Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: Toad Town - Streets
Mentions:@Kafka Komedy@Zardoric@Jensoman@tex@Filthy Mudblood@Lmpkio@Lugia

Ah, Mr. M-ah jesus…

Mario scowled over his shoulder and when he happened to look back, his blue eyes trailed over to the ethereal glowing figure of—

MAMA MIA! he mentally screamed. The plumber’s face went pale in horror, especially when he saw the shocked look on the sexy cosmic guardian bombshell! No! This wasn’t happening. She had seen too much and he hadn’t even been able to date her yet. If La Bandita had spoken further, her sultry words fell on deaf ears.

Mario’s grip tightened on his suspenders. His face had turned redder than his shirt—red with humiliation and strenuous effort. The shock of having seen Rosalina had nearly made him slip and there was no way that he was going to pass gas in front of her. Why, he would be ruined. All attempts at a date would be forever ignored. Why did this happen? He wanted to cry in his humiliation but he was too busy straining to hold back the flatulence that was tormenting his insides.

The plumber’s butt cheeks were clenched tight and he found it impossible to straighten out of his hunched over position. He was stuck and at the mercy of the pressure building in his bowels. He swore his intestines were about to burst! Cramps were pinching and twisting in his lower abdomen causing Mario to make the most disturbing of faces.

Townsfolk were running and he hoped that it wasn’t from the imminent threat he was about to unleash upon the town.

Teeth bared, lips twisted, and eyes shrunk to the size of beads, Mario growled out a warning from behind his teeth to Bon: “I…I can’t stop it!”

He started trembling. The pain! Alarms were going off inside him. Little engineers were running about in panic.

“The boiler is overheating! She’s about to explode!” one engineer screamed.

“Get everyone out of here!” the head engineer ordered.

“But what about you, Sir? You can come with us!”

The engineer stood dramatically before the bloated colon with his trusty wrench in hand.

“No son, someone has to remain and keep trying to cool her down.”

“But you’ll fail! He won’t be able to contain it for long!”

“There’s a chance that the pressure might release back up into the small intestines. I must try.”

“No! You can’t. You’ll die!”

“Go now!”

Another engineer came and snatched the boy, dragging him away kicking and screaming.

The fart was turning out to be bigger than he had expected. What was supposed to be a small stink bomb to force the bandit into submission was turning into a biological nightmare!

Come on Mario! You can fight this! You’re the Hero of the Mushroom Kingdom! his conscience cheered.

Frowning deeply, Mario’s every muscle locked up tight as a look of determination masked his face.

“Must…contain,” he rasped and bowed his head as his whole body started to tremble. Why Rosalina? Why did you have to show up at this moment!?

As guards and townsfolk continued to run, Mario secretly wept. He figured that they were running from him. Was his ass really that horrifying? The Goblins and Octoroks reached Koopy’s stone prison and some hopped on top of it while others scurried around it. What abruptly halted their advance was the sight of a pale, sun-deprived ass aimed in their direction. The enemies stared confused, disturbed, and maybe a little angry but definitely speechless! What the hell was going on?

Mario peered over his shoulder with tears shining in his eyes that immediately dried up upon seeing the enemy soldiers. He blinked and then grinned wickedly. That had explained everything.

“Oh, if that’s the case. Try not to cook in there, Stickyfingers (Bon)!”

A hand went into his pocket to grasp a fire flower. Drawing a burning fist out of his pocket, he brought it behind his rear.


The gas escaped him on a thin, whiny squeal that all but went silent in no less than three seconds. Mario’s eyes widened in surprise.

What? That was it? he pondered.

The Goblins blinked and then sneered.

He then blushed. “I swear I thought it was gonna be worse than—”

The pressure then released, exploding from his asshole to ignite the fire flower. The gas expanded into a cone-like inferno. The incinerating wave of scorching fire and putrid stench swept up the Goblins and Octoroks, throwing them from atop and around the stone prison. Mario’s insides quaked from the flatulence’s decibels. The gas attack ended on a harmless drawn out squeal. The relief that had washed over Mario’s body brought him to his knees as a smile curled on his face.

“Mama mia…” he rasped before he collapsed forward onto his face.

Everything caught in the cone-like blast radius of his explosive flatulence had been charred black and smoke was rising into the air. Around him, the aftermath of the blast was heard.

One goblin smacked his lips. “Argh! It’s in my mouth!”

One Octorok started spraying ink from the smell, which might have actually been vomit.
6x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Toad Town

The Cap-Card Tourney

"HA! Shoulda known better then to take on the GREAT JR. TROOPA!" Jr. Troopa replied to Kent, with a smirk on his face. The smile on his face quickly faded however as his anger continued to boil within him. "I would have won too, if it wasn't for MARIO!!" He roared, pointing over at the plumber. "Heh, you seem like a pretty tough dude. If you wanna be as great as ME, you'll have to proof yourself. Help me give Mario the biggest beat-down of his LIFE!" He shrieked, and charged at Mario. He didn't wait for Kent. He realised the plumber was on the ground, but aimed to slam into him regardless at top speed.


Despite Mario's...heroic effort on defeating many of the attackers, some of them were still coming regardless. One of the goblins leaped over one of the blocks, wielding a blade in his hand. It stabbed through the block Prison at Bonnie's chest, in between the blocks. A nearby octorok ended up shooting a rock at Jr. Troopa, but he simply ignored it as the rock bounced off of the side of his egg shell. The octorok then took aim at Koopy, firing a rock at his face.

Meanwhile, Blake would be met by a charging goblin with a mace in hand. He attempted to whack him away as he swung the mace at the Yoshi's right side. Another goblin with a bow took aim with an arrow, and fired it at Rosalina's chest.

The Koopa King himself in the meantime found himself engaged by 3 goblins with maces. Two of them simply attacked his feet while the third leaped in the air to smash Bowser in the head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


King Bowser Koopa

Before he knew it, the Koopa King heard a large boom coming from the Tournament. He quickly checked the camera to see just what the hell was going on there, only to see a giant cloud of brownish-green fumes. Was it some low-grade thug trying to cause chaos? Or kidnap the Princess? Only BOWSER can kidnap the Princess! But alas, he knew better. Someone made one hell of a fart, a huge one to be exact, which even made it all the way here! Bowser's pupils dilate as he tries to cover his mouth while coughing. As he looks around, he then finally sees the culprit. Why rest in spaghetti and never forgetti, it was none other than Mario himself. Now why do the dames like this fat plumber bastard again? This he may never truly know. Even he, the King of Koopas, has his own manners around people, especially with flatulence.

The next thing he knows, an entire ruckus came almost outta nowhere! Strange goblins and weird octoomba-like creatures came and began to ensue chaos! They must've been released from the nearby prison, haven't they? Regardless, as King Koopa puts his device away, suddenly three goblins came and tried to attack him! Two aimed for his legs, with Bowser roaring and ultimately stomping on one. He then grabs the other one as it begins running away and crushes him with his mighty hand! Then another one takes a running start behind him and tries to bash him on the head! However, Bowser already heard him, as he turns around and punches him with a force that sends him flying across the Town! Why is everything going wrong at THIS time?!

Or maybe... this is giving him a chance.

There was no time to loose! He quickly brings up his device and tries to contact any of his minions nearby.

"C'MON YA DAMN SLOWPOKES!" he roars into the device, contacting those who are nearby, "Mario and the others are distracted! Let's snatch Peach and get outta here! It stinks too, blargh! You know where to meet me troops!"

And with that, after getting a response, he hops back into the Bowser-Mobile, honks twice, and backs outta the alley and out to the street opposite of the one leading to the tournament. If there was only one location that Bowser can guess she is, it happens to be the most obvious one yet...

Princess Peach's Castle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Cap-card tourney, outside

I was about to comment on the random things that seemed to appear from nothing, but, it seems like one of the small, green humans decided it was best to attack my right rib cage with a mace, and, since I didn't see anything like that coming, I took the mace, which only made my condition worse, and complained with "Ugh... first, the town's shut down, and now we've got armies of... something, or another... this really isn't my day, is it?" I then got up, and somehow managed to breathe fire at the thing, despite the fact that I was already pretty badly hurt. During this, I heard a familiar roar, but, unfortunately, couldn't really do anything about it, or even figure out where, exactly it came from due to the fact that I had to focus on my current opponent, this weird, small, green human in brown clothing who's wielding a mace... one that really hurts when it nearly breaks your ribcage. "Hey, while we're here, d'ya mind telling me what, exactly, you ARE?" I asked the guy, almost expecting a response. I then remembered that this was the exact same thing that attacked me a few moments after it seemingly appeared from thin air, so, despite its resemblance to a human, something I know can talk, I was beginning to think it was less and less likely that this thing was going to actually say anything in response to my question. Today was going to finally be the day, too... I was finally going to defeat Bowser by sneaking into his castle when he least expects it, and attacking him, while bypassing his guards... this time without having them follow me around, but, no, THIS had to happen I thought as I prepared myself for whatever attack this thing was going to try to pull off, next.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 1 mo ago

La Bandita

Local: Toad Town
Operatives: @Holy Soldier, @Zardoric

A mix of emotions played on La Bandita's masked face as Mario ignored her pleas. She was mad he had ignored her, relieved he didn't take her up on the offer, and afraid of what was going to come next. For a decent time the both of them were silent. This attack probably took a lot of Mario's concentration, if she could hazard a guess as to why. She tried to ready herself as much as possible but there really wasn't much she could do. With bated breath she waited for him to say something, anything to break the tension.

“I… I can’t stop it!”

At this point, Bon almost began sweating. This technique was a town buster, clearly. The move was so powerful, it would cause collateral damage. Bon began frantically bashing at one of the blocks in an attempt to escape, even though deep down she knew this was it. A life a violence and crime, cut short by a misguided hero. Bonnie swung again and again at the yellow devil, more and more cracks beginning to form on it's surface. She was close. So close!

“Oh, if that’s the case. Try not to cook in there, Stickyfingers!”

And that was the death knell. Whatever the hell that meant, it was the signifier of her death at the hands of an italian. She got down on her knees, closed her eyes, and-


Then a small, squeaky fart. It took a second for Bonbon to realize what had happened. Nothing. Nothing was what had happened. Bon laughed out loud at the realization that she had been afraid of absolutely nothing. Of course, the laugh was cut short when what sounded like a gas vein bursting outside caught her attention. Heat and a foul stench permeated through the cracked block, and even that small amount was enough to start making Bon sick. A tire fire in a sewer would be better than this. And Bonnie knew her sewer tire fires.

Bon wasted no time in starting her escape again, rapidly bashing against the brick she had previously cracked. Her sloppy, quick bashes were suddenly interrupted as something stabbed at her heart from the space inbetween one of the blocks. Her being distracted allowed the villain to get a slight gash at her, but it was nothing serious, just minor blood and a cut through the cloth at her chest region. She quickly broke the block, dropping the goblin and setting it up for an easy KO. She bonked it on the head, and viewed the chaos unfolding around her. There were so many monsters here. If she took them out, the town would probably forgive her. Hell, she could even steal their wallets!

Bonbon made her way to the plumber and gently nudged him with her bat, careful not to get too close to the bareassed man. "Hey, we got a problem here. Let's say you an' me clean up this joint, huh?" She propositioned. It was clear he didn't actually care that much about the people she stole from. If she made his job easier, and he got that date, she was sure he'd let her off the hook.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: Toad Town - Streets
Mentions:@Kafka Komedy@Jensoman@tex

Mario was in a very happy place. As Bon poked him, disturbing his trance to bring him back down to the Mushroom Kingdom, she’d see the large pleasant grin on his face and the rosy hue on his cheeks. How could he explain how good it had felt to let off some steam? It was almost equivalent to taking a nice big shit except not as good. After a few more nudges, Mario blinked out of his stupor. He looked around at his surroundings and then looked up at the Shy Bandit.

“You survived.” His nostrils then flared as the stench that stilled permeated the air assaulted his senses. Sitting up, Mario fanned his face with an amused grin. “Whew! I knew the old pipe was backed up but man…that is just bad.”

Resting his hands upon the asphalt, Mario was just in the process of rising to his feet when he heard an enraged scream:


Mario glanced over his shoulder in time to see a white and yellow blur head straight for his bare ass. If Jr Troopa in his blind rage persisted, then he might have collided with a part of Mario most would choose not to. And if he wasn’t careful, the little guy might have received a face full of plumber ass.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 days ago

Toad Town

Cap Card Tournament

Kent C. Koopa looked down at Jr troopa through his swirly specs, blinking in complete disarray. Prove himself? Did this pipsqueak think he needed to prove himself? It's not like he was looking prove anything really, but there was some sort of appeal to his proposition. Mario had beaten him good back when Bowser lifted the entire castle from its roots in the past. Kent didn't hold any resentment for him, but the idea of whooping his ass did sound like a bit of fun. Kent shook his head, following after Jr. Troopa reluctantly. He didn't know why exactly, but he respected his tiny superior. Jr Troopa had to be really good at Cap cards to have defeated him.

He had no intention of beating up Mario, though. He just thought that maybe, keeping the hot-headed little card-typhoon safe was the least he could do. That little kid had spunk. Spunk was potential. Potential was money. Hehehe... Money...

Luigi, by now, was frantically worming his way through the panicked citizens towards where he brother had dealt with a small group of the invaders in a rather unpleasant way. After witnessing his brother take out a large portion of the enemies, Luigi was part excited, part anxious, and about 90% disgusted. Regardless, he jumped to aid the civilians nearby, hopping super-high and bonking several of the nearby goblins without restraint. How dare they attack toad town!

As the goblins and octoroks completely swarmed the plaza though, the cloaked man smiled and threw his coverings into the sky, revealing that he was none other than... A really old guy with a massive bald spot and a scraggly grey mustache. His hair was flaring out of his head on either side like bat wings, and his chin cleft into two bulbous orbs. "WAhahaha!" He shouted, flourishing his white lab coat and holding up two cards. Within a moment, the two cards began glowing, before releasing a pair of robotic creatures. "The plan is in motion! Go, Fire man and Elec man! Wreak havoc!"

What a tournament...

Peach's Castle

A blood-curdling scream rang from one of Peach's balcony, tearing through the air relentlessly. It was Princess Peach herself, falling victim to who-knows-what sort of villainous evil. Had somebody truly beaten Bowser to his signature kidnapping? It would certainly explain the horrendous scene in toad town. The castle guard was sent away in droves to defend the town's people. Not only that, but the famous mario bros were preoccupied as well! What a perfect distraction... But who would kidnap princess peach??

Suddenly, Six Flashes of Neon light tore across the afternoon sky, heading past the farthest stretches of the mushroom kingdom. It was impossible to lead them with the naked eye. What the hell were they? Comets? People? Magical death beams? Who knew!? One thing was certain though, they weren't friendly, as was made painfully obvious when they left several large holes in the roof of Peach's castle.

As quickly as it had begun, Peach's scream was cut off. What happened to her?? A strange cackling echoed from within her chambers, one of a man devoid of sanity.

"How pristine, how beautiful, how Rarrrrre!!!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Toad Town

Jr. Troopa looked over his shoulder for a moment and smirked as Kent C. Koopa followed him. Of course the Koopa would follow and take his advice. After all, he was THE Jr. Troopa! As the young Koopa charged at Mario, he took note of his ass. "EWWWW!" He shrieked. Rather then crashing into Mario as he originally intended, the koopa moved towards Mario's right and turned 90 degrees to the left, aiming a kick at Mario's head with his right foot.

Despite that Bonnie was talking to Mario and standing right beside him, he ignored her completely. Even with all the chaos and Peach's scream going on, the Koopa seemed solely focused on fighting Mario. "Nasty tricks like that won't work on ME!!!" He roared, referring to Mario's bare ass.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


As the King of the Koopas races in his Bowser-Mobile, he suddenly hears a blood-curdling scream coming from the balcony of the Princess' Castle. Could it be she found him so soon? No, he couldn't have. Besides, she never screamed like that since at least the third time he kidnapped her. Could it be that someone managed to get to her first? Not on Bowser's watch! He slams on the peddle as his car drives as fast as it can, straight towards the target destination! He'll beat whoever is trying to kidnap HIS Peach and snatch her away from whoever laid their hands on her!

"Don't you worry Princess," he says to himself, "I'm comin' for you! Only I have the right to kidnap yo~!

Suddenly, six thunderous flashes of neon light came bursting right from the castle, going the opposite away towards the very outskirts of the Kingdom! This startled Bowser to the point where he almost lost control, crashing into a few market stands, but was able to quickly regain control as he makes a hard left back onto the road.

"What the hell was that?!" he roars as he continues driving, "Hmph! That's it! Time to go for plan B!"

He then presses his device's red button, which calls in the disguised Koopa Clown Car. It automatically homes in on Bowser's current location like a GPS system as it begins to loose it's disguise, revealing the large unmistakeable smile on it's front. Bowser then puts his foot on the breaks as he leaps high into the air, directly into the Clown Car. He then noticed that the screams from Peach had finally stopped. Surely the Mario Bros didn't just come in and save the day, right? No, this was an ominous cut-off. As Bowser moves to the balcony of Peach's castle, he suddenly hears a strange crackle echoing from within the chambers. It didn't sound like a classic evil laugh, rather it was more... crazy. Insane. Whoever was inside that castle was surely knocked in the head way too many damn times. Then, it spoke:

"How pristine, how beautiful, how Rarrrrre!!!"

That does it. This sly nob-job is now hitting on Peach?! How dare he! It was time to show this guy who's boss! It's SHOWTIME! As soon as the Koopa King was close to the balcony, he jumps off and rolls onto the floor, crashing into the doors and making quite an entrance. As he stands up, he roars as he asserts his dominance.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 days ago

Peach's Castle

As Bowser made his way into Peach's chambers with a thunderous crash, the culprit responsible for her shriek turned to him, standing at the foot of her bed, and holding what looked like a Cap-Card in his right, white-gloved hand. His body looked to be covered in a long, white cloak that shined with a square-pattern that constantly shifted like magic. His feet and torso were not visible through this, even though his hands both floated by his body, baring no true connection to his cloak or shoulders. They floated, both gloved with purple smoke constantly emanating from the wrist-holes behind them. Was this the infamous count-Bleck!? No, he was gone. He and his Love disappeared when Mario, Luigi, Bowser and Peach dealt with Dimentio a while back. This was another man, with a far more sinister personality. His clothing and appearance almost mirrored Bleck's perfectly, though...

"Ho~ho!? Am I being challenged now, by an overgrown turtle??" He announced, turning to face bowser with the cap-card still in-hand. "You hold no ownership over my collection, you filthy creature! Only I deserve to steal the most priceless trophies throughout the multiverse! They are mine! Mine! Mine!!!" The man's face was purple, and he wore a monocle over his eye, opposite to where Bleck had worn his. His eyes were interesting though. Although they glowed an eerie yellow, they looked as if they were held in place, rotating like little dice with several hundred sides. He had no pupils, and his eyes vibrated insanely fast. His sharp, toothy smile reverberated as he began to chuckle gleefully, revealing a small silver tongue the traveled across the top outline of his purple teeth.

"Your princess belongs to Count Collect!" He commanded, turning the cap-card around.

Within it stood a terrified princess, frozen in place, and trapped within the card.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: Toad Town - Streets


Mario scowled, jerking up his pants. “What do you mean ‘Ew!’ You little shit!”

Jr. Troopa then dodged his ass and sent a kick flying straight against his skull. Mario’s head turned, his teeth clenching as a slow-mo BRAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHH! dragged out from him. The plumber stumbled and fell onto his rump, clapping a hand over the throbbing pain he felt on the side of his head.

Nasty tricks like that won’t work on ME!!!

Mario’s eyes snapped open as a sharp glare was directed at the egg. He bore his teeth like an affronted wolf and rose to his feet. Snapping his suspender straps back into place, Mario’s hands balled into enraged fists as he gazed down at the egg. His eyes flicked above Jr. Troopa’s head and then back down at him, and then suddenly back up as they widened in surprise. He dramatically thrust out a finger and exclaimed:


Whether Jr. Troopa was dumb enough to look or not, he would rush the egg. His right leg swung back and like a professional soccer player, he would threaten to kick Jr. Troopa with so much force to send him spinning like a soccer ball into the squad of goblins that had been racing up behind him. He would fight the egg in the middle of another battle if he had to. The Koopa was annoying!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 1 mo ago

La Bandita

Local: Toad Town
Operatives: @Holy Soldier,

Bonnie gave Mario an odd and disgusted look as he looked up at her with a pleasant grin on his face. She had feared this man? This dumbass who had just farted on his enemies? That was her bane? She was tempted to laugh both at him, and at her past self. Upon his comments, she facepalmed. Wow. What a retard.

Bonnie dispatched some of the octoroks and such as Mario got up and dealt with some dumb kid or something. Suddenly though, A shriek rang through the air and interrupted everything. It was incredibly feminine, and it seemed to come from the castle. If Bonbon was a betting woman (and she was) then that was Peach, being assaulted by someone. Bowser, maybe? Again, betting woman, it was probably him. If that was the case, she could totally hitch a ride with him back to his castle for a favor or two. Of course, very occasionally it wasn't Bowser who did the kidnapping. If he wasn't there, and she betrayed Mario, then she'd be screwed. For now, she would at least pretend to be on his side.

"That's probably the princess. Ya might wanna check that out buddy." She called over her shoulder. "I'm gonna run on ahead and clear the path for ya. Don't wait up." She explained. And with that, she began cutting a swath throughout the loose army. With the aid of her baseball bat and bombs, the plumber would hopefully join her soon. If not, she might be liable to steal some gold from the royal treasury...

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


And there he was, standing right in front of the enemy. The culprit who is trying to kidnap HIS Princess Peach! And yet, he looks strikingly similar to another enemy he fought in the past. Was it the infamous Count Bleck reborn?! No, it couldn't be. He died almost a decade ago, destroyed after the death of the sinister jester Dimentio. Yet this guy looks almost exactly like said person, save for the position of the monocle, which was on his right side, compared to Bleck's left.

"Ho~ho!? Am I being challenged now, by an overgrown turtle??" He announced, turning to face Bowser with the cap-card still in-hand. "You hold no ownership over my collection, you filthy creature! Only I deserve to steal the most priceless trophies throughout the multiverse! They are mine! Mine! Mine!!! Your princess belongs to Count Collect! Heh-hehehehehe!"

This only annoys the Koopa King even more, as he growls, baring his teeth for show. He then sees the beloved Peach, inside a card, frozen in absolute horror. How could he! He suddenly points at the character.

"What do you want with Princess Peach?" he asks in a more aggressive posture, "What is this collection you speak of? If your gonna add this dame into that collection of yours, then TOO BAD bub, she's not for sale! Now hand her over to ME and scram, or I, the King of the Koopas, BOWSER, will crush you like the insignificant bug you are, myself!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Toad Town, Streets

"Ha! That's what you GET!!" Jr. Troopa screamed as his attack hit and Mario staggered back. As Mario screamed at him, Jr. Troopa looked behind him. "What do yo-" The young koopa muttered, turning his head back towards Mario only for his right foot to ram into his shell. "OOOWAAAHHH!" He shrieked as he was sent flying. Despite that his egg shell blocked the brunt of the blow, he certainly felt the hit regardless.

Mario's aim was perfect, as the Koopa crashed right in the middle of the group of Goblins. "NOW I'M GETTING FIRED UP!!!" He roared violently, dashing at Mario once more. One of the goblins moved in the Koopa's way and attempted to whack him in the head with a mace. "Outta the way, idiot!" He said, tackling the Goblin head-on. The goblin was sent flying and crashed into several other enemies further ahead. Jr. Troopa continued his charge at the plumber, and jumped. He hid in his egg shell as he did so, aiming to slam right into Mario's stomach at top speed.

Toad Town, Outside near the Cap-Card Tourney

The goblin who was with Blake was struck down by a Toad guard before it could even respond. A loud voice could be heard from the distance. Fire man laughed loudly as he burned everything in his way. "BAHAHAHA! Behold the power of JUSTICE FIRE!" He shouted. Some brave Toad guards that attempted to take the Robot-Master down were burned to a crisp as he continued his rampage.

Torrents of flames continued to burst out of his palms as they left the ground before him pitch-black. Several Toads ran for their lives, running just past Blake. A young Toad, about seven years old, ran away along with his family. He ended up slipping and falling on the ground. The Robot-Master simply continued his march as the flames from his palms were about to reach the small Toad and incinerate him. "MOOOORREE FIIIRRREEE!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
Avatar of Holy Soldier

Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: Toad Town - Streets
Mentions:@Jensoman@tex@Kafka Komedy@Lmpkio

The Mushroom Kingdom was going to hell in a handbasket and not just because of the rampage the insignificant little egg was waging against him. No; there were more important issues popping up such as the army of goblins and octoroks, and the…

Mario glanced in the direction of the castle. His dark brows were raised high upon his forehead as he immediately recognized the scream. It was Princess Peach! Was it Bowser again? The plumber scowled dangerously, appearing as serious as he had ever been so far.

That’s probably the princess. Ya might wanna check that out buddy.

“You don’t hafta' tell me twice,” Mario muttered to the thief. Whatever issues they had between each other were temporarily resolved with the appearance of the new threat. And if he wanted to go about saving the princess from Bowser, then he needed to get rid of Jr. Troopa.

As the egg went flying toward him, Mario thrust out his hand to catch the egg like a ball in the palm of his hand. He bore his teeth for he felt the impact sting and make his entire hand go numb. He brought the egg between both of his hands, keeping Jr. Troopa trapped in his own shell.

“Hey, do me a favor will ya?” he called to Bonnie. “Batter up!”

Turning sideways, Mario stood in a pitcher’s stance as he drew back the egg, raised his leg, and throwing his strength into the pitch, sent the shell spinning in a screwball toward Bonnie. If that shy girl was as good as she seemed with a bat, then he was expecting a home run.

If she managed to pull it off, then Mario would sprint for the castle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Starting Location: Cap-card tourney, outside

The goblin I was trying to kill was struck down by a toad, of all things... one who was quickly burned to a crisp by some sort of... fire guy? His face looked human, and his body proportions seemed similar to a human's, as well... but... then he had some sort of flamethrower device replacing his hands... and some sort of metal volcano on the top of his head. He shouted about the fires of justice, and I said "Justice? You? What justice is there in randomly incinerating toads?" I then thought for a moment... sure, I COULD potentially breathe fire on him, since the toad got to the goblin before I could do that to him, but... something told me that he'd resist that. Dunno what, maybe it was the fact that he, himself was using fire, and the fact that he had flamethrowers for hands. Another toad, this time with his entire family ran past me, and I knew that I couldn't let this guy continue. I finally stopped hesitating, and made sure nobody was near me before unleashing a lightning storm on this fire guy. If this doesn't hurt him... then what? I would uppercut him, but he seems to have a chin made out of solid steel! I thought as I tried to keep control of the spell. Of course, as usual for me, I couldn't, and the lightning bolts just sort of flew everywhere, thankfully, a few seemed to strike at least near my target, so, who knows, maybe I actually managed to hit him with that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Toad Town, Streets

Jr. Troopa smirked within his shell as he struck something. He attempted to poke his head out of his shell to see if Mario was downed, only to find that he was unable to get out. "Eh..? What the heck-" The Koopa muttered, as Mario threw him at Bonnie. The koopa managed to peek his head out of his shell, only to see that he was flying right at Bonnie. He gulped at the sight of the bat as Mario spoke. "No...NONONONONO!!!" He shrieked, attempting to land on the ground. He was flying too fast however as he spun around, and was unable to do anything.

Toad Town, Outside near the Cap-Card Tourney

Fire-Man remained dead-set on his goal to incinerate the young Toad, ignoring Blake's statement. Right before he was able to do so however, one of the lightning bolts struck him right in the chest. The robot master was sent flying, which stopped his march as the flames from his palms were flailing aimlessly up into the air. He ended up crashing into the ground on his back as the electricity coursed through his body. As the electricity faded, the Robot-Master hopped back onto his feet quickly. The young Toad managed to get on his feet in the meantime and run away from the scene.

"Ha! Yer gonna need more than that to extinguish THESE FLAMES!!" He roared at Blake. Despite that the Robot-Master recovered from the blow rather quickly, his chest was severely damaged by the lightning bolt as there was a big scorched hole in it with some wires sticking out. Several parts of his body were scorched black as well, but did not seem to have received any significant damage. "PREPARE TO GET SMOKED!!" He shouted, aiming his left palm at Blake. A flame blast was launched at the Yoshi's chest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 1 mo ago

La Bandita

Local: Toad Town
Operatives: @Holy Soldier, @Jensoman

As Bonnie charged on ahead, she heard someone call back to her. Whipping her head back revealed it was Mario, with an egg in his hand. She skidded to a stop where she was, and began getting into position. His request was simple. "Batter up."

Bonnie turned sideways to Mario, cocking her hips and placing the weight to her back leg. The man threw the egg like a standard screwball pitch. As he did this, Bonnie's front foot slammed into the ground. This was going to be a powerful hit, and she firmly planted herself on the ground, ready for it.

The egg got closer.

Bonnie breathed in, and then out.

The egg got closer.

Bonnie's hips began to move towards it.

The egg got closer.


The egg collided with The Giant as the bandit swung the bat at it. An incredible force when to Bonnie's hands, almost forcing her to drop the bat. Her breath hitched, but she held her ground. The bat accelerated and pushed against the kid, before sending him flying. Bon finished the swing, her bathead resting behind her head. She laughed to herself slightly. Apparently, all those years in little league had payed off.

Bonnie stood her ground and waited for Mario. That was a bit intense, and she wasn't really in the mood for running right now. She'd defend the position and wait for the hero to join her. After all, there really wasn't much benefit to reaching the castle first.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 days ago

Peach's Castle

Count Collect glanced at Bowser with his infinitely-rolling eyes and tilted his head to one side. He shot the Koopa King a toothy grin. "Oho-Oho! Ohohoho! Big talk for an over-sized pet! Ohohohohoho!" He mocked, floating in place. The caped weirdo slid Peach into his coat despite Bowser's objections, pulling out a larger, blank cap-card to replace her. It was a glistening white, sharing the same holographic pattern of squares that his cape had, and seemed thicker than the average card. The squares shrank and grew as it sailed through the air in his grip, creating a beautiful illusion of trailed diamonds as it did. "I would add YOU to my collection as well! But I've other placed to be!" He announced, suddenly splitting the white card into a rainbow of six equally-thick cards, and throwing them behind himself. They flew through the air and SNAPPED into place, shaping a door with 1 card as every corner, and the other two near the center on either side. "Bah-Ha! Bahahahahaha-Bye~!" With that, the Count backed away into the door-shaped portal, and disappeared into nothingness. The six cards immediately fused into one white card again, and vanished just as quickly as its wielder.

Toad Town, Near Fireman and Blake

As fireman was struck, a sleeker, black and yellow robot made his way towards his brother, not wreaking nearly as much havoc. Instead he stood back and let his hot-headed kin deal all the damage, waiting to be of assistance if anyone tried to stop his rampage. And would you look at that, they had a taker! "Fireman, that hole in you chest is not a very graceful display! This Ruffian has ruined your beautiful image of justice!" He declared, standing next to fireman as he fired another blast at Blake. Elec-man didn't do anything at first to assist, though. This fight had just begun after all. Why not sit back and enjoy the fireworks! Ahaha!


Toad Toad, Near the Cap-Card Tourney

Kent-C Koopa was astounded by just how mad Jr Troopa had become at the sight of Mario's ass. To be fair, it made him a little peeved too. That overgrown plumber wasn't this crude the last time he saw him, but the vision of hairy-plumber-butt only reminded him of his failure to stomp the little plumber in the past. Rather than engage him and the others nearby though, Kent decided to run after Jr troopa, who'd been launched very far away by the little Bandita's super-powered swing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"Oho-Oho! Ohohoho! Big talk for an over-sized pet! Ohohohohoho!" He mocked, floating in place.

This weirdo is definitely not going to oblique to the commands of King Koopa is he? This only gets him more rilled up as his nostrils flare with steam. The caped weirdo slid Peach into his coat despite Bowser's objections, pulling out a larger, blank cap-card to replace her. It was a glistening white, sharing the same holographic pattern of squares that his cape had, and seemed thicker than the average card. The squares shrank and grew as it sailed through the air in his grip, creating a beautiful illusion of trailed diamonds as it did.

"I would add YOU to my collection as well! But I have other places to be!"

That does it. Bowser roars furiously as he makes a running dash towards the Count. He was really gonna turn that slimy no good bastard into pulp! But before he could reach him, the Count suddenly splits the white card into a rainbow of six equally-thick cards, and throwing them behind him. They flew through the air and SNAPPED into place, shaping a door with 1 card as every corner, and the other two near the center on either side. This distracted Bowser for a bit as he tried to find the enemy he just so happened to make just now. When he turned behind though, it appears as if he may be too late. The Count backed into another door and prepared to make his getaway.

"Bah-Ha! Bahahahahaha-Bye~!"

A panicked expression rippled across the King as he tries to run towards him as fast as his legs could carry him. When he got close, he leaps into the air, arms stretched out, and ready to choke the ever living life outta that snobby weasel! However, the Count backed away into the door-shaped portal just in time, and disappeared into nothingness. Missing his chance, he finds himself rolling into the queen-sized bed of the Princess, making quite a mess and ruckus in the meantime. The six cards immediately fused into one white card again, and vanished just as quickly as its wielder...

Now Bowser was mad as hell.

"GOOOOOOOOOD DAMNIT!" he roars in rage as he pounds his fist on the floor, "WHY MUST THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME!"

He then takes several deep breathes as he tries to calm himself down. He was now back at square one. And what's worth... he has no idea where the Princess has gone. No idea at all. He gets back up on feet and looks outside.

"Shiiiiiit," he sighs with a mumble, "Now what the hell am I supposed to do?"
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