The Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Avenger sat motionless in the darkness of space. The massive machine seemed to fit in with the silence of space, to someone that happened upon it by accident they might believe it had been abandoned. It was not, inside of it were thousands of the Empire's finest. On the bridge stood a tall, gruff looking figure. This was Admiral Vondell and all answered to him on his ship.
"Sir, our scanners have detected multiple ships approaching the Avenger. We believe they are the bounty hunters you requested." Another man said as he stood behind Vondell and stared at the admiral's back as he gazed out the window into the darkness of outer space. This was Captain Dene, second in command on the Avenger. He also answered to Vondell.
"Good. Allow them entry into the hangar, from there on lead them into a conference room." The Admiral replied, as he did not turn his back, his hands folded behind him as he spoke. His voice was deep and almost commanded respect with its sheer tone.
"As you wish, sir. Should we take any security measures?" The lower ranked man asked. Dene's words with a hint of uncertainty to them, him like many others on-board the Avenger did not like strangers coming onto the ship. Especially bounty hunters. No one but Vondell understood why they had been summoned here.
"No. Simply lead them to the conference room, lock doors to other hallways and post guards by them. The visitors are to be treated with respect, they're highly regarded in their field and their only interest lies in the credits we will pay them." Vondell said as he finely turned around and glared at the man speaking to him.
"Very well, Admiral. I will make sure your orders are followed without a hitch." The captain said with a nod.
"I am glad to hear that, you do not wish to know what happens if that promise is not kept."
"Yes, of course, sir." Dene answered almost meekly. Vondell turned his back once more to the captain which the man took as a sign that the conversation was over and he was dismissed. The Admiral once more stared into the stars as he awaited for his ship's guests to arrive.
The wookie growled as he approached the Star Destroyer. Both of his furred hands clenched his ship's controls, the machinery specially designed for his massive fingers. A ping of nervousness shot through his nerves as he slowed his advance and shifted towards the hangar's doors which had been opened.
Then he passed through the barrier, his brown eyes focused on the hangar bay's floor which was mostly barren except for a few transport vessels. The recognizable TIE fighter's could be seen docked above, attached to railings of some sort. Raarkoo parked his fighter, then unbuckled himself from the pilot's chair. As he did this he could feel the eyes of all the Imperials on his ship.
Raarkoo gathered his supplies, with a deep breath he flipped the switch which opened the doors. Then he stepped onto the steel floor outside of his vessel, one of his hands went to his belt as he activated his translator droid. It came on with a chirp as the small machine floated up above his shoulders, its yellow 'eyes' began to scan its surroundings.
An Imperial walked towards Raarkoo, an officer of some kind by his uniform. One his left side the wookie took notice of several Stormtroopers, their helmets turned towards him, each with blaster rifles drawn. One slapped the other in the chest plate as they noticed Raarkoo exit his vehicle.
"You are the wookie bounty hunter, Raarkoo?" The officer asked, butchering his name as he spoke it. From the expression on the man's face he seemed unsure if Raarkoo could understand his words. He also seemed to be quite nervous around the furred creature which made him look like a child in stature.
He also stood a distance from Raarkoo, out of the giant's reach. Humans could be so cowardly, they always treated him like a beast. The Stormtroopers looked almost eager to take a shot at him. Raarkoo spoke to the officer, his words coming out as a mix of growls and roars. His small translator droid instantly translated them to Galactic Basic once the wookie finished what he wanted to say.
"Obviously. There aren't many bounty hunters from my species, you Imperials enslaved us all. I suggest you order your soldiers over there to stop looking at me like a wild animal. I'm sure there is dirty work you could have them do." The words came out in a masculine tone, the officer understanding each one.
"Certainly. The Admiral asked for us to treat you bounty hunters like proper guests." The human answered, taken aback by the words spoken to him. He turned towards the Stormtroopers, gave them a glare and waved his hand. They moved away and walked in the opposite direction. That was better.
"I hope you do that. The other bounty hunters may not be as understanding as me, I know that some of them are very jumpy people." Raarkoo said, as he glared at the officer who seemed to take another step backwards.
"Yes, the Admiral understood that as well. Now please, follow me." He said as he turned his back to the wookie and started to walk towards the interior of the ship. Raarkoo followed behind. As they moved they passed by a duo of Stormtroopers who both seemed to stare at the bounty hunter from behind their helmets. Raarkoo growled at them and kept walking.
"Why didn't he greet me personally?" Raarkoo asked the man as they entered a hallway.
"He has matters to attend to first, he will be with you and others shortly, Once they have all arrived. Captain Dene is waiting in the conference room, he is second in command on this vessel. He'll be glad to address any of your questions better than I can." The officer replied as he stopped at a door. It came open a second later.
Raarkoo entered into into it, inside was a single round table. Chairs were set up around it. At the opposite end of the room stood another human, Captain Dene. The wookie regarded him with a nod, which the man returned. He had the same look of nervousness that the weakling that greeted him had on his face. Raarkoo then took a seat at the table, his translator droid setting itself in front of him.