Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Pokemon: Hoenn – Make a Wish

The Hoenn in this RP will be an Alternate Universe to that of the game, anime, and manga.

Natural sources of energy (wind, hydro, compression, heat, etc.) are gathered to power all of Hoenn. Mauville City oversees all collections and distributions of energy but also reports to the Fairfax Association. This allows all of Hoenn to be largely pollution-free.

The culture of this RP’s version of Hoenn will be considered liberal (socially, sexually, morally, whatever.). Most believe technology and nature can work together in harmony and that if technology negatively impacts nature, it does not belong. Consider this the baseline for your character’s involvement/opinion/role in this RP.

There are 18 Gyms, one of each type. The Gyms do not reside in the same places as the game/anime and they do not reside only in towns or cities. All 18 badges are required to challenge the Elite Four, which are stationed on Victory Road. The Pokemon League is where the Championship takes place, which is held in the summer each year. Participants are only required to have "successfully" defeated their region's Elite Four to compete in Hoenn’s Championship.

Mega Evolution has not yet been discovered, though there may be those investigating the possibility of Mega Evolution. I'd like to explore this mechanic throughout the RP where appropriate.

There is no maximum to the number of Pokemon to which an individual has immediate access. All are stored in one’s Gauntlet or carried on their person (should they not wish to have a gauntlet). There is no PC system and trading is performed by hand.

You may create any type of character you wish, there is no restriction (this includes age, occupation (Gym Leader, Scientist, Breeder, etc.), race, nationality, or even religion). Whether they interact with Pokemon is up to you. I only ask you keep in mind that there is intent to interact with the plot (which will be introduced ICly when the time comes).

The nature of this RP will work like a D&D campaign mixed with Sandbox. No two characters are required to interact with each other. You may decide to start the RP together or meet at a designated location along the way. I, as the GM, will be interacting with each player individually, however. I will introduce NPCs and plot points. I might guide certain characters together, but you all decide how your own story plays out, ultimately. I encourage collaboration (privately or publicly is fine) with each other as well as with me.

- No God-modding, power-playing, meta-gaming, etc. etc.
- There is no minimum or maximum post length. However, it must add to your plot or the plot of others should you be interacting with other players.
- Please be conscious of grammar. Ironically, my reading comprehension is lower than average and good grammar will help things along tremendously.
- Criticism, from all parties, should be constructive and respectful. Over PM is always best.
- Character Sheets should be PM'd to me before posting in the Character Tab. I do not want to see CSs in the OOC. I do not want to see WIPs anywhere in the thread. Make a PM for yourself to work on or send the WIP to me and I'll help you finish it if you have concerns/questions/etc.
- There is no limit to the number of characters you may employ. However, if issues occur, you will be asked to let any number of them go.
- Posting will be once after each of my own posts. Exceptions to this rule may occur.
- This list may change.

Noteable Technologies
Trainer Gauntlet
This light metallic devise wraps around the user's forearm when a Gym Leader or Professor acknowledges you have obtained your first legitimate Pokemon (ultimately up to the individual). The touch screen wraps around the arm and does not glare from the sun and cannot be scratched or smudged. It is fully waterproof and virtually indestructible. It comes in a variety of basic colors. They can materialize stored items, including but not limited to money, berries, Pokeballs, and bicycles.

Standard Applications
Pokemon Encyclopedia
Pokemon Storage/Trading
Item Storage

Applications for Purchase
Training System
Pokemon Rentals
Customized Skins

These have replaced Pokemon Centers and Marts. They connect with the Trainer's Gauntlet to heal Pokemon and make purchases that will be digitally transferred from the station to the Gauntlet. They are unmanned and about the area of a phone booth but half the height and open. They are completely weatherproof.

As per the current situation, these are no longer able to be used. The only hospital in the region is now only a clinic and this is largely the reason why battling has been effectively banned by the Elite Four and Gym Leaders. The fact that the Pokestation are destroyed and offline will play a huge impact in everyone's personal lives and this should be reflected in the IC.

Hoenn Map Notes
Professor Fir's Laboratory
Littleroot Town
Prof. Fir studies the behaviors of Pokemon and their relationship with humans and the environment. He has been a large part of the technological advancements seen throughout Hoenn and lead several efforts to develop and sustain the renewable energy being used across the region.
He and his associates perform fieldwork, whether literally in the field or at sanctioned events, such as Gym Battles and the Pokemon Championship, to observe and analyze the relations between humans and Pokemon. Some show greater interest in foreigners' relations while others keep tabs on the natives' relationships. Prof. Fir, specifically, prefers focusing on the interactions between Pokemon and the environment as well as humans and the environment.

Johnson Academy
Oldale Town
Barbara Johnson founded this now prestigious institute where trainers from across the region begin their training as well as holding specialized classes for Advanced Trainers where members of the Elite Four and Gym Leaders personally reveal their secrets, expound on their personal philosophies, as well as teach others the finer points of battling, contests, and relationships between Pokemon and Trainer.

Briney Marina
Route 104 S
Founded by Mr. Briney, his legacy lives on with the marinas made in his name. Briney Marina and Dewford Marina are known for their oceanic explorations beyond Hoenn. They have been the front-runners for discovering ways in which to harness hydro energy without negatively impacting the environment.

Route 104 N
Gabriella McDarby, her sisters, and their mothers and grandmothers have kept this little shop running for more than 100 years. They are the leaders in growing and harvesting berries and know everything there is to know about the medicinal properties of said berries. They have learned how to cross-pollinate which berries for the best results.
Now, with the Pokestations rendered useless, they are the go-to for injured Pokemon and humans, next to Lavaridge Medical Centre.

Fairfax Corporation (Institute and Hospital)
Rustboro City
Jackson Fairfax III is the great-grandson of Jackson Fairfax I, who founded the corporation to find and establish sources of renewable energy and the best ways in which to contain them. Fairfax III founded the Hospital and Institute in the hopes to continue the progress his fore-fathers began. With the city out of power and their land being held hostage by Team Zodiac, their efforts have been halted.

Pokemon Ranger Headquarters
Rustboro City

More or less the center of law enforcement, the Pokemon Rangers are the peace-keepers and executive branch of Hoenn. Commander Richard Hardy currently runs this establishment and is known for his harsh training regiment for his officers.

Dewford Marina
Dewford Town
This marina is the sister to Briney Marina on Route 104 S. They are kept up and further developed by the same team of architects and sailors.

Sea Mauville Hydro Plant
Sea Mauville (Route 108)
Sea Mauville was first created as a marine Biology Center, later recreated in Slateport City. Eventually, with the help of Joseph Fairfax I, they began to develop an efficient manner in which to harness energy from the currents deep below them. They were the leaders of hydro energy before Team Zodiac sabotaged their Plant.

Center for Marine Biology
Slateport City
The Center for Marine Biology was founded by Nina Ridgeworth when she was reassigned from Sea Mauville itself. Her family has kept this center running and is currently overseen by Crester Goldenrod.

Slateport Marketplace
Slateport City
Independent vendors from across Hoenn, and a few from beyond, flock to Slateport for the free and open trade marketplace established there before historical records can accurately determine.

Coordination Auditorium
Slateport City, Fallarbor Town, Verdanturf Town, Lilycove City
These Auditoriums hold grand festivals and competitions for Coordinators across Hoenn. The Pokemon League opens to Coordinators in the Autumn every 3 years to test the best of the best from across the globe.

New Mauville
Route 110
New Mauville was founded by Victor Coley who worked alongside Mr. Fairfax I to develop a manner in which to harness the massive amount of static electricity discovered underground. The levels of energy are as high as ever and special converters are utilized to store energy from Sea Mauville and the Ener-Geo Corporation. All energy in Hoenn is distributed from this location.

Ener-Geo Corporation
Mt. Chimney
With Mt. Chimney forever seething under the surface. Joseph Fairfax II decided to take advantage of the intense heat rising from the planet's core. His entire life was dedicated to the founding and maintaining of th Ener-Geo Corporation.

Lavaridge Bath & Spa
Lavaridge Town
Locals swear by the Baths of Lavaridge as a place for rejuvenation and spiritual healing. Most egg-hatching also occurs here to breeders stretching across the oceans.

Lavaridge Medical Centre
Lavaridge Town

The Pokestations and Fairfax Hospital are shut down. Lavaridge Medical Centre, though centered around Herbology and other holistic medicinal practices, is still not very popular despite the attacks against Hoenn. Still, the clinic is often crowded.

Pokemon Day-Care
Route 117
Young trainers visit the Pokemon Day-Care to learn the basics of Pokemon Training. Novice Breeders use the place to learn the practice. Other times, Pokemon are left here when Trainers or Coordinators take long trips or pass away.

Weather Institute
Route 119
The Weather Institute monitors the weather conditions throughout Hoenn. They also monitor the levels of energy produced and distributed by Sea Mauville, New Mauville, and the Ener-Geo Corporation.

Lilycove Megamall
Lilycove City
The seven-story shopping mall draws tourists from all over the world. This is often the first location where most foreigners are brought when entering Hoenn. Anything and everything any Trainer, Coordinator, Gym Leader, Elite Four member, Scientist, and anyone else could ever need.

Hoenn Art Institute
Lilycove City
From eclectic to tradition and contemporary to abstract, artists spend their lives trying to have at least a single piece of their work to be on display here. Writers, animators, painters, sculptors, musicians, and any other kind of artist usually come here for inspiration, practice, consultation, practice, or simply to browse.

Lilycove Harbor
Lilycove City
Lilycove Harbor is the immigration center for Hoenn. All those arriving from other regions begin their journey in Hoenn here. Where they go from here is up to the individual.

Pacifidlog Mills
Pacifidlog Town
The windmills scattered throughout the shallow waters of Pacifidlog Town are used to power the minor islands of Hoenn, from Slateport to Sootopolis to Mossdeep to Evergrande. Fairfax III developed this early into his career and was the stepping-stone to his current success.

Petalburg City Gym
Robert Holt is the leader of the Petalburg Gym. He specializes in Grass types and looks for grace and tranquility in Pokemon trainers challenging for his Gym Badge. There must be a sense of calm in the face of defeat. There must be a positive in defeat. Life isn't full of success, and finding the silver lining in loss and failure is what Mr. Holt believes will develop a skillful trainer. Those are the ones that earn the Chloryph Badge

Petalburg Woods Gym
Violet Dandelion runs a Pokemon Gym in the heart of Petalburg Woods. She specializes in Bug-type Pokemon and looks for confidence in her opponents that isn't misplaced. Boastfulness is not pride, condescension is not honor. A sense of respect for those lower or weaker than yourself is what earns one the Chitin Badge.

Pokemon Mechanics
  • Pokemon can know and use any number of moves. They are not restricted by the game mechanics, canon from the anime or manga or any other forum. However, there will be other restrictions.
  • Moves must align with the Pokemon’s type and species (Starmie cannot know Thunderbolt or Gyro Ball, but can know Water Spout and Extrasensory. Bisharp can learn moves like X-Scissor and Guillotine, etc.).
  • TM’s and HM’s don’t exist. Teaching/Tutoring/etc. is enough to teach a Pokemon a new move, but it takes time.
  • Waterfall/Rock Smash/Cut/etc. are literally field moves. Surf does not create a tidal wave. Fly does not crash into the opponent. Strength does not throw the opponent around. Either other maneuvers should be utilized or new moves can be created for the same in-game effect.
  • Moves may be combined, but their power/effectiveness does not stack or add onto each other. They meld together to an average between the two.
  • Pokemon will perform the same move differently. One Butterfree uses Double Team and creates 3 free-moving forms. Another Butterfree uses Double Team and creates 20 mirror images that imitates the real one. As per this example, make sure to make maneuvers scale in ability to a reasonable level. However, this level will differ when certain techniques are trained to become more superior than the average.
  • Abilities are not limited to the games' discretion. The Ability should match the species/type of the Pokemon and Abilities of Legendary Pokemon are off-limits.
  • Pokemon have their own strategies and techniques upon which they rely. One Butterfree uses more passive/defensive methods and has a strong Light Screen, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, and Stun Spore but has a below-average Bug Buzz, Silver Wind, and Aerial Ace. Another Butterfree can be the opposite, with above-average offense and below-average defense. Keep this in mind when creating your Pokemon.
  • Battle is real-time. Stats are largely irrelevant (no Pokemon is held to a max or min of any stat). Typing is somewhat irrelevant (any type can learn to withstand any weakness, but this must come at a cost). Of course, where a Pokemon exceeds others, there must be areas where they do not meet the standard. Feel free to min-max as much as you want. There will be no mention of stats in this RP, however.
  • Winning a battle is not always determined by knocking out the opponent. There are skills and behaviors between Pokemon and trainer which may be judged when considering a victor or deciding whether a badge has been earned.
    Example: The Gym Leader of Petalburg looks for grace with precision in both the trainer and their Pokemon. Perhaps the challenger's Pokemon are knocked-out, but they are awarded the badge because they showed precise grace. Perhaps the challenger completely overpowered the Gym Leader, but they are not awarded the badge because they did not exhibit precise grace.
    The expectations of the Gym Leaders may range from utilizing a specific move, utilizing a specific type or species of Pokemon. This may not be consistent with all challengers or the expectations may shift slightly or be thrown out all together as it is completely up to the discretion of the Gym Leader.
  • Pseudo-legendary Pokemon will be restricted and Legendary Pokemon are off-limits.
  • Pokemon may have and additional type added to their species. They may also have types omitted. This goes for Pokemon moves, as well. This is largely for the sake of flavor.

Character Sheet Reference
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Player Created Lore

Pokemon Rangers

Fairfax Association


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Now that is an opening post. My excitement's all fired up again.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
Avatar of Aphelion

Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

There is something extremely captivating about your writing. It's easy to read, but sparks the imagination in just a couple of words. Fantastic first post. I'm certainly giddy for this.
1x Like Like 1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Prints Avoid@Aphelion
I'm really very flattered. Thank you both for the compliments. I don't think I've ever gotten compliments like those about my writing. This is pretty much the highlight of my week. Again, thank you. ^^
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 10 mos ago

No lie, I tore through the main part of my characters history yesterday. I should have a PM for you a few hours after I get home from work... though that may be pretty late today lol
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Awesome! I'm totally excited to see it! :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
Avatar of Aphelion

Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Thanks to @Phoenix I'm getting my Movesets written out today. It takes forever for me to write things, but I'm excited for this. :D

@Loony Are you still interested in joining us? I see you've been offline for a couple of days, no doubt dealing with things IRL, but I'm personally still excited to see you join us whenever your time allows for it. :]

@Prints Avoid How's your character coming along? Would you mind telling me a bit about them? I've been incredibly curious for awhile. XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Aphelion Loony's been going through some things too and I'm not sure she has internet access. I'm assuming she's just going to take some time until everything levels out.

Regardless, I do home everything's going alright, @Loony. We look forward to your return. ^^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Busy weekend + no internet
Sorry for my inactivity. They're supposed to come by and fix my connection tomorrow
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Sounds good! :D

I hope it wasn't a bad busy, though. And I hope the issue isn't too serious. ^^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Neutral busy. I just had work and then family came to visit. Yesterday I got up at 5am and didn't sleep til 4am hahahaha. Needless to say I slept most of today.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alrighty, so my personal goal is to have each of you posted into the IC by the end of this week.

Is there anything I can do our that I can help with to get either of you started/finished/ready?
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
Avatar of Aphelion

Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I just need to get the Field Moves of Blissey and Lombre filled out and then I'll sit down to write out my IC post. I also still need to write out a description of what is happening in Kalos (such as with the Rangers and my personally created town, Aegisholme).
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
Avatar of Prints Avoid

Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Alrighty, so my personal goal is to have each of you posted into the IC by the end of this week.

Is there anything I can do our that I can help with to get either of you started/finished/ready?

That statement of expectation will do. I should be good to go by the end of the week. Today and tomorrow are just a huge jump to get over.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phoenix


Member Seen 6 mos ago

So, while I'm waiting, I might be adding to that first post. There were a couple scenes I didn't end up writing, but I might do so. I can let you know if I do end up adding them, unless you two don't care. xP

Otherwise, I might go a little forward and initiate the next "incident" (though I don't know what that is, so it'll be a surprise to us all ;P).

I don't know, I'm just trying to keep everyone here, I guess. I'm a little paranoid that this is going to fail. Several of my latest RPs end after I write the first IC post, which is quite depressing.

But, anyway, I'm rambling >.> ^^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Phoenix I'm probably going to obsessively re-read the first post as I write mine out tomorrow, so if you do end up adding things let me know. :D
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Loony

Loony Moved. Ask for my new account.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm really sorry guys. Things have been hitting me really hard as of late and I'm really not sure I'm up to this for now. Honestly I just really fucking hate myself right now and sort of feel like taking the bottle but as it happens I still don't know where mom hid it. I need to chill before I do something really stupid and that means I need gone time and yet many more visits to the counselor, EMDR therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, and my two social workers.

I'm really sorry and I really was/am looking forward to it but as things are right now I really can't handle it. Again, I really am sorry and I apologize if you guys were waiting on me or anything but I really can't, and if it takes too long honestly just consider me removed because I don't want to hold you guys back.

I've also decided I'm getting the fuck out of this house when I turn 18. 9 months left. No ifs or buts. I'm going to be broke as fuck and starving and lonely and probably regret it but I need out or my mental state is going to deteriorate further than it already has.

Also not a she. I've always been pretty chill when it came to pronouns but honestly with all the shit going on right now I'm going to be a little firmer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Loony

Loony Moved. Ask for my new account.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Aphelion Thanks for still being excited. I'm not sure when you'll be able to see it but eventually I guess.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Loony I'm sorry you're going through a rough spot, but I hope you find what you need in order to feel better. I know how rough depression can be. I'm personally 100% fine with you coming back at a later date and joining again, but no pressure at all if you find you don't want to in the future. This is supposed to be a fun, creative outlet where you can enjoy yourself. We always have more chances in the future.
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