Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Oh it's nothing unless Xaiver had something on his mind?" Bette said with a big smile on her face, Looking over to the mute who moaned softly pointithe mutng to the food Madawc was eating and then pointing to his mouth.

"I think he wants your food?" Bette said watching the mute shaking his head to the inquire that Bette said.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Madawc spent time on inspecting Xavier's gestures by himself, until he diagnosed: "Hmm, could be, yes. Normally he tells me to stop eating." It was an exaggeration, but there had been at least one time where Xavier had indeed appeared to be rather disgusted by Madawc's meal. He shoved some slices of bread and bacon into the mute's reach and finished eating himself.

"So, you wanna continue travelling with us ?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Xavier giggled and taking the bacon and bread shoving the food in his mouth chewing loudly, "Of course i will...i don't feel safe walking alone on these blasted roads" Bette said looking over to the mute laughing and in a motherly way wiping some of the bacon grease form his mouth with the blanket.

"Silly boy" She whispered to him making Xavier blush and then moan like he was saying sorry for his loud eating.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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"I'm finished. That tree would be a nice place for a lookout during the night, wouldn't it ?"
Madawc pointed at the quite large oak that was standing not far away from them on the same hill.
"You do know how to climb, do you ? Or have I to take you piggyback ?" he asked Bette.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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"No i know how to climb a tree..although i think you might break the whole tree if you try to climb it..." Bette said smiling while making her way to the tree. She started to climb said tree while Xavier was watching them curiously while now standing up wondering what they were planning.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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"Break the entire tree ? Erm... what do you think I am ?" Madawc replied, snarling a bit. However he couldn't deny the fact that the branch he and Bette were now sitting on had bent a tremendous lot more under him that it had under the woman. "As you can see, the tree is still standing."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Well i am glad that the branch that we are on has not broken...see any baddies so far?" She asked Madawc giggling and looking down seeing Xavier, Xavier was staring at them his face visible in the moonlight and both of them could see that his eyes were not blue anymore but of a bright red and his face of a deadly stare.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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The branch was creaking and shaking with almost every move Madawc made. "No. I don't see anything. I don't have night vision though... and I would be damn glad if there would be a single night that would be just uneventful..." He did not yet notice Xaviers strange looking face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Well how many uneventful nights have you have?" Bette said now looking around not noticing or rather not wanting to see Xavier's face, She knew what that face was it was the face of a demon trying to come out. She bounced slightly on the branch while the mute's eyes now glowed his teeth becoming sharp and surely Madawc's demon would notice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Madawc's eyes turned into a stare. "Xavier ? You...!" He glanced at Bette. That had to be it... their strange behaviour all the time... She had known it all the time! He tensed his muscles and one could see that he was ready to jump onto Xavier and fight him if it should be necessary.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Xavier growled and snarled at Madawc mostly towards his demon before turning around and putting his helmet on while he ran towards his horse to escape. Bette watched them and wondered if now would be the time to reveal her true form. The full moon shining and was a bright yellow and looked bigger then it usually would against the dark sky.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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"If you're not hostile that why do you run away ?" Madawc yelled, then jumped of the branch sending Bette up into the air quite a bit as the branch suddenly sprang back up. The demon got onto his own horse and tried to pursue Xavier and keep up with him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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The reason he was riding his horse away form him was because he was afraid, The mute man now a demon riding on his horse trying to get away form Madawc and his demon. Meanwhile Bette jumped off the brunch spurting wings turning into her real form, Topless but wearing some sort of loincloth to somewhat cover herself.

Her hair turning into long blood red tentacles while she flew behind them, Xavier could hear the voices telling him to kill and to run away form Madawc because the voices were telling him that he would eat him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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When Madawc saw what happened with Bette, he could barely believe it. It made him stop his own horse as he did not have much of a chance to catch up with the boy anyway. Instead, he threw his hammer at her, trying to send her down to the ground by crushing some important bones.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Damn fool..." She hissed lowly the hammer missing her and moving right pasted her, She flew pasted him and started to fly towards Xavier, while the mute was still on his horse she was flying close to him telling him to lose him and to meet her someplace safe to which he agreed and tried to lose Madawc.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Damn it. Screw you! Madawc thought, deciding to break off the pursuit. If he lost them they would loose him as well, meaning that he would be on his own again. Xavier had been someone who could have become a good friend, but this surprise... No, he really wasn't eager to force things now. Aside from that he currently did not have the means to do so. If they would decide to meet with him again, well... their decision.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Xavier soon lost Madawc and started to slow down moving around and riding to the meeting spot to meet with Bette,Bette meanwhile was standing their in her newly transformed form smiling and bowing to him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Madawc collected his hammer. Trying to hit that fast flying creature with that had been an act of desperation anyway. He thought that he would loose them soon, as intended. But... it didn't happen. As a demon, he had some sort of additional sense that was able to detect other demons. The range of that varied, depending on the other demon to be sensed. It turned out that Bette's signal was quite strong, strong enough to offer him the opportunity to find out that they had stopped.

If Bette would be able to sense him from this distance as well, they would most likely continue their ride as soon as they noticed him approaching. It was worth a try, his curiosity took over and he decided to abandon his original plan and track them down as silently as he could. The large demon got off his horse and almost crawled on the ground as he got closer and closer. Finally, he stopped inside of a bush. A nasty place full of sharp, stinging thorns, but hopefully it would serve to conceal him while he was listening to their talk.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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With the two of them stopping where they were talking and Bette keeping her winged form, "So have you figured out how you truly are young one?" She said smiling now moving closer towards him. The mute moaned softly now hiding his face with his hands even though he had his helmet covering his face.

"Come come son of Asgor you must have figured out by now you are not human...your father Asgor sure knows how to pick them" She said sighing putting her hands to her hips, "I know that this may seem like a surprise but i thought you would have figure that out by now...well i guess i can tell you know that you are son of Asgor Elder God creator of this world" She said smiling and seeing the mute not covering his face anymore and looked intrigued.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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He couldn't believe what he was listening to. Either Bette had gone crazy and was trying to tell the mute a load of bullshit or he had gotten into something very, very serious. The problem was that the mute naturally would respond by parchment so the demon would not get a chance to really know about his reaction. That knowledge he deemed to be crucial, but advancing further could spoil his presence and blow his eavesdropping job. Madawc was gnarlimg about his inability to find solutions. He didn't even know much about gods or creation myths or the like.
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