It all started with an idea. Just a small hint, nothing huge or complicated. Something that could change the world, make us see the people surrounding us differently. Something that'll make people see that even the most untouchable, seemingly perfect members of our society are human. What if we took the celebrities and set them up with random, normal people? And what if we televised it?
The general plan was to take a handful of celebrities -actors, singers, comedians, anyone well-known enough to have at least a prominent fanbase- and a handful of members of the public and dump them all into a remote, secluded area far from the reach of society. The goal? Well, entertainment of course! There will be highs and lows, fights and make-outs, enemies forming and romance blossoming; all to the joy of the watching public.
So, a mansion was built somewhere near Hawaii suited to house up to twenty guests, the idea was for ten celebrities and ten small-town young adults to be picked at random once applying. For the celebrities, it might just be a publicity stunt, or chance to relax without the constant pressure of being famous. For the small-towns, maybe it's their claim to fame, or maybe they're just looking for love?
Dear _______,
This letter has been sent to inform you that the application that you have sent forward to the 'Strangers' programme has been accepted. As a reminder, a short explanation of the programme will be provided below:
The Strangers Programme provides an opportunity for those seeking more in life, those who are not satisfied with their current social status, or those who just need a chance to let go. Participants will be taken to a luxury mansion located in a secluded area near Hawaii, and joined by nineteen other participants. The programme length depends on viewer interest. The more viewers, the more time the participants will spend in the mansion with the others. Participants consist of ten chosen celebrities, and ten chosen members of the public. It is permitted and encouraged for relationships to be formed and built throughout the experience, for the public's and, more importantly, your own entertainment.
Enclosed in this envelope is a list of necessary items to pack for your trip, your flight times and tickets, and contact information if you have any questions or queries regarding your journey.
We hope to see you in the near future.
PCTV [Public-Celebrity Television] Company
The letter was short, sweet and unexpected. Millions of people across the country had applied, what made you so special? Well, there's only one way to find out. Flight times directly to the mansion are at 10AM, so pack your things and get ready for the journey of a lifetime!
OOC Information
Hello there, fellow roleplayers! If you couldn't already tell, this is my first ever time being a GM, so please bear with me and my noob-ness. Basically, this is a roleplay surrounding the participants of a television show similar to Big Brother, but with its differences, of course. Hopefully, there'll be twenty characters being played, but if that needs to be lowered then I can do so. I will not be accepting any more than twenty characters, though, and there must be an even split of both celebrities and small-town characters. But I'll get to that in the rules.
This roleplay is very much dependant on character relationships being built; whether it's love or hate, I don't care! Just as long as there's something to go along with. Due to this relying on character development, there will not be a specific plot to the roleplay, other than the characters being on a television show and living in a mansion together. I'm planning on setting up a video diary-thing (not sure of a name yet) where, every so often, characters will sit themselves down alone with a camera and just express their thoughts. Yes, this will be mandatory and it will have a specific order so that noone's hogging the limelight, but it should provide characters to express their true emotions and feelings for each other without it being the whole hassle of incorporating it into every post. I'm indecisive about a relationship sheet mainly because pretty much all of the characters won't have met each other yet, but one can be formed as the roleplay progresses.
This huge mansion is situated in a small, remote island where nothing can disturb the programme. Is is large and clearly expensive, built with a Victorian upper-class style yet with a twist of modernity. Downstairs consists of the kitchen, the dining room, the living room, and with stairs leading underground to the the games room.
Upstairs is split into ten; each room will consist of the couples matched at the start of the programme. As the programme develops and relationships are formed, rooms may be swapped and traded after a few days.
The attic holds one of the most important rooms; the Diary Room. It is here that each participant will express their feelings on the events that have unfolded throughout the experience.
Outside the Mansion is the beach. It is here that most group activities will take place, set up by the show's unseen crew. This is where the small-towns and celebrities will be matched up and meet each other properly for the first time after being dropped off on the sands.

1. Follow Guild Rules. If you're not familiar with them, read them here. If I think that anyone is contradicting these rules, I will have to be strict.
2. Respect and kindness between users is a must. Of course, to succeed in a roleplay there are going to be disagreements in opinions, but that does not mean that I will permit any form of bullying or harassment in this thread.
3. GM has the final say. As I mentioned before, this is my first time being a GM, so help will probably be needed. However, I am still in charge and what I say, goes. Constructive criticism is one thing, and taking control is another.
4. Stay active! Yes, I am a big believer in the 'real life comes first' saying, but if you're going to be inactive for an extended period of time it is expected that you let me know either through PM or on the thread.
5. Casual Roleplaying. This is a high-casual to advanced roleplay, and if you cannot handle that then don't join. I'm gonna keep it at a two-paragraph post minimum. Failure to meet these standards will be brought up.
6. Make your voice heard! If you have a problem, question, or query, let me know! I'm here to help and ensure that everyone has the best Roleplaying experience. You must include 'I have read the rules' in red somewhere in your CS to show me that you are aware of the terms and conditions.
7. Have fun! You are here to enjoy yourself! Make sure you do!
Note: Failure to follow these rules, unless in extreme cases, will result in a warning then, if disrespect continues, the user will be kicked the roleplay and we will roleplay your character leaving the island.

Character Rules
- Character Sheets that have not yet been accepted should be posted in the OOC section of the thread in a hider with the character's name.
- There will be two seperate character sheets that need to be filled out. I will post the first one below and, once your character has been accepted, I will PM you the second sheet.
- Having an equal number of small-town and celebrity characters is necessary. Genders are not as important seeing as there will most likely be a variety of sexualities, but I recommend that the numbers gender-wise are also roughly equal.
- Perfect characters will not be permitted. Every characters must have their flaws and weaknesses as well as their strengths.
- Celebrity characters can be real or made-up celebrities, as long as everything makes sense. Small-town characters can have a celebrity Faceclaim, as long as you let me know so that I can post a list of taken faceclaims. Real life pictures are encouraged, no anime.
Note: if there's anything at all that I've missed, please let me know- this is my first time so there's bound to be a few slip-ups xD I'm also looking for a Co-GM or two to help with things, so if anyone's interested then shoot me a quick PM ^^