Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Posting Rules - Do Not Post Yet!

All the NPC's that will be created within this roleplay shall be treated with respect!

1. Please do not be a speed poster. Allow at least two or three people to post after your last post before you post again.

2. Do not forget to post at least three paragraphs and I highly encourage collab posting for long conversations.

3. If you want your character to have a major arc or an event to happen within the roleplay then please PM myself and Lovely Complex so we can discuss and see if it fits in with the direction of the roleplay.

4. I advise everyone to use a format that makes everything easier for everyone.

[center][h1][color=?]Character Name[/color][/h1]
[img]GIF or IMG[/img]
[b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Where is your character?
[b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Which character is your character interacting with? Be sure to @mention that writer, too, please.
[b][u]Mood;[/u][/b] How does your character feel about what's happening in the current post?[/center]

5. Lastly, I hope everyone has fun with the roleplay and enjoy themselves.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location; Dorm Room → Kitchen → Outside
Interacting With; Avalon via text -@smarty0114
Mood; Currently Happy
Samantha's bright blue eyes fluttered open as the sun rays shone through her window and kissed upon her cheeks. A soft smile slowly started to form among her lips as she stirred over and looked across the room at Jessica, her roommate. While throwing the covers off of her body then making her bed back up neatly and nicely, she tip toed through the room to gather herself up for a morning shower. After doing her morning routine and getting dressed, she reviewed herself over in her vanity mirror. She had sighed as she thought about last month, which was the first month back for everyone. There were honestly several fights - Despite the contract signing. She had just wanted to know who arranged this whole entire set up for the new year.

Samantha knew that it was a bad idea to combine two rival schools into one. She just wished that she had known about it way earlier so that she could've transferred. A soft chuckle escaped over her lips while shaking her head, applying on a little bit of makeup and lipstick on her lips. She then stood up and exited the room, walking down a few stairs and into the kitchen. While spinning around, she had grabbed her apron and tied it around herself then started preparing a small breakfast. A small adorable, little Freshmen entered and Samantha turned with a smile. "Oh, hello there, what's your name?" She sang as the girl looked at her and rolled her eyes. "Fuck off." Samantha gasped as the little girl walked out of the kitchen now. She waved her hand while muttering to herself. "Must be Delphina."

After cooking a small breakfast for whoever wanted some and eating a plate herself, she had placed the plates out on the counter in the kitchen then pulled out her muffins, sitting them beside the counter as well. She had placed a note where the plates were that basically stated to save some for someone else. After she was done in the kitchen and threw off her apron, she had skipped her way through the halls of Mayweather then ended up outside on the stairs. Samantha had a smile upon her face then looked up at the clear blue sky as she sat down on the top step, making sure her dress was showing anything too revealing.

She had breathed the air in then exhaled while taking out her cell phone and sending a text towards her ultimate best friend, Avalon.

To: Avalon
Wake up! Wake up! Meet me on the front entrance steps. :)

Samantha had sent the text then noticed some Delphina kids wander pass her. She had eyed them then given an eye roll once they had past her. It was the first weekend of the month and classes were not in session though the final grades for the week were being put in. She had wondered to herself what was planned for today but knew that they were free to do whatever they pleased - Even leave the campus. Samantha thought to herself if Avalon wanted to go to Town Square for some much needed shopping. She'd just have to find out whenever she had waken up and came down to meet her.

Today was going to be a great day, or so she had hoped. A little bit too high hopes for today.

Location; Outside → On The Rooftop
Interacting With; Milo via text -@Angel Eyes | Eliana via text -@lovely complex
Mood; Evil → Excited
They had been in school for a month now and things had been a little awkward, weird and downright confusing. Mitchell didn't really know his way around Mayweather since they weren't given the warm welcome and shown around, for real. Mitch didn't like it at Mayweather. To him, it was Delphina all the way. He was sitting outside at the break area on the table, surrounded by his Delphina clique. "Hey, watch this." Mitchell muttered while looking at a passing Mayweather student as he leaped off the table then went over towards her, touching her by the wrist. "Hey there. Listen, I want you to go up to the Headmaster and say, hm, go to hell and stay there." The female student nodded her head and walked up to the Headmaster, who was his dad and said it. But the Headmaster was stupid as his furious eyes locked with Mitch.

'Oh, shit.' Mitchell thought to himself as his father dismissed the girl then started walking over towards him. "What do you think you're doing?" His father asked him as Mitch stammered through his words trying to come up with a response but nothing was coming to him right now. "Let's at least try to make peace with these people. Okay?" Mitch nodded his head towards his father as he patted him on the back then walked away. His Delphina friends laughing as he flipped them off.

Mitchell eyes gazed over towards Milo's bedroom window then smiled while pulling out his cell phone and typing a message towards him.

To: ♥Milo♥
Are you up yet? Want to meet me on the roof?

After sending that message, he had walked away from his peers and walked over towards the building, seeing Samantha sitting on the stairs. "Bitch." Mitchell said as Samantha looked up at him with a smirk. "At least I have an actual ability." Mitchell stopped and looked confused by Samantha's comeback then shook his head while entering the double doors of the facility now and wandering up towards the roof but was stopped by Miss Margaret. "Oh, hey. Sorry for stopping you but just wanted you to see your grade from yesterday's test." She pulled out her gradebook and pointed towards the grade. "Alright!" Mitchell exclaimed a little loud that it echoed throughout the halls.

After hearing that he had hugged Miss Margaret, a Delphina legend and friend of his father, of course. He had pulled out his phone to send a message towards his childhood rival about his recent grade.

To: Eliana
I got an A+ on my last test. What did you get?!

Mitchell kind of gloated a little bit while still making his way onto the rooftop. Once there, he walked over and sat on the edge upon a railing. Mitch had a huge smile plastered upon his face as he couldn't wait to see Milo and wandered what they both were going to do today. Today was the first weekend of the second month and they needed to do something.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Beefydork
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Beefydork Sinmethod

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location; Seating room → Outdoor garden → Control Room
Interacting With; No one
Mood; Relaxed → Irritated → Calm → Care-free

Harold's eyes grazed calmly across the book that was held by his one hand. His other being occupied by his cup of hazelnut coffee, his go to beverage for the morning. He took a small sip from his drink and let out a delighted sigh, he was at peace. He could finally relax without the worry of someone bugging him, or trying to fight him over his big mouth. His slightly plump pink lips curved into a a subtle smile. His attention went back to his book, which is of course a romance novel. It was one he read a few times, it was about a young lady in college who is in love with her professor. But she's also engaged to this rebellious man who doesn't have a job and does not want to get an education. At the moment Harold is on the part where the professor is speaking to the lady alone in the hallway. Harold knew what was going to happen, yet he still gasped softly when the girl suddenly kissed the older fellow on his lips.

Gets me every time. He chuckled and looked at his watch, he had to go to the control room. He shut his book with a bit too much force since he KNEW he was going to run into someone annoying. He drank the last bit of coffee he had and slowly rise from his seat onto his feet. His Tommy Hilfiger duffle bag laid next to the love chair he was just sitting in. He knelt down and grabbed the straps firmly, standing up with his bag hanging from his side. He made his way to the entrance door, not looking at the other students who were lounging or playing pool even though he could hear a few low grunts which he only responded with a smirk. After throwing his cup into the trashcan he exited the game room and received stares from those standing outside the door. Harold was beginning to see how popular he is.

He rolled his eyes with much exaggeration and a groan to add onto his irritated look. He walked over to the stairs and was stopped by a group of boys blocking the stairway. Harold glared up at them, it was the guys that he had a dispute with in class. "Excuse me gentlemen, you're blocking the way." Harold said calmly, he knew telling an insult would just make matters worst. They all snickered which pissed Harold off to a minimum, "We want you to apologize for what you said." One of the boys demanded followed by head nods from the boys on his sides. He doesn't have time for this even though Harold really wanted to tell them to fuck off, he apologized. They all giggled like pre-teen boys and got out of his way, then reached out their arms and made a motion that meant "You can go.". Harold didn't say anything and went down the stairs, now he really needs to go to the garden to calm down. After making his leave from the building he paced himself to the garden.

Even though some Mayweather students tried not to make eye contact with the Delphina students, Harold did it with confidence. He would glare at them even hoping for a reaction so he can just chuckle in their faces. Their reactions were priceless. He waved at Mayweather students that waved at him, his waves were a bit awkward since it was always weird for him to get waves from complete strangers.

Finally walking into the garden he inhaled the scent of flowers, freshly cut grass and manure. Yes he knows one of those smells is actually pretty foul, though he was used to it because of his mother's gardening hobby and himself gardening in his free time. He exhaled and smiled sweetly and went over to his lawn chair that was located on his right side. He sat on the lanky chair and patrolled the area, listening to the beautiful melodies the birds orchestrated. He felt so tranquil he couldn't even think of a single thing to do other than sit here and do nothing forever. Then, a bird created a high pitched 'CAW' making Harold jolt up from slouching. "You know that was very rude." He grumbled and the bird gave a low 'caw' as if saying sorry, "Aww, I forgive you.". He slowly got up from the chair, which he just noticed is so fragile and not sturdy that if he was only a couple pounds heavier it would collapse. He left the garden and slightly skipped to the building, his smile still cemented on his face. He entered the building so care-free and and hopeful that it felt like nothing mattered. Opening the door to the control room he shifted his duffle bag farther up his shoulder and strolled inside.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Location; Room 2A (Her Dorm Room) → Kitchen → Rear Parking Lot
Interacting With; Benny via Text - @Hippocamp | Samantha in Kitchen, indirect - @HushedWhispers
Mood; Relieved → a little excited

The atmosphere was dark, and the air felt heavy. "You'll be fine, Poca Cuchilla!" A hispanic man wearing stereotypical gangster clothing told her (complete with a flatbill cap with the sticker still on it, a shirt a few sizes too big and sagging cargo shorts), looking to her from beyond the fog. "It's just some fuckin' pedophile! You can gat his ass as soon as he gets home!" Carmen looked to him, a little scared. She gulped. No... you can't be real... She thought as the man continued to look to her with a teasing smile. The fog disappeared, revealing her prison cell, with her cellmate sitting nearby. "You've made a name for yourself around here." She said. "They're beginning to fear you now." Carmen shook her head. I shouldn't be here... She thought, looking towards the cell door. However, the cell door was that of an old house, and the walls were that of a dilapidated house when she turned back around. Behind her was a scared hispanic child, hiding behind her. Carmen felt something cold and heavy in her hands, and looked to it... it was a dirty black 1911 .45 pistol, loaded with the safety off. This house was too familiar, and so was the child... and this wasn't her normal gun. She looked to the door, hearing it creaking open. A white man, an older skinny white man, with such a frightening image, walked through the door, carrying a paper bag full of groceries. "It's him!" The child cried, and immediately, Carmen raised the gun in her hand, and took aim. "No... no!" The man panicked. "I'll see you in fucking hell!" Carmen heard herself call out after him before feeling herself pull the trigger.

*BANG!!!* Carmen shot awake in her dorm room as soon as the gunshot of the 1911 rang in her ears, still hearing it briefly as she opened her eyes. She was sweating a little, and was panting. She looked around briefly, still trying to grasp this realm before sighing in relief. "Shit..." She sighed to herself. "Dafuck was that..." She sighed again in relief, knowing that was only a dream... one of those rare flashback types. She looked to the side of her bed, the part of the bed that was up against the wall. The hidden gun holster strapped to that side still had her FNX-45 Tactical pistol still in it. She smiled a little before stretching, getting up from bed. She grabbed her phone, checking her texts and the time. It was late in the morning, and today was the day off. She sighed, going to the closet to go change, assuming Brenna wasn't there. If she was, she would wait until she left before she changed.

Things were getting weird for Carmen ever since she got here in Mayweather University. She came under the pretenses that she was gonna be surrounded by good-aligned hero types, and that she would be able to learn how to become a much better person as a result of all of this. Even though she didn't come into the school with a plan, she did have high hopes. Until she realized that the villain's campus was fucked up by a fire, and now all of the survivors are living inside of the Mayweather campus Revenge of the Nerds style. She hoped it wouldn't be too bad by then, but now she's living with an ice queen she couldn't even turn her back towards, is constantly harassed by a fucking Nazi and is vilified by (ironically) the villains, as they have a collective hate against Mayweather. All Carmen wanted was to do her own thing, become a better person, and graduate so she can go to Syria to do some humanitarian work, and hopefully help the SDF in its fight against terrorism. But nope! There was a fire, assholes have to pick shit with you and you gotta stash all of your shit in your car because your own roommate can either blackmail you with it, get you kicked out of the school for it, or worse, kill you with it. Ever since Carmen was in prison, she was through with taking chances. But now, it was time to practice, and to make perfect.

After dressing in her normal outfit (grey NAVY shirt, blue Navy BDU trousers, black running shoes, shoulder holster and black leather jacket), she took her trusty tactical pistol from the holster alongside the bed and put it under her jacket. Taking her (empty) wallet, car keys, cell phone, butterfly knife and suppressor for said tactical pistol, she pocketed them all in the various pockets of her trousers, and went out into the halls. Quietly shutting the door as to not wake anyone up, she stood outside in the hall, getting out her phone and beginning a new text.

To: Benny
Hey assface, wanna head to the range with me? Meet me at my car, shotgun's still open for you. :)

After sending her (only) friend Benny that message, she pocketed her phone. Whenever she called her friends names, she never really meant it. In fact, she only calls her freinds assface, as an affectionate and joking way of calling them ugly, regardless of how attractive they really are. Carmen looked around, making sure that there isn't anyone around to fuck with her today. If not, she would walk downstairs to the dorm kitchen. Seeing Samantha in the kitchen cooking breakfast, she gave her the usual look of contempt. It wasn't that she hated Samantha... it was more along the lines that she reminded Carmen of how unfair and seriously unbalanced life is. She didn't speak to her, though, smelling the breakfast she cooked. Carmen isn't one to be unfair herself, in her mind, she gave Samantha props for the breakfast for it smelled really good, and made her stomach growl.

"Sorry... it's me." Carmen said with an uncomfortable smile after that, looking in the cabinets for her marked lunch. As she was looking in the cabinets, she heard Samantha speak to the freshman in the sing-song voice. She didn't mind too much at first, though the whole 'Disney Princess' vibe she gave bothered her. However, when the freshman told Samantha to fuck off, Carmen couldn't help but hold back a laugh, snickering lightly as she was trying her best to hold back a burst of laughter. Holy shit, that was hilarious! She was hoping that Samantha didn't notice, and if she did, she wouldn't start shit with her. After she calmed down, she grabbed her lunch box and closed the cabinet, walking out of the kitchen and back out to the halls, nodding with a soft smile to the various class members that populated the school as she walked out to the rear parking lot of the school.

As she walked out to the parking lot, she looked straight to her black Mustang, her baby that she's been raising for a while. Taking out her car keys, she remotely unlocked it, seeing the dark-colored headlights flash their bright LEDs briefly. She smiled, remotely unlocking the car before getting inside, shutting the door and relaxing inside. This was her one of her two sanctuaries, where she can actually be alone to herself and relax in the day. As she relaxed, she turned on the stereo inside of her car, keeping the top and windows up so the music won't bother anyone. Carmen took an AUX cord and connected her phone to the stereo, playing a few songs from her library, including but not limited to a nice trap song she heard some time ago. While the song played, she waited for Benny to respond to her text or knock on the window. But until then, she decided to eat her breakfast of Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, and a small bag of Cool Ranch Doritos.

(( Edited as her goals changed ))
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomewhatAverage

SomewhatAverage No Longer Active. Sorry, Just Too Busy Right Now

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jackson Hunt

Location: Dorm Room -> Kitchen -> Outside -> Control Room
Interacting With: @Beefydork
Mood: Tired -> Panicked -> Happy

Ugh, why do classes always start so early in the morning? Jack groaned internally as he woke from a deep sleep. "And right in the middle of a good dream." He honestly couldn't remember much of it, but it had something to do with a tree made of licorice. Trying to fall back to sleep, he curled up under his sheet but to no avail. Instead, he turned over to check his alarm clock. Oh right, my classes start in 3 minutes. Shit. Jackson shot out of bed like a rocket, changing as quickly as he could into some decent clothes. Not bothering to shower, he sped to the kitchen, determined to show up on time. As he headed down to the kitchen, he pulled out his phone to check the time-

And he quickly realized that it was the weekend. "Oh, come on!" He shouted to no one in particular. In fact, no one was around to hear his outburst. At least, he didn't think there was. Either way, Jackson knew that he would never be able to fall back asleep now that he was out of bed, dressed, and still rushing with adrenaline, so he walked to the kitchen, his need for sleep quickly catching up with him. No, dude. Make some breakfast first so you don't feel so cranky. To his surprise, breakfast was already made and on the table. The kitchen was empty, but based on the roster of his dorm building, signs pointed to the meal being cooked by Samantha. The thought of finding and thanking her crossed his mind, but that was quickly overshadowed by the thought of how hungry he was. He grabbed a plate and sat down, wolfing away at the delicious meal, already feeling rejuvenated from the food. "Man, I wish that I could cook like this."

With that said, Jack set out to decide what to do with the rest of his day. Now that he realized that he had no classes, he wasn't quite sure what to do with the rest of the day. He could find someone to hang out with... but he really didn't know anyone in the school enough to consider inviting them somewhere. Or he could sit in his dorm all day and do nothing. Yeah, no. "You know what? I woke up to go to class, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do." Standing up and putting his dishes in the sink, he walked out of the dorm, hoping that the professors weren't busy. As he walked across the campus, he saw a group of younger kids talking. When he passed them, however, they all glared at him before walking away. "Yeah, make it more obvious that you're from Delphina, why don't you!" He shouted after the group. Why most were unable to accept the joining of the two schools, he had no idea. Everyone here was similar in some way, but everyone seemed to spend too much time focusing on the differences. I may take the risk of sounding like a complete pushover, but can't we all just get along?

Jack checked the handle to one of his teacher's classrooms, hoping they were still on the campus. "Locked. Just like every other professor at this school." He had spent the past thirty minutes walking around campus, checking every classroom he could find, but none of the professors were available for studies. The only place left to check was the control room, which was where he was heading now. As fun as it sounded, his sessions always seemed to last longer than anyone else's, mostly because they literally did. He was constantly stopping and slowing time to perform different experiments, so from his perspective, he was in there twice as long as anyone else, and generally, it was just as painful. Or was it even painful for anyone else? He honestly didn't know, but it had to be, with all the stress that constantly warping every known law of quantum physics could put on a man. He arrived at the control room, and despite his inner complaints, he was glad to see the door was unlocked. He walked in to see that he wasn't alone, and he saw Harold already in the building. "Well, I'm glad that I'm not alone in here," he sighed to Harold. To tell the truth, Jack would've preferred that the control room was empty; it was weird when people saw him use his abilities, especially since they saw... well, nothing. Still, Harold was a pretty nice guy, and Jack didn't mind a bit of company. "So was I the only one who thought it wasn't the weekend? I swear, I nearly had a heart attack this morning trying to get ready for class." he said with a laugh. As he said this, he sat down in a chair, trying to focus his kind so that he could actually get something done while he was in here. As long as the control room was open, he planned to make sure to use it well.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

James Spinne

Location: Dorm Room → Outside
Interacting With; Brenna via creepy-ass dream | Milo via yelling - @Angel Eyes | Carmen via text @AbandonedIntel
Mood; Exhausted → Happy → Exhilarated

James Spinne couldn't help but grin as he ran his fingers through Brenna Lancaster's hair. It was so incredibly soft and fluffy as he twirled a strand around his fingers. Spinne's other hand lightly touched the woman's arm as he ran it back and forth over her porcelain skin. Just looking at her brought lightning shooting through his veins. He'd convinced himself that she was the most beautiful woman on the face of the planet. (That wasn't very difficult, by the way.) She smiled back, life dancing in her hazel eyes. One of her slim arms was wrapped around James' waist, with the other resting on his chest. Goosebumps formed wherever her freezing hands made contact with his skin. "I am the luckiest man alive." He whispered. Brenna inched closer, tilting her head to the left seductively. "Yes you are." She teased, her voice just as quiet as his. James leaned in, his heart pounding rapidly in his chest. He was close enough to feel the cold radiating from her lips. A shiver of pleasure ran down his spine as the two began to kiss-


Brenna broke it off first. "Are you going to get that?" She asked, annoyed. James offered an apologetic smile. "It'll be fine." He reassured her and moved back in.


The Ice Queen placed a finger to Arachnid's lips. "Get your phone." She ordered. James groaned as he rolled onto his other side and faced the nightstand. He reached out for his smartphone. His finger tips dashed against the object, pushing it away. He scooched a little ways further, swiping at the object. He just needed to get a little closer...*BZZT* The phone went off again, causing both Brenna and James to grunt in frustration. Absolutely done with the stupid piece of technology, James lifted his butt off the bed and moved off just a little too far to the right.


James groaned in pain. "Ow." His eyes fluttered open, greeted by the sight of his dorm room floor. He struggled to move, trapped in his blanket. He eventually got an arm free and grabbed for his cellphone. He pulled the object down to his level and turned it on. "AHHH!" The phone's light was on full power and successfully blinded the poor teenager. "I hate this." He muttered. James glanced at the thing for several seconds, wondering why it had went off. He didn't see any notifications. No calls...No texts. Come to think of it, his phone never made that soun- *BZZT* "Son of a bitch." That was Milo's phone, he realized. "Miiiilooo." James groaned in frustration, his voice muffled by the floor. It was way too early in the morning to be dealing with this shit. *BZZT* "MILO!" James brought his head up off the ground and was greeted by the sun's warm rays hitting him right in the face, blinding him for a second time in less than five minutes. "Damn it!" James, totally sick of this now, shot a string of webbing into the sleeping Asian's face. "GET YOUR DAMN PHONE, BRO." He screamed. "SHUT UP." Someone called from down the hall. "Sorrryyy!" James responded, just as loudly.

Knowing he couldn't fall back asleep after that mess, James forced himself to stand. He haphazardly tossed all of his stuff back onto his bed. Grabbing his backpack, James exited the dorm room and jogged over to the public bathroom. He took a second to freshen up before changing into a pair of ripped jeans, a basic red T-shirt and a dark hoodie adorned with a black widow's hourglass. "Tch." James snapped his fingers and pointed at himself in the mirror. "You are one sexy, sexy man." James made his way back out of the bathroom and toward the exit. He stopped at the stairs on his way. I wonder...He thought to himself. Spider-boy whipped out his smartphone and shot Carmen a quick text:

"hey chica. doing anything today? oh, and is Brenna up yet?"

A moment passed and there was no reply. She was probably already out and about. A frown crossed James' face as he moved over to the kitchenette. He poured two bowls of frosted flakes, as well as a cup of orange juice. He grabbed a tray out of one of the cabinets and made his way up the stairs. He stopped at the second floor, searching for a particular room. Once he spotted it, Spinne jogged over and knocked quietly. When no one responded, he pushed on it as lightly as he could. Upon spotting Lancaster inside, James quietly closed the door and suspended the tray from the ceiling via webbing. Perfect. The spider didn't admire his work for too long before he made his way to the nearest window. He slid the glass up and perched himself on the edge. James placed his ear buds in his...ears...and flipped his music on.

"Standing in the hall of fame..."

Arachnid jumped. A web fired out of the spinneret on his wrist at hundreds of miles an hour, attaching to a nearby building. James smiled from ear to ear as he soared through the sky. He loved this.

"And the world's gonna know your name..."

"Hell yeah they will. WOOOO!"

Jessica Sterling

Location; Bathroom → Outside → Control Room
Interacting With; Harold & Jackson via nervous greeting @beefydork @SomewhatAverage
Mood; Terrified → Better

Hot water washed over Jessica's impervious skin. The shower was set to maximum, yet she could barely feel it. It was quite early in the morning and she'd been at the Control Room all last night. A feeling of drowsiness washed over the young woman. Jess closed her eyes, her thoughts drifting as she began to doze off. She was immediately greeted by the sight of a man in a black trench coat standing in the middle of her burning living room. The air smelled of ash and blood. The figure turned toward her, his face hidden behind a wall of smoke. He began to walk toward her, his massive frame towering over the terrified Jessica. A feeling of dread overwhelmed Jess as she tried to move away from the approaching silhouette. The movement brought her elbow colliding with the shampoo. The bottle hit the floor with a crash; the sound of it jolted Jess awake. She bent down to pick up the fallen item, her handing shaking as she placed it back on the shelf. Calm down. She ordered herself. Jessica's knees felt weak. Like she could collapse any minute now. "Bulletproof...Nothing to lose.. fire away, fire away." Jess sang softly, her voice quieter than a whisper. The girl took a deep breath. Her hand was still no

She quickly washed up, not seeing a point in staying in there for longer than necessary. She dried herself off with a towel and slipped her clothes back on. Sighing, Sterling adjusted her favorite black jacket, grey long sleeve shirt and plain dark capris. They weren't very elegant but they got the job done. No classes today...great. What am I supposed to do with myself now? She groaned internally. Today was not a good day; not that she'd had many of those in the past year. She dreaded waking up in the morning and having to be someone she was not. All of this isolation and restraint was progressively driving Jessica Sterling insane. Maybe she needed a day off. But what was she going to do? Maybe Ellie and I- Nah. She has better things to do. Jess slipped into a pair of generic sneakers and made her way out of the restroom. She stopped to take one of Sam's muffins. Mmm. That girl can bake. With that small bit of a pick-me-up in her stomach, Jess waltzed out of the dorms, past Samantha and made a beeline for the Control Room.

It was a quick run from Mayweather Old East to the Control Room. Jess didn't bother greeting any of the other students on her way. She had places to be. Not that she spoke to any of them anyway. Invincible pulled open the front door and stepped into the Control Room's lobby, looking around the room. It was relatively empty; there were only two other people there. Upon further examination, Jess recognized that it was Harold and Jackson. Knowing that this day couldn't get any worse, and that talking to people generally relieved her of stress, she decided to greet them. "Morning, guys."

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Angel Eyes

Angel Eyes ...

Member Seen 24 days ago

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Minako Ikeda

Location; Limo -> Outside
Interacting With; Samantha Youngblood @HushedWhispers
Mood; Forlorn -> Nervous

Much of the ride from the airfield was done in silence. Or, at least it was for Minako. Her father sat on the other side of limo, but he might as well have been on the other side of the world. In fact, if the half of the conversation that she could hear him having was any indication, that’s exactly where his mind was. So, she sat in silence, gazing out the window at the passing countryside and listening to the song through her headset.

“Don’t ever talk to me again!”

“I apologize for that. A mix up at Panama.”

Blinking in surprise, she pulled her headphones down and looked towards her father, meeting his apologetic smile. “It’s alright. Was it a significant problem?” she queried.

Devon shook his head, reaching over to a cabinet and pouring himself a scotch. “Clerical error at the Canal. Somebody mixed up the crossing schedule, so the Sumara was delayed. Client won’t be happy, but it was out of our control.” He took a sip from his glass, following her gaze out the window, then turned back to her. “Nervous?”

She nodded, tucking her headset into her bag. “A little.” It wasn’t technically a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth either.

Studying his daughter for a moment, Devon could make a good guess as to what was really on her mind as he turned back to the window. “You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

Minako nodded, sighing heavily. “I know. I just wish…”

“I know.” He reached across and gave her knee a reassuring squeeze, then settled back into his seat. “She’ll come around. You know that she could never stay mad at you.”

“She’s never been this angry before,” came her somber response, as she pressed her forehead against the cool glass.

“She’ll come around.”

Minako looked towards her father, his body relaxed and shared violet eyes radiating confidence. The certainty of his words, as though there was simply no other possibility in the world, reassured her, and she smiled as she turned back to the window. “I hope so.”

A semi-comfortable silence settled over the pair, and it remained until the spires of Mayweather Academy came into view. Used to the glass towers of Kobe, it was far from the most impressive set of structures that Minako had seen, although the expansive greenspace did appear to be impressively maintained. Mei would love it here.

The limo came to a stop in front of the school, and her father’s bodyguard slipped out to open the door for them. Devon, of course, got out first, casting his sharp-eyed gaze over the school grounds as he buttoned his suit jacket. As he stepped aside to give her room, Minako followed him out, conscious of the many, many pairs of eyes that were aimed in her direction. Shouldering her backpack, she turned to her father, accepting her suitcases from the bodyguard.

Devon smiled down at his daughter. “Well, here we are.” He eyed her for a moment. “And you’re sure that you don’t want Noboru to stay with you?”

Minako blushed slightly, glancing at the impassive bodyguard as he surveyed the school. “Yes, I am sure, Father. I will be safe here.”

Chuckling at her answer, Devon bowed his head for a moment. “Well, you can’t blame me for being worried.” He sighed, a mixture of emotions washing over his face. “I wish that I could at least see you to your dorm, but business calls.”

“I understand, Father.” She embraced him, lingering inside his warm arms, then broke away and gave a deep bow. “I will bring honour to our family.”

Devon answered with an equally deep bow. “I know you will, Minako. You are an Ikeda, after all.” Giving her one last, long look, he stepped back into the limo, Noboru closing it behind him.

Watching her father drive away, she lingered there for a moment, then took a deep breath and turned away, pulling her suitcases along behind her. The first step was to locate the residence where she would be staying. Unfortunately, she didn’t have much of an idea of how everything was organized here. As she looked around her, she noticed a blonde girl sitting on the front of the steps leading into what she thought to be the main building. Swallowing the fluttering in her stomach, she approached the girl and made a light bow. “Um, forgive me for disturbing you, but could you give me directions to the Residence Office, please?”

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Samuel Keats

Location; Dorm Room → Kitchen → Outside
Interacting With; Will Blake @smarty0114 Lucas Farweight @Legion02
Mood; Energetic → Irritated → Bored

Keats' alarm sounded loudly in the dorm room, waking him up with a start. Oh yeah, he'd set it to maximum, mainly so that it'd wake up Will, too. Sure, maybe morning runs weren't the guy's thing, but no-one gets to lie in when Keats is around. At least no-one that he doesn't like, hence the alarm. Just to make sure, Keats got out of his bed as loudly as possible, practically stamping on the floor as he gathered his clothes together and got dressed, not bothering to go anywhere to get changed. Not like he had anything to hide, right? You could call Samuel Keats a lot of things - people did - but unfit was not one of them.

He pulled on a red vest and black shorts before wrapping the usual cloth around his fists, sighing as he did so. It was always the most irritating thing to do, but it was better than going out unprepared, right? What if someone decided to piss him off and he didn't have his gear ready? He'd have to let them walk away, and he couldn't go risking his pride like that. Pulling on his trainers, he glanced over at his roommate's bed, smirking as he stood up. Just to make sure that the guy wasn't still sleeping, Keats called out to him in a cheerful, mocking tone. "Wakey wakey asshole! Sun's shining, time to get up!"

With that done, Keats grabbed his phone and headed down to the kitchen, a spring in his step. Today was gonna be a good day, he could tell already. As he entered the kitchen, he didn't notice anyone else there, but there were some muffins sitting on the table. Keats grabbed one, realising that it was probably left by one of the Mayweathers. After realising this, he took another one because why not? They were good muffins, and no note was gonna stop him from taking as much as he wanted. Besides, there were still plenty there if anyone cared that much.

After polishing off his second muffin, Keats decided to head outside, putting in a pair of earbuds and setting off on his usual morning run around the outskirts of the school. He didn't really feel like pushing it today, since it was the weekend. It took way too long for him to get properly tired out, but that was always the problem with his physical abilities. Training his strength and speed and stuff were easy enough, but when it came to endurance it was just a pain to improve on.

Still, no harm in trying. He started running at a decent speed, easily overtaking several people in front of him with very little effort. Boring, slow, slow, boring. Man, what was up with this today? Did no-one in the school actually run? Sure, Keats was a little enhanced, but it wasn't like he was the fastest guy in the school by a long shot. Whatever the reason, it sure made it hard to get motivated when nobody else seemed to be bothering.

Despite this, he managed to complete a fair few laps of the school. As he passed the front entrance for the third time, he noticed some kind of fancy car - a limo if his eyes were right - stopped outside. "Some kinda big shot coming here? Eh, whatever. They'll probably end up just being another pushover like everyone else in this place." he murmured.

A little bit lost in thought, he failed to notice a tree branch on the path and was sent sprawling. He wasn't harmed outside of his pride and a couple of scrapes, but that was the end of his run for the day, his irritation putting him off of continuing.

Sighing, he headed into the school, shoving some kid out of his way as he headed through the halls, finally pausing as he found a decent bench to sit down at. Man, he really needed something to do. Was boxing supposed to be later? He couldn't remember. He was supposed to know this stuff by now! Still, he was near the top of the club, so if he forgot a training session then it'd just be time for the rest of them to try and catch up. Not that it'd work. Nobodies like most of those guys just could ever measure up to someone like Keats after all.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket. If he couldn't think of anything to do, then he'd be as well asking someone else. Scrolling through his contacts, he found Lucas' name and sent him a text. It didn't bother him that much whether he was busy, but Keats wanted a way to spend his day that wasn't skulking around by himself as fun as that may have sounded.

To: Luke
You got anything that needs doing? I'm bored outta my mind right now :/

Pocketing his phone, Keats headed back down the corridor, a menacing smile plastered on his face as he scanned the other pupils hanging around them. He sure was thirsty, now that he thought about it, so he casually snatched some kid's water bottle and downed most of it in a single gulp. "You're welcome, kid." Keats grinned as he tossed it back at the boy and leaned against the wall, laughing as the kid ran off looking thoroughly frightened by Keats. Good things came from looking scary, that was for sure.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Beefydork
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Beefydork Sinmethod

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location; Control Room
Interacting With; Jackson (@SomewhatAverage) & Jessica (@FacePunch)
Mood; Denial → Uncomfortable → Awkward

Harold was humming one of his favorite Disney songs, 'Once Upon a December' from the movie Anastasia. Which is probably his favorite movie created by them. He ended the last note in a very low whisper, making him wince. He was in the process of changing from his casual wear into more comfortable clothing. He sigh aggressively as his slender almost lady-like hands kept fumbling on the buttons of his shirt. He cheered with joy achieving this simple task and slid into his blue adidas shirt. The shirt was skin tight which made him feel a bit embarrassed since it exposed his slender waist and toned stomach. I really should invest in a not so revealing shirt... he blushed slightly looking down at his stomach. He proceeded to remove his pants and put on his gray joggers. He went over to a mirror and examined his figure..."D-Did..." He stuttered. Either his butt got bigger or these joggers strunk in the wash, "Y-Yeah they just shrunk hahaha." Now he not only has slightly large thighs but now his bum is getting bigger. He left the changing room in full denial, whispering to himself that he should pay closer attention when washing his clothes. His head snapped to the door, watching it open with Jackson peeking inside.

"Well, I'm glad that I'm not alone in here," He sighed, Harold gave a faint chuckle in response. He's so stupid for coming so early, now a stampede of people will rush inside making him uncomfortable and too stressed to work out and practice. Jackson asked something about if he was the only one thinking it wasn't the weekend. Harold raised an eyebrow, "I'm pretty sure you're not the only one. There are more people in this academy that are unorganized and incompetent like yourself." He stated, he was trying to make small talk but he ended up insulting him. Great job Harold, you're a natural. He gaped his mouth so he could apologize and was interrupted by Jessica entering the room. He grumbled, the storm of people was just beginning. He started to contemplate about just leaving the room and going else where.

He made the decision to just stay and actually try to converse, make a couple of friends. He cringed slightly when she greeted them, he could just feel the atmosphere pressuring him to just go grab his bag and storm out of the room. He knew that she wished she didn't have to speak to anyone and the room would have zero people inside. The feeling was mutual. Harold gave her a delicate smile, "Good morning to you also, you look great this morning." He complemented. He didn't know if she would complement him back, ignore the complement, or tell him not to not say things like that anymore. Most likely the third choice.

He remembered his exterior look and started to back away, moving his hand to behind him. He began to feel around trying to search for the wall, he didn't need any comments for his outfit. He stopped because his left foot was close to hitting the heel of his right, which would result in him falling and looking like a real idiot. He needed to say something or there will just be overwhelming silence, "How about this um... this weather lately?" He wanted to bang his head on a wall. Even though he asked that failed attempt at a conversation starter he still stood with his straight posture and still looked professional. Except his outfit threw off the whole "professional" look.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hippocamp
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Hippocamp the Steel Whirlwind

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Allen Hops

Location; The shared dorm room.
Interacting With; Terrence @Avanhelsing. Eliana → via text. @lovely complex Carmen --> via text. @AbandonedIntel
Mood; Dubious <-- Whimsical

Benny hashed out an early morning text to his mother to start his day. “I hope those kids don’t break your will today.” That should do the trick.

Thoughts of home leave a pleasant taste in the mouth, Benny thought, before taking a bite of an unattractive apple. This does NOT taste like magic, he reacted internally, taste buds cringing. He didn’t understand why his acquisition sometimes retrieved duds but it did. He didn’t want to waste the food either way. It was like a gift he had gotten from nobody, and if he threw it away it was as if he might as give his power to the starving in Africa. Or maybe that was too dramatic. He thought to himself he would feel sort of like a cow being milked if all he did was materialize food all day. It would be better if the whole world were changed so everyone could be fed and he didn’t have to feel guilty about it. So for now he would aim for the head of the snake, as it were… For now he felt fortunate to not have been enlisted in feeding all of Mayweather each day.

Benny wore his black trench coat and a black top hat today. This was the most villainous look he could muster. There was potential to summon all sorts of objects with this much personal coverage, and he was a master of layering. He usually got dressed as quickly as he could since someone was always rushing him, but it seemed Carmen’s scheduled text came late today. He decided to shoot Eliana one.

To Eliana
Feeling good or grrreat this early in the morning am I right. J/k It’s like I was just born from a womb.

Fufufu. Benny could savor the typical villain habits. Something like ominous chortling or bridging his fingers. He considered briefly whether he had spent enough time subliminally influencing Terrence to become more evil.”Terrence did you already sprint out of here? Next time you’re doing squats or whatever the hell you do you should think about the moment all electronic funds and debt are erased. I know, it invigorates me too bro.” Benny hoped he wasn’t talking to the vacuum in space that was usually left behind when Terrence decided to go somewhere new.

Mayweather had treated Benny well thus far. After the fire he was expecting chaos, and there was some. The school was small enough that everyone’s problems were on a loudspeaker. He didn’t put up any spectacular fuss yet though. Benny wanted to abide the contract between Mayweather and Delphina, that here they were all students and at peace for now. Speaking of peace, here was his favorite buddy to blast off rounds with in order to disturb the tranquility of the forest, texting him to get his ass in gear. Benny was pleased to get in touch with Carmen. He felt as though them practicing marksmanship was the perfect cocktail of illegal things to be doing, and all the better for their skills. He liked Carmen’s spitfire attitude as well, and she had a great danger sense. She seemed to be the most careful person he had ever met. Her time spent amongst gangsters and in jail made her much more chiseled than your average heroine, and oh so entertaining.

To Carmen
I’m on the way smartass don’t think you can have the whole shitty hill to yourself.

Now that Benny knew Carmen wasn’t going to skid away in that mildly erotic Black Mustang of hers he would hurry it up. He hated the days where all he could find of her was skid marks in the parking lot. It reminded him too much of Terrence, that fleet footed bastard. ”Hey Terrence if you aren’t awake yet now I command you to TRY NOT TO picture me conjuring a bit and bridle and riding you in a race against Carmen’s car. You know we would beat her.” Benny flew out the door and on toward Carmen’s car, hoping that his roomie had been around to suffer the degradation he had laid upon him. He spotted the black Mustang and first climbed on and hugged the roof, until he heard knocks of protest and cursing coming from inside. Then he opened the passenger door and climbed in, through with wasting time. Carmen had stewed long enough and they both needed to shoot a pleasing variety of targets. ”Let’s rock, partner.” Were the first words Benny uttered to her as he donned a pair of cop sunglasses from his sleeve.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Location; Rear Parking Lot → Countryside Road → Remote Firing Range
Interacting With; Benny - @Hippocamp | James via Text - @FacePunch
Mood; Impatient → Excited → Badass

Carmen awaited in her car as the song continued to play. She was already starting to finish up her PB&J before she felt her Samsung Galaxy S4 (with an Otterbox of course) vibrate within her pocket. She didn't care much for the whole "Brand New Phone" thing, often times that shit was expensive and way too vapid for her liking. She liked phones that did their job, and this one did its job just fine, though taking pictures with it was a bitch without using her reflex powers. Pulling out her phone, she hoped it was Benny, but instead it was James. Either way, she was happy to hear from him too. She pondered on his inquiry on whether or not Brenna was awake. "... Shit." She whispered to herself as she tried to recall. She wasn't exactly paying much attention to Brenna, she was probably asleep by then, but she probably was gone too, she couldn't tell. Even though she didn't trust Brenna, in the past month she's gotten a little complacent in paying attention to her. Maybe she should do that more often now.

To: Spiderman
Well, I'm heading off to the firing range with a friend of mine, gonna fire off a load... of bullets. As for Brenna, I have no ducking fucking clue. Why don't you go up there and ask her yourself, Peter Parker? xP

She chuckled at that last line, she absolutely loved referencing movies. As for the Firing Range, Carmen has told James that she found an old firing range a bit of ways up north of the Mayweather campus, but she never told him that she was responsible for building it, for fear that she would get in trouble for building that range on Mayweather grounds. With that done, she put her phone away and finished off her bag of Cool Ranch Doritos®, taking a sip of water so the stinky salty Cool Ranch shit won't stain her breath. She waited for a while for Benny to respond, before getting a text from him. She read it, and chuckled a bit at his reply as well. "That's my boy." She said proudly as she waited for him, buckling her seatbelt and getting ready to go. Once she heard the car door open, she looked to Benny, seeing him in his trench coat and top hat. She thought it was both funny and badass at the same time, but before she could say a word, she saw Benny don those sunglasses in such a badass manner, she decided not to.

"Copy that." She said with a grin. "Click-it or ticket, your call, buddy!" She said, warning him to put on his seatbelt, as Benny would be all too familiar with how much power the car has, and how much it can toss someone around. Turning the key from ACC to START, the car was brought to life within a split second, shaking a little as the large and powerful engine sprung to life. Immediately, she pressed on the gas, making the engine of the car *RROOAARRR!!*, signifying that she and Benny were gonna peace the fuck out.

"Alrighty, it's my turn with the radio. I wanna unleash my inner Jason Statham today." Carmen said with an excited grin, changing the tune on her phone from her previously playing trap song to a more suitable track... an 80s synth-pop instrumental revival song called King of the Streets by LazerHawk. Not only did Carmen have love for hip-hop, she had a soft spot for some of the badass 80s-style tunes as well. She can thank her pre-abusive father for that. And as soon as the song played, she shifted the car into gear. "Alright, let's do this bitch!"

Almost immediately, she pressed on the gas pedal. Her car roared with energy, tires screaming in agony from the friction against the pavement in a *SCREEEE!!!* before they started to gain their traction, Carmen screeching out from the parking lot, making a 180 turn before heading down through the driveway that led out to the front. While she drove, she passed the limosine that the Ikedas were in, not even paying much mind to them as she sped past them and out into the long country road ahead of them. It was then that the car really started to pick up speed, and Carmen was having a blast, as always.

"WOWHOO!!!" She cried out in sheer driving bliss, hearing her car roar as the gravity pulled both of them back towards the seats... the speedometer climbing from 30 MPH to 90 MPH in almost notime. The Cobra was a fierce car, and was not to be fucked around with. It reflected Carmen in a way, as she too was fierce and not to be fucked around with. The car was already at 100 MPH, cruising down the countryside road of upstate New York, travelling through Hudson Valley. This was a beautiful place, and Carmen loved it. A truck ahead of her was blocking the path and she was approaching it fast. With a soft pull to the left on her steering wheel, her car went into the opposite lane, and she passed it without a problem, returning back to the normal lane.

"Hahaha!" Carmen laughed, enjoying herself as the car started to slow down. They were approaching the dirt road that led to the shooting range she set up in that forest hill, the one that she and Benny set up and maintained regularly. She immediately performed fast hand-over-hand with her steering wheel, turning the Cobra onto the track with a drifting turn, getting onto the track seamlessly and driving through the dirt road at around 30 MPH. She blushed a bit. "Hehe... sorry about that, buddy. I... I couldn't resist. There's not enough times where I could unleash my inner Jason Statham." She said with a soft chuckle, apologizing to her friend Benny with a reference to the Transporter series. "Did you wanna go do something after we're done?" She asked, driving through the forest.

Soon enough, she arrived at that hill. Parking her car at the dead end before it, she pulled the keys out of the ignition and got out of her car, standing up. She looked across to the shooting range that she and Benny have been working on together. The range itself looked like an old and dilapidated one, and Carmen made it look like that on purpose so no one would suspect that she and Benny were the ones who built it. She made it look like it was a Redneck firing range by placing beer cans and shells for shotguns and revolvers she doesn't even own. Otherwise, with the help of Benny from earlier, she would've put up a corroded metal gun range sign to make it look like its been there forever. With a small wooden table and a barrel she found from the side of the road (and picked up with a stolen truck), she had the foundations of the firing range complete. In front of the table were various metal targets set up against the hill, as well as various mannequins placed in front of trees, marking a shooting course that involved both moving and running. There were signs of wear and tear on them, with so many bullet marks on both the metal targets and mannequins. Instead of replacing them, however, Carmen simply just taped paper over the targets so she'll know where the shots have landed. An easy, cheap, fast and simple solution.

Carmen leaned in and pulled her chair forward, reaching into the backseat. Releasing a clamp from below it, the bottoms of the backseats clicked, and she pulled them up, revealing a hidden storage compartment filled with a few handguns, a few of her favored Remington rifles (that Benny got her earlier), a shotgun, lots of ammo for all of these weapons, a few tactical vests and a few armor plates as well. Stashed among them were a few smoke grenades and a few flashbangs as well, but they were for emergencies only. And stashed below those was a large stash of illicit drugs and cash, but it was much less noticable than all of the weapons. Picking up a box of .45 ammunition and a bunch of paper and tape, she shut the compartment and closed the door to her Mustang with her butt, as her hands were full. "So what are ya in the mood to shoot today?" Carmen asked Benny as she walked ahead towards the tables.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location; Outside by the Cherry blossoms Third floor, Mayweather Old West
Interacting With; Mitch & Benny by Text @HushedWhispers @Hippocamp Sweetheart Milo @Angel Eyes & Asswipe Lucas @Legion02
Mood; In her own world Peeved Fiery anger.

Honestly, when was rest a common occurrence for her? Why would last night be any different? Eliana Lovelace could put others to sleep but never herself. First to rise, last to bed. Always. That should become her motto! By now, she knew how to handle it. Perks of getting little to no sleep meant more time away from her room, away from an annoyance that would cause her to want to pull her hair out. Alright, perhaps that would be a drastic reaction, but she wasn't going to deny that her roommate, Brooklyn McKenzie or "Little Lapis", got on her absolute nerves. Suffering from insomnia, the brunette with piercing, yet captivating, chartreuse green eyes, sat on a bed of grass, her back leaned against a cherry blossom tree, as she read the dark romance of Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. Leaving her house at the crack of dawn had it's benefits. She could watch the sunrise, go to a 24 hour Diner, eat berry-topped pancakes (Yum!), and she could listen to the sounds of nature around her while she read a phenomenal story. Today was the start of vacation and for once, her mother gave her a break to enjoy herself. Let's see how long that lasts.

Oh, how she adored this Gothic fiction romance. Ellie stared at the words on the gentle surface and turned to the next page. The transcendental love between Heathcliff and Catherine surpass the boundaries of life and death. It was awe-inspiring and yes, creepy. All characters in this story were driven by their appetites, like desire or ambition, but the romance between the two protagonists resonated the most in Eliana's mind. Heathcliff, the unforgivably horrible man, appealed to a woman, who was torn between climbing the social ladder and her wild love for the fierce and cruel man. As much as Eliana wanted to hate the romance, she couldn't. There were many complexities in this novel that would make any person fall for the dark nature of the world, and she found herself reading it over, and over again.

Taking a break from reading, the aspiring hero that went by the Alias "Dream Catcher" looked up from her book and scanned her surroundings. Soon, the campus would have students walking and running around. Some believing today was indeed a class day and others simply meeting up with their friends to go on an adventure. Happily alone, Ellie had no plans today. Her options were endless!

No longer deep in thought, the brunette felt her phone vibrate and sighed. Under her breath, she muttered, "Who could it possibly be..."

Within this past month, Ellie, the woman who preferred to isolate herself from social situations, seemed to have obtained a couple of friends (Milo and Jess mostly. Mitch doesn't count) and a flock of individuals that gave her a headache. Especially one person in particular, but she wasn't going to think about him.

College was truly something.

Placing a vintage flower bookmark in her novel to save her place and softly closing it with her left hand, she slipped her free hand into her small, white purse that complimented her simple, light-in-color outfit. Reviewing the texts she received, one from Mitch and one from Benny, she twirled her strand of her hair as she read what they said. Ellie wasn't one to put pet names for her friends in her contacts. Call it whatever, she preferred to take the more old-fashioned/boring route.

To: Mitch Danford
That's cute. I got that and some. Isn't extra credit great?

A smirk fell on her face as she sent the text, hoping her teasing jabbed his ego. If he didn't believe her, she would find Miss Margaret, take a picture with the test and highlight the comment: I'll be adding these extra points to your next test, great job!

SUCK IT, MITCH. Okay, yes, Ellie was competitive as hell, especially with her rival since forever but god did she love crushing people with her excellence. After getting her excitement out of the way, she brought her attention to Benny's text. She had yet to determine how close they were... he was interesting, that was for sure.

To: Benny Hops
...Good morning to you too. Besides being "like" a newborn, how's Benny's world?

The text sent and just when she was going to put her phone away, she received another one from an unknown number: UR Asian is cute. And soon after, a picture followed with Milo, wet hair, but still incredibly adorable in a hallway and... faintly she could see in the background... LUCAS. She wanted to text: WHO ARE YOU?! But instead, she quickly analyzed the photo and the surroundings. Dorm room definitely and... the ass-wipe was there. Her guesses were Old West, especially since the pool room was on the right and not the left like Old East. Jolting up, Eliana, with her protective sister signals tingling, ran in her fair dress to the dorms. Her purse hanged on her shoulder, her book was clasped in her hand, and she sprinted up the stairs.

Sliding into the hallway, looking right and then left, she saw them, her precious friend and... the fucker. Storming toward the men, hoping to god the damage wasn't terrible, hoping she made it just in the nick of time, not noticing Milo's shirt was backwards, Eliana teethed (automatically reaching to snap judgments that her enemy hurt her pure cinnamon roll), "Well, aren't you a damn coward." Her green eyes glaringly met with the 5'11" jerk-off she hated the most in the world. She hoped Milo took this moment of distraction to slip away. She could take care of the rest. If Lucas made a sudden action toward Milo, she would not hesitate and wasn't afraid to forcefully throw the object in her hand at his fucking skull while washing a damn nightmare in his peanut sized brain. Her heated emotions made her forget she was holding a book (which usually, calm Ellie would not throw a sacred book). All she could think about was protecting her friend. It didn't help that whenever she cleaned up Milo's nightmares, she was exposed to all his fears of Lucas and that... that infuriated her. Her piercing stare never looked away from her friend's tormentor.

No one in the third hallway of Mayweather Old West heard faint steps of someone walking downstairs.

Location; Third floor, Mayweather Old West Outside
Interacting With; Brenna @smarty0114, Lucas @Legion02, and Ellie by text. Observing Milo @Angel Eyes, Lucas, Eliana Herself
Mood; Full of vim and vigor Devious Playfully happy!

Having woken up slightly earlier than everyone else, Gianna Daniels, the sex goddess and Queen of Delphina, had freshened up and chose to wear one of her elegant, yet showcases her long legs, black rompers. Once she was finished with her morning routine, she walked out her room and explored her dorm to find a prey. A delicious victim waiting for her to devour. She did indeed find someone, a sophomore Mayweather student reading quietly in the pool room. There were far too many book nerds at this school. Truly, they all needed to get laid. Curious and letting a smirk slip on her face, the mesmerizing woman, with a bod to die for, silently entered the room and coolly whispered, "I haven't seen you around."

The ginger boy had hipster like glasses on, a wrinkled plaid shirt, and ripped jeans. Looking up from his book, his mouth dropped at the sight of a woman he's seen before from a far but never met face to face. Nervously, he gulped, "Uh... my-" he stuttered uncontrollably, "My-my room is... is in the other... uh... one. M-my friend-"

Finding him rather sad and pathetic, but not showing that on her face, she sauntered closer to him. He was sitting on a sofa by his lonesome self, such innocence. The closer she got, the more he tried to push backward into his seat. Before he knew it, frozen in his position mind you, she was leaned over him, her face inches away from him. So close, they could kiss. Sweat ran down his face as he felt a sudden "tension" build up in him. Glancing downward, he saw...

Oh no... immediately, he used the book he was reading to cover his excited 'friend' as the seductive she-wolf leered over him. It was as if he was her morning meal.

With a light chuckle, her chocolate coated orbs locked with his soft ocean blue eyes and he knew at that moment, it was game over. Her stare was intimidating and undeniably strong. She entrancingly licked her plump lips, which were decorated with light pink lipstick, "I can fix that." The poor boy was absolutely speechless as he watched her pick up the book, toss it on the floor, trail her fingers down his chest, gave him feverish kisses on his neck, and undid his...

After a sad amount of time, the boy scurried out of the pool room zipping up his pants. Expecting the disappointment, Gianna shrugged at her small snack running away from the best time of his life and reapplied more lipstick. He needs to get himself a girlfriend. The woman who held herself with great confidence and trap-worthy allure grimaced in disgust at how no Mayweather could handle her. Every single one of them had a naughty side that they were afraid to admit to, ultimately letting their insecurities rule their lives. Poor unfortunate heroes. It would seriously be the end of the world if she found a Hero that could sex her up as much as she would to them. The only person who truly pleased her day in and day out was her late boyfriend, Vincent Hart. God, he was amazing in bed and wherever else they chose to "make their mark". Her gaze saddened as she stared at the book that was left behind...

Shaking the sadness away not wanting to think about her dead boyfriend or the fire or her hatred for Mayweathers, she decided to text her babies.

To: The Gorg Apprentice
Plans? Fountain in like 10! I want some fun.

To: My Pup
When R U gonna give me a piece of dat ass? ;) Kidding <3. When ur not hittin' on kids, come say hi to me babe. Same spot.

With that she strolled into the hallway and just when she was going to exit, she saw the innocent Milo rushing up it. Swiftly, and without a trace, Gia pressed herself up against the wall on the opposite side of the stairs archway (the side she assumed Milo wasn't going to turn toward). She watched Milo walk pass her, not noticing her, and go the opposite direction as her. She assumed correctly.

Speaking of the devil, she saw her puppy. Before Lucas was given the chance to find her, Gia glided into the stairway and waited until they both were distracted with the other to even notice another presence. An idea popped in her head and the Queen put her phone in camera mode and poked her hand into the hallway, snapping a quick pic. Observing it and shrugging at the angle, she decided to send it to her mentor's daughter. Gia knew Milo was one of the Dream Catcher's weaknesses, even though Ellie had no idea that she cared about the kid as much as she actually did, and as such, the devil disguised as a woman sent the text to trigger the "dream" girl. The Hispanic had stolen Eliana's number from Mrs. Lovelace's phone because-- why not?

To: Experiment
UR Asian is cute

Choosing to wait in the stairway, she knew that the darling Dream Catcher would be too distracted by the notion of saving her friend than to notice Gia leaning against the wall, waiting to see how long it took her to get here. In three minutes, the Lovelace girl came running up the stairs and hurrying passed the villain without a second thought. Hearing the girl call Lucas a coward, the light brown haired woman snickered in delight.

Now it was time to meet up with her Apprentice. Ideally.

Her steps were faint as she made her way downstairs and out the doors of Old West. Taking in the fresh air, Gia reached her hands toward the sky. Today was going to be a splendid day, wouldn't you think? With her purse on her shoulder, she took out her shades and strutted around campus, allowing Mayweather and Delphina alike to drool over her.

To the fountain she went~
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lucas Farweight

Location: Room ==> Bathroom ==> Underneath the roof staircase
Interacting With: Milo @Angel Eyes Eliana @lovely complex
Mood: Sleepy ==> Devious and evil ==> Vengeful

Lucas slept in a way that could only be described as “comatose”. His covers tossed around and him on his stomach. Such way of sleeping could only come from when you have a distinct shortage of sleep. A shortage that came because he crawled in his bed at 1:30 am. The previous night, the moonless darkness demanded him to make a small stroll outside. It was something he had missed back home. The freedom. If his parents would have caught him walking outside at 1, they’d sent him up his room without much understanding. Now, the problem with such a way of sleeping was that waking up was an incredibly difficult thing to do. To do it, he set an alarm every 15 minutes. For 3 hours. At some point he must be in a lighter state of sleep. Only then his alarm would wake him up. To make sure that it would, Lucas had put up the loudest trap music he could find. And now it was playing. With a dazed mind he grabbed his phone, playing the very loud music and turn the alarm off. Only to follow it up by letting his head collapse into his pillow. He was awake, but only barely. A quick glance taught him that Jackson already left the room. Which struck Lucas as odd. In a moment of panic he grabbed his phone to double check the date. But no, today was his free day.

In his zombie stated he dragged himself to one of the bathrooms. One was locked already, so he picked the other one. It was only during the brushing of his teeth that his brain booted up. Going over any plans he may have today. He didn’t have any. So then he went over what he could do. One thing stood out. Milo. The little kid has been avoiding him. But Lucas would catch him soon enough. One of Lucas’ friends had seen Milo go up towards the stairs of the roof one day. He wasn’t sure that Milo would go up there again this morning. But what’s the harm in waiting a few minutes? He quickly tested out his cocky smile in the mirror. Yep, he still had it. The overly confident smile of someone who knew exactly what they were capable of.

He skipped breakfast. He wasn’t really hungry in the first place. After putting on his usual clothes; a shirt and jeans, he went upstairs and stood his vigil near the stairs. He wondered why Milo came up here. What did the roof mean to him? Lucas looked up at the stairs. Someday he might have to check it out. Maybe follow Milo up. Did the kid really think that he could have a safe spot in this school? To pass the time, he decided to read the news on his phone first. Soon it buzzed once. A text: “She’s coming up.” It felt good to have a small group of look-outs stashed away around the school. Right after that one he got a message from Gianna. Which plastered a smile over his face. For when he looked up, he saw Milo. Trying to inch away. “He IS avoiding me.” Lucas said, rather quiet to himself. But very pleased. Time to instill some more terror.

“Milo!” he yelled for the entire hallway. In a very forceful matter he crossed the distance between the two. With a devious grin plastered all over his face. He hooked a finger in his shirt, pulling him back. He arched over him, putting even more emphasis on the height difference. “You silly goose. Long time no seen!” everything he said came over as far too excited. But to make sure Milo didn’t get the idea that they were bonding, he hit him in the arm. To some it might have looked like a little, friendly hit. Like most friends do. But the truth was that he put some force in it. Nothing too hard. But it would definitely hurt. “You haven’t been avoiding me, now have you?”

Milo barely uttered: “N-No.” But Lucas inched closer now. His face cold and emotionless. He suddenly spoke far less loud, keeping everything he said between him and Milo. “I hope you’ll work on your lying.” He spoke with pure venom. “I would hate to be punished because you’re getting what you deserve. So when people ask, just lie, okay?” Lucas took a deep breath. It were moments like these that he wished he could hit with his powers. But on a fragile thing like Milo, it would break a bone for sure. Milo nodded ‘Yes’. “Good. Cause if you didn’t, I would do something far worse than this.” Without a warning he hit Milo square in the guts. Making him buckle. Probably because the hit came as a total surprise. “Now, now. No time to fall on the ground.” Lucas said cynically. As he lifted Milo back on his feet. “Now walk away, little girl.” Hitting Milo always felt good for some reason. Maybe it was the rush he got from it. He never really looked into it.

Lucas almost thought that he was finished. Until he remembered the staircase. Just when Milo though he was safe, Lucas hooked up his revered shirt again. “I almost forgot. Do you really think you’re going to be safe on a roof? I just found your hiding spot, baby-face. I’ll know where to find you now.” He all said it with his devious grin again. Lucas liked pretending to be the devil himself. Making people feel unsafe. Constantly. He had noticed then that Milo wore his shirt backwards, and snickered a little. Yet chose not to mention it. Let him embarrass himself a little today he thought.

“Well, aren't you a damn coward.” Lucas looked up, releasing his grip on Milo. He was done with him anyway. “Oh look who showed up. The nightmare bitch. Here to protect another sister?” he jabbed at her. It took most of his self-control not to summon up his powers. The only reason he didn’t was because he knew he would lose the fight. Eventually, she would put him under. Lucas’ phone buzzed again. A text, but he had no time to check it yet. First he needed to get out of the standoff with the girl he hated so much after a month already. Slowly he started closing the distance. “Don’t you ever get tired of all that protecting? They’ll never learn to stand up for themselves this way.” His words were meant to cut. He was tempted to mention the roofies again. But he knew that would push her over the edge. Sleeping and having nightmares half the day wasn’t going to fit in his agenda. Instead, he kept inching closer to her. Trying to find her edge and dance on it. He already forgot Milo completely. She was his prey now. “Look at you. All strong. A bastion for the weak who can do nothing but stay weak.” He said the words: ‘stay weak’ with a very distinct disgust in his voice. Now he was standing the borders of her personal space. Watching her. This time not with cold eyes of disgust he gave Milo. He looked at her with fire. "You're just as bad as them." Now, pretty sure that her attention was fixed at her face, he made small, quick jab with his fist. It was a small move, but with the quickly summoned energy it launched a small Star force projectile. Straight at the book she was holding.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomewhatAverage

SomewhatAverage No Longer Active. Sorry, Just Too Busy Right Now

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jackson Hunt

Location: Control Room
Interacting With: Harold @Beefydork Jessica @FacePunch Samantha indirectly (like he mentions her once)
Mood: Calm

As Jackson sat down in his chair, he realized that he probably should've brought some more appropriate clothes. Harold looked like he was ready for a workout, while he was wearing a wrinkled plaid button down found on his floor and a pair of obviously stained jeans. Well, I was in a hurry this morning, and it can't be helped. He was pulled out of a momentary daze of self-consciousness by a response from Harold. "I'm pretty sure you're not the only one. There are more people in this academy that are unorganized and incompetent like yourself." Jack shot him a questioning look at the odd response and was about to respond when Jessica walked through the door. He decided to put it out of his mind for now; he didn't need to be in a bad mood this early in the morning. "Hey, Jessica," he said with a small smile on his face. The control room was quickly getting crowded, and from the expressions on everyone's faces, they all had assumed and hoped that it was going to be empty, including himself. Nevertheless, Jack thought that he should try and talk to these two. He didn't have many close friends at the school, and they had always seemed like nice people to him.

"How about this, um... this weather lately?" Harold asked, clearly not sure how to proceed with the conversation between the three. At this same moment, Jack understood his earlier comment. Harold's not trying to be rude. He just gets that this stuff isn't his strong suit. Just like myself, I suppose. Still, there was still a chance to turn this awkward encounter into some sort of conversation, and Jack wanted to take it. "Well, it's not raining, and it's not too hot. As long as those criteria are met, I'm happy with whatever weather Mother Hurricane throws at us. I'll have to thank her later," he said with a smile. With that said, he turned to a topic that he hoped would actually be interesting to the two. "So, what exactly got you two into the control room on a weekend? I know that you'd have to work hard to convince me to come here even if it's on my schedule." He was starting to lament the fact that precious time in the control room was being wasted with small talk until a thought crossed his mind. Who says that I can't have a conversation and practice controlling my powers at the same time? Well, emphasis on time, I suppose. Haha.Jack realized that he should probably use the control room while he had it. Before either of them were able to respond to his question, he closed his eyes and felt time slowly stop as every sound around him slowed until he couldn't hear it at all.

When his eyes opened, he said to himself, "It never ceases to amaze me." Indeed, it never did. Whenever Jack used his abilities, it always took his breath away. Well, figuratively and literally, as technically, he wasn't breathing when he stopped time, and his heart didn't beat either. Yet, his body didn't have the time to register this fact because, at least momentarily, time didn't exist. Somehow, he was still able to see time "pass" in these moments, which gave him his powers in the first place. There was still a lot that he didn't know about his powers, but he never focused on what he didn't know, rather on what was in front of his face. The silence, the motionless surroundings, everything somehow falling into a place where it would only stay for milliseconds. Jack stood up and walked around the room, taking a close look of his surroundings and peers. There was a beauty in everything when it was simply silent and unmoving. Of course, there was a fine line between grateful observation and extremely creepy observation when time was stopped, so he gave them the common courtesy of sitting back down in his chair before focusing his thoughts and starting time again, feeling much calmer than before.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 27 days ago

Location; Dorm Room -> Control Room
Interacting With;No one
Mood; Sleepy -> Energized

Will had never been a morning person. He hated the sunrise, and the pain of being woken up. He however, was blessed with the good fortune of having a roommate who's only joy in the world seemed to be waking Will up. Oh how he loved Delphinas. He groaned into his pillow as the door shut behind Keats, and rolled out of his bed, hitting the floor with a thud. He lay there for a moment, contemplating a return to his blissful slumber, but decided against it.

He stood up and slowly but surely got dressed, pulling on a blue t-shirt and some black sweats, as well as black tennis shoes. He looked himself over in the mirror, and fixed his hair. Satisfied that he didn't look like a complete hobo, he meandered downstairs, where muffins awaited. God bless Samantha and her cooking he thought as he grabbed one and took a bite. A muffin in one hand, he poured himself a glass of apple juice and sipped from it, alternating between the beverage and his breakfast.

After his stomach was content, he set out across the campus, on what he liked to refer to as a death march. Every weekend, Will trained for at least an hour. Saturdays were for physical training, fighting and running and what not. Sundays were for powers training. Today was Saturday, unfortunately, and that meant running on the track. Will despised running. Sure, he was good at it. His long legs made him rather fast, but he hated it. His dad had made him run every day back in high school and he'd hated it then. But heroes don't become heroes by slacking off.

Reaching his destination, he scanned the area, and found a few kids. Delphinas. He shook his head. He'd been far more welcoming than Avalon had, seeing as how most of them hadn't wronged him personally in anyway. And perhaps, deep down, he thought he'd be able to change some over to the Mayweather side, offer them redemption. What kind of hero doesn't believe in second chances?

He ignored the kids, and stretched for a minute on the track, before taking off. His arms pumped and his feet slapped the ground. He was going, running as fast as he could. Breathing in the Mayweather air. He knew it was crazy but he swore, it had it's own scent. Like home. He grinned, ran a hand through his hair, and continued running.

Location; Dorm Room
Interacting With; James(@FacePunch) - via text, and Gia(@lovely complex) - via text
Mood; Sleepy -> Happy

It shouldn't have been humanly possible for someone to wake up and look as good as Brenna Lancaster did, but Brenna had never been one for following rules. As her eyes fluttered open and she slowly got out of bed, she ran a hand through her curly black hair, her lips giving just the barest hint of a smile. And when her eyes were done blinking the night away, they landed on the breakfast tray, hanging from her ceiling. The hint of a smile then became a grin. She knew only one person who could've done that.

Before digging into the food, she dressed herself, slipping out of the pink silk nightgown that she wore to bed and throwing on a white t-shirt, a black leather jacket, and some black skinny jeans. Taking one look at her, you could tell that she didn't plan on spending the day inside. Though with Brenna, that could be assumed no matter what she was wearing. She was never one to stay locked up.

Looking at the food, and standing in her dorm room, it was almost like she was back home at Delphina. But it wasn't Delphina. The past month had been interesting to say the least. Brenna had enjoyed her new collection of toys, and some of the freshmen boys from Mayweather were so easy to get to, it was laughable. But the glares that she got from the heroes didn't help to curb the growing animosity between the two schools, and Gia had been forced to hold her and Lucas back multiple times.

As she was pulling down the tray that James had left her, a text from Gia came in. She smirked, at the text, and shot off a text to both Gia and James, while digging into her breakfast.

To: Bad Bitch
I'll be there. Maybe we can hit the town ;)

To: Spinne
Thanks for the breakfast, I owe you one ;)

Smiling as her text to James went out, she finished her breakfast and strutted her way out of the dorms and across campus, towards the fountain where she arrived just in time to meet Gia. With a smile and a wave she walked up to her. "So, what were you thinking for today? Some shopping, some manicures, messing with some Mayweathers? Perhaps all three? she said with a wicked grin.

Location; The Library -> Front Steps
Interacting With; Samantha(@HushedWhispers)
Mood; Annoyed -> Happy

"I swear on all things holy, if you don't clear off in the next three seconds, I'm going to shock you so hard, you're heart will restart," Avlon hissed from behind a book. She was currently seated at a table in the library, nose buried in a book about the history of powered peoples. Standing across from her was a tall, pimply freshman, who's name she couldn't quite remember. "But I'm in love with you!" he shouted, drawing the glare of the librarian and a few other student.

Avalon grimaced and set down her book. "Look. It was one kiss. I didn't mean it. I'd had a few too many, and you were around, and I'm sorry I led you on, but you are not in love with me," she whispered, an angry look on her face. The boy stammered, before running out of the library, tears in his eyes. She did feel a little bad about that. In truth, she had been completely sober when she kissed him, but how was she supposed to know that he'd go bat shit crazy over her?

She sighed as she felt the stares of the other students on her, and was saved from the awkwardness by a text from Samantha. She breathed a sigh of relief. She'd needed some entertainment today, and what a better way to get it than shopping with her best friend. She grinned and shot a text back.

To: Sammie
On my way. I've been eyeing a dress in Town Square for weeks now and I think today is the day I finally buy it

She stood up from the table and sauntered out of the library, heels clacking against the tile floor, book bag gently bumping against her hips. She had to admit, she looked great today. A dress that wasn't too revealing, black heels, perfectly curled hair. She was drop dead gorgeous. "Hey pretty girl! Why don't you come over here!" a boy shouted from across the campus. She turned to him and scowled. Delphina. A bunch of good for nothing delinquents, invading her campus. She hated it. She'd complained to every power that there was, and nothing had happened. Will had kept her from getting in multiple fights, though she knew he was close to snapping as well.

The thoughts of Delphinas vanished as she spotted Samantha at the entrance steps, speaking to a new girl. Grinning, she strutted on over after the newbie had left, hugging her friend tightly upon arrival. " Who was that? Actually, I don't care. All I know is that I need to get as far away from the Delphinas as possible, and I think Town Square is just the place," she said with a grin.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Klaus Van Untergang

Interacting With; No one
Mood;Happy → Angry → Sadistic

Klaus sat on one of the garden's many benches, surrounded by his closest allies. His inner circle, as it were. They were seated in a small out cove, a distance away from the more populated sections of the park. "...And then she fell to her knees and begged me to stop!" The group burst out in a fit of laughter. Van Untergang was sharing the tale of his recent encounter with one of the Mayweather students who had taken it upon herself to confront Klaus for his wrong doing. Needless to say, it didn't end well for the poor girl. Übermensch adjusted his white button up shirt's collar and the adjoining red tie, a smirk forming on his pink lips. Thankfully, it wasn't too hot out today; which made dressing in formal wear far more bearable. And based on the clouds, they wouldn't have to worry about rain any time soon. Unless, of course, Samantha decided to change that. Ugh. That woman's outlook on life was disgustingly bright. It made Klaus physically ill to see her dancing in the flowers like she was in a Disney movie.

"Good work as always, sir." One of Klaus's favorite minions, Clark, said. "You're an inspiration to us all!" Dawn chuckled. Clark and Dawn were an interesting duo. They were brother and sister, orphaned at a young age. Klaus had gathered that their mother had some sort of ability, but she hid it from everyone; even her family. At some point her husband found out and proceeded to murder her with a kitchen knife, claiming she was 'a demon from hell.' Clark and Dawn put the beast down and ran away to Delphina. Convincing them to join his dark crusade had been extraordinarily easy. Klaus offered a slight bow in their direction and turned to address the rest of the group, seven in total (not counting Klaus.) "Now, how did the week's recruitment drive go? Any newcomers?" Chike removed a tablet from his backpack, adjusting his glasses as he checked the data. His ebony fingers moved across the screen with all the finesse and speed of a seasoned technician. "We have two awaiting initiation and a third possible, sir." The man reported after a moment. Klaus nodded a few times, placing his hands behind his back as he began to pace back and forth. "We are gathering men rather quickly. I'm proud of you all, truly. Now, let us-"

The nazi's speech was cut off by an unfamiliar sound and a rush of air. The gathering turned to face the source of the interruption. Five strangers stood in a quickly dissipating purple mist, each looking decidedly pissed off. The one in the front, a young gentleman with red glowing eyes, took a step forward to speak. "What did you do to my angel?" He growled. Klaus raised an eyebrow at that. "Pardon me, but I've done quite a lot of things to quite a lot of people. You'll need to be more specific." The man's eyes shone brighter as his face contorted out of rage. "Jemma. Jemma Watts? The telepath you put in the hospital?!" He practically screamed. Van Untergang looked at him, searching for the name in his mind. When it finally clicked, he gave the man a wicked smile. "Ah, yes! Gem! I remember her now." He chuckled menacingly. "She's got quite the scream." Red-Eye swung his arm around, aiming a wild haymaker at Klaus's face. "You bastard! I'll kill you!" Klaus took a casual step to the side and dodged the blow completely. Before the attacker could move to defend himself, Untergang struck him in the ribs with a powerful right hook.

"Ballista!" One of the heroes cried. She pushed past her allies and stuck a hand out to catch this 'Ballista' to keep him from falling. "Pathetic." Klaus spat. The shortest of the bunch moved to the front, a knife in each hand. "I'll cut ya to pieces, bub." The brute charged forward. His speed was incredible as he ran the blades across Klaus's back before he could properly react. Übermensch spun around to face the hairy little dwarf, smashing into the side of the guy's head with a crushing heel kick. "Boss?!" Dawn asked, her voice breaking in panic. "I'll handle this!" He barked back.

The rest of the heroes tried to move forward to engage but suddenly found themselves hesitant to do so. "Enough." Klaus whispered. Each of the aggressors slowly fell onto their knees, one by one. The only one who remained standing was the one called Ballista. "W-what are you doing to us?" There was fear in his voice. Good. Let them be afraid. "Simple. I'm putting you where you belong. On your knees!" Van Untergang pointed at Ballista and focused his powers on the struggling hero. "You don't scare us!" One of them shouted. Klaus merely chuckled."You think yourselves brave. But I can taste the fear; it rolls off of you in waves." The leader of the team looked up at Klaus, hatred in his eyes. "If I were scared of you...I wouldn't have come here." Klaus laughed once more. "You mistake your confidence for courage, boy! You came here thinking yourselves better than me. You thought you would destroy me, yes? That is confidence. Trusting yourself to achieve victory. Courage only comes when defeat is certain, yet you fight anyway..

"You were fools to come here. And now you will pay the price..." Klaus slowly turned his hand over, sweat dripping down his forehead. A scream of utter terror echoed through the empty garden.

James Spinne

Location; Outside → Near Mayweather Old West
Interacting With; Brenna via text @Smarty0114 | Carmen via text @AbandonedIntel | Ellie via yelling @lovely complex
Mood;Exhilarated → Bored

"YEEEEEHAAYYYY!" James yelled at the top of his lungs. He disconnected from his current strand of webbing and fired another using his other hand. The sticky substance attached to a rather large tree, wrapping itself around one its branches. Spider-boy swung past a group of Mayweather girls, his sheer speed whipping up enough wind to send skirts flying. He snickered at the barrage of curses that followed. When he reached the highest point of his current swing, James snapped off the web and flipped backwards. "I'm on top of the wooorld!" He fired off another web just as he spun back into his original position and continued swinging. This would never get old. Seriously, was there a better feeling than soaring through the air like a bird? Or maybe a plane.. Whatever the case. It was an amazing feeling. "Spectacular, spectacular Spider-Man~" The young villain sang to himself as he flew about the Mayweather campus without a care in the world. From the looks of things, he'd be passing the Mayweather Old West dormitory soon. That was Lucas's dormitory! James idly wondered if his friend was still there.

Down below, Spinne noticed a girl in what looked like a sun dress booking it toward the dorm. "What's the hurry?!" James shouted down at the figure; she didn't respond, which meant she probably didn't hear him anyway. Oh well. He shrugged internally. He swung on past the dorm, trying to find a decent place to land. The ground or one of the roofs would be the most logical spots. Buuuutt James liked a challenge. His search proved successful when one of the school's flag poles came into view. Archanid fired off another web at the pole, attaching it directly to the top. He shot past the metal object and was carried high into the air. Again he waited until he'd reached the highest possible point before disconnecting the web. James preformed two consecutive flips before landing on top of the pole. "Style points! Booyah!" He shouted to no one in particular.

After making his his feet were properly gripped to the tiny steel object below him, James took his phone from his pocket and checked his messages. Both Carmen and Brenna had replied! Sweet! It looked like Chica had run off with one of her friends to that old firing range she'd found. That place was pretty rad. Strange and totally out of place, but rad all the same. And it Brenna liked the breakfast he'd left her. Woo! Mission accomplished. He fired off a pair of texts to the two of them:

To: Elsa
my pleasure. you doing anything today? im so boooored.

To: Chica
lol. have fun with that. you actually want me to talk to her?! and i thought i was crazy. but nah, she got my present. see u around later?

Jessica Sterling

Location; Control Room
Interacting With; Harold @Beefydork | Jackson @SomewhatAverage
Mood;Awkward → Calm

No one wanted to be here. That much was obvious; and a little expected, given the trio of people in the room. What Jessica didn't expect, however, was the compliment. Harold...said something..nice? About me? Who are you and what did you do with Harry?! A brief look of surprise appeared on Sterling's face. She was able to get a handle on the feeling quickly and return the smile. "Uhh, thanks." She replied dumbly. Ugh. Why is this so hard? I used to be good at this! Just..talk to them. Form words with your mouth, Jess. She urged herself to continue, despite her reservations with contacting other human beings. The situation became even more awkward as Harold started to...what was he doing, exactly? For the life of her, Jess couldn't tell. But it looked like he was trying to back away? Damn. This isn't going well at all. Maybe I'll come back later. Yeah. That sounds like a good idea. But how do I bow outta here without looking like a complete douche?

Luckily for both Harold and Jessica, Jackson seemed at least mildly competent at small talk. He answered Harry's inquiry about the weather, taking a jab at her roommate at the same time. She grinned at that. Jess held no ill will toward Sam but she had a weakness for 'Mother Hurricane' jokes. Hunt's next question, however, provided her with something she could actually work with. Thank you, Jack."Oh, I come here all the time. The Control Room is like, my second home." She gave a short chuckle. "And what brings you to the control room, Hunt? I imagine there are a hundred different things you'd rather be doing than torturing yourself working ou-" Jessica stuttered over the last word, noticing that Jackson had gone from right in front of her to sitting down nearby. "God, that is so cool." She muttered. "Uh, why don't we head inside? We can finish this while we're- unless you don't want to. Keep talking, I mean. We don't have to. Not that I don't enjoy this, but-" Sterling stopped herself with a sigh. She turned on a heel and pushed through the doors and into the main room. Invincible looked over her shoulder at the boys. "You coming?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Beefydork
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Beefydork Sinmethod

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location; Control Room
Interacting With; Jackson (@SomewhatAverage) & Jessica (@FacePunch)
Mood; Reserved → Composed

Thank the Lord for Jackson. Harold could feel his heart easing in it's rapid beats. Jackson even made a joke about Samantha and the nickname she hated, Harold still chuckled. Samantha is like a big sister to him and he respects her, but whenever someone calls her a nickname she displeases he can't help but laugh at her rage. Following that joke he asked what Jessica and Harold were planning to do in the control room. Harold was holding back his sarcastic remark because he was doing a swell job in not being a prick to the two and he wanted to keep it that way. Listening to Jessica's response he thought, Really? The control room is your second home? This place usually smelt like ass and testosterone, people threw their water bottles in the corner and left feeling indifferent about their mess. Obscure grunts and the puddles of sweat that laid on the ground which occasionally cause people to trip. That last one is very amusing to see actually. And this was her second home? Really the question was dumb, what do people usually do in the control room, have brunch? Harold came here to train like any other superhuman that walked through those doors. Is that what a conversation starter is supposed to be? A mindless question where the person most likely already knows the answer to? Still it's better than what he produced. Lost in his own thoughts and paying little attention to the conversation, he still tried to keep eye contact with Jessica until he was distracted by Jackson who was sitting down in a chair instead of standing like before. If this was a cartoon, question marks would appear over Harold's head and start to pop away as he realized what just happened.

It's a good thing he did that, Harold's thoughts were beginning to become more and more meaningless. When that happens he usually blurts them out, resulting in stares and murmurs. Once again, thank the Lord for Jackson. His abilities are fascinating, but he didn't whisper or even tell him that. Compliments to him are easier to say to women and not men, is that weird?

The control room started to feel more like a coffee room where people would make small talk and less of a work out area. It was noticeable Harold wasn't saying a single word anymore, he was mute. It's like everything that was coming up in his brain to contribute to the conversation was either impolite or awkward. Staying silent seemed like the best option. "Uh, why don't we head inside? We can finish this while we're- unless you don't want to. Keep talking, I mean. We don't have to. Not that I don't enjoy this, but-" Jessica stammered, and then pushed through the doors asking if the boys were coming. Harold snickered, "That was actually a bit painful." That wasn't too bad, right? He waltzed over to the doors, pushing one out with his hand and gripping the side, "I don't mind working on my socializing skills." He smirked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hippocamp
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Hippocamp the Steel Whirlwind

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Allen Hops

Driving and then the secret Village Hidden in Gunshots.
Interacting With; Eliana → via text @lovely complex. Carmen. @abandonedintel
Mood; So ready, bro.

Benny held onto the brim of his hat while Carmen laid on the gas, he was ready to roll. The tune she chose was the right kind of music for this driving, in his opinion. As they roared brazenly out of the parking lot, Benny felt as though he was in the presence of a real road warrior. ”I think I’ve got it. You were meant to be doing stunt driving, not heroics, Carmen! Next you need to practice firing blanks out of a pistol while you drive one handed. You got that?” Benny felt like everyone’s career advisor at times. He was also excited to get to the range and see what he could pull out his hat this time… He cracked out a magazine with details about the newest robotic drones. ”How do you feel about flying targets?” He asked with an inquisitive eyebrow rising.

Upstate New York was a fun place to be driving. It was fun to watch how much incidental chaos ensued on the road. Carmen was known to leave dudes with their middle finger sticking up in her wake, but she didn’t give a flying fuck. It was pretty awesome. When she celebrated he threw his arms up but they hit the roof with a thud. He decided it was a good time to check his texts. And tada, here was one from Eliana. Good timing.

To Eliana
My world is burnt rubber and shotgun shells baby. : p

The terrain started whizzing by at a slower rate as they reached their destination. ”After this I’m feeling… Malts. Right? Malt shops are the right place to be.” Benny’s stomach could do for a meal that hadn’t come with a side of pocket lint, or that funny flavor like it was really nothing at all. Sometimes the texture of the things nil space provided him just didn’t sit well. Right now his mind was on how much gunpowder he could explode in the span of half an hour to an hour and a half. ”These are complementary…” Benny said in a halfassed monotone as he limply handed Carmen a pair of soundblocking headphones. ”You can put them on just as soon as I hear how incredibly fantastic you think my idea is.” Benny said this as he retrieved an already whirring small quadcopter strapped with multicolored paintballs from his trench coat. ”Check it out, these bleed rainbows. Totally not fucked up right?” Benny tried out his villain laugh. From the gut, he thought. He didn’t think Carmen looked as impressed by the laugh as by their new target.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Location; Outside → Parking Lot
Interacting With; Minako -@Thundercrash | Avalon via text then in person-@smarty0114
Mood; Currently Happy
Samantha had placed her headphones into her ears and started to sway from side to side at the music that was playing. She was overly happy today, as people may have proclaimed but there were many various to be - At least for her. Her bright blue eyes fluttered up towards a female coming up towards her. 'Please don't be Delphina.' Samantha honestly huffed inside of her head with an eye roll. She had removed her headphones from her ears then smiled softly at the female. Before she could even speak, the female before her asked a question.

Her voice soft and low but that bow made her feel sort of special. "Sure, doll." Samantha stood, somewhat towering over the female slightly since she was wearing heels as she walked closer to her, pointing in directions as she spoke. "You're going to go past that building right there and walk through those double doors. Ask for Mrs. Henson, okay?" Samantha replied sweetly as she felt her phone buzz in her hand, opening it and reading the text from Avalon. A slight smirk curved the corner of Samantha's lips as she started typing a message back then jump slightly when Avalon appeared right beside her.

Upon hearing Avalon's question then statement, Samantha nodded her head. "Girl, tell me about it. I've got the nerve to not even come back for the weekend." She had muttered while walking back to the steps and grabbing her clutch purse, placing underneath her arm then walked over towards Avalon, linking her arm with hers. "Come on. Let's take your car, shall we?" Samantha giggled as she basically dragged Avalon towards the parking lot.

The quicker they left, the quicker they were away from the Delphina idiots. "So, has Will asked about me lately?" Not the she cared but she just had to ask with a soft smile, lowering her head. "By the way, if you don't buy a pair of shoes with that cute dress we were talking about..." She took a pause and eyed at Avalon. "You might be looking for a new best friend." She joked while waiting to get into the car of Avalon.

Location; On The Rooftop
Interacting With; Milo via text -@Angel Eyes | Eliana via text -@lovely complex
Mood; Excited → Worried
While Mitch was waiting for Milo, he still sat upon the railing, looking down below at all of the cute guys, licking his lips a little. If he wasn't truly with Milo, he'd definitely have all of the guys here wrapped around his fingertips - Literally. He looked out at the horizon and the weather was absolutely beautiful today. His phone buzzed inside of his pocket as he pulled it out and read the message from Milo with smile then immediately started typing a response.

To: ♥Milo - My Moon & Stars♥
Take your time, babe. ;)

Mitch sent the message then felt his phone buzz again. It was Eliana responding to his message from before. 'What?!' Mitch thought at her response then shrugged his shoulders while typing a reply towards her, as well. Not really knowing what to say, he decided to keep the message short and simple though knew it might make her feel some type of way, or make her gloat even more.

To: Eliana
Yeah. Great.

That was it. As time flew by, he had got a little bit worried about Milo and why hasn't he showed up yet. He had hoped that everything was okay and that nothing had happened to him. Mitch had every right in his mind to go in the building and search for him but then didn't want to seem too anxious about seeing him today - Even though he really was. While waiting on top of the roof and still looking down at the Mayweather's and Delphina's alike, he noticed people leaving the campus and still wondered what him and Milo was going to do today.

If Milo ever got to the roof eventually.

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