Elysium: Prologue
'It is ahead of its time. The fps is beyond anything of the past and the graphics are in a class of its own. It has revolutionized the way people game, and it will revolutionize the gaming industry.'
-Senji Yoshimaru, Lead game designer and creator of Elysium, 2054
-Senji Yoshimaru, Lead game designer and creator of Elysium, 2054
Elysium, the virtual reality game of the century and a game that will go down in infamy. Why you may ask? It took the media by storm and decimated the known gaming powerhouses. It gathered gamers of all platforms and united them under one game. A game that offered everything from RPG and Sci-fi to first person shooter and horror. There were over 50,000 beta testers working out the kinks in its three worlds; Genesis, Exodus and Elysium. It took decades before they announced its release and it soared off of the shelves just as quick as it was put on the shelves. However, a year into its release a group simply known as R3v314t1on, had hijacked the servers and massacred hundreds of thousands of players in Genesis' city, Killion, now know to all players as the Killion Genocide. Many tried to escape the game but sadly to no avail. Panic set across the multiplayer platform and plunged the game and its players into chaos. Areas that were considered safe from the changing PvP world were no longer and groups started to form, banning together for survival, others for greed and power. The game's developers had attempted to shutdown the game and eject everyone from it but the plan failed. "You lose. Servers taken. Pray for mercy: R3v314t1on" was the email sent to the creator and developers. The know dubbed terrorist group had taken those on the game hostage. Attempt after attempt of retrieving control of the servers failed and with each attempt tens of thousands were killed due to their persistence. A final idea was proposed from a hacker/beta tester of the game to gather a group of skilled players to take the group out from the inside and the governments of the world gathered together and formed a special digital anti-terrorist group known as UNCAF, or better known throughout the media as Project: Savior. Made up of people of all ages, they were to be sent in to find this group with the help of former beta testers and hackers sanctioned by the government through the means of pirated IP addresses, special hacking capabilities and other appropriate means. In addition to the formed group, the creators of Elysium removed the level cap for the hand-picked players, allowing them to ascend to new heights in order to combat this evil group. The leader's true identity of R3v3l4t1on, "Glitch" as he referred to himself is a mystery, hiding in secrecy with the help of its other members, possibly in the world of Elysium. Will this group be the ones to save those trapped, or will they fall victim to the plans of Glitch and R3v314t1on?
Elysium Headquarters
In the meeting room, the game's heads, among the ranks of designers and beta testers sat, awaiting the entrance of the Creator and the UN officials. "What do you think Mark. Do you think he will go for it?" Johnathan Geng, a digital artwork designer asked with a bit of a nervous tremble. Mark was one of the beta testers, specifically the one who came up with the idea of a organized anti-terrorist group comprised of the best players of the game. He shrugged with a sigh. "I can't say. But its the only shot we have. We cant reset the server without killing everyone. We can't get into the server through the game without one of our own getting sent to the hospital. What other choice do we have?" John looked down towards the ground with his chin resting on the back of the chair. Silence remained the rest of the time until the doors swung open and everyone sat up as Senji Yoshimaru entered holding a stack of folders. Behind him a few representatives of the UN and the UN's new task force UNCAF, all here for the most important meeting of their lives as it would dictate the future of this mission. Senji stood at the end of the table and looked at the faces he had come to know very well in the past couple months. "Afternoon" he greeted with everyone responding in their own way. The creator sighed as he dropped the folders on the table with a few papers sliding out. He looked towards Mark and gestured for him to come up and take a look at the folders.
"This is the list of people you and your coworkers had come up with. The best in the game. Players of different ages and different ranks but all show a talent for the game. Are you ok with this? This is your team you will be responsible for." The added bit of responsibility for their lives unnerved him a bit. Mark grabbed the folders and looked through them:
@drewccapp Janus Allen, a well known Overwatch character and known to be the first player to unlock The Watcher as well as earned the Full Clear achievement for clearing all PvE content including the difficult Hyperion Mercenary Company Raid within the first week.
@SolasReveal Charlie Lily Edwards, a known beta tester for some big name virtual reality companies, including Elysium's own and a talented Overwatch Huntress.
@SomewhatAverage James Carroll, A talented Battleborne class player who has shown great prowess in the class.
@Polaris North Harayuki Hiro, A Warlock Necromancer whose parents persuaded him to give their son a pre released final copy of the game but that aside, he is one of the few who chose this subclass and made it work.
@PatrickDrummer Shane Shinoda, a well known MLG player and one of the ones Elysium sponsored for their game. As a Goliath class Juggernaut, he showed talent in crowd control and overall prowess with the titan like class.
Mark looked through them until he pulled out two specifically which Senji then placed a firm hand down on the two files effectively putting them back on the table.
"Mark I want to know, out of all the players you picked, you decided to choose hackers." His voice was stern as he looked at Mark behind his slightly falling glasses.
"Because, @The ghost in black@ProjectOdin despite AoD and Onyx's background, they are formidable players. They will give R3v314t1on a run for their money but this other one... Spectre...I didn't choose him." Mark looked with concern to Elysium's creator to which he was met with a smile.
"Mark I personally choose him because from what we gathered he had gotten the closest to the group and its leader. We need him to help the others."
Mark nodded and licked his lips before sighing. "Ok then...What's the plan?"
Senji stood back up and adjusted his suit jacket. "We send the message to them. That the U.N needs their help and we will offer them whatever they see fit."
"And if they refuse?" A hacker on the opposing side of Mark questioned.
"Then I feel that this will end with a lot of families grieving over their lost family and friends. Now...We cannot think about this. We must get in touch with them. I want you and those over there to log into a secured server that we have managed to build and send the message out. This meeting is over." Senji turned and left leaving those from the UN behind. "Alright guys and gals we have work to do and we have no time to spare!" Announced one of the sanctioned hackers as he gestured for those of his trade to follow out of the meeting room.
As the meeting was adjuoured, Mark remained behind with the files and glanced them over. He remained silent for a moment before standing up and left to join the other hackers.
Elysium: The Arch, Penthouse Suite Rm. 101
A figure stood at the window, over looking his new digital kingdom. A pleased smirk on his face reflected back at him. A few feet behind him his right hand, Ceberus stood, his hands behind his back.
"Isn't it beautiful?"
Ceberus furrowed his brow, not understanding.
"The view Ceberus, the view." He commented.
"It is sir."
"Do you know why?"
"No sir."
"Because-" He turned around a devilish smirk still rested on his face.
"Because this is the epitome of man's engineering. The sky, the water, the wind. Everything. Everything from the tallest tower to the smallest pebble, delicately coded to match that of the real world." He picked up a glass on the table and ran his finger along it.
"Even down to the texture of this glass was coded to match its real texture. Everything about Elysium is magnificent. Someday, we will live this to its fullest. Like the Matrix. People blissfully unaware of the façade it really is."
"Yes sir...Sir?" Ceberus looked up to him with his head slightly tilted. as a holographic message flickered in front of him.
"Yes?" He cocked an eyebrow.
"The Black Rose has found out that the U.N is recruiting a group of players. Some sort of Project: Savior?" He furrowed his brow.
Glitch narrowed his eyes and snapped his fingers, bringing up the same message. "I see." The simple response came with slight aggravation.
The leader made his way to his chair and sat down, spinning it around to face the view of Elysium. "Send word to Hyp3r1on @Experiment 249 and update his deck with the names of the players who are supposed to be with Project: Savior. I want them dealt with expeditiously."
"Yes sir." With that Ceberus pulled up his message board and tapped the quick link to The Red Death. " Mission update, Details inside." With the message sent, Ceberus nodded and left the room for their leader to be alone.
"I look forward to this."
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