Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by xiaomiau
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xiaomiau please be gentle w/ the cat

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"But you know what he did to me!!" Kianna snarls, eyes glaring. "I understand how you felt. I really do! But you fucking," She looks down at the ground to compose herself. She was shaking at this point, "you fucking went to them. Fabine of all people. You meant so much to me..." she trails off and looks away to fight back tears. Misha didn't understand. She didn't. And that hurt Kianna the most.

Misha stood her ground, trying to hide emotion from spreading across her face. She wanted nothing more than to fall into rage and avoid the conversation altogether, but now she was faced with Kianna - who she had tried to avoid - upset. Misha almost accepted her words, almost swallowed her pride, but she cut herself off a moment before. She clenched her fists and glared at the other girl. "Yeah, right! I'm all out to hurt you. And now I'm over getting it on with Fabine because I hate you so much."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Azereiah
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Azereiah far, far away

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Brick was visibly embarrassed. He'd missed the single most obvious answer to the honey problem, and it had been right in front of his nose.
"Huh. That's right. I've been building up this list of junk to get in town, and I completely forgot they had honey there..."

Brick mixed some of the usnea and bee balm as well, trying to match the exact consistency that Destin had reached with his own. After succeeding, he looked up again. A tiny hint of bloodlust mixed in with his eagerness to help others as his thoughts came together, but he suppressed it.

"It'd be really nice if all these fools would stop trying to murder eachother. Seems that Aya doesn't even know why it all started, but there's a lot of bad blood for something so... Meaningless. So, I'd like your help with something."

He heard the shouting outside the medical tent. Misha and Kianna were going at it. Good thing Misha was unarmed - he guessed she'd have charged by now had she not been.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by wallaberry
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wallaberry Its Dat Boi!!

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Kianna glared at Misha. "That's not what I meant and you know it." She remained where she was and watched the Brom. "Then tell me why. What made you think they were any better? Did I do something that made you make the choice?!" Kianna was practically snarling at this point. It was a miracle she hadn't lunged at the girl alreadym
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Azereiah
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Azereiah far, far away

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The shouting had gotten worse. Brick stopped ignoring it and gathered a few peppermint leaves, which he rinsed off, shredded with the Rabin communal bowie knife, and bruised with the pommel. He looked for a kettle and found it, then filled it with water and walked out to put it on the fire. While he was outside, he completely ignored Misha and Kianna. He walked back into the medical tent to continue his conversation and training with Destin.

Those two outside needed to calm the hell down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by xiaomiau
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xiaomiau please be gentle w/ the cat

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kianna glared at Misha. "That's not what I meant and you know it." She remained where she was and watched the Brom. "Then tell me why. What made you think they were any better? Did I do something that made you make the choice?!" Kianna was practically snarling at this point. It was a miracle she hadn't lunged at the girl alreadym

Misha recoiled. "It was me. Not you!" She held her place for a moment, then broke into bitter, self-deprecating laughter. "That's so cliche." She put her hand to her head in exasperation. "Why?" She stared at Kianna. "Because I'm a damn bad person. And I was sick of feeling like I was dragging everybody down. So I went somewhere they'd leave me alone."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by wallaberry
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wallaberry Its Dat Boi!!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kianna just shook her head. "Whatever, Misha." She bit the inside of her cheek to distract her from how angry she felt. She didn't want to lose control of the situation. Kianna sighed heavily and ran her fingers through her hair before turning to her again. "Sorry that we're terrible people. We'll never drag you down again," Kianna smiled sweetly at Misha, but her eyes were cold. She just couldn't show her how much hurt she felt. She'd rather die.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by xiaomiau
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xiaomiau please be gentle w/ the cat

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kianna just shook her head. "Whatever, Misha." She bit the inside of her cheek to distract her from how angry she felt. She didn't want to lose control of the situation. Kianna sighed heavily and ran her fingers through her hair before turning to her again. "Sorry that we're terrible people. We'll never drag you down again," Kianna smiled sweetly at Misha, but her eyes were cold. She just couldn't show her how much hurt she felt. She'd rather die.

Misha shook her head slowly, glaring at Kianna the entire time. "I didn't want this, y'know. I mean, you were like my only friend here!" Or with the Broms, she thought, but she wouldn't dare admit it. "It's not like I did all this just to hurt you. Shockingly, not everything is my fault." She turned to the side and crossed her arms.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by wallaberry
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wallaberry Its Dat Boi!!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kianna just shrugs. She didn't have enough energy to fight her. The river fiasco had sapped her of all her strength. "You're right, how could I have been so naive. I'm the one in the wrong." She turns back to the fire. "I hope it was good while it lasted." She mutters, loud enough for only her to hear. It was for me... Kianna thought to herself as she gazed into the flames. She didn't care if Misha replied or not at this point.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by xiaomiau
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xiaomiau please be gentle w/ the cat

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kianna just shrugs. She didn't have enough energy to fight her. The river fiasco had sapped her of all her strength. "You're right, how could I have been so naive. I'm the one in the wrong." She turns back to the fire. "I hope it was good while it lasted." She mutters, loud enough for only her to hear. It was for me... Kianna thought to herself as she gazed into the flames. She didn't care if Misha replied or not at this point.

Her bitterness unraveling, Misha struggled to keep her composure. She tried to force fond memories of their shared past out of her brain. If she could just stop herself from thinking about them talking together, and holding each other, and promising - briefly, honestly - to be there for each other when no one else was.. Misha blinked hard to try to distract herself. She stared blankly at Kianna, then glanced at the fire. "Do you want me to say I made a mistake? That I regret everything and I'm gonna crawl back here and everything will be perfect again? 'That what you want?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by wallaberry
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wallaberry Its Dat Boi!!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kianna shrugged once more before replying. "Say whatever you like. I don't care anymore." She fought to keep from crying, and kept her eyes on the fire. Why did things have to be this way? Maybe if you acted like you regret it, at least for my sake. As if you missed me. Kianna felt Misha's anger from where she was sitting and sighed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Azereiah
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Azereiah far, far away

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The tea kettle hissed, and Brick returned outside for a few seconds to retrieve it before it made any more noise. Around six to eight minutes of steeping and the tea would be ready, he figured. The prepared peppermint was placed in the infuser and stuffed into the kettle. Another quick trip outside to the stash of random supplies, and he produced a pair of old tin army surplus canteen cups, which he brought back to the medical tent, staying as far away from the pair as he could on the way back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by xiaomiau
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xiaomiau please be gentle w/ the cat

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kianna shrugged once more before replying. "Say whatever you like. I don't care anymore." She fought to keep from crying, and kept her eyes on the fire. Why did things have to be this way? Maybe if you acted like you regret it, at least for my sake. As if you missed me. Kianna felt Misha's anger from where she was sitting and sighed.

Misha turned away from her, her face burning. She went to say something - anything! - but she couldn't force her mouth to move. Maybe there's nothing to say. She wouldn't believe that. Every time she thought about Kianna, a million words ran through her head. Anger. Regret. Betrayal. A pang of doubt that she had ever made the right choice when she woke up in the middle of the night and found herself as alone as ever. She wanted to tell her all of those things, but she couldn't bring herself to say anything at all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hawksnest565


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aya sleepily woke up in her cot, hardly wanting to get out from underneath the blankets because of the morning chill. At once she remembered the events of the previous day and hastily reached to feel the spot where she Destin had curled up to rest by her feet. To her disappointment there was just an empty space. She rubbed her eyes and got up, realising she'd gone to bed fully dressed. Well, there was hardly any point in changing her clothes now.
In her examination of the tent, one that had formed out of a habit to make sure no one ever tried to fix themselves up with poor medical knowledge, she noticed that some herbs had been touched. She felt safe to assume that it was Destin's doing and wondered where the boy had gotten too. He hasn't gone back already, has he?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by wallaberry
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wallaberry Its Dat Boi!!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kianna sat down and pulled her knees to her chest. She watched the fire as she ignored Misha. Her eyes followed the dancing flame as she listened for Misha to day anything, even if she knew she wouldn't. Should I be sorry? Did I genuinely fuck up? Were we that terrible? Kianna thought of the months that Misha had stayed with them. Sure, things could be intense, but why wouldn't they be? How could the Broms be any better than them? Kianna shook her head slightly.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by xiaomiau
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xiaomiau please be gentle w/ the cat

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kianna sat down and pulled her knees to her chest. She watched the fire as she ignored Misha. Her eyes followed the dancing flame as she listened for Misha to day anything, even if she knew she wouldn't. Should I be sorry? Did I genuinely fuck up? Were we that terrible? Kianna thought of the months that Misha had stayed with them. Sure, things could be intense, but why wouldn't they be? How could the Broms be any better than them? Kianna shook her head slightly.

Misha raked her nails across the top of her hand, trying to distract herself from Kianna's avoidant form, but she couldn't help herself. She glanced down and caught sight of her silhouette in the firelight. With a soft sigh, Misha bent down and joined her, keeping a safe distance between them. She couldn't bring herself to lift her eyes from the hot, red coals as she said softly, "Kianna... I think I am sorry."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by wallaberry
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wallaberry Its Dat Boi!!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kianna glances over at her from over her arm. "Do you ever miss me?" She asks softly, not looking her in the eyes. She hugs her knees tightly before Misha could reply, not wanting to hear her answer. It could go any which way. She inwardly hoped no one was watching - or listening for that matter - to their exchange. Her eyes lingered on Misha for a few more moments before she returned them to the flames.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by xiaomiau
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xiaomiau please be gentle w/ the cat

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kianna glances over at her from over her arm. "Do you ever miss me?" She asks softly, not looking her in the eyes. She hugs her knees tightly before Misha could reply, not wanting to hear her answer. It could go any which way. She inwardly hoped no one was watching - or listening for that matter - to their exchange. Her eyes lingered on Misha for a few more moments before she returned them to the flames.

Misha's breath hitched. Her gaze moved to Kianna for a fraction of a second before drifting upwards to the steady stream of smoke and ash flowing from the flames, then back to the coals. She could feel the heat on her bare arms, but her blood seemed frigid and infinitely slow. Her teeth cut into her bottom lip, drawing blood before she could choke out a quiet reply. "Yeah. All the time."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by wallaberry
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wallaberry Its Dat Boi!!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kianna clenches her jaw as Misha spoke. She nods slightly. "I hope the Broms are what you hoped for." She locks her eyes on the flames to save herself from looking at Misha. She didn't know if she should feel... happy? Sad? Angry? Kianna just knew she wished things had happened in another way were they could have a least made it out as friends. She sighs softly as the heat from the fire warmed her entirely. "I'm sorry I suggested to bring you back as a prisoner."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by xiaomiau
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xiaomiau please be gentle w/ the cat

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kianna clenches her jaw as Misha spoke. She nods slightly. "I hope the Broms are what you hoped for." She locks her eyes on the flames to save herself from looking at Misha. She didn't know if she should feel... happy? Sad? Angry? Kianna just knew she wished things had happened in another way were they could have a least made it out as friends. She sighs softly as the heat from the fire warmed her entirely. "I'm sorry I suggested to bring you back as a prisoner."

Misha dropped her hand to the ground and began tracing invisible patterns in the dirt and bits of ash below her to distract herself. She shrugged dismissively. "We are enemies.. after all. You gotta protect what's yours." She summoned the courage to lift her eyes to Kianna's face, outlined in the soft light of the fire.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Azereiah
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Azereiah far, far away

Member Seen 1 mo ago

It had gotten much quieter. Brick wondered what exactly had been said, and if the arguing was finally over. It seemed as good an opportunity as any to totally ruin the moment, and the tea was ready. He washed out the two tin cups as well as possible and poured the tea, wishing that he'd been able to find a third cup for himself.

A few stray thoughts tumbled through his head as he wandered back out of the tent for the third time. The majority of the different types of poultices and makeshift ointments were still a bit beyond his scientific skill, despite the hands-on experience. He would have to do a fair bit more research on his own.

He silently placed one cup of tea each next to Misha and Kianna, then went out to gather firewood. He would ask for Destin's help with his other side project a little bit later.
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