Name: Unknown - had forgotten his real name so gave himself the name Unknown

Age: looks 16
Race: Dimensional being - a being that was created by the various realms, granted abilities to assist with the dimensions, various ways for these beings to be made, could be a collection of materials from the different realms merging inbetween realms or could be cause of one surviving their realm being destroyed and thrown between realms.
Role: Student
Magic/powers/abilities/skills: Summoning Magic (various types and forms), Teleportation/Portal Creation (by altering summoning magic could be used), Weapon Techniques (part of his phyiscal training). Racial: Dimensional Sight (can peer between realms), Dimensional Shift (can be used to jump between the different realms)
Personality: mysterious, kind to things he summons, and those his close to. Dangerous, cold, unforgiving to his enemies.
Equipment/items of importance,weapons, etc: a photo from his old world of his friends and a book of the known realms/worlds/dimensions to assist in his summoning.
History/bio: Originally from another world, much like earth, he use to live in japan as a simple every day student. He had many friends but all this changed one day when he was visiting his teacher in the hospital, the world turn upside down and begun to rip itself apart as various creatures emerged into his world to reek havoc. He was all alone when the end and he closed his eyes waiting for it yet it never came.. he opened his eyes to nothingness around him and he heard the voices of his friends from his past egging him on, his resolve steeled and light came from the darkness and struck him power flowed into him and cause the weird symbols to appear over his body.. but the price was he lost most of his memories only remembering small things. he arrived in his current world not long ago, his body seems to be stuck in age.
Interests/dislikes: he likes various things he left behind, tends to be interested in the many realms and dimension that gave him a second chance, and hopes to bring back his old world. Hates people who have shown evil intentions.
Other: -WIP-