Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 days ago

Toad Town

The chaos continued to spread eastward, until most of the civilians were either dead, or as far away from Toad town as they could manage. Fire started to spread in the south, prompting a ominous column of smoke, and the terrified screams of towns-folks as Bokoblins and Moblins tore through the city streets with reckless abandon. "Ragahaa!" The boisterous little monsters cried out across the square in unison. There seemed to be no hope left for the city of Toad town. Mario and Luigi were nowhere to be seen...

Peach's castle


Luigi came crashing into Peach's bedroom, rushing his way past the several occupants, almost unaware of their presence entirely. He stopped before Mario and bent his knees nervously. "Bro! Is the princess ok? I can't help the town on my own! Oh man, the tournament was ruined! Did I leave the oven on? What the heck is happening!?" Luigi rambled in panic. Upon seeing Bowser though, he froze up and vibrated away from Mario in a comedic fashion. "Yahahoo! What is BOWSER doing here Mario?? Did HE kidnap the princess?!"

Before Mario had a chance to respond to his Brother's eccentric inquiries, another person rushed into the room in an even bigger panic.


The newcomer crashed into Luigi, knocking him over like a little green tree, and climbing atop his L-labled cap. The newcomer was a Goomba with a distinctive blue cap, and he looked awfully tired. It was almost as if he'd just run a marathon! "Mario!" the newcomer cheered, hopping on Luigi's head happily. Wait a moment, that voice! It was none other than Goombario!

"There are some creeps wrecking Goomba Village!"

"Please get off of me.."

"They won't listen to reason, it's a catastrophy!"

"I can't feel my neck.."

"They even took my little sister! I don't even know what's going on anymore!!!"


"...What's going on here?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Cap-card Tourney, outside - Peach's Castle

One of them seemed to flee, while the other one just seemed stunned that I dodged his attack. "Look, as much as I'd like to stay..." I bashed him over the head with my fist after that, and continued with "I overheard some sort of screaming, most likely from the princess, and most likely for help..." I used my lightning magic after that, hoping that would do some good, and I finished with "Sorry, but I've got a castle to go to," while I sounded confident with that, I honestly hoped that was enough to finish off the fiery robot, as I ran, full speed, towards the castle, where I heard all the noise coming from, after that. It took a while, and it took a lot of whatever little energy I had remaining, but I finally made it there... only to trip over a familiar, blue-hatted goomba. One thing I DID see was Bowser, which made everything clear. "BOWSER! I have come to finally defeat you... as soon as I get up off the ground!... And... maybe heal up, a bit because that last fight did a serious number on me... okay... maybe I should have waited before I did this... whoops..." I said, slowly realizing my own mistake as I shouted it out loud to everyone. I then got up, somewhat clumsily, given that I was tired, burned, and beat down from my last fight, but I still tried to make it look like I was ready to attack... even if, I really wasn't. I tried to even look intimidating, by having electricity surround me... but... well, you could still easily tell that I've been in a fight, and it didn't really end well for me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Toad Town

Fire-Man staggered back as Blake's fist struck him in the face. Before he was able to do anything else, Blake's lightning blast struck the Robot-Master in the chest, right into the hole with the exposed wires. "THE FLAMES-" Was all Fire-Man could blurt out with a shocked expression on his face. The electricity from Blake's blast traveled violently along the wires within the robot's body, and a large firey explosion occured from within. The robot was ripped to shreds, and the remaining pieces of his body were blasted in every direction. Thanks to Blake's efforts, Fire-Man's rampage had ended for good...despite that Toad Town appeared to be lost regardless.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 1 mo ago

La Bandita

Local: Peach's Castle
Operatives: @Holy Soldier, @Lmpkio, @rechonq

Bonnie scratched her head at the numbskulls explanation of who Bleck and Timpani were. Honestly, Bowser's interjection didn't help much either. All she had gathered was he faked a marriage to do something bad. But then, they saved the world? She wondered where she was during all this... Ah well, she pushed the thought out of her mind.

She stood idly on the sidelines as Bowser and Mario talked out their differences. It didn't particularly matter to her, since she was a thief. Even if the kingdom devolved into debauchery, she'd still be living like normal. Well, actually, most of the populace would grow to be more defensive, and smarter. And she'd have rival gangs to deal with. And, what the hell, sometimes being chased by the cops was kinda fun! To save her well being, she'd need to contribute! She was going to voice her enthusiasm, but,


She was interrupted. By none other than Mario's brother, Luigi. Presumably to come see what was taking his brother so long. The coward of a man rambled about something she honestly didn't care about. She began taking stock of what she had robbed while the others talked, but again, someone's shrill, annoying voice rang out. It was a goomba in a blue cap. He mentioned havoc being wrought in Goomba Village. Bon shrugged her bag onto her shoulders and cleared her voice. "Sounds like our first destination, huh boys?" She asked the group. She was a tad bit excited at the prospect of playing hero. Beating people up and taking their money, and getting praised for it? Sounded like a win-win to her!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Soggy Bones

Soggy was waiting for Mario and Bowser to make a decision on what they were doing. Of course the discussion was slow as trying to get these two to work together was a miracle in and of itself. It seemed they were finally coming to a conclussion, just when Luigi barged in and announced the situation of the town. It seemed the invaders had managed to do quite a number on the town. Goombario came in and trounced Luigi, reiterating the destruction he had just described.

With everyone ready to go, Soggy just needed orders from Bowser. His jug was full and he was ready to go.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It was to be expected that Mario would refuse said handshake... but on the bright side he was willing for assistance from the King of the Koopas. Bowser wouldn't have blamed him either... I mean even he didn't like the fact that he was teaming up with Mario, his arch nemesis. But they've done it several times so its nothing that new.

As King Koopa prepares to go into battle, Luigi abruptly came into Peach's bedroom panting as he bent his knees nervously.

"Bro! Is the princess ok? I can't help the town on my own! Oh man, the tournament was ruined! Did I leave the oven on? What the heck is happening!?" Luigi rambled in panic. Upon seeing Bowser though, he froze up and vibrated away from Mario in a comedic fashion. "Yahahoo! What is BOWSER doing here Mario?? Did HE kidnap the princess?!"

Again, another annoyed sigh came from Bowser as his temper began to rise.

"NO!" he roars angrily, snorting smoke from his nostrils, "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I HAVE THE GOD DAMN PRINCESS IN MY HANDS, HUH?! I'll explain everything later, right now we need to~!"

Then someone else called Mario's name, also happening to crash into the bedroom. This time it was a goomba, Goombario to be exact. It's been awhile since Bowser had seem him.

"There are some creeps wrecking Goomba Village!" he announces frantically, "They won't listen to reason, it's a catastrophy! They even took my little sister! I don't even know what's going on anymore!!! ...What's going on here?"

"Oh for god sakes," Bowser growls as he struggles to keep his cool, "Everything will be explained later!"

"Sounds like our first destination, huh boys?" Bandita then answers.

Mario hopped onto the balcony rail and hefted his mallet onto his shoulder. He continued to watch as Toad Town burned before he peered over his shoulder at the group, “Let’s just stop talkin’ and get to the bottom of this mess before there isn’t a Toad Town left.”

And for once, in a very lone time, Bowser agrees to this statement. With that, he then turns to Soggy Bones.

"Soggy!" he orders, "You stay here and defend Toad Town! Kamek is already on the way with Airship reinforcements, and my son should be here as well. Don't fail your King, or else I'm gonna use your shell as a beer mug!"

With that, it was time to follow Mario and head over to Goomba Village...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: Peach's Castle
Mentions:@Kafka Komedy@Jensoman@tex@Lmpkio@rechonq@Lugia


It seemed that the interruptions would never cease and speak of the devil it was his little (taller than him at least) brother Luigi. He began in a rambling panic that gave Mario a headache. There was too much to explain and there wasn’t enough time to do so. The plumber’s lips parted to speak when another:


…followed prompting Mario’s hand to crash against his forehead and slide down his face. It was a familiar Goomba that he at least didn’t find entirely annoying. He brought them valuable intelligence about Goomba Village being attacked next by the enemy.

“Mama mia…” Mario groaned under his breath. It seemed as though the longer they all stood there talking and trying to figure out what to do about the missing Mushroom Princess, the more the world seemed to be going to hell by the mysterious enemy.

Dropping his hand from his face, Mario attempted to calm Goombario until Bowser roared:

Oh for god sakes…Everything will be explained later!

Followed by, Bandita, Sounds like our first destination, huh boys?

Bowser went general mode, unintentionally informing them all about the unit he was sending to the castle. Mario didn’t trust the lizard and definitely not his lackeys occupying the castle while they were gone.

“Luigi, I want you to stay here to make sure the castle remains as it is,” Mario asked. “I know usually this would be a job for The Brothers but with the current situation, we can’t go with the usual team-up. I will try to return here and relieve you if we can find Toadsworth. He’s probably gone after the princess himself.”

Mario hopped down from the rail and walked over to Luigi, grabbing Goombario and setting his hopping and dancing form on the ground. The plumber leaned over and whispered into his brother’s ear: Make sure Bowser’s boy doesn’t try anythin’ funny. This is still Peach’s castle and not one of his bases.

Mario then peered down at Goombario.

“Relax kid, we’ll help you get your village and sister back.”

He then glanced to the rest of the group and then the Yoshi who was next to barge in, interrupted all business. That was fucking it!

Mario directed his mallet at the damn dinosaur and roared: “ALL RIGHT! IF ANYONE KEEPS COMIN’ IN HERE INTERUPTIN’ OUR PLANS, I’M GONNA WRECK’EM!”

Mario then narrowed his eyes at the dinosaur…wait…a Yoshi. Without any warning, the plumber lunged at Blake and attempted to mount him. A Yoshi would get him to Goomba Village in a jiffy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 days ago

Peach's castle

Luigi rose to his feet and dusted himself off, mulling over what mario had said. Goomba village was under attack? What a horrible chain of events! This new invader had quite a few resources at his disposal! But the princess was already his, so why were they still here? Did it have something to do with Count Collect's quip about the most priceless trophies throughout the multiverse? Perhaps there was more to take than just peach. Maybe all of the cap cards... Luigi nodded silently, withholding his objections. This wasn't the first time that Mario had gone out on his own, and it wouldn't be the last, hopefully. He did prefer to fight alongside his brother though. "Ok Mario, I'll search for toads-worth in the meantime as well. He couldn't have gotten far," Luigi huffed, cracking his neck.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Peach's Castle -> Goomba Road

Mario seemed pretty peeved about my just barging in to try to fight Bowser, however, his mood seemed to change almost the INSTANT he figured out what I was... heck, even if I never wore a saddle JUST because I HATE it when people try to ... ugh... mount me, he knew... and he just jumped right on there, as if I wouldn't care. I was stunned... I didn't know what to do. I couldn't just up and attack him, he's Mario, and I couldn't just accept this, people would get the wrong idea. He shouted for me to head to Goomba Village, assuming I wouldn't get lost, and, somehow... I snapped. I didn't know why THAT, of all things caused it, but I cast lightning spell after lightning spell not caring who, or what I hit with it, and I even tried to force Mario off... though, I figured he wouldn't be that easy to get rid of, and, after topping off my fit with a fire breath, aimed at... er... someone, I couldn't tell who, thanks to my memory of that event being abysmal, I finally headed towards Goomba village, albeit begrudgingly, and I did it with or without Mario. I may have actually shouted a few profanities, and something along the lines of 'HOW DARE SOMEONE REDUCE ME TO A MOUNT!', but, again, I can't really remember much. Heck, I didn't even know if Mario was the one on me at the moment, for all I know, the bandit could have literally stolen his seat, and now she's riding along, when I ended up throwing a giant fit after Mario decided to use me for what he probably saw every Yoshi as... honestly, it's better than what I see them as, but that's another story.

@Holy Soldier, @Kafka Komedy, @Rechonq, @Lmpkio
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 days ago

Toad Town

The scenery was looking much less hectic now, for some reason or another. The majority of the invaders had been mostly dispatched by the now-active royal guard, and the koopalings, lead by Baby Bowser himself. None of them were anywhere in sight, though. It seemed that as the group passed through Toad town Square, they were far away from the chaos ensuing in the southern plaza. The Koopalings were cleaning up the last remnants of the invasion with gusto. But as Mario and his rag-tag group of... Heroes... Rushed to save Goomba Village, there was much else going on in another dimension...

Prologue Over

Sit tight for intermission #1!

Chapter 1: Goombania In The Goom-Goom Mountains

Goomba Road

The familiar bridge leading out of Toad town barely supported the combined weight of Bowser, Mario, Goombario, Soggy, Blake, Bandita, and the discourse between them. In the distance, the Goomba King's fortress was clearly visible...
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Oh Yeah!!" Soggy verbally expressed his excitement at being told to stay in Toad Town. It didn't take him long to form a plan of his own in his head. 'Ok, so I just need to beat a few of those freaks up and keep them as a trophy for Boswer, basically proving I did something. Then I can go hit the potion shops and hang out until Bowser returns, which will take who knows how long. I'm gonna get paid to drink!!' As the others began to leave, Soggy slipped out as well heading to Toad Town to enact his plan. Unfortunately, the guard and the koopalings already cleared everyone away.

"BAAAAGH!" Soggy was shocked at the horrid scene. It was truly a sight that he couldn't behold. "Why not me. You should have taken me!" He cried kneeling before the the burnt scene of the potion shop he had just left earlier. "I should have never left you." He said as he held a charred pillar that was beginning to crumble. The pillar fell to ash and Soggy took a drink of his potion. 'Well, I guess there's no one around anyways and I need to get paid. Perhaps I'll just follow Bowser until I find those freaks again. I need to make them pay for this mess.' Soggy proceeded to slyly follow the group anyways. Although his definition of sly was very loose, he just had to not annoy Bowser anytime soon. Hopefully he could accomplish that. Although if Bowser had already heard the drama Soggy just gave, he probably would already be thoroughly annoyed.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Goomba King's Fortress

As Mario and co advanced over the bridge, a loud voice broke through the peace and quiet. Mario, Goombario and Bowser might have been able to recognise the voice immediately. A large figure appeared on top of the fortress. "AH! We meet again, Mario!! I, the great and powerful Goomba King, has not forgotten what you have done to me!" The Goomba King roared. His crown shimmered in the sunlight as he spoke. "Now, prepare for my wrath as I-" The large goomba continued, only to be interrupted by a few figures right outside his fortress.

"Harhar! What a loser! He's hiding up there on his stupid ugly castle!" A Hammer Bro shouted, nudging his fellow Fire Bro on the shoulder with his elbow. "Yeah! Beat it, old geezer!" The Fire Bro shouted. He spat a few fireballs from his mouth at the Goomba King, who jumped out of the way. "HEY!! STOP THAT!!" The goomba king roared. The Hammer bros bolted off. "Hiding?! ME?! BAH! NONSENSE!!" The goomba king roared. He hopped down from his fortress from the roof, aiming to head-bonk straight into Mario. And Blake by extension, if he was still riding him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 1 mo ago

La Bandita

Local: Peach's Castle ==> Goomba King's Fortress
Operatives: @Holy Soldier, @Lmpkio, @Lugia

Bonnie shook her head dismissively as another person had came in, and Mario flipped his shit. She then laughed, fairly loudly, as Mario attempted to mount the dinosaur. For a second he seemed almost stunned, before beginning to cast lightning spells. Bon dodged them with ease, and the fire breath aimed her way as well, before the group set off for Goomba Village. She briefly thought of stealing Mario's ride out from under him, but she could run faster than the thing anyways, so it would be a wasted effort.

As the group crossed over the bridge to the village, they were greeted with a hammy, pompous asshat. He even wore a crown, and called himself the Goomba King. Luckily, two Bros. had begun taunting him. She laughed to herself, and debated ditching these guys and hanging out with those two. They seemed like they knew how to have a good time, at least.

But her train of thought was interrupted as the Goomba "King" had launched himself at Mario, who Bon was standing unfortunately close to him, so she quickly dodged out of the way, before rifling through her bag for her bat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"BOWSER! I have come to finally defeat you... as soon as I get up off the ground!... And... maybe heal up, a bit because that last fight did a serious number on me... okay... maybe I should have waited before I did this... whoops..."

As the mission to head over to Goomba Village was underway, in comes yet ANOTHER new player to the game! Only this one happens to be a blue yoshi... a very FAMILIAR blue yoshi as a matter of fact. Yet the name was a little fuzzy. Despite this, the King of the Koopas turns around and scruffs at him.

"Look... Blue Yoshi... Uh, Blake right?" he asks while finally remembering his name, "Yeah, can we fight like a little later? There's a job that we need to do and there's no time to dilly dally around here! So I suggest~"

But before he could finish, it appears that Mario couldn't resist but to actually mount on the god damn Yoshi.

'HOW DARE SOMEONE REDUCE ME TO A MOUNT!' Blake screams at the plumber.

Like most of the other people in the room, he couldn't help but to bellow with laughter at the scene. Regardless, it was time to head to Goomba Village... and ultimately to King Goomba's Fort...

As they walk into the bridge leading to the fortress of mighty King Goomba, a loud voice broke through the peace and quiet. Bowser recognized it instantly. No doubt this was indeed King Goomba speaking, as he announces his presence over the top of the fortress.

"AH! We meet again, Mario!! I, the great and powerful Goomba King, has not forgotten what you have done to me! Now, prepare for my wrath as I-"

It was then when he was interrupted by a fire and hammer bro talking trash about the rival King. No doubt they must be part of King Bowser's troops. Indeed, for King Koopa was never really fond over the rival king either. To him, he was simply a nobody... once he can easily squish over himself. Yet now, King Goomba decides to attack as he tries to headbutt into both Mario and his friends. Being the only one to size himself up to this monstrous king, Bowser steps up as he blocks the attack by stopping King Goomba dead in his tracks. No matter how much he would try to push, it would be almost impossible for him to budge the strength and might of this reptilian powerhouse.

"Your forgetting about one other guy, King Dumbo," he growls as he stands his ground, "And that's ME, the superior King of the Mushroom Kingdom! Now get lost you joke!"

With that, he uses his massive strength to lift the King up and throw him back towards the fortress. Punching his fists together, he roars in challenge as he prepares to do battle with the King of Goombas.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Soggy Bones

"Go King Bowser!!" Soggy quickly quieted himself after the outburst, but it was hard for any of Bowser's troops not to adore him. He was the most powerful being in the kingdom. How that puke Mario manages to win the princess is simply beyond all odds. There had to be some higher power at work there. Anyways watching Bowser throw the rampaging Goomba King back was quite impressive to watch. If a duel were to go down now, it would be quite a show. Although with all of these other noobs in the party, they probably wouldn't know to let Bowser have his fight. Mario just had to hit everything with that hammer, and the others looked like they were itching for a fight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: Toad Town --> Goomba King Fortress
Mentions:@Kafka Komedy@Jensoman@tex@Lmpkio@rechonq@Lugia

Prior to arriving to the Goomba Village, Mario couldn’t resist taking a to-go bag of some sort of fast food substance with him. They were going to be on the road for a while, and ever since all the nonsense had broken out, he didn’t get a chance to eat since the Card Tournament—stupid tournament. There was only one restaurant that managed to remain in business throughout the siege—and was of no surprise. McGrundle was a shrewd businessman and his McGrundle restaurants were designed to last even time apparently. The workers were bound to his contracts, and were practically born into his servitude. As cruel as it might have sounded, the McGrundies were actually content.

It might have been amusing to see Mario ride up to the drive-thru window atop of a blue dinosaur. The window girl had been quite the looker, and it had been unfortunate that she had been bound to the restaurant and never allowed to leave. If it wasn’t for Blake, who she had thought was cute, then he might not have ever gotten her number. SCORE!—Wait…where were they? Oh yes, back to the journey!

As the group marched across the Toad Town bridge, Mario was munching on a burger when he felt the bridge sink beneath them and his blue eyes accusingly darted over to gaze at Bowser. He was the biggest amongst them, so it had to be him! Who else could it have been? The hot greasy bag of burgers and fries rested against the back of Blake’s neck. The Yoshi hadn’t been an easy one to break in, but Mario had gotten him to cooperate at least up to the Goomba King’s Fortress. He had actually gotten him some burgers as compensation for the ride.

AH! We meet again, Mario!! I, the great and powerful Goomba King, has not forgotten what you have done to me!

Mario slurped long and hard on his strawberry milkshake, his eyes narrowing as he heard the third…was it the third? Maybe he was getting ahead of himself. It was the second villainous cliché declaration that he had encountered.

“Don’t blame me, blame your mom for why you came out cross-eyed,” Mario grumbled.

Before the king could continue, he was interrupted by two mysterious bros. Shit, even the normal minions around the kingdom thought that he was pathetic. He was starting to feel sorry for the ruler now.

I probably should have gone through with the theatrics. This must mean a lot to the guy, Mario mused.

As the Goomba King launched at him, Mario lowered his shake and played along, “Oh no…whatever shall I do…here comes the mighty Goomba King…”

Shit that sounded awful, Mario internally cringed. He didn’t mean to sound sarcastic. He was actually trying! But lo and behold, Bowser had to step in and bully the king.

Slurping obnoxiously loud on his milkshake, Mario scowled at Bowser after his outburst.

“You’re not king of shit!” Mario shouted, basically booing him off his pedestal. “The day you’re King of the Mushroom Kingdom is the day the Goomba King becomes World Emperor. It’s not gonna happen! Besides, didn’t YOU make the Goomba King as means to defeat me?”

Go King Bowser!!

Mario glanced over at Soggy Bones and rolled his eyes. No surprise that a drunk undead turtle would be his only cheerleader.

“We don’t have time for this nonsense. You’re beatin’ up the Goomba King, but we need to ask him if he knows anything about the invasion!”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Goomba Fortress

I was just about to ask if Mario could get off of me, finally, but, someone decided to shout before I could do so "AH! We meet again, Mario!! I, the great and powerful Goomba King, has not forgotten what you have done to me! Now, prepare for my wrath as I-" and then a hammer bro and a fire bro decided to make fun of the king. Honestly, I didn't even know goombas HAD royalty, and remained silent as things just sort of happened, with Mario trying to take one of the oversized goomba's attacks, probably to make him feel better, and Bowser blocking him, and throwing him. Mario seemed ticked off at that, and was probably ready to throw the match to boost the guy's self-esteem, while Bowser was a bit more focused on progress. Of course, what Mario actually said in response to that was the truth. Bowser will probably never take control of the mushroom kingdom, at least, not for very long, as, no matter what Bowser does (heck, Bowser even became invincible at one point, if rumors are to be believed), Mario will be one, or two steps ahead of him, and Mario will always win. I was a little lost in thought, until I noticed someone pulling out a bat that looked just like the bat I lost after my first fight with Bowser, and that bandit had it. "Hey, where'd you get that bat? I'm just asking 'cause it looks kinda like mine did," I ended up asking the bandit, who may or may not just run away, which would, of course, mean that she stole it, probably from me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Goomba King's Fortress

The King of Goomba's had a shocked expression on his face as he felt that something stopped him. As he was thrown back by Bowser, he ended up crashing hard into the wall of his fortress. "OOOFFF!! WHAT IN THE WORLD-" The Goomba King roared, as he regained his composure and looked up to see Bowser. "K..KING BOWSER?!" He shouted in a surprised tone. "You are in league with Mario now?!" The Goomba King was too confused and surprised to even think about attacking Mario anymore.

"Is this my punishment for failing you before? Is this why all those Bros have shown up and assaulted Goomba Village and TRIED TO BREAK INTO MY FORTRESS?!" The Goomba King mumbled, mostly to himself. He ran into his fortress at surprisingly fast speed despite his size, and stomped onto a button within, causing the doors to slam shut behind him. He appeared on top of the roof once more. "Please, King Bowser! Have your troops go away! I shall stop my efforts to take down Mario! I'll do anything you want, but please get RID OF THEM!!" He pleaded. "...Especially that BIG one! He's quite the trouble-maker!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 1 mo ago

La Bandita

Local: Peach's Castle ==> Goomba King's Fortress
Operatives: @Holy Soldier, @Lmpkio, @Lugia

Bonnie simply snickered as the Koopa King lifted up the foolish despot, and insulted him, before chucking him at his own fortress. That was why he was pretty much the only man she respected in the kingdom. Though, Mario making fun of the counterfeit crown did place him one step closer to likability. Apparently, she shared her Bowser-loving sentiment with the drunkard, who had followed them over. She sighed and face palmed. Hopefully Bowser would tell him to goddamn leave.

As the less famous members of the crew watched the fight, that Yoshi asked her where she had gotten her bat, apparently it looked similar to something he had once owned. She doubted it, but humored him anyways. "Nah, this ain't yours. Got it offa some douchebag in the King's castle." She laughed. "Hell, even if it was, you ain't gettin' it back."

The Goomba King rambled on while she was explaining herself, but she did catch the last bit of what he said. Apparently, it was some of Bowser's soldiers who were attacking the town, and his the goomba's fortress by extension. Apparently there was a "big guy" too. "So those ain't actually yours, right? Would a section break off like this?" She asked the koopa. Honestly she hoped they couldn't be called off. She was sure she and everyone else here were itching for a fight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Bowser grasps King Goomba and prevents him from running over Mario and his crew, what he gets in return isn't that nice at all...

“You’re not king of shit!” Mario shouted, basically booing him off his pedestal. “The day you’re King of the Mushroom Kingdom is the day the Goomba King becomes World Emperor. It’s not gonna happen! Besides, didn’t YOU make the Goomba King as means to defeat me?”

"FUCK OFF MARIO!" roars Bowser as his mind cracks a little as he continues grasping the rival king, "I'M HELPING YOU AND THE OTHERS, AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT! AND THAT GOOMBA KING WAS A CLONE! A PHONY!"

Then he hears the cheers of a familiar Dry Bones nearby, cheering him on. Oh for god sakes, didn't he order him to stay back at Toad Town? Why is his day getting even more rotten as he tries to become nice? Oh well, he is the King of the Koopas, so it's kinda to be expected.

This was when the Goomba King got his lines to say.

"Is this my punishment for failing you before? Is this why all those Bros have shown up and assaulted Goomba Village and TRIED TO BREAK INTO MY FORTRESS?!"

Wait... Hammer Bros? Oh yeah, of course. Or not? But as Bowser was going to reply as the Goomba King mumbled, mostly to himself, he ran into his fortress at surprisingly fast speed despite his size, and stomped onto a button within, causing the doors to slam shut behind him. He appeared on top of the roof once more. "Please, King Bowser! Have your troops go away! I shall stop my efforts to take down Mario! I'll do anything you want, but please get RID OF THEM!! Especially that BIG one! He's quite the trouble-maker!"

Bowser could've had the chance to break down his entire castle, but Mario stops him again.

“We don’t have time for this nonsense. You’re beatin’ up the Goomba King, but we need to ask him if he knows anything about the invasion!”

Yes of course... So King Koopa simply calms down a bit and begins to do what he says for once.

"Before I can consider doing that," he simply replies to King Goomba, "Let's talk about a more problematic situation on the hand. Give me the answers, and they'll leave."

He pauses as he then continues.

"So... you say that my troops have actually tried to ransack Goomba Village, correcto?"

Then La Bandita interrupted for a bit.

"So those ain't actually yours, right? Would a section break off like this?"

Bowser takes a long look at the Hammer Bros that were nearby, studying them to see if they were part of his troops. After a look, his eyes squint as he realizes their identity.

"Well waddya know," he says almost ominously, "Seems like those Bros AREN'T actually part of my Hammer Bro Legion. Or if they were, they must've deserted the ranks!"

He then points to the Hammer and Fire Bros that were nearby.

"You two!" he calls out as he points to them, "Explain the situation! What gave you guys the good idea to attack Goomba Village?!"

He doesn't bother mentioning Goomba King's Fortress of course...
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