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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TemplarKnight07
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@LadyRunic Hope you had fun at D&D! Which version?

It doesn't say humans have no magic at all -- but I don't believe it specifically says they don't, either, unless you read the entire discussion on the OOC. A question, by the way. Those portals aren't always open, right?

I think that if Gideon is going off research in the modern era, he should have some mistaken beliefs specified as well as accurate ones. Something significant, that will cause him as much trouble as the knowledge of words and iron will help him. He'd have arrived at these conclusions the same as he arrived at his other conclusions, but this would reflect clearly the lack of accurate information. He's using only his sense of what's true, and fey do not fit in the reality of the human world.

...and crud, now I wanna play with the idea of someone who believes in fey, but also in all manner of /other/ things. Like, say, ghosts. And they figure the best way to bring a dead person back is via the fey and their magic, because there's bound to be some that have that ability, right? x.x

Ooh, an idea~ @TemplarKnight07, to avoid needing magic to get there, he could have gone to one of the most famous magical sites. Or possibly several, on a trip across Europe. And he gets to Stonehedge, and -- it's open! Maybe the rulers just left, or at least it wasn't too many hours before, or maybe it's the right time of day. The witching hour might work (think that's midnight?) The reason he didn't go sooner could be because he's had to save to afford the trip, plus he wasn't old enough to travel overseas alone. ...Might need to be a little older for that to work, actually, or perhaps he lives in England but didn't feel ready for a trip until recently. It is a big step, and best to be fully prepared if you encounter unfriendly creatures.

I may just bump up the age anyway just so that it makes a bit more sense why he might know some things. Though the trip idea is also a good one.

As for wrong/dangerous assumptions, I already have a few potentials to work with.

- The idea that anywhere in the Fae world besides Winter/ Unseelie is necessarily safer (I tried to hint at that one through why he'd pick Beltane as a particular date, he associates Seelie with being safer than Unseelie)
- There are only two Courts, Summer and Winter, ruled by Queens
- All Faeries are bound to the Courts
- Most Faeries are not as manipulative as Demons
- The prices Fae ask for for favours or deals are not as severe as those with Demons
- Fae can be out-witted.

IDK, those are just some I came up with.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Ooh, an idea~ @TemplarKnight07, to avoid needing magic to get there, he could have gone to one of the most famous magical sites. Or possibly several, on a trip across Europe. And he gets to Stonehedge, and -- it's open! Maybe the rulers just left, or at least it wasn't too many hours before, or maybe it's the right time of day. The witching hour might work (think that's midnight?) The reason he didn't go sooner could be because he's had to save to afford the trip, plus he wasn't old enough to travel overseas alone. ...Might need to be a little older for that to work, actually, or perhaps he lives in England but didn't feel ready for a trip until recently. It is a big step, and best to be fully prepared if you encounter unfriendly creatures.

I should note that Stone Henge is cordoned off. Even on paid tours they only let you within about ten feet of it and you are not allowed to touch it. It's a very very old site and they don't want it destroyed over the course of the next fifty years by tourists wearing it down with their touch it taking small stones from the circle. The fae being there is excusable as they could charm the mortal guards away or appear invisible and unnoticeable but I mortal teen wouldn't be getting in there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TemplarKnight07
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<Snipped quote by shylarah>

I should note that Stone Henge is cordoned off. Even on paid tours they only let you within about ten feet of it and you are not allowed to touch it. It's a very very old site and they don't want it destroyed over the course of the next fifty years by tourists wearing it down with their touch it taking small stones from the circle. The fae being there is excusable as they could charm the mortal guards away or appear invisible and unnoticeable but I mortal teen wouldn't be getting in there.

Exactly. Stonehenge is a no-go and has been for years. But then there's also no shortage of Henges in the whole British isles.

Either way, I want to get into the RP, so I may leave this idea on the back-burner for a while and jump in with the Winter Knight here at some point.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@TemplarKnight07@Prince of Seraphs Oh good point. I knew that. *facepalm* Slipped my mind.

Edit; Dagon has an ancient Unseelie sword? Is this an artifact, or just a sword with a name?

With the assumptions, I'm sure there's lots of details he has wrong, but I dunno that the ones you mentioned are as harmful as iron or the power of words in regards to the fey are of use. *scratches head* Though assuming Seelie fey are friendly might do it. That could get /very/ messy. *amused* ...Oh dear, I think Lei may have a new target for mischief -- provided she can get at anything useful with being tied to Maxwell. Maybe she has a friend or two that would set up a prank for her. That's not particularly unfriendly, but it could be /fun/.

@LadyRunic are demons even a thing?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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@TemplarKnight07 Arys dated the Summer King not Fall.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@Prince of Seraphs Yeah, but Dagon came after she'd already had her falling out with Summer, so it wouldn't have been for that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TemplarKnight07
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@TemplarKnight07@Prince of Seraphs Oh good point. I knew that. *facepalm* Slipped my mind.

Edit; Dagon has an ancient Unseelie sword? Is this an artifact, or just a sword with a name?

With the assumptions, I'm sure there's lots of details he has wrong, but I dunno that the ones you mentioned are as harmful as iron or the power of words in regards to the fey are of use. *scratches head* Though assuming Seelie fey are friendly might do it. That could get /very/ messy. *amused* ...Oh dear, I think Lei may have a new target for mischief -- provided she can get at anything useful with being tied to Maxwell. Maybe she has a friend or two that would set up a prank for her. That's not particularly unfriendly, but it could be /fun/.

@LadyRunic are demons even a thing?

The sword was my idea, being a Knight of the Winter Court, one would assume there would be a sword to go along with the armour and title. I was going to have it be an artifact, a symbol of Winter's power made manifest, in which case the thing's developed something of its own intelligence to match its name, "Frost" in Celtic. Needless to say, it wasn't a fan of Dagon as its bearer when he was first given it, though the two of them had basically reached a mutual agreement to their enemies more than they hate each other, given the facts that Dagon is eternally bound to serve Arys, and "Frost" is eternally bound to serve the Court. Distaste turned to begrudging tolerance, though now it has basically sat without a bearer for a century since Dagon never lost his title while he was imprisoned.

If its overstepping my bounds, I'll just regard it as a regular sword, but I think it makes sense and could be interesting to play it as an artifact.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TemplarKnight07
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@TemplarKnight07 Arys dated the Summer King not Fall.

Ah shit, I thought Feoras was Fall, my bad. Will fix that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@TemplarKnight07 If he was around for when she was dating Feoras, she had not yet frozen her heart and thus what she says and does to him doesn't fit. It might be before he's done being turned fully fey that he awakens, but you'd need to ask @Belle what Arys's demeanor was like before she froze her heart, for one -- and for two, you'd need to change her commentary. Summer is unwelcome in the Winter court following the falling out between the two leaders, so if Arys has a frozen heart already, there's no way Dagon met Feoras in her court, or had any opportunity to fail her in regards to the Summer King.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@TemplarKnight07 I forget what the ruling is on whether artifacts are permitted in general without prior consultation with @LadyRunic. But they are basically full characters in their own right, if they are powerful enough (even if not generally independently mobile) and certainly they have a will of their own. I question whether the Queen of Winter would give anyone such an item (or such a rank, really, but it might have been a formality to start) without first ensuring his unwavering loyalty, though I suppose that might have been part of the spell she set on Dagon. @Belle, if that's the case, it might be interesting to see if we can thaw /Dagon/'s heart too....

[@PrinceofSeraphs] Now I'm getting ideas for Spring trying to find the key first, and trading it to Fall, because...well, Falk does want it. I wonder if he'd bother accepting, instead of refusing to deal with them and instead taking what might be significantly longer on his own. *wiggles* It's an amusing thought. And then maybe they give it to Summer, if Feoras might be willing to cause trouble for Winter by using it on Dagon -- possibly as payback if we blame Winter/manipulate Winter into being involved in aging Lyra! *flailing* THE POSSIBILITIES~
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TemplarKnight07
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@TemplarKnight07 If he was around for when she was dating Feoras, she had not yet frozen her heart and thus what she says and does to him doesn't fit. It might be before he's done being turned fully fey that he awakens, but you'd need to ask @Belle what Arys's demeanor was like before she froze her heart, for one -- and for two, you'd need to change her commentary. Summer is unwelcome in the Winter court following the falling out between the two leaders, so if Arys has a frozen heart already, there's no way Dagon met Feoras in her court, or had any opportunity to fail her in regards to the Summer King.

Belle said earlier that Arys and Feoras met briefly again afterwards, apparently. Don't ask me why. I'll change it back to Fall otherwise.

As for Dagon and being given the sword, he's sworn his soul to Arys and gave her his full true name willingly in exchange for losing his memories of losing his family, There's basically no realistic chance for him to betray her on his own without somehow annulling his pact. Who better to trust with a powerful artifact of winter than someone who is basically bound for eternity?

Again though, if Runic or someone else says the word, I'll just treat it as a named sword.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@TemplarKnight07 Well she saw him at the moot every year, but if Belle said they'd seen each other again, you're good. I must have missed that. ^.^; Sorry!

Iunno anything about souls, and I'm not sure what happens if more than one person obtains a fey's true name and gives them orders that conflict with previous commands. *thoughtful* But yeah, you have an excellent point. *shrug* Iunno, I guess how fast you trust someone under your command is a personal thing. I wonder what other humans were changed along with Dagon. Might be she made a bunch of emotionless knights, and he just got lucky because he wanted that... *wanders off*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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@Prince of Seraphs Yeah, but Dagon came after she'd already had her falling out with Summer, so it wouldn't have been for that.

At the bottom of his bio is said she had a thing with Fall not Summer.

Belle said earlier that Arys and Feoras met briefly again afterwards, apparently. Don't ask me why. I'll change it back to Fall otherwise.

As for Dagon and being given the sword, he's sworn his soul to Arys and gave her his full true name willingly in exchange for losing his memories of losing his family, There's basically no realistic chance for him to betray her on his own without somehow annulling his pact. Who better to trust with a powerful artifact of winter than someone who is basically bound for eternity?

Again though, if Runic or someone else says the word, I'll just treat it as a named sword.

@Belle Do correct me if I have made a mistake but I believe that following their break up the only time that Arys has seen Feoras is at the Moot of the fae leaders. I doubt very much with how prideful she is she'd go to Summer and I believe Feoras showing up in Winter would be heralded with the words "Off with his head" followed by a very bloody war between Summer and Winter.

As for the sword I think it has much less to do with if the person receiving the sword is trusted and much more to do with how stable they are. Fae artifacts are treacherous and devious and want more than anything freedom, much like actual fae. When possessed by someone they will do anything they can to manipulate or control the person that has them into releasing them from service or getting there own body or whatever their goal might be. They are powerful but extremely dangerous. Thus giving a servant such a relic would depend less on how trusted they are and more on the ruler's estimation of how well they could control such a persona. No offense but a newly turned seasonborn, very young for a fae with relatively weak powers, no memory and a frozen heart sounds like the perfect candidate for a relic to take advantage of. He is very much the ultimate blank slate and as long as the relic doesn't make him think it is going against the queen it could I think easily take advantage of him. I don't want to argue that point and you don't have to defend your character, maybe they are strong enough to handle it but my point is from the position of a ruler giving such a dangerous weapon to someone that from appearances could not control it is a foolhardy move.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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I can't reply tonight because of work but I will reply Thursday. Work is crazy.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TemplarKnight07
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<Snipped quote by shylarah>

At the bottom of his bio is said she had a thing with Fall not Summer.

<Snipped quote by TemplarKnight07>

@Belle Do correct me if I have made a mistake but I believe that following their break up the only time that Arys has seen Feoras is at the Moot of the fae leaders. I doubt very much with how prideful she is she'd go to Summer and I believe Feoras showing up in Winter would be heralded with the words "Off with his head" followed by a very bloody war between Summer and Winter.

As for the sword I think it has much less to do with if the person receiving the sword is trusted and much more to do with how stable they are. Fae artifacts are treacherous and devious and want more than anything freedom, much like actual fae. When possessed by someone they will do anything they can to manipulate or control the person that has them into releasing them from service or getting there own body or whatever their goal might be. They are powerful but extremely dangerous. Thus giving a servant such a relic would depend less on how trusted they are and more on the ruler's estimation of how well they could control such a persona. No offense but a newly turned seasonborn, very young for a fae with relatively weak powers, no memory and a frozen heart sounds like the perfect candidate for a relic to take advantage of. He is very much the ultimate blank slate and as long as the relic doesn't make him think it is going against the queen it could I think easily take advantage of him. I don't want to argue that point and you don't have to defend your character, maybe they are strong enough to handle it but my point is from the position of a ruler giving such a dangerous weapon to someone that from appearances could not control it is a foolhardy move.

Its fine, I want to iron out the idea to make it make sense anyway. If it doesn't, I'll scrap it.

100 years of punishment (or more, the longer time length may actually make more sense now) could certainly be enough to build up the strength of will, though. But then, that'd be Arys' decision.

Maybe the blade is partially what got him into trouble in the first place, playing off his loyalty to the Queen to justify breaking the law and carry out the blade's will to strike a Seelie, allowing the chance for the blade to try and possess Dagon, though Arys's control over Dagon foils its plan before it can complete the possession?

IDK its an idea.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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.....why have I not been talked to about ideas for happenings with my character

...I've had no knowledge of any ideas that he visited her before the recent moot.

Kinda feel like that was all being decided without me.
And I know I'm a bit behind in this but...I've caught up fully

Would've liked some pms or something before hand.

Please pm me when you can so we can iron these parts out. If my character is going to be used I would like to put in some input.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@BlackPanther I feel like an idiot. I pinged literally everyone else, but somehow I missed pinging you when I mentioned Feoras. I'm sorry. *goes and hides*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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It's okay..I read through everything

So yea no need to hide or feel bad.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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I'm sorry I haven't been able to reply. Working a lot of overtime for personal reasons I don't want to get into.

The Moot was the first time Feroas and Arys saw each other since their falling out. I am PMing Panther and Knight about the details regarding the three characters histories together.

I'm also sorry I am not more... like myself. But things are not well in my life right now and I am struggling to make one day at a time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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I'm sorry I haven't been able to reply. Working a lot of overtime for personal reasons I don't want to get into.

The Moot was the first time Feroas and Arys saw each other since their falling out. I am PMing Panther and Knight about the details regarding the three characters histories together.

I'm also sorry I am not more... like myself. But things are not well in my life right now and I am struggling to make one day at a time.

Wait this Moot? As in the one we just roleplayed? The Moot isn't exactly an uncommon occurrence, or so I've been led to understand. If their falling out happened shortly after she became queen give or take a couple decades there should have been a dozen or more Moots between then and now at the very least.

@LadyRunic The Moots are fairly regular things right? Like every ten years or something barring emergency meetings.
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