himself to fight whatever it would be that Newton managed to pull from the bloodbath.

It took no time at all for a snag. Less powerful than Newton had hoped for but the pesky thing put up a good fight as he wrestled it ashore. With a final yank a wild carvanha came shooting out of the water, snapping it's razor sharp teeth into the air as it went. Grump immediately reacted and began sliming nearer to the panicked fish. All of a sudden the wild carvanha belly-flopped itself off the hard ground and into the air. Grump reacted a little late as the fish shot over him, chomping down into his arm. The Muk retracted into itself as though it had been hurt, he began oozing green liquid, giving himself a thin layer of acidic armour. Once again the fish soared above him violently chomping its jaw, this time missing by a margin.

"That's it. Grump, use gastro acid!"

Grump focused his energy and let out a small burp before covering the fish entirely with his stomach's content. The carvanha flopped around helplessly in pain. The steaming hot bile emitted from the Muk settled quickly, creating a sticky goo that surrounded its foe for a few feet.

"You know what to do, buddy." Newton told Grump. With each passing moment the carvanha's agility fleeted. By the time the Muk was near his opponent lay almost still, only giving an occasional sign of fight. Grump slowly began engulfing the fish, with his geletaenous arm stretched wide he squeezed harder and harder before eventually letting go on Newton's command.

Newton took one of the three blue balls from the fishing case and threw it at the almost lifeless fish. Without a struggle the Pokemon was caught. Newton put the pokeball in his sack, he couldn't help but feel disappointed - he truly had his mind set on a catching a sharpedo. Though, if his knowledge was correct the carvanha he'd just caught would evolve into one of the much larger sea creatures. This pleased him.

Before setting off Newton couldn't help but notice the swathes of marrill being rallied by a few azumarill. One by one they each dived into the bloodbath fearlessly. Newton struggled to make sense of their queer behaviour. As he pondered on the odd suicidal tendencies shown by the marrill one of the small blue Pokemon came splashing from beneath the water. In tow a sharpedo, no matter how many times it tried to chomp, bite and headbutt there was no way it was catching the marrill. Hopping off of the splashing water as it traveled through the air the marrill gave the sharpedo a sharp jab with each motion before eventually shooting a blast of water into the eyes of its opponent. A similar procedure was being performed by other marills, though not all were as skilled as the one Newton eyed.

It didn't take long for the sharpedos to halt their attack and retreat downstream, blinded and disorientated they bashed and bumped into eachother as they went. Newton felt special to have been able to witness such a natural phenomena. Though the aftermath was not nearly as spectacular. Remains of the slain magikarp floated atop the red water, marills were being nursed back to good health by their leaders, a few cheeky carvanha tried their luck at snatching a quick meal but that was swiftly put to an end by the marrill well enough to fight.

The rest of the journey was particularly uneventful. As he'd expected Newton reached Verdanturf before midnight. The fishing trip only delayed him about an hour in the end, well worth it for the Pokemon he'd caught.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


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