Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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@LadyRunic As I understand it the process for creating a Seasonborn is largely the same across the four courts but produces vastly different results and abilities. Would it be possible with sufficiently skilled sorcerers for a Spring to create a Fallborn, or Winter to create Summerborn or any combination there of? Perhaps for the purpose of espionage or smuggling?

@SunsetRoses I don't know if you still care or not but in order to extradite Raven from her conversation I temporarily controlled Are. If you have some lines you wish me to change or anything just tell me. If you really don't care anymore feel free to ignore this.

@Zahrale Hey man, your characters were pretty interesting, where did you go?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

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@Prince of Seraphs Yay someone is being nice to Grexx!
And I will post tomorrow. Got caught up in Sims 4. Doing the 100 baby challenge and its hard.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

@LadyRunic As I understand it the process for creating a Seasonborn is largely the same across the four courts but produces vastly different results and abilities. Would it be possible with sufficiently skilled sorcerers for a Spring to create a Fallborn, or Winter to create Summerborn or any combination there of? Perhaps for the purpose of espionage or smuggling?

@SunsetRoses I don't know if you still care or not but in order to extradite Raven from her conversation I temporarily controlled Are. If you have some lines you wish me to change or anything just tell me. If you really don't care anymore feel free to ignore this.

@Zahrale Hey man, your characters were pretty interesting, where did you go?

As for your question. No it is not. This was stated before and they are of a certain season due to who created them.

You cannot control other people, that goes to the DM and Sunset I believe dropped out. THIS WAS STATED BEFORE. T_T

Zahrale will not be returning lest for his own reason. We're pulling D&D every day for Four to six hours straight. And he's doing more hours than I. He does not wish to return currenty but if I ask with suffiecent need he will. This was already stated. And I'm tempted to ask so he can help to ride herd on you lot.

@shylarah@Prince of Seraphs Both of you. I have asked before. Please don't pick holes in people's characters. That is for me to do. Or whoever their interacting with as in the case of the Winter Knight. ALSO, WE HAVE 56 PAGES OF OOC. Please, please, please. If you two are going to chat back and forth this extensively take it to PMs. This is ridiculous.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@LadyRunic I did my best not to be picking holes, but if we have something that makes a serious hole in the /world/, it does need to be discussed. That's the case with the timeframe for Moots, and whether Feoras and Arys had seen each other, and also for if Dagon arrived before or after Arys froze her heart. I did say several times that it would be best to let you weigh in. The ability to discuss goings-on in the rp should not be limited just to those involved. For example -- when Nyx said something that indicated Moots were yearly, or at least very frequent, and Sini responded in kind -- /anyone/ could have jumped in and said, "Wait a minute, there was this other line that says they're very /very/ rare and we should fix this, because both can't be true." The same would go for if Sini was talking to...say, Arys, and she said something inaccurate about Spring. I would expect Prince to tell me "Actually Shy, it's like this." Or you. Or even Panther or Belle. And if a player -- not a dm -- noticed something that didn't fit, I'd expect them to say "whoa hold on, you're confusing me because this doesn't match!"

Speaking of, what /is/ the timeframe for Moots? How often do they occur?

The OOC is for discussion pertaining to the rp. This most recent exchange was all directly relevant to it -- theories, musings, details. PM would exclude everyone else -- and I wasn't even addressing Seraph exclusively for most of it. Unless we make a PM with everyone in it, and make a new one every time we get a new player, I'm really not sure how to make PMs work. I expect people to weigh in on their characters and their plans and their ideas, and ideas they get from something someone else mentioned. That can't happen when you have only two people able to see it -- and worse, PMs lead to a high potential for those two people coming up with a very different picture for events than what the players of the characters involved envisioned -- or what the setting allows, or even what other people have in their heads, and building on it, and then it would go IC without any ability to be checked, corrected, or reconciled with the versions others have and are building off of. This can lead to huge inconsistencies, and I'd think it should be avoided.

It'd be different if we were discussing something unrelated, though really nobody is expected (and most do not try) to read the entire OOC of an rp. Important information goes in the first few posts. Everything else is assumed to be just discussion. ...Though you will get the occasional dork like me that plows through twenty pages of chatter sifting for details because I'm nosy like that. -.-;

If the issue is really how long the OOC is getting, there's just as much chatter between people as there is serious discussion of the rp. ...I can't think of any tactful way to say it, so I'm just gonna say it and please understand I don't mean it to be as snotty as it sounds. Do you want us to stop commenting in general? I mean, there's a full page of reactions to something Falk did somewhere in there, among other things. And a page of character songs. What /is/ okay to put in the OOC?

In the end, almost everything I bring up is aimed at figuring things out, or adding to the rp. If you have specific examples where it's not an issue for anyone but the two involved, please let me know and I'll look at those and try to cut back on them. ...And if the plague discussion is one of them, that was mostly me geeking out and I outright said I didn't think changing anything was needed, just to avoid having it be poking holes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

@shylarah Yes but I don't need ppl getting angsty in this or I'm going to have issues. Which happened last night.

Moots happen every few centuries.

I'm not going to get into it right now, because it's my day off I have a D&D session to run in a few hours and I'm pulling @Zahrale in to ride herd. I've got my hands full with my life and there is none better. @Belle @BlackPanther Not to dis you two, but Zah and I have been Rping together nearly everyday for seven years.

I will bend over backwards and give this man access to Fae types I would never allow, that should say something. It's not favoritism, he knows the FULL LORE and if he doesn't know a fact, we'll chat and iron it out even better. He knows what works and doesn't and his word is on par of mine and even above in certain points in time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

So would beings that qualify as "Fae," only be those that one could find in irish folklore and celtic mythology(?) or would it be possible to make something custom so long as it fits the themes "Fae," the RP, and is well written (balanced and whatnot)?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Tis fine
Been having a few stresses lately so...yea it's all good
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

@yoshua171 It would need to be found in any folk lore. Not just Celtic or Irish.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

There is a lot of fae lore out there.

I would recommend looking through the types we currently have and go from there.

Also welcome :D

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So would beings that qualify as "Fae," only be those that one could find in irish folklore and celtic mythology(?) or would it be possible to make something custom so long as it fits the themes "Fae," the RP, and is well written (balanced and whatnot)?

@yoshua171 It would need to be found in any folk lore. Not just Celtic or Irish.

Of course you can take a number of liberties as the information available on certain types of supernatural creatures is rather vague. And it can be pretty much any type of supernatural creature, demons, monsters etc all in the right interpretation can be for our purposes fae.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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@LadyRunic every few centuries? Huh. Alright, not the impression I had at all. @Prince of Seraphs How would you like to fix the discussion between Sini and Nyx, or should we just keep it in mind going forward?

Runic, I take it that if Moots are only every few centuries that individual rulers send emissaries and negotiate trades and such with other courts independently, and far more frequently?

Shame you're stressed, but just get back to me whenever you're free again. I don't have a statted game as often as you seem to, but I do have a live rp session of some sort most nights, and they can eat up a lot of time. More, if it's statted and you're the DM, I would think. Totally worth it thought!

I'm interested in what Falk thinks makes a fey noble. I'm seeing some definite preferences in him, and there's not much to go on when it comes to what caused them. *tries to wrestle the Fall King under a microscope and fails badly* Also interesting that he'd accept so readily, but perhaps it's because Summer is sincere, due to his origins -- and though Falk might not betray a friend, he can also be reasonably sure this isn't primarily from an ulterior motive, and so not so much a risk. @.@ Ugh, it does put Spring in a bind, though, @Prince of Seraphs. X.x I'm getting so frustrated with the way things are going. Partially because of the separation of characters, partially because of the rp structure in general...partially because intrigue is not my strong suit. It just seems like there's no good way to keep Spring on an even footing, which was (I thought) part of the idea of the setting. No one court is at a serious disadvantage in comparison to any other, nor at a significant advantage. But that's not at all how it's shaping up, and I don't see any good way to fix it. This is especially true because an ally's support is far more valuable than an advantage taken forcibly. We'll see, I guess.

It's interesting that part of why Falk doesn't get overtures for friendship in as many words is probably because it's a very foolish move for most -- particularly if they don't hold the rank of ruler of a court. I know Sini's preference is to make friends rather than enemies, and peace rather than war, but there's a definite hierarchy of interests, and Spring will always come first for her. But even so, she'd know that Falk doesn't like Nyx, and she'd be aware that ignoring that would be unwise. So if it ever came up in discussion, she'd probably end up phrasing it as a desire that they be on better terms, not specifically friends. Then again, friendship in general is not generally how fey seem to work.

Sini: Fey are deceitful and manipulative, and thus we are wary of each other. Puts a crimp in forming friendships, it does.

@BlackPanther because mentioning Feoras and stuff your char was involved in.
@Belle I'll be posting today or in the next couple days, but I don't see a need for you to wait on me.

@yoshua171 YOSH! *glomp*
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

@yoshua171 It would need to be found in any folk lore. Not just Celtic or Irish.

Alright, was wondering about that. I appreciate it :)

Enjoy your D&D btw ^_^
There is a lot of fae lore out there.

I would recommend looking through the types we currently have and go from there.

Also welcome :D

Thanks haha. I'll probably look through various mythologies, or have my girlfriend do it, since she's a mythology buff lol.

<Snipped quote by yoshua171>
<Snipped quote by LadyRunic>

Of course you can take a number of liberties as the information available on certain types of supernatural creatures is rather vague. And it can be pretty much any type of supernatural creature, demons, monsters etc all in the right interpretation can be for our purposes fae.

Oh...oh good. Funny, you nailed this on the head, because my second question would have been "Alright, are we allowed to put a spin on lore we find? Or take some liberties (not too many, obviously lol) and now that's answered.

So yeah, I saw the int chck and I've seen this around. I do enjoy political intrigue, magic, and fantasy quite a bit. Plus I love scheming, so I'm like the perfect Fae (so to speak) lol. Not 100% on this yet, but I am seriously considering it. If I find an idea that works with the GMs and that I love I'll be all in though :)

Thanks for the welcome guys ^_^
YOSH! *glomp*

*casually dodges, creating a bunch of pillows from thin air so she doesn't hit the floor and hurt herself* Yes, hi there Shy.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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I did a bit of a spin on salamanders
So if you have questions on those lovely 'little' things lemme know :)

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

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@Zahrale Hey man, your characters were pretty interesting, where did you go?

To answer that, I was busy trying to fix my life as for a while there I was becoming .. well... An Asshole. Of course that's fixed now,and i should be back. Now i just have to remake those Chars or Create new ones- and read...... There's a lot of stuff to Read.

but the TRUE question is.... How to Mess with Runi' What kind of devilish spawn of Dark Fae to summon forth and use.....
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@yoshua171 Feel free to PM me any time for more info on any Fae you find- Generally I know it, and if i don't i can show you where to find it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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....something adorable.

Adorable things are usually the most capable of evil

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@BlackPanther Are you suggesting a Fairy Dragon? Im pretty sure She's suggesting Fairy Dragon.

That is an Evil idea my f(r)iend. But I've got a far more Evil idea. Ever wonder what happens... if a leprechaun is cursed not only with immortality... but also... LEPROSY?! a LEPERchaun if you would.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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*she* :P

And dooo ittt

(Is it weird when I see fairy dragon I think of the fey dragon in world of Warcraft....I stopped playing that game awhile ago and still it plagues me >.>)

Edit: also a post will be coming hopefully today but I get to call people about loans =.= adulting is not as fun as I thought it would be
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

*she* :P

And dooo ittt

(Is it weird when I see fairy dragon I think of the fey dragon in world of Warcraft....I stopped playing that game awhile ago and still it plagues me >.>)

Funny story Blackie, but That isn't too far from the actual myth. Fairy Dragons are small hand sized beings that are generally of the Spring Court- but once you make them angry your luck turns Sour, and generally people who anger or harm a Fairy dragon Die horrible deaths, usually most of which are Violent or even horrifically Brutal, due tot he dragons tampering with things as you sleep, or by using its magic to adjust the moods of others- in fact the scary thing is they even work on other Fae.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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....that explains why my character died so much

My hunter pet was on aggressive
It did not end well

But that's really really cool lore.
I vote that and a leprechaun if you're going for making two
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