Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@Prince of Seraphs That was my impression as well -- ten, twenty years apart at the outside, possibly as often as every year. I got the impression they were yearly at some point, and that was my current understanding. If they're ten years apart, that's more like 50 moots. Twelve over 500 years would be...um. A little under one every 50 years, which is kinda long even by fey standards.

It might be that the first time they saw each other after was /at/ a Moot...and every subsequent one? That was how I had interpreted that line, but now I'm not sure.
@Belle *huggle* Whatever the trouble is irl, I hope things improve for you soon.

@LadyRunic *flailing* So how often are Moots?! @.@

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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The moot that was played out was the first one they saw each other at

They had not seen or interacted with each other before that
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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The moot that was played out was the first one they saw each other at

They had not seen or interacted with each other before that

So the rulers of the four courts have met once in five hundred years. Even by fae standards that's negligent. The four kingdoms are very interdependent on one another for whatever materials cannot be found in their own lands. Even with established trade pacts there has been no changes to be made, no reason to meet in five hundred years? That seems kind of wrong.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Prince of Seraphs
What's interesting is that this is a problem now when this was already stated in the role play as it was being played out

Who's up to post now?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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@Prince of Seraphs
What's interesting is that this is a problem now when this was already stated in the role play as it was being played out

Who's up to post now?

No where in the IC posts did either you or Belle specify that the Moot was the first time they saw each other since they parted ways as lovers. It was made clear that Feoras still had feelings for Arys and Arys nothing but cold contempt for him in return but nothing to indicate that they had no met since breaking up. In fact in one of Belle's Arys posts she refers to the Moot as "the yearly meeting to make, peace and trades" which seems to indicate that they must have met at previous Moots.

One would assume that there had to have been at least one Moot after the break up for Arys to cancel any trade pacts with Summer and establish new ones with Fall and Spring to make up the difference.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Prince of Seraphs
"Arys' eyes narrowed. He would be there. It would be their first meeting since...
A blast of cold air rushed through the court, reflecting the cold anger of the Queen. Her eyes were filled with icy fury. There had been a time where she had been happy and smiling, not nearly as much as Spring but happy enough. But now her heart was frozen in her chest. She had done it to herself after the incident. Now she felt nothing but anger."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@BlackPanther Yeah, I saw that, but later there was stuff indicating it was more often -- plus the way Runic spoke of it says this is a regular thing, so it would need to be more frequent than every few centuries. The line was a very brief thing, and it could be their first meeting since something else that happened after to make things even worse. It's not entirely clear. But it's not a big issue, a little tweaking of details that have had only passing mention would handle everything.

Besides, Belle proposed Dagon not protecting her from Summer, and he arrived after her heart was frozen, so /something/ needs changing to deknot the timeline. It won't have any serious effect on what's already been said -- but this is why it's good to discuss this stuff before building too much on top of things, or you end up with real problems. This one DM I knew...ahaha, that rp ended up such a mess. x.x Half the time they weren't around, and the other half they didn't remember the answers they'd given, and so some people had A is true and some had A is false and some had A is thought to be true but it's just a story and @.@ Of course that's a poor dm, but if there's player assumptions -- and there inevitably will be, as we build upon the framework Runic laid out -- if we don't communicate what we're assuming, things get tangled.

That's part of why I ask so many questions, and fiddle with the details on things. Plus solid lore makes me a very happy shy~

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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@BlackPanther I am mistaken evidently however that is one line of text that seems to indicate one conclusion while several pages of IC advocate the opposite.

And as we are playing fae and technicalities are their stock and trade I feel I should point out that that quote does not explicitly state Arys considering this would be her first meeting with Feoras since the break up but simply it would be her first meeting with him since... some incident that to her is memorable. The sentence is unfinished.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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@Prince of Seraphs fine I'll change my characters history then

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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We discussed what happened with the knight through pms

@Prince of Seraphs
Again we discussed what happened with the knight in pms

As for the rest...things happening with belles character and mine were discussed in pm.
Timelines are hard to make...borderline irritating. Sometimes parts are not quite as important as other parts.

I would rather move a plot forward then focus so hard on something that doesn't fully effect a lot.

And since the part that affected the knight was discussed in pms and ironed out there is no need to focus on it

And also...I believe it is your turn to post IC.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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No need to
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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I am too stressed out and too tired for all of this. If changing Arys history will settle this so we can continue then I will do it
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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@Prince of Seraphs my apologies for not writing everything out. I will find the IC post and finish the sentence

EDIT: It was the first post I made in the IC. I have corrected, highlighted and colored the text so it is easily spotted.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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I have edited Arys' CS. Hopefully I have covered everything for everyone and for whatever might be confusing in the future.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Prince of Seraphs
Also will you be posting in IC anytime soon?

Because it has been 23 days since your last post in IC.

I may have missed where you said you can't post there for basically a month and if I have I apologize and you can ignore. But if not...you're holding up some peeps
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@Belle@BlackPanther So...we're going with she's seen him every moot, and there have been moots however frequently?

With Dagon, I only know what was posted on the thread, and at last check it still says her heart was frozen -- which is why I mentioned the discrepancy between Belle's proposal and the timeline. If you've straightened that out since, then it's no longer something relevant, but the sheet should be updated. I'm also curious if Arys was completely stoic before freezing her heart, as is mentioned when Dagon sees her. @TemplarKnight07

As for moving the plot forward and what does and doesn't affect it, I have nothing to post right now as I'm waiting on a reply. I also find that personally, knowing a timeline and little twiddly details actually lets me write better, and it's the minor things with huge, unanticipated effects that I like best. Butterfly causing a typhoon, etc. That doesn't need to be your style, of course. But when inconsistencies turn up, discussion is vital. My personal feeling is that discussion of the world you play in is a huge part of any rp -- and communication is important for any group. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you by chattering. =/

EDITED because ninja'd
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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@Prince of Seraphs
Again we discussed what happened with the knight in PMs

As for the rest... things happening with Belle's character and mine were discussed in PM.
Timelines are hard to make... borderline irritating. Sometimes parts are not quite as important as other parts.

I would rather move a plot forward then focus so hard on something that doesn't fully effect a lot.

And since the part that affected the knight was discussed in PMs and ironed out there is no need to focus on it.

Was LadyRunic involved in these PMs? Especially considering it involves the creation of a new character the GM should have to sign off on it.

If this was an inane detail that had no bearing on anything I might agree with your assessment of ignoring it to move the plot ahead but whether Arys and Feoras have seen each other since breaking up five hundred years previously has further reaching consequences effecting the politics of the fae kingdoms which actual do need to be addressed.

That timeline of Feoras and Arys relationship (or at least a rough version of it) would be both public knowledge and very very helpful to those of us playing characters who should have this information in IC but are being denied it OOC.

I am too stressed out and too tired for all of this. If changing Arys history will settle this so we can continue then I will do it

@Prince of Seraphs My apologies for not writing everything out. I will find the IC post and finish the sentence.

EDIT: It was the first post I made in the IC. I have corrected, highlighted and colored the text so it is easily spotted.

My apologies, it was not my intention to stress you out or cause you undo worry as I believe you have some other more important stuff going on right now. I was merely attempting to ascertain a more concrete grasp of this RP and its history.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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@Prince of Seraphs Yes Lady Runic is involved in the pms, since we are fully aware that the GM needs to be included in decisions made about characters.

I am trying not to be offended by this question but I would like to point out that neither me or Black Panther are children or novices when it comes to rping. We would never make plans without including and discussing them with the GM of the rp.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@BlackPanther to be fair, he was waiting on me for some of that, I think. I was sick until the end of July, just about, and then very busy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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I feel like I am being a bitch in my replies right now so I am going to step away for a few hours and try to change my attitude because right now it is escalating to a point where I am crying tears of anger and frustration and my throat is hurting from trying not to scream. I am going to try and find something calming and soothing to do (that writing used to be for me) and return when I feel I can reply with a filter on my mouth and fingers
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