Player Name: Drewvonawesome
Character You Wish To Play: Reed Richards – Mr. Fantastic
Moral Alignment (Hero, Villain, Walking the Line): Hero
Affiliation (what group/team/organization, if any, is your character affiliated with?): Leader of the Fantastic Four
Character Origin & Backstory: When Reed was born he already had a legacy, albeit it a short one, that would've been daunting for most others. Reed's father was Nathan Richards, a brilliant scientist who had written numerous books and documentaries on space and the concepts of everything around it. His mother Helen Richards though also had many scientific degrees in various fields. Even with all this however, Reed showed even early on that he was capable of being smarter than any of them. By the time most kids were just going into pre-school Reed already had the knowledge that could put him into High School. Even still though his parents wanted him to learn patience and humility, so they had him go through the school years and never leap ahead any grades, despite numerous people at school insisting he did.
When Reed however reached the age of 14 everything changed. His father was working on design concepts and small scale experiments on something he proudly told Reed 'would change everything'. However after one resulted in a miniature black hole that nearly sucked him in before he was able to shut it off. Nathan Richards canceled and abandoned the project quickly. He started using his time and stature in the scientific world to make sure that the very leaps and bounds were handled responsibly worrying that one advancement made too quickly could be apocalyptic in its sheer danger. It all led to him however finding out about experiments being done in Latervia and by one Victor Von Doom. The leader of the country was creating something Nathan Richards worried could lead to even more destructive danger than his own experiment. One night he went into Reed's room before his bed time, kissed him on the cheek. He told him that daddy had to go do something important, and that no matter what he loved him very much.
That night was the last time Reed has ever seen his father.
Seemingly Nathan Richards vanished off the map. Never telling anyone where he went made finding him all but impossible. Reed though in his grief finished everything through High School in a depression fueled rage. Getting a G.E.D. Diploma that he doesn't even keep out anywhere out of shame. As he knew later after a talk with his mom that he couldn't let what happened affect him. Still Reed found himself in a deep slump of sadness that he couldn't shake. His dad meant a lot to a lot of people, but to Reed he was a superhero. Someone he didn't have to look up too because he was right there, always with that smile, and that belly laugh that always made Reed himself laugh.
By chance the New York Comic Con was coming up, something the more geeky side of Reed loved attending every year since he was very little. Worrying about Reed, she had Reed's long time friend. The equally geeky Benjamin Graham, take him on a weekend trip to the convention. She got them hotels next to the convention center, and gave Reed plenty for goodies and food. Still by the end of the first day it didn't seem like it was working, Reed just mostly stayed in the hotel room, watching TV as Ben had to seemingly beg to even get him to go out for dinner that night. However the next day Reed finally went, more to shut Ben up than anything else. However during the day when he was sulking along he saw something radiant. The girl his age was simply stunning, even without considering the lovely costume she was cosplaying in. Reed's heart thumped harder and harder at the sight of her. Ben realizing what was happening played wing man and quickly got Reed to go talk to her. Her name was Susan Storm, and the two couldn't be detached from one another for the rest of the weekend.
Shortly there after Reed was approached by her father, another renowned scientist in Dr Franklin Storm. Reed knew about and admired his work (Having not really previously connected the dots on Susan being his daughter), and was surprised when Dr. Storm asked him to join his think tank program The Future Foundation. Reed was flattered, but as of yet hasn't had any idea what project he could do with them.
Season One Summary: Reed Richards was just probing through his father’s old work like he did on occasion when Susan came to visit. During the visit however Reed found the designs for his father’s teleporter machine which he was able to talk Susan’s father into helping fund. The tests and concepts all worked until they got to the final large scale test.
Before the test however Harvey Elder, a long time friend of Susan and Reed. Got fellow friends Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm to help get Susan and Reed see the affections they had for one another. It all came to a head right when the test was activating, Reed and Susan went in for the kiss when suddenly the machine overreacted, exploding and not only teleporting the five from their base outside of Reno to Las Vegas. But also exposing all five of them to the negative zone and its dangerous dozes of cosmic radiation.
When the four came to it they each suffered mild effects from the radiation, but seemed fine. That is until Harvey while hospitalized from the overreaction mutated into a giant monsterous form that became hellbent on destruction. The four each mutated themselves, gaining powers that they used to help subdue the mutated Harvey. After wards being picked up by SHIELD who brought them back to New York City for testing. Reed and Susan finally kissing during the ride back.
After being cleared by SHIELD and allowed to return back to the Storm’s home in the Baxter Building. They were surprised by a visit from Tony Stark and his PR rep Willy Lumpkins. Who came to them with an idea for turning their new found good publicity into a means of becoming a for-profit superhero team with a major celebrity status. The four agreed with Reed coming up with the team name and logo, Johnny (for the most part) coming up with everyone’s aliases, and Susan designing the costumes. The four were introduced in a special press conference held by Tony Stark to a very positive response.
Powers and Abilities (What can your character do? What can't they do?): Reed's body has undergone a metamorphosis where in his body essentially allows him to be completely and utterly flexible and elastic. He can stretch his limbs from toes to fingertip upwards of 3 miles but with practice that number can certainly raise. He can also reform himself into things like a ball shape to bounce around in, stretch individual limbs like fingers and toes, inflate himself or deflate himself flat, along with countless other feats that are hindered by his imagination alone. On top of this his body structure has changed completely. No longer supported by a skeletal structure, Reed's body has an almost harden gel like substance supporting it, as well as no longer a stomach but instead a unique bacteria sack that allows Reed to survive off of oxygen alone.
Reed though personally considers his biggest 'super power' to have always been his intelligence. Quite simply Reed Richards could very well be the most intelligent man on the planet. Having gotten top studying in astrophysics, biology, bio-engineering, and countless others.
Sample Story Arcs: Give 2-3 ideas on where you want to go with your character.
After the big project, the teleportation device his father was working on, fails spectacularly. Reed finds out one of the people who was working on it has mutated for the worst, a strange monster like creature that buries itself underground and produces mole like monsters a sexually. Finding out about him and having to fight its now mindless form leaves Reed depressed and blaming himself, on top of what happened to himself and the other three.
Reed along with the rest of the newly announced Fantastic Four begin to put the pieces together about where his father went and what happened to him, which leads them to a certain castle in Latervia.
(This one with Kid Lantern's permission of course) After their constant struggles and disappointments against 3D Man, The skrulls decide to use the Fantastic Four as the base for a new Super Skrull prototype. However when they get DNA samples from the four it causes the heroes' powers to go haywire, and result in the curious side effect of being able to exchange powers with one another through physical touch.
Sample Post (This is used as an introduction to your writing – try to keep it to around three paragraphs or more and try to include dialogue):
As Reed Richards could faintly hear sounds coming from all around him, the bathroom where his roommate for the weekend Ben Graham was singing Dinosaur Laser Fight, the traffic outside that is distinctive for New York City morning rush hour, and the dull sales person on the tv. Reed just quietly sighed to himself as he stared up at the ceiling while laying practically motionless in bed. Sure he had on clothes and had been awake for an hour or so, but he just would've rather gone back to bed.
It had been some time since his father told him good night that last time, before vanishing to who knows where and if his even alive there. As intelligent as the young man was he couldn't stop repeating questions that had no logical answer. The biggest one of all though was why, why did he leave? Was it something Reed did? Was his mom and dad not getting along as well as they were making it out to be? Reed's brain was wrecking itself as Ben came out of the bathroom. A light misting of steam coming out with him as he had changed into some fresh clothes. The large, muscular guy in a Jets jersey and jeans took his fingers through his blond buzzcut hair before glancing over at Reed.
“Hey Reed man you're awake!” Ben started into with the chummy Brooklyn accent of his. “Listen man come on its going to be great today, they're doing some giveaways today, and man the booth babes. Dude the booth babes are amazing this year let me tell...”
Ben paused, a bit disappointed as he watched Reed silently roll over in his bed putting his back to his friend. “No its fine, just go ahead man I'll catch up later.” Reed softly said with a sigh as he hoped Ben would leave.
“Reed...” Ben had to hold back his irritation before he walked over to his bed and sat at the side, facing Reed. “You told me that yesterday and you didn't do it. Hell I had to make you come have dinner with me last night. Look I really liked your dad too Reed, he was a Hell of a guy. But... come on man everyone is worried sick about you. This whole weekend was to give you something special. Bro I'm not just going to let you sit here and wallow away like this. That's not the Reed Richards I know.”
Looking out the window of the hotel room Reed grimaced, he knew Ben was right but there was still that part of his brain, that nagging feeling that told him he still didn't 'get it'. Still Reed had to fight it and hold it down as he shut his eyes for a second. He finally turned over, “I uh...” Reed had to force it out. “I guess...”
It took some time, as it felt like Reed was just using small inconveniences and annoyances to just justify not wanting to be there. However Ben was prepared, and had to get Reed back into the right geeky frame of mind. It started with some panels where Ben was able to get autographs for Reed of some comic book writers and artists. Going through the booths Ben helped find Reed some figures that he was looking for. Slowly Reed was giving a faint grin, just letting himself get back into things again. It still hurt, but he saw how hard Ben was trying and if nothing else it was providing a nice distraction.
“Alright alright Ben seriously now, I think you know better than to doubt Captain Marvel.” Reed shook his head having to hold back a laugh.
Ben chuckled, not just because of their discussion but frankly he saw some people nearby give a slight cowering to his presence. There was something fun about looking like a jock and scaring people who would be impressed by the engineering and robotics knowledge he actually possessed. “No man Superman could totally take him, Captain Marvel is just a kid playing superhero.”
Reed smirked, his hand having to hold up his head a bit. “Yeah and that's what makes Captain Marvel more awesome.” Reed and Ben continued to have their argument, one that had been made in the past and will continue with the two until their too old to even remember comic book characters. Reed always enjoyed it though, it was that kind of thing you could never justify with anyone rationally.
As the two continued on, Ben was trying to raise a point about Superman's endurance or something like that when Reed suddenly found himself unable to even hear him. It was due to someone nearby, a cosplayer who had her mask off and was talking to someone else. The girl though was... Reed just couldn't look away, it wasn't even the Hawkgirl costume she was wearing. It was just her. She just had Reed's attention and wasn't letting go.
“...so what I'm saying... Reed? Reed!” Suddenly a hand on Reed's shoulder sucked him back into the real world where Ben looked on confused for a moment. Finally though he looked over at the girl and back down to Reed, quickly picking up the social situation at hand with a grin. “Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were a bit preoccupied.” Ben said as Reed felt his cheeks start to turn a harsher peach tone.
“I wha no no no I mean no she's just got a nice costume!” Reed stammered out a response even he had a hard time figuring out after the fact. Having to look away to try and figure out quickly how stupid he sounded.
Ben chuckled a bit, patting Reed's shoulder again. “Sure buddy, it was just the costume...” Ben saw how Reed was getting very embarrassed but also saw an opening. “Why don't you go talk to her?”
Reed's eyes shot open wide as he glanced back hastily, “I what? No I don't even know what to say! I'm just going to look stupid.” Reed figured as much, the only other time he tried to talk to a girl like this was asking someone to prom. It ended about as well as Reed figured seeing as how she laughed thinking it was a prank set up.
“Here come on Reed if you're so concerned I'll help.” Suddenly Reed felt Ben's large hand grip his wrist as he started pulling him towards the girl. Leaving Reed panicked, excited, and feeling like he was about to vomit all at the same time. He tried to get Ben to let go having to shuffle his feet in his forced movement but all hope faded and he soon found himself face to face with something amazing, and with nothing to say.
“Hey whats up? Sorry to barge in but I'm Ben, this is Reed. Here Reed say hi.” Ben had given him the opening, Reed felt his heart rushing in his body like it was bouncing all over the place. All the knowledge he possessed, all the smarts he had and will ever have. None of it prepared him for this, the brief pause felt like an eternity as Reed had to muster up his courage. Here goes...
“Uh, hi!”