Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

Leo snarled lightly at the swatt, but huffed and pulled the leave closer to his face, sniffing at it. He wrinkled his nose and moved it away, growling some. "Oh, ok." he huffed and gave it to Xavier. "It gross." he muttered, before glaring at him. "How it get food?"

"It's a paralysis herb. I dip my knives into it, and anyone who is cut by them ,is paralyzed for a few hours. It makes it much easier to kill something when they arent moving." He shrugs as he gets to his feet. "Now, come on, let's go see what we can find, huh?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AkeelaQ
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Leo blinked curiously and nodded some as he stood too. "Oh... hunting fun though... no moving prey kinda boring." he huffed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

Jett snorted contemptuously at the mention of Sacha's date. He stared at the ground while Amelia went on, and was silent for a while before he knew how to reply. Should I tell her it's me? he wondered hesitantly. He gave the tiniest shake of his head, deciding against it for now. He turned and looked her straight in the eyes, and, avoiding her question, said cautiously, "Sacha ordered me not to converse with any of the Rabins. Why do you care so much anyways, Amelia?" Jett froze, immediately realizing that, in his anger, he had called her by name.

Amelia scoffs at his tone, rolling her eyes. "You know what? I don't give a crap what Sacha orders you. I'm bored and I wanted to come over and have a---" She cuts off and steps back, glaring coldly at him. "How do you know my name?" She growls, glancing at her crossbow by her tent. "You say you're not a Brom but seem to know an awful lot about this camp, my leader, AND my name?!" She balls her hands into fists. "Who are you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Leo blinked curiously and nodded some as he stood too. "Oh... hunting fun though... no moving prey kinda boring." he huffed.

"Yeah, but in the middle of winter, you'd want to take what you can get. And my poison takes three weeks to settle into a way that I can put it onto my knives." He begins walking, not looking to see if Leo would follow. "You'd have to be a pretty good hunter to take down a deer by yourself, especially me with my small knives. If I paralyze it, at least then I will be able to quickly and safely kill it."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hawksnest565


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Hawksnest565>

Destin smiles at her concern. It felt nice to have someone care about him. "Seems okay. A little tender, but not too bad." He looks around her tent. "So this is your tent...huh?" He asks, almost wanting to ask permission to snoop around. He looks at her, head tilted before rocking back and forth on his heels. "So uhh...did you sleep well?" He asks awkwardly. He wasn't used to actually being able to talk to her, without the fear of being caught, that it was super weird.

"Yes, it is." Aya shifted to the side of the tent, sensing that he wanted to take a closer look at it. Even though it was her tent, a majority of the area appeared to be for communal use with two empty cots for the sick or injured and a chair between them where she could sit and keep watch if someone was dangerously ill. By one of the walls stood a cabinet in which the herbs and supplies she had were carefully sorted and stored. The cabinet had been some relic from the healers before her and its age was well shown with many scratches. Her cot was beside it with a small bedside table that held the few items that were hers alone; a torch, a pile of letters and a brooch of an owl with ruby eyes.
"I slept great, thanks!" Aya grinned, not really catching his nerves in the excitement of being able to talk to him. "Did you, as well? I know it's probably not the same as sleeping in your tent, but I hope it was okay."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

Amelia scoffs at his tone, rolling her eyes. "You know what? I don't give a crap what Sacha orders you. I'm bored and I wanted to come over and have a---" She cuts off and steps back, glaring coldly at him. "How do you know my name?" She growls, glancing at her crossbow by her tent. "You say you're not a Brom but seem to know an awful lot about this camp, my leader, AND my name?!" She balls her hands into fists. "Who are you?"

Jett sighs in frustration and glances around the clearing to make sure there was no one else around---especially Sacha. He knew there was no point in hiding the truth from her any longer, so he leaned closer to her and said softly, "How well do you remember what Sacha's 'stupid ex or whatever' looked like?" He cracked a small smile at her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

"Yes, it is." Aya shifted to the side of the tent, sensing that he wanted to take a closer look at it. Even though it was her tent, a majority of the area appeared to be for communal use with two empty cots for the sick or injured and a chair between them where she could sit and keep watch if someone was dangerously ill. By one of the walls stood a cabinet in which the herbs and supplies she had were carefully sorted and stored. The cabinet had been some relic from the healers before her and its age was well shown with many scratches. Her cot was beside it with a small bedside table that held the few items that were hers alone; a torch, a pile of letters and a brooch of an owl with ruby eyes.
"I slept great, thanks!" Aya grinned, not really catching his nerves in the excitement of being able to talk to him. "Did you, as well? I know it's probably not the same as sleeping in your tent, but I hope it was okay."

Destin smiles warmly at her as he lets his eyes drift around the small space, taking in everything he could. He then looks at her and chuckles slightly. "I did sleep well. My tent's always so drafty. There aren't ever enough injured, not that that's a bad thing! to keep the tent warm with body heat. So it was a nice..change to sleep next to something warm." He mutters. "And pretty." He whispers the last part, kicking at the ground.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

Jett sighs in frustration and glances around the clearing to make sure there was no one else around---especially Sacha. He knew there was no point in hiding the truth from her any longer, so he leaned closer to her and said softly, "How well do you remember what Sacha's 'stupid ex or whatever' looked like?" He cracked a small smile at her.

Amelia narrows her eyes at him. "Jett?" She breathes, then kicks his shin as hard as she can, before glaring angrily at him. "You're a real piece of work you know that!" She hisses, careful to keep her voice down as well. "Your stupid face! How could I ever forget. But that grin? Oh ho, I could never forget that." She scowls. "Why are you back here?!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

Amelia narrows her eyes at him. "Jett?" She breathes, then kicks his shin as hard as she can, before glaring angrily at him. "You're a real piece of work you know that!" She hisses, careful to keep her voice down as well. "Your stupid face! How could I ever forget. But that grin? Oh ho, I could never forget that." She scowls. "Why are you back here?!"

"Dammit," Jett hissed as he shook his leg loosely, trying to ease the pain he felt in his throbbing shin. The Rabins haven't exactly rolled out the welcome wagon today, he thought scathingly. He glared back at her and snapped quietly, "I told you, I just need a place to stay, so Sacha gave me two weeks. You know I wouldn't have come back here to face everyone if I had any other choice," he pointed out, a look of pain crossing his face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hawksnest565


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Ah, I'm happy to hear that." Aya frowned at his description of his tent being cold and drafty. "It's no good for you to be sleeping like that. You should get some more blankets." At the thought of Destin needing something, Aya immediately remembered his herb situation and rushed over to her backpack. In the haste of helping him last night she'd not had the time to unpack the herbs she'd gathered when out with Brick. "You'll need some of these, right?" Consumed by her need to help him she'd not heard Destin's whispered words.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

"Dammit," Jett hissed as he shook his leg loosely, trying to ease the pain he felt in his throbbing shin. The Rabins haven't exactly rolled out the welcome wagon today, he thought scathingly. He glared back at her and snapped quietly, "I told you, I just need a place to stay, so Sacha gave me two weeks. You know I wouldn't have come back here to face everyone if I had any other choice," he pointed out, a look of pain crossing his face.

"If Sacha were a smarter leader, she would have cut off one of your ears or something." Amelia snaps. "Two weeks?! You do realize the pair of you are going to shout and argue all that time right?!" She scowls at him. "You're going to irritate the shit out of me. But I guess it's all about Sacha. And all about Jett. And all about your little drama isn't it?" She sneers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Ah, I'm happy to hear that." Aya frowned at his description of his tent being cold and drafty. "It's no good for you to be sleeping like that. You should get some more blankets." At the thought of Destin needing something, Aya immediately remembered his herb situation and rushed over to her backpack. In the haste of helping him last night she'd not had the time to unpack the herbs she'd gathered when out with Brick. "You'll need some of these, right?" Consumed by her need to help him she'd not heard Destin's whispered words.

Destin nods and then laughs slightly. "I have so many blankets.." He sighs in relief as she doesnt catch what he said. He watches her then nods. "Yeah. But we should leave them on the shelves and organized before I leave. Otherwise they'll dry out." He walks over to help her unpack the herbs. That was always a favorite task of his. He loved smelling the herbs while doing it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

"If Sacha were a smarter leader, she would have cut off one of your ears or something." Amelia snaps. "Two weeks?! You do realize the pair of you are going to shout and argue all that time right?!" She scowls at him. "You're going to irritate the shit out of me. But I guess it's all about Sacha. And all about Jett. And all about your little drama isn't it?" She sneers.

Jett gritted his teeth and advanced towards her until they were only a foot apart. He looked down at her with an icy glare and growled, "Who are you to talk to me about my relationship with Sacha?" He felt his pent up frustration bubbling to the surface. "I mean, what the hell would we even have to fight about? I learned a long time ago how fucking useless it is to try to get her to listen to me anyways," he spat. "What I didn't expect, though, was to find that she'd turned everyone was against me, as well," he muttered, eyeing her suspiciously.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hawksnest565


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Good idea," Aya stepped to the side so that he could get the herbs out of the backpack too. As she did, she felt a sudden thought overtake her mind. Does my hair look okay? I didn't brush it after I woke up... She bit her lip, trying to distract herself from it. What a ridiculous thing to think about it. Perhaps it was something about Destin being here. Not that she really cared when any of the Rabins would see her with messy hair. And he was just like them, right? A friend?
"Did you have any herbs left?" she blurted out in a higher tone than usual, desperate to distract herself from whatever terrible conversation was happening inside her head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

Jett gritted his teeth and advanced towards her until they were only a foot apart. He looked down at her with an icy glare and growled, "Who are you to talk to me about my relationship with Sacha?" He felt his pent up frustration bubbling to the surface. "I mean, what the hell would we even have to fight about? I learned a long time ago how fucking useless it is to try to get her to listen to me anyways," he spat. "What I didn't expect, though, was to find that she'd turned everyone was against me, as well," he muttered, eyeing her suspiciously.

Amelia blinks at the sudden hostility, instantly becoming defensive as she steps away from him warily. "I mean, Sacha's our leader, so we have to care about when she's upset, and you obviously did something, so..." She then frowns a bit. "Sacha never even mentioned you after you left Jett." She tilts her head, narrowing her eyes in thought. "Jett, she was crying for three days after you left." she shakes her head. "You really hurt her, whatever you did."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Good idea," Aya stepped to the side so that he could get the herbs out of the backpack too. As she did, she felt a sudden thought overtake her mind. Does my hair look okay? I didn't brush it after I woke up... She bit her lip, trying to distract herself from it. What a ridiculous thing to think about it. Perhaps it was something about Destin being here. Not that she really cared when any of the Rabins would see her with messy hair. And he was just like them, right? A friend?
"Did you have any herbs left?" she blurted out in a higher tone than usual, desperate to distract herself from whatever terrible conversation was happening inside her head.

Destin hums a bit as he pulls out the herbs, setting them in their particular spots. He then glances at her, noticing how pretty she was. He quickly looks down before she can notice and then blinks as she blurts out the question. "Oh. No. None...they all..burned." His voice shakes a bit at the end and he closes his eyes in an attempt to compose himself. Don't you dare Cry Destin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by wallaberry
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wallaberry Its Dat Boi!!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nadia was eating dried rabbit jerky on a rock in the forest. She sat on in silently and listened to the undergrowth around her. She noticed how cold it felt, and frowned slightly. Winter wasn't too far off, more than likely. Her eyes shifted between each tree as she thought to herself. She wondered what was happening with the groups; they had been pretty quiet as of late.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

Amelia blinks at the sudden hostility, instantly becoming defensive as she steps away from him warily. "I mean, Sacha's our leader, so we have to care about when she's upset, and you obviously did something, so..." She then frowns a bit. "Sacha never even mentioned you after you left Jett." She tilts her head, narrowing her eyes in thought. "Jett, she was crying for three days after you left." she shakes her head. "You really hurt her, whatever you did."

Jett's anger vanished as suddenly as it had appeared, leaving him with an unbearable sensation of emptiness. He sat back down on the ground and put his head in his hands, and stayed there in silence for a long moment. "She didn't even mention me?" he whispered, half to Amelia, half to himself. He took a breath, gathered himself a bit, and looked to Amelia solemnly. "Trust me, it sure wasn't easy on me either." He sighed and ran one hand through his disheveled hair. "She certainly made her feelings on the matter clear."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hawksnest565


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aya wanted to kick herself. How could she have forgotten about how distraught Destin had been over the whole fiasco. She searched for another topic to talk about. "Umm... So... Misha seems like a nice person?" She was judging that description solely off the fact that Misha had sat in her lap for the fire. That was definitely the basis for a nice person. Or maybe she was just bias towards shifters that turned into cats.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

Jett's anger vanished as suddenly as it had appeared, leaving him with an unbearable sensation of emptiness. He sat back down on the ground and put his head in his hands, and stayed there in silence for a long moment. "She didn't even mention me?" he whispered, half to Amelia, half to himself. He took a breath, gathered himself a bit, and looked to Amelia solemnly. "Trust me, it sure wasn't easy on me either." He sighed and ran one hand through his disheveled hair. "She certainly made her feelings on the matter clear."

Amelia huffs slightly. "I'll be right back." She shifts and scampers into her tent and then runs back out with a small cloth in her mouth. She then shifts human and holds it out to him. "For your nose." She says before sitting next to him, watching him a moment. "So how come you left?" She asks curiously. "I mean, if you didn't want to, and she obviously didn't want you to either."
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