Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Alias - N/A

Species - Wookie

Gender - Male

Age - 181 standard years old

Appearance - Raarkoo's fur covers his entire body, on his face are a few distinguishable features. Just below his left eye is a burn mark, across his lips is a scar.

Height - 2.2 meters

Weight - 253 pounds

Apparel/Armor - As he is a wookie, Raarkoo does not really wear clothing. His thick fur provides resistance to the elements and some natural protection. He has a bandoleer which contains ammunition and around his hips is a sturdy leather belt which contains supplies. Also on the belt are holsters for his sidearm blaster and vibrosword. On his back is another holster for his bowcaster.

Weapons - Raarko's main weapon is a handcrafted bowcaster, the signature weapon of his species. He carries a secondary weapon in the form of a Model 434 heavy blaster pistol. For close range encounters Raarko has a vibroblade.

Equipment - A M-TD miniaturized translator droid, Imperial Peace-Keeping Certificate, grappling spike launcher, credit chip, Whipcord launcher and Bacta spray.

Personal starship - Raarko flies a G1-M4-C Dunelizard fighter. It is a relatively quick craft that is equipped with twin medium laser cannons, a missile launcher and shields. It is a common sight amongst bounty hunters and is enough for Raarko.

Skills -
  • Raarko is highly skilled with his bowcaster, it's is favored weapon though he is proficient with other blasters.
  • He is a fearsome melee combatant, his pure physical strength is often enough to win close quarters battles. But he is trained with his vibroblade and enjoys using it.
  • As a wookie he is naturally stronger than many other species, almost to an absurd degree. Wookies have a reputation to rip someone's arm out if they anger them, Raarko is no different.
  • He's a natural climber, trees in particular are something climbed with ease. He's also faster than he would appear for his towering size.
  • Raarko is also great at tracking, able to do it on all terrains but forests in particular. He knows how to lay down traps and often does so.
  • Solid starship pilot, no an ace but can hold his own.
  • He understands his native language, Galactic Basic and Huttese. He cannot speak the latter two though.

Flaws -
  • He is prone to intense bouts of anger. It doesn't take a whole lot to stir his temper.
  • Unable to speak any language except for his native tongue. Requires his translator droid when speaking to non-Wookies.
  • Raarko is completely ruthless, when tracking a bounty he lets nothing stand in his way. While he doesn't enjoy killing civilians, if they are in his path then he's not afraid to cause collateral damage.
  • He's very cocky and looks down at many other species. He'll often crack remarks about his superior strength and power.
  • Raarko does not have many friends and is used to working alone. So much so that he almost prefers it. He rarely trusts others.
  • He has an intense hatred for Trandoshans, just being in the presence of one makes him want to rip its head off. He doesn't work with them no matter the situation. Also hates the Empire but works with them because they pay very well.

Personality - Raarko is a fierce wookie with a volatile temperament, this is a stereotype of the race but he pretty much embodies it. He's quick to anger and when angry tends to destroy walls, doors and items around him. He's not afraid to speak his mind on matters, though to non speakers of his language his words just sound like growls and roars. He has few friends throughout the galaxy but those that he has he protects with intensity. He respects courage and boldness, a way to earn his respect is to best him in combat honorably or fight alongside of him.

Backstory - Raarko was born on the wookie homeworld of Kashyyyk, his family was large and very close. He spent his early years learning the wookie way of life. It was during this time that he learned about the beauty of his homeworld, the fierce and sometimes gentle wildlife, the massive trees his people climbed. Being on forested worlds to this day reminds him of his homeworld. When he reached adulthood he stayed on his homeworld, becoming a hunter for his people.

It was his job to track down and kill wild creatures so that the people in his village could eat. Life was simple and like this for many years. He met a female wookie who would become his wife, eventually he had a son. He was happy on his homeworld, there was rarely conflict and any outsiders that came to the world were merchants who meant his species no harm. For decades it went like this until the Clone Wars began and his planet became a sight for battle.

He fought in the battle of Kashyyyk, on the frontlines with thousands of his race. Some were scared of the fearsome droid army that was going to bear down on them, but these fears were shot down. His people were backed by the Republic army and Jedi. Combat began quickly but dragged on in a back and forth conflict, neither side seeming to push the tide of war their way. Many of Raarko's friends perished in battle, though he survived it.

Then everything changed as the Republic fell and the Empire rose, it was all a blur to him as he watched clone troopers gun down their Jedi generals as they were branded traitors to the Republic. His people were enslaved by the now Imperial forces as they took his homeworld, Raarko was sent to mine spices and split from his family. He didn't see his son or wife again.

For a few years he was forced to work intense and brutal labor as he mined spices. He worked it alongside of his race, many died during the forced labor. Raarko and a few of his fellow wookies broke away and escaped one day, flying away into space away from the mines.

With nowhere else to turn Raarko became a bounty hunter, there were few free wookies throughout the galaxy at that time, a good amount of them became bounty hunters. He put his skills as hunter to work, carving out a solid reputation as a freelance bounty hunter. Years of work lead him to working with the Empire, a prospect he was at first nervous about until he proved an asset to them after tracking and capturing some of their targets.

He didn't like working for the people that enslaved his people and was watchful of them every second he was in their presence. He received the message from the Empire about a lucrative job offer and took it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Barrett
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Barrett Oh, the year was 1778...

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Keell Vo



35 cycles

Wearing the thick black robes and scarf of a well-to-do Space Trader, Keell makes every effort not to stand out. His weapons are kept well out of sight and his armour is concealed beneath his clothes. For a Rodian, his build is average, though he is a little shorter than the norm.



  • Microbe Armour - Made up of a series of compartments housing micro-organisms that feed on radiation, this vest can absorb blaster shots but not much else.

  • Heavy Blaster Pistol - A customised blaster pistol that fires a more powerful bolt than most, at the cost of power packs being expended much more quickly.
  • Talon Vibro Dagger - Unlike most vibro-knives, the Talon vibrates at ultra-sonic speeds and therefore makes no noise when used.
  • Monofilament Wire - Beyond razor sharp wire, usable to garrotte any opponent smart enough to have armoured their necks.

  • DataPad - A device for recording, storing or transmitting information. Used to learn about bounty targets, send messages and record kill proofs.

  • Skilled infiltrator and assassin, uses the shadows to move and his cunning when there are none.
  • Experienced at using crowds for cover, blending into the group until he wants to be seen.
  • Good knowledge of the biology of most species, knows where to stab to kill nine times out of ten.
  • Excellent shot with his blaster pistol, which is modified to hit hard and melt armour.
  • Well versed in a number of languages, able to be conversational in most of the galaxy.

  • Not particularly fast on the draw or strong, Keell relies on surprise and planning to defeat his opponents.
  • His armour protects only against blaster shots and offers no defences against melee weapons or solid projectiles.
  • A coward who would rather run and hide than stand his ground in a fight.

Keell was trained from a young age to be neither seen nor heard, lessons he took well to heart. As a professional bounty hunter, he deliberately makes sure his victories and successes are kept secret and that he doesn't build a threatening name or reputation. It is his hope that people see nothing more than a soft looking Rodian and underestimate him, something that happens on a regular basis. And when their gaze is else where, he moves behind them and gets outs his monofilament wire.

On a personal level, Keell is much the same, never taking up too much space in a conversation or trying to contradict others. He would rather people forget that he was there than make himself the object of attention. He's not only shy but suspicious and uneasy in the company of others. He prefers to sit alone and study biology or mathematics, feeling most comfortable when not forced to talk to others. It is this that makes him so adept at fading into the background or into a crowd. Anyone who takes the time to try and get to know Keell will find him pleasant and knowledgeable but also driven to the exclusion of all else. He has a purpose and nothing will keep him from it, not enemies and not friends.

Born to a pair of indentured servants on Tatooine, Keell was raised to serve his masters and betters in silence. His parents worked for Jabba the Hutt, who preferred servants to not be noticeable or remarked upon at all by his guests. So Keell learned to clear a table without its occupants even noticing he was there, to serve drinks before the patrons knew their glasses were empty and to move through Jabba's palace without disturbing anyone. As his parents were working off a debt rather than slaves, Keell had a little more freedom than many of the palace's staff and would occasionally go to Mos Eisley or one of the other settlements for fun. But as a small boy, he found that frustrated spacers and angry bounty hunters would snap and growl at anyone foolish enough to catch their attention. Keell soon learned to keep himself concealed and unnoticed even when outside of the palace's walls or off-duty.

His parents worked hard to pay off the debt they had incurred by borrowing from Jabba to move to Tatooine, saving every penny they could and gradually chipping away at what they owed. By the time Keell was twenty cycles old, it seemed they had enough to buy back their freedom from the Hutt. But the day before they went to pay him, another member of the staff robbed them and ran away with the money. He didn't get far, Jabba's guards dragging him back only a few hours later, but the guards said they'd found no money on him. The Vo family knew that the guards had taken it for themselves but there was nothing they could do. On Tatooine, the only law is Jabba and he would hardly intervene on the behalf of some menial servants over his very own guards. Keell's knew his parents would likely not live long enough to pay off their debts again and told them he would borrow money from Jabba to buy their bonds and then work off his own debt as quickly as possible but his parents refused his kind offer. Instead, they told him to leave Tatooine and find himself a life on a more civilised planet. He was smuggled onto a cargo freighter headed for the inner sectors of the Empire within a week. Keell swore he would return to free them both.

In the following years, Keell did many jobs. He was a waiter, a teacher, a librarian and a barman but none of these jobs made him enough money to buy off his parent's debt. When he was offered a job as lookout by a shady customer one evening at the bar, Keell decided to take a gamble and accept. He stood silent and careful in the rain as the customer and his friends broke into a weapons supplier and left with armfuls of guns. His payment was meagre compared to the other crew members but was still worth several days wages at the bar. And more importantly, now he had a contact. Keell did many more jobs that were similar and honed his already not inconsiderable skills at avoiding detection. He learned to shoot and sneak, to stab and steal. And when things got serious and the Stormtroopers came for the little gang, Keell was the only one to make it out alive, slipping away during the battle.

With his new found skills, Keell realised he could make enough to free his parents in a matter of months if he was successful in all of his jobs. So he went after Imperial approved bounties one at a time, never taking more risks than he had to. He didn't intend to die doing this job, he had people waiting. Despite a dozen or more extremely successful missions, Keell's fame spread no further than his contact at the bounty office. He would rather people knew not his name nor his face, the better to do his job and the better to leave it when the time came. When that time came, of course, things were not so easy. He found upon his return to Tatooine that his parents were both long since dead; his mother had been fed to a Rancor Jabba had purchased and his father had died trying to defend her. Briefly, Keell considered trying to kill Jabba there and then but eventually decided against it. He would rather not die like his parents had and so retreated to mourn and plot.

Since then, Keell has slowly been building a fortune of his own and is intent on one day taking revenge on the vial Hutt whose hands are stained with Vo blood. He knows it will not be easy, for Jabba is coming and his palace is like a fortress, but Keell is determined. Every job is done for a reason, to build up enough capital to pay for the job. He'll need accomplices, specialist gear, an escape vessel and a score of other expensive resources. It will take some time but Keell is methodical and patient. And when he is done and Jabba is dead, he'll find somewhere civilised to settle down, he believes. After all, it's what his parents wanted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alfhedil
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Alfhedil What do you see Kaneda?

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

It comes as a silent whisper in the wind, a bullet borne by the will of fate to strike true. A blade in the darkness sliding between the ribs to ease its way into a lung. The slow pain of complete nervous shutdown, or the agony of flames wreathed about a man desperately trying to put them out. Always lurking near those marked for death is that agent of destruction, a harbinger of pain who they inevitably reach out for. They will beg and plead to this being, offer the lives of others and give away everything they own and more. All in the name of a little mercy. Red eyes light up for that merest fraction of a second, imperceptible to organic eyes, but all the same hinting at the immense pleasure that one found in their begging.

In the end, the answer is always the same to their pitiful mewling...

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Ranna Wessiri -

Species: Human/Corellian -

Gender: Female -

Age: 25 yrs old -


Height: 5'9" -

Weight: 140 -

Clothing and armor: Leather Jacket and boots, Denim jeans and a tank top are her usual apparel. She does wear protective gear comparable to a bulletproof vest. -

Weapons: Blaster, Sniper blaster rifle and a vibroblade

Other Equipment: smoke bombs, and Imperial XX-23 S-Thread Tracer
Star Wars weapon Developed by Sienar Fleet Systems for the Empire, the Imperial XX-23 S-Thread Tracer was made specifically to track ships through hyperspace to destination.

Personal Ship: YT-2000 she calls "The Iron Wolf" -
Shield: 150 / 150150 / 150
Hull: 200 / 200200 / 200
Ionic: 95 / 9595 / 95

Hyperspeed: 7.00 / 7.007.00 / 7.00
Sublight Speed: 60.00 / 60.0060.00 / 60.00
Manoeuvrability: 6.00 / 6.006.00 / 6.00
Remaining Weight Capacity: 11 / 12 Tons 11 / 12 Tons
Remaining Volume Capacity: 29 / 35 m³29 / 35 m³
Sensors: 1.00 / 1.001.00 / 1.00
Range: 2/22/2
ECM: 0.00 / 0.000.00 / 0.00
Passengers: 0/50/5
Weapons: Ion Cannons: 2
Heavy Laser: 4
Landing capacity
Hangar Bay
Repulsors 1
Rebreather masks and a mechanics tool kit with some spare parts are located on board the Iron Wolf. She also has an R2 series Astromech Techno Droid that is almost always on board the ship.

Skills -hand to hand combat skills are better than average. She is a phenominal pilot and she has deadly precision with a blaster. Ranna is quick and has great instincts. She is a great Smuggler and thief.

Flaws -Ranna has a few flaws. She is sometimes louder than she needs to be, especially if she is drunk. Her boots make her taller than most males and that means she stands out a little more than would be helpful. Ranna can not cook to save her life. She can speak several languages but not all of them well. Occassionally she screws up and says something really off the wall and starts fights without knowing what she said.

Personality - Has a basically upbeat but fun personality. She is loyal to herself and is usually on time and she has a tendency to get into trouble. Ranna outwardly appears to be fearless but she is really just untrusting.

Backstory - Having grown up on the streets of Coronet on Corellia, Ranna learned many interesting skills. She made friends easily and they helped her to survive. She learned how to steal EVERYTHING, from food to fighter planes. The gang of kids taught each other and protected each other. They consisted of 14 of them. One of which would someday die at Ranna's hands in self defense of a younger child.

Ranna was 17 when she killed for the first time and it never left her. She could and would kill if necessary, but she would try to avoid it if she could. Ever since her previous partner and mate was killed in action while on a bounty she is a little more agressive than one might expect her to be.

Ranna bought her ship "The Iron Wolf" while she had worked for a Starport Mining Company near Ottega. Ranna had been flying it for them and bought it outright when she found out one of their pilots was the reason she and her mate were captured. Ranna had been beaten so severely that she was in medical for nearly six months. Her mate had died almost immediately. Ranna wears her jacket almost all the time. It hides hundreds of scars on her arms, back, chest and torso.

Ranna left Starport mining shortly after getting out of medical and went on to pilot her yt-2000 for Sienar Fleet Systems. After doing some excellent work for them she was at the top of her pay grade and she was given an Imperial XX-23 S-Thread Tracer as a bonus.

Ranna is biding her time. She went into bounty hunting and she earned the attention of the Empire on a fairly regular basis. Soon enough they were asking her to hunt down bounties. She has not yet had her vengeance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name - Bodaan Kenu

Alias - The Speeding Hunter

Species - Rodian

Gender - Male

Age - 42

Appearance - Bodaan is of slightly lesser height than the average rodian, though the difference is about negligible. What immediately draws attention is his skin color, a dark blue which is an aberration among the rest of his green-skinned brethren. His eyes are also distinct from the rest of his species, being an amber-brown. He had no spines or frills upon his head, though his skin is quite bumpy, enough so that a blind man could read a book from Bodaan.Other than that, his snout is slightly more flat than that of an average rodian, but hardly anything out of the ordinary.

Height - 1.65 meters

Weight - 200 lbs

Apparel/Armor - Bodaan wears a modified racing track suit with plates of durasteel armor woven into the cushioning. It’s not the most optimal defense against blasters or melee attacks, but then Bodaan never intends to fight where he can be injured anyway.

Weapons -
  • Custom X1LL3R Blaster Rifle - A special made blaster rifle awarded to Bodaan for a job he pulled for one of the companies in the independent Corporate Sector of the galaxy. High powered piercing shots, recoil stabilizers, an adjustable scope, and range more than twice that of the standard long range rifle make this beauty one of the best damn sniper weapons in the galaxy.
  • Light blaster pistol - Your standard run of the mill light sidearm. If you're close enough that Bodaan has to use this weapon, chances are you've already won.

Equipment -
  • Mechanic’s tool kit
  • Personal datapad
  • Custom speeder bike - Built for maximum speed and handling, used both in races and chasing down acquisitions.
  • Custom swoop bike - Exclusively for racing. Some systems are old school and still race swoops rather than the modern day pods. Bodaan is prepared for any race.
  • Custom pod racer - Used for racing.
  • Binoc-u-com
  • Credit chip

Personal starship - The Phantom Seeker is a heavily modified Nubian J-357 yacht, purchased from an old junkyard and put back together by Bodaan’s own two hands. Modified how? Well for starters the base model is a ship of peace, and as such has no guns. Not so with the Phantom Seeker. She's got two forward mounted laser cannons with ion setting, just in case he needs to short out a vessel rather than destroy it outright. Bodaan has taken advantage of the ship’s sleek, aerodynamic design by upping the atmospheric engines’ output, making it one of the quickest ship’s around in sub-light travel. That said, the hyperdrive isn't up to snuff, so if Bodaan can't make the catch before his target goes light speed, it'll take him a while to catch up. He plans to rectify this problem soon.

Skills -
  • One shot, two kills - Bodaan lays claim to the title of best marksman in the galaxy, whether that's true or not. Regardless, his skills as a sniper are recognizable and unmistakably masterful.
  • Need for speed - Every ace pilot has a specialty. Some are great dog fighters. Some are great surveyors. Bodaan is a natural born racer. When he's in the pilot seat, you best buckle up for a crazy ride, because he's taking off like a lizard running from a krayt dragon. Racing is in his blood, and it's won him multiple medals and trophies.
  • Chewie, get me the hydrospanner! - Every customization, every addition, repair, and tinkering on his equipment? That's his handiwork. Bodaan believes that a hunter’s equipment is an extension of himself, so he makes sure to understand it as well as his own body. He's not the best mechanic is the galaxy, but he understands machines better than he understands people.
  • Follow that trail! - Raised as a hunter, Bodaan is an expert tracker on land. He’ll pick up your trail and follow you to the ends of the planet, and with his penchant for speed chances are it won't take long.

Flaws -
  • Nervous twitch - Bodaan’s close combat ability is as bad as his marksmanship is good. Even when it comes to short range blaster fire, he has a difficult time hitting his target. Get him in a melee fight? There's no point in even putting up a fight, because you've already won.
  • Take her slow - Ok, so Bodaan’s an amazing pilot and superior racer, this we've already established. Well as it turns out, the need for speed isn't always a good thing. When it comes to flying like, oh say a normal same person, Bodaan has no patience. He only feels alive when on the hunt, or when performing death defying piloting, so he has this pathological need to act on this instinct. Obviously he's not the man you want when you need someone covert behind the wheel, and has led to unpaid traffic charges on more than two dozen systems.
  • Search your feelings - Bodaan possesses many textbook traits of sociopathy. As such, he's completely incapable of relating to others and their emotions. In fact he has a difficult enough time relating to his own emotions. This makes his social skills bantha poodoo. He's not exactly prone to stuffing his foot in his mouth, but he's not convincing anyone of anything, or picking up on their cues. Where it becomes truly debilitating, however, is in his complete inability to understand why people dislike him killing their friends and family, or the collateral damage he might create.

Personality - Bodaan is a mid functioning sociopath with some acute symptoms of autism. He’s not one for expressing his emotions, if he’s even feeling anything, nor for recognizing the emotions of others. He doesn’t go out of his way to be a nerf-herder, and in fact most of the time he’s really very friendly and pleasant. That’s simply because he feels no need to get angry or deride anyone around him. People are basically objects, there’s no sense in caring one way or the other about something that isn’t “alive.”

This goes the other way too, though. Bodaan rarely “feels” anything, even for himself. That’s why he’s thrown himself entirely into his career as a galactic bounty hunter and racing champion. It’s only when his blood pumps with the adrenaline of the chase that he actually feels alive, that he has any value or worth. That’s why his dream is to be recognized as the greatest hunter in the galaxy. If he can do that, then he knows he’s “lived” as much as he can in this meager life.

Backstory - Born and raised in the forests and swamps of Rodia, Bodaan was a peculiar child, due to his strange skin coloration. He was never really picked on for it, but children his own age gave him a wide berth. They treated him like you might treat someone with cancer, or AIDS. He didn’t much care for that, so he rarely interacted with other rodians, or any spacers that came to his home. His parents were hunters, regularly going out into the wilds of Rodia to fell some beasty, then bring back its hide and meat for supplies and to sell. This being Rodia, hunting was a rather common career, so his parents had every intention of teaching him the ropes so he could join the family business. Young Bodaan was more than willing, and even excited, to learn to the point that he followed them one day when he was still too young.

This event led to the young rodian being attacked by one of the natural predators of his home world. The great behemoth of a beast got in real close and almost devoured little Bodaan whole. At that age, he couldn’t react in any way but to freeze, to completely lock up. Thankfully the creature was slain, from a distance, by his parents’ and their blaster rifles. The event was a trigger for several deeply rooted psychological traits he now possesses well into adulthood.

A few years later, when Bodaan was old enough to hold his own and learn in the wilds of Rodia, he went on his first hunt by himself. He tracked a karstag through some of the drier portions of the swamp, a hunting rifle slung over his shoulder and a binoc-u-com at the ready to see far distances. Tracking the creature gave him… He wasn’t sure how to describe it. A thrill? Sure, let’s go with that. In some way it felt as though he were making up for his past failure, knowing that this time he was the predator. Well he tracked the karstag to its nest and setup his perch, just waiting for the creature to emerge. The moment the creature poked out its great big head, Bodaan shot it in one of its eyes, killing the beast instantly. With that kill came some sort of sweet release, but the feeling quickly faded. Welp, time to harvest the karstag and haul it back home. Bodaan brought the speeder along and did exactly that.

Fast forward a couple years, and Bodaan had become a respected hunter of natural predators and menacing creatures on Rodia. Ond miday hunt when he went out looking for a ghest, also known as the swamp demon, his life turned a different direction. He brought with him two more respected hunters, and facing a Ghest alone was considered the equivalent of suicide, but even when a team went after the swamp demon it was more common for there to be casualties than none. In any case, Bodaan had tracked the terrifying creature (in and of itself an accomplishment, as ghests were known to do the tracking, not the other way around) and his team were setting up the ambush, when a most peculiar sight fell before them. A duro ran by. Well that just completely ruined the ambush, as the duro alerted the ghest to everyone’s presence, and thus it attacked in a surprise while the team was distracted. In an instant one of the hunters Bodaan had recruited was bitten clean in half by the predator, while at the same time three speeder bikes came zooming by. The ghest hurled half of the dead rodian’s body haphazardly, which collided with one of the riders, knocking him off the bike and into the water where he was immediately pulled under by the swamp demon. A second rider lost his nerve at the sight of the monstrous beast, then lost control of his speeder and fell off.

The running duro wasted no time in appropriating one of the speeders, then took off with the last remaining chaser on his tail. Seeing this, Bodaan hopped on the other available speeder and gave chase himself, leaving his one remaining hunter alone with a monster. Who could blame him? The ghest had already gotten in their faces, so the only choice would be to fall back. Plus this was far more interesting. That duro was being hunted by these men like a wild animal himself. Why? Bodaan had heard of such sport, but never witnessed it… Until now. Bodaan and the stranger gave chase on the duro, quickly catching up. It was the first time he was able to hunt something so… Fast. Everything before had been slow, methodical, but this was invigorating! Thanks to Bodaan’s knowledge of the area, he was able to cut off the duro, forcing the runner to come to a complete halt while the stranger pulled up behind. The stranger stood up and pulled off a helmet, revealing herself to be a female zabrak. She ordered the duro to put his hands behind his back so she could cuff him, and he did. Once this was done, she introduced herself to Bodaan as Meela, the bounty hunter. She thanked him for his assist and in turn gave him some credits for his troubles. In turn Bodaan offered to help escort the prisoner, which she accepted. Once the duro was safely locked up in the brig of her ship, Meela offered Bodaan a place on her ship as an apprentice bounty hunter. After all, two of her crew were dead, so she could use the extra hands. Bodaan instantly accepted.

Without even so much as a goodbye, Bodaan took off with the bounty hunter Meela, in her ship the Red Giant. He served as her apprentice for only one year before the Clone Wars broke out, but in that time he learned a great deal and honed his skills. They finally parted ways when they worked on a job on Corelia. The acquisition had a bounty placed on his head for borrowing speeder parts from some hutts without paying them back. He was something of a ghost, appearing for races on various systems, then vanishing without a trace. That meant that if the team was going to bag this hot shot, they had to do it during the race. For the plan to work, Bodaan was to participate in the race while Meela and the others were setup at strategic points to intercept the target’s racer. Bodaan was to do what he could to cause an “accident” and whichever member of the team was closest would snag the acquisition from the crash. Well the plan went off without a hitch. Once the target had been acquired, Meela ordered Bodaan to return to the ship… But he refused. The entry fee for the race was 1000 credits, and the target was worth 10000. That meant 9000 split five ways, with Meela taking the most. But winning the cup… That was 50000 credits. Bodaan put the pedal to the metal and he won that race, he won those credits, and he left Meela’s crew without so much as a goodbye where he went and purchased his own ship and equipment using the prize money, along with his savings.

Ever since Bodaan has piloted his own ship, the Phantom Seeker, across the galaxy. He seeks out high paying and high profile jobs wherever he can and participates in every race along the way. Once he is known as the greatest in the galaxy, he knows he’ll have lived as much as he can. Until then, criminals, debtors, and racers beware, for the Speeding Hunter is coming for you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Cruallassar Shadow Ranger

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Vidori "Sellgun" Selgan, the Problem Solver.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Orlan


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Kai the Lucky.

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