Remember them? Remember watching this on Cartoon Network? Remember thinking as a kid, "Wow, I want to be part of the Kid's Next Door!"?
Well, I did.
I was wondering if anyone here would want to join a KND roleplay. I haven't worked out all the details yet because I didn't want to do all the work and discover that no one even remembers KND or has any interest in roleplaying it.
To those of you who haven't watched KND, it's okay. You are still allowed to join. The idea of it is really simple. The story is just about a small group of kids who are part of a larger organization entirely run by other kids and they go off to fight adults whenever they feel like the adults are being unjust. If you are still confused, feel free to look it up or ask me.
Anyhow if there are people interested in this, I still have to work out some things and would like your input. Most importantly is the setting. Generally while the preposition of KND is rather scattered because of all the different types of worlds and sectors and maybe because of the wild imagination of children, I would prefer to know what era we would be in.
Pre-Sector V but post-Zero.
Sector V era
Galactic Kid's Next Door
Post Sector V
Uh, so thanks for bearing with me and reading this. I hope to see some interests.