Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Maybe his full name has more length to it or is something silly so Arys gave him that one?

And I'm thinking through possibilities so delay in post >.>
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@BlackPanther curse it, Feoras. T.T Everyone hates Spring. =P @Prince of Seraphs WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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He briefly wondered if that was too bold of a question, but it could be worth it. He wasn't one to start wars, but he would ensure the safety of his court and any friendship. The protection would also cover winter should falk manage to defrost her heart...leaving spring out of it. There would likely be side effects in doing so, but the long run promised more benefits then risks. He wondered what falk would say.

Why do I feel like we just got thrown under the bus?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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It's literally just him thinking through of what could happen

Edit: also your characters shouldn't be omnipresent and know about it
Just like Feoras has no idea that spring wants to rid of him

This is him feeling that he could be friends with falk since they have been casually conversing
A natural feeling and one I've been planning since runic's last post
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@BlackPanther this is us, not our chars, silly.

@Prince of Seraphs RIGHT?! *flailing* WHAT DO, OH MIGHTY SPRING RULER? I'm doubting Falk will agree, but if he does...well, then again, he does hate Spring and Nyx. UGH. ...Hm, marriage might be -- no, it's definitely an alliance of sorts. CRUD. Any way I look at this, there's really not much recourse for Spring here. CURSE IT. It's not possible to be closer allies to Winter than Fall is going to be. Adn it's not possible (most likely) to be on good terms with Fall at all. Summer is not particularly strong at the moment...UGH. Plus if Arys does get her heart back...oh wait, no...actually hm. If she didn't want to feel, that implies that she /does/ still care about Summer -- and that he hurt her. So even if she dislikes him, she does care, to some degree. Makes me wonder if she would be in favor of deposing him after all....Although from a strictly OOC standpoint I doubt deposing Feoras is possible. That would leave Panther with nobody to play -- and Summer without a PC leader.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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@BlackPanther this is us, not our chars, silly.

@Prince of Seraphs RIGHT?! *flailing* WHAT DO, OH MIGHTY SPRING RULER? I'm doubting Falk will agree, but if he does...well, then again, he does hate Spring and Nyx. UGH. ...Hm, marriage might be -- no, it's definitely an alliance of sorts. CRUD. Any way I look at this, there's really not much recourse for Spring here. CURSE IT. It's not possible to be closer allies to Winter than Fall is going to be. Adn it's not possible (most likely) to be on good terms with Fall at all. Summer is not particularly strong at the moment...UGH. Plus if Arys does get her heart back...oh wait, no...actually hm. If she didn't want to feel, that implies that she /does/ still care about Summer -- and that he hurt her. So even if she dislikes him, she does care, to some degree. Makes me wonder if she would be in favor of deposing him after all....Although from a strictly OOC standpoint I doubt deposing Feoras is possible. That would leave Panther with nobody to play -- and Summer without a PC leader.

Depose doesn't have to mean kill. He could always play a Feoras in exile.

As far as the heart goes I'd say she does still care which makes the hurt a hundred times worse. Her feelings were frozen not long after the breakup so if unfrozen that wound would be open again. Someone as proud and as powerful as Arys in the midst of a shattered heart with the very real ability to lash out at the person that hurt her. Well I wouldn't want to be Feoras when her heart starts beating again. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Edit: Also your characters shouldn't be omnipresent and know about it. Just like Feoras has no idea that Spring wants to be rid of him.

Indeed, and the knowledge that Nyx wants Feoras deposed did nothing to influence him suddenly wanting to ally with everyone but Spring.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Prince of Seraphs Hey now, there's no indication he /doesn't/ want to ally with Spring, but I am a little curious, as I understood Summer to be somewhat closer to Spring. *shrug* Falk doesn't seem the sort to form close ties often. I can see where he wants to be on the same side as Winter -- and if he's wise, to have her unable to strike at him. But I do question the wisdom of assuming friendship is a guarantee, and of trying to specifically exclude Spring in the first place. It's an interesting move, for sure. @BlackPanther I wonder if he's impulsive, or if he has reasoning behind it....

It would be rough for Summer if Feoras was still around, though. I'd think he'd try to take back the throne at...just about any cost. Plus his rage being known as it is, leaving him alive is hardly wise for the new ruler.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Prince of Seraphs
One: I'm a female

Two: actually no it didn't
He's thinking throught it.
If he allies with falk then there is the chance that will cause a secondary type of alliance with winter and he realizes that leaves out spring and could end badly. That's all the thought process is. Sometimes I like to type out what type of thoughts the character is having.

Three: again female...I even changed my profile pic to the female black panther...seriously.

Edit: also hes not assuming it'll be a guarantee he's asking. It is a casual conversation and either way the question goes Feoras will be fine. He gained information and falk gained information.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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@Prince of Seraphs Hey now, there's no indication he doesn't want to ally with Spring, but I am a little curious, as I understood Summer to be somewhat closer to Spring.

I'm not saying that's what BlackPanther did but Feoras started probing the idea of allying with Fall and Winter literally the post after Nyx voiced the consideration to attempt his removal from the Summer throne and when it was casually commented upon she got kind of defensive and brought up characters knowing stuff from the OOC that they shouldn't IC. Seems like the concept was on her mind.

*shrug* Falk doesn't seem the sort to form close ties often. I can see where he wants to be on the same side as Winter -- and if he's wise, to have her unable to strike at him. But I do question the wisdom of assuming friendship is a guarantee, and of trying to specifically exclude Spring in the first place. It's an interesting move, for sure. @BlackPanther I wonder if he's impulsive, or if he has reasoning behind it....

Politically speaking though I wouldn't say it is wise. Not because my Court is the one being excluded but because the Seelie and Unseelie Courts have a long history of being on the opposite side of conflict and if an alliance of the two Unseelie's and Summer were to be initiated the next logical step would be an attempted anexing of Spring as it possesses many resources that Fall and especially Winter needs. If Spring were to be taken over by a largely Unseelie Alliance their would be no one for Feoras to turn to should the Alliance break and Winter and Fall turn on him. The idea is only a concrete one if he can be sure with absolute certainty that the Unseelie Courts won't ally against him and given the lifespan of fae and their general natures that is the very last thing anyone should be assuming. Essentially he would need to have a stronger alliance with at least one of the Unseelies than they do with each other and given the Fall and Winter rulers may soon enter into a marital alliance that is very very unlikely.

It would be rough for Summer if Feoras was still around, though. I'd think he'd try to take back the throne at...just about any cost. Plus his rage being known as it is, leaving him alive is hardly wise for the new ruler.

True it would be unwise but that is assuming that at some point Feoras is in a position for the new ruler to kill him. Even removed from his throne Feoras is a powerful fae who would not go down easily.

Three: again female...I even changed my profile pic to the female black panther...seriously.

I was addressing you referencing Feoras' actions. He is male.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Prince of Seraphs@Belle Also this makes me wonder precisely what Feoras did, to make Arys so hurt and angry. We say that fey don't feel as strongly as humans, turned or otherwise, and yet her reaction seems rather extreme, even for a human. Feoras loved her, and it was an accident, so just what happened? Of course, overreacting because she's still young isn't out of the question, and probably played a role.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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....I'm going to leave for a bit
Also in probably not going to look at ooc posts...for awhile

I've got a rather short fuse today and I'm already at my limit

Good day
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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@Prince of Seraphs@Belle Also this makes me wonder precisely what Feoras did, to make Arys so hurt and angry. We say that fey don't feel as strongly as humans, turned or otherwise, and yet her reaction seems rather extreme, even for a human. Feoras loved her, and it was an accident, so just what happened? Of course, overreacting because she's still young isn't out of the question, and probably played a role.

Slept with one of her chambermaids. Fae aren't exactly known to be monogamous.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@Prince of Seraphs Hm. Well, firstly, I figured the easiest way to overthrow Feoras as a ruler is by killing him. I'm sure there's other methods, but that's the most straightforward.

@BlackPanther The impression I got was that excluding Spring was part of the intention. I'm not clear how allying with Fall, knowing that will eventually include Winter, will be of greater benefit than the cost for alienating Spring, and possibly allowing it to be overthrown, but that's just me. And yup, it seems Feoras is impulsive, because he thought it through /after/ he said it. =P What I meant by guarantee was that a friendship here is assumed to be a close alliance that would not be betrayed, not that he can guarantee Falk will accept.

As to you being female...I honestly can't say I noticed, but then again I tend to be a little strange online in that I go between username and avatar, and am wrong as often as not. I'll try to remember. ^.^;; That said, I don't think I've referred to you with any third-person pronouns recently.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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@Prince of Seraphs Are we sure? If he was so in love with Arys, then...hm. Well, that's a point about fey, but him being closer to human it seems odd that he's the one that slept around -- and that she was the one so upset by it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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@Prince of Seraphs Hm. Well, firstly, I figured the easiest way to overthrow Feoras as a ruler is by killing him. I'm sure there's other methods, but that's the most straightforward.

A ruler of a court is kept in power only as long as they show the people they are capable of keeping the Court strong. Or if they have a method of enslaving the Court as Ceridwen did. If they show the people weakness to the point where the Court may suffer for it the fae wouldn't hesitate to have them diposed. Not exactly simple and would require masterful manipulation of a number of parties but it could be done.

@BlackPanther The impression I got was that excluding Spring was part of the intention. I'm not clear how allying with Fall, knowing that will eventually include Winter, will be of greater benefit than the cost for alienating Spring, and possibly allowing it to be overthrown, but that's just me. And yup, it seems Feoras is impulsive, because he thought it through after he said it. =P What I meant by guarantee was that a friendship here is assumed to be a close alliance that would not be betrayed, not that he can guarantee Falk will accept.

I'm thinking that an alliance with Fall is nearly as harmful as hostilities against them as it give Falk an in to trick the ruler into making use of your Court's resources as he wants.

@Prince of Seraphs Are we sure? If he was so in love with Arys, then...hm. Well, that's a point about fey, but him being closer to human it seems odd that he's the one that slept around -- and that she was the one so upset by it.

Humans can get sexually bored and seek out new partners in a handful of years or even months. How would a species that lives forever cope better then that? My view has always been that fae have one major partner, the one that they share their possessions and power with and sire heirs with but their is a general understanding that this is not the only fae either of them would be sleeping with as long as some grounds rules were established. Of course some fae especially the younger wouldn't see it like that yet. Hence Arys' anger.

Of course that's only one possibility. Who really knows what happened between them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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...Context please? O.o

@Prince of Seraphs We'd need to ask @LadyRunic what she had in mind, I suppose. It probably depends on the fey in question, to some extent. I'd think that heirs could be from any partner, potentially, and that there's heirs from partnerships that don't include marriage, and probably partnerships that aren't permanent (ie, not actually marriage -- or is there a divorce equivalent as well, in fey culture? I'd think the vow of "til death do us part" might be binding, but then again, it'd also prevent killing your spouse if you vowed to love and cherish, possibly. Hm...this is a whole new realm of intrigue) can include sharing resources and such while they are in effect.

Again, if this is /standard/ in fey culture, there's no reason for Arys to be so upset, so I question it.

And to be a ruler in the first place and not be deposed immediately needs strength. I wonder if there were many successful rebellions where the people as a whole overthrew the ruler, because the impression I got was that normally there is at least one particularly powerful fey that helped shape any rebellion -- and then took power after. Granted there's nothing specific to support this, but it's the feeling I have.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Mostly because I don't want to add more stress to myself
And also because I'm tired of feeling like everything I've come up with or wrote is going to be put under a microscope and over analyzed
I come here to destress. And lately I've just been finding more

I just want to enjoy getting immersed into a world where there aren't typhoon warnings and where school isn't starting and where finances aren't a problem.
I just want to enjoy my time here

So with that in mind. No I'm not going to go into context.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@BlackPanther Ah, I'm sorry me trying to analyze the political ramifications of various actions is stressing you out. =/ I'm not a frequent player in political intrigue-type rps, and I do get rather caught up in it -- plus my mind overanalyzes stuff to begin with, and the ongoing conspiracy theory plot I'm in for another rp isn't helping any. @.@

Any analysis of OOC stuff is done mostly as it pertains to IC, and character motivations. IC stuff I analyze is done with an eye towards things to play with, as well as motivations and goals, with a large side of repercussions. I sorta figured that's part of the game, for an rp like this? The whole idea seems to be intrigue and manipulation, which to me means looking very carefully at what is said and what is meant. ^.^; I can try to back off but I won't make any promises, because honestly I don't want to tell you something and then not do it -- and I'm not sure I can. As a side note, I need to work on my self control and stop obsessing. x.x None of it is trying to annoy you, that I can tell you with absolute certainty. *makes you tea* Sounds like RL is attacking everyone lately. =/
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