A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....

It has been thirteen years since the rise of the evil GALACTIC EMPIRE. It is a terrifying time as the oppressed galaxy lays within its crushing fist. Any that dare to stand against them are destroyed.
Bounty hunters thrive throughout the galaxy, the unpredictability of current times has given them more work than ever. When their feared STORMTROOPERS are not suitable for a mission, the Empire calls upon these paid mercenaries.
A message has been sent to several highly regarded bounty hunters as the Empire is offering them payment for a high risk job. They all assemble aboard a Star Destroyer in an undisclosed location....

It has been thirteen years since the rise of the evil GALACTIC EMPIRE. It is a terrifying time as the oppressed galaxy lays within its crushing fist. Any that dare to stand against them are destroyed.
Bounty hunters thrive throughout the galaxy, the unpredictability of current times has given them more work than ever. When their feared STORMTROOPERS are not suitable for a mission, the Empire calls upon these paid mercenaries.
A message has been sent to several highly regarded bounty hunters as the Empire is offering them payment for a high risk job. They all assemble aboard a Star Destroyer in an undisclosed location....

1. The usual stuff: No godmodding, metagaming, autohiting, powergaming, Mary Sues/Gary Stus, etc.
2. Original characters only. See the Character Creation Rules below for more info.
3. Be friendly in the OOC, your characters can despise each other in the IC but don't actually hate each in the OOC. I have a zero tolerance on fighting in the OOC.
4. Romance is cool, but keep it PG-13 with the romantic scenes.
5. This a casual level RP, minimum of one solid paragraph per IC post. More is always great. Roleplay in third person, that is a pet peeve of mine. Don't be afraid to collab with other players for posts.
6. Try not to just disappear, if you're going to be away then please notify me. One week without a word from you then you're removed from the RP.
7. Character death is a possibility.
8. Please don't control any named NPCs, those are for me to deal with. Unnamed ones are a different story, you can control those in your IC posts.
9. My word is law.
10. Have fun. Any questions or concerns can be directed towards me.
Character Creation Rules:
- No Jedi or Sith.
- No naturally Force sensitive species such as the Miraluka. The Force has no place here.
- No Hutts, Ewoks, Jawas, Sand People or Red Sith.
- No more Mandolorians.
- Variety is the spice of life, it is too in the Star Wars. There are many interesting species in the SW universe to choose from. I love a variety of characters in my RPs as well.
- Here is a useful guide to sentient species in the SW universe.
- Here is another.
Second part of it. - A useful name generator.

Character Sheet