Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Your last post was twelve days ago so technically if we go by that...you've been waiting on them.

@Prince of Seraphs
Please note the rules of which say that tearing apart posts or characters are up to the gm and co gms

And also please remember this is a casual rp not advanced.

Finally...I'm not trying to not be offended I am offended.

Edit: I should probably also step away for a moment...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@BlackPanther@Belle *hugs* I honestly think [@PrinceofSeraphs] wasn't trying to be unkind. Minor details are fine to tweak on your own once the concept is approved, and Runic had before the timeline issue was even noticed, with Dagon.

I would like to say that pointing out a serious discrepancy between two stated pieces of information is hardly tearing a character apart -- and as Prince said, this particular minor detail has rather far-reaching effects. As a player, it becomes difficult to write if I'm given conflicting impressions by two separate DMs, or even two different players. Casual vs advanced makes no difference in this case. I'm really not sure what we're expected to do if bringing up a plot hole is considered tearing things apart. There needs to be a way to resolve something like this.

I think waiting for @LadyRunic to address when the Moots are would be best. Honestly, there's been several different accounts and if you're not reading carefully, those mentions are easy to miss. ...And I would have been fine with someone telling me that Sini's statement that "every year" she says the same thing about the Moot was inaccurate, regardless of who it came from. If I screw up a detail, please let me know so I can sort it out. That's all I'm ever going after, is sorting things out. -.-
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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shylarah is right I'm not trying to be unkind but to be honest I am incredibly brash. It's just the way I go about things. If I have offended you or Belle I am deeply sorry but everything I said regarding discrepancies of information in the RP I don't think becomes invalid simply because it was not you, Belle or LadyRunic that brought them up. At this point I think it would be wise to wait on our dear GM before going any further as I don't think any of us can say definitively one way or another and we're all (except for shylarah) devolving into petty squabbles more concerned with who's right than what the right answer is, myself included in that "all". I'd say we should all take a break and come back in a couple hours with cooler heads.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Prince of Seraphs Pfft, you didn't see the fifteen things I didn't post where I was most definitely thinking more about who was right. *laughing at herself*

@Belle I won't be able to post until tomorrow night at the earliest, so if you have time and want to go before me that's up to you. If you specifically want me to wait for you, let me know -- based on your previous OOCs my impression is that RL is attacking and you've got your hands full, but I don't want to step on your toes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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@Prince of Seraphs Pfft, you didn't see the fifteen things I didn't post where I was most definitely thinking more about who was right. *laughing at herself*

Ha ha! She's a barbarian like the rest of us! Welcome Shylarah into the HORDE!
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TemplarKnight07
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@Belle@BlackPanther So...we're going with she's seen him every moot, and there have been moots however frequently?

With Dagon, I only know what was posted on the thread, and at last check it still says her heart was frozen -- which is why I mentioned the discrepancy between Belle's proposal and the timeline. If you've straightened that out since, then it's no longer something relevant, but the sheet should be updated. I'm also curious if Arys was completely stoic before freezing her heart, as is mentioned when Dagon sees her. @TemplarKnight07

As for moving the plot forward and what does and doesn't affect it, I have nothing to post right now as I'm waiting on a reply. I also find that personally, knowing a timeline and little twiddly details actually lets me write better, and it's the minor things with huge, unanticipated effects that I like best. Butterfly causing a typhoon, etc. That doesn't need to be your style, of course. But when inconsistencies turn up, discussion is vital. My personal feeling is that discussion of the world you play in is a huge part of any rp -- and communication is important for any group. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you by chattering. =/

EDITED because ninja'd

I'm gonna be changing Dagon's Bkgrd slightly to fit in with what we've agreed upon in PMs. Just wait for it.

EDIT: Scratch that, we're just gonna stick with what we resolved via PMs.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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I'm gonna be changing Dagon's Bkgrd slightly to fit in with what we've agreed upon in PMs. Just wait for it.

EDIT: Scratch that, we're just gonna stick with what we resolved via PMs.

Does that mean your not changing his CS to reflect whatever that might be? Doesn't that make his CS inaccurate and potentially confusing to new members?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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We're already confused, so I don't think it much matters at this point. More confused people will hardly make that much of a difference. =P *shot*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TemplarKnight07
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<Snipped quote by TemplarKnight07>

Does that mean your not changing his CS to reflect whatever that might be? Doesn't that make his CS inaccurate and potentially confusing to new members?

I'll touch it up at some point here, the point is that it has been resolved and its time to move forward.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 33 min ago

I AM ALIVE once again. LARP week went well, we kinda got our position back that we lost in the last event. I got killed two times and asked for IC marriage. i had to nope my char outta that XD

Hy! We have not talked much yet but I at least wanted to say hy to you^^
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ojo chan 42
That sounds like a blast!

Glad to see you back :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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working on posts now

very excited
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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Out of (probably stupid) curiosity, is there any particular reason why no one is giving details? If it's something you want to have secret until later that's fine, but it kinda bothers me that various statements got me all confused and curious and now the problem is resolved -- but I'm still confused and the resolution is not being shared. Not saying MUST HAVE SPOILERS! (though I might say that too -- just not quite so seriously), but saying "Oh, Dagon arrived later" or "Arys didn't have her heart frozen at that time" or some quick 1-3 sentence summary would be nice now that I'm all interested, if it's not spoileriffic.

In other news, I just had my heart ripped out by tonight's rp session, and I am in no condition to reply for Sini. Actual tears were shed. And this is on top of the other friend that has been aggressively shipping her char and my char form Fallen London so much that she infected me, and we're just tormenting those two (and ourselves in the process) for the past...month or so. x.x THE FEEEEEELS. *explodes*

I will look again when I wake up tomorrow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TemplarKnight07
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I AM ALIVE once again. LARP week went well, we kinda got our position back that we lost in the last event. I got killed two times and asked for IC marriage. i had to nope my char outta that XD

Hy! We have not talked much yet but I at least wanted to say hy to you^^

Nice to meet you.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TemplarKnight07
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Out of (probably stupid) curiosity, is there any particular reason why no one is giving details? If it's something you want to have secret until later that's fine, but it kinda bothers me that various statements got me all confused and curious and now the problem is resolved -- but I'm still confused and the resolution is not being shared. Not saying MUST HAVE SPOILERS! (though I might say that too -- just not quite so seriously), but saying "Oh, Dagon arrived later" or "Arys didn't have her heart frozen at that time" or some quick 1-3 sentence summary would be nice now that I'm all interested, if it's not spoileriffic.

In other news, I just had my heart ripped out by tonight's rp session, and I am in no condition to reply for Sini. Actual tears were shed. And this is on top of the other friend that has been aggressively shipping her char and my char form Fallen London so much that she infected me, and we're just tormenting those two (and ourselves in the process) for the past...month or so. x.x THE FEEEEEELS. *explodes*

I will look again when I wake up tomorrow.

To give you the short sum-up, look over at Belle's CS and you'll see basically the results of our PMs. We resolved it so that we don't have to fiddle around with precise years for concepts and events that really don't matter to the plot (in terms of NEEDING to be specific) of the RP other than to setup character's positions.

Keeps it nice and easy for everyone involved.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

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@shylarah things got really heated and my bitch side came out. You are not the only one who shed tears. I really hate conflict.

I am really sorry that Lady Runic has to come back to this mess and I hope she will forgive my part in it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Belle oh honey. *hugs* We'll sort it out here, I'm sure. But my tears were not related to this little kerfluffle. The chat group I'm in, my char is the avatar of the rather impulsive goddess of fire, and her goddess made her hurt her girlfriend while going after a sort-of traitor we thought we'd worked out a solution with. And said gf also shot my char because the girlfriend's the avatar of the goddess of vigilanteeism, and that goddess now has the mentioned traitor under her wing so he's still useful but we can keep an eye on him. Traitor's dead, and both my char and her gf are in a bad way -- they need to get to a hospital. They'll survive, but *flailing* MY POOR HEART. *sobs*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Belle Quick question. Grexx is listed as the goblin's true name, with his alias being...various insults. My guess would be Nyx does not know the true name of the emissary, even though @Prince of Seraphs had him use it, yes? Just want to figure out which it is before I have Sini call him a name she shouldn't know, or if I missed something and Grexx is actually the name he's called by in general, and his true name is something else.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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@Belle Quick question. Grexx is listed as the goblin's true name, with his alias being...various insults. My guess would be Nyx does not know the true name of the emissary, even though @Prince of Seraphs had him use it, yes? Just want to figure out which it is before I have Sini call him a name she shouldn't know, or if I missed something and Grexx is actually the name he's called by in general, and his true name is something else.

"I am called Grexx by my lady, the beautiful and powerful Queen Arys of the Winter Realm,"
Grexx's introduction to Leaf

I'd call him kind of a stupid fae if that actually was his true name.

This is the reason I think the categories on the CS should be labelled "True Name" and "Common Name" it avoids confusion.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Prince of Seraphs yerp, I missed that. ^.^; Well that solves that question -- I can totally call him Grexx, then.
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