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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IceboundMemoire
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@Nikki Moonlight@Lady Athena@CriticalHit

"No, Aya! Don't sacrifice yourself; this guy doesn't have enough honour to respect that! He tricked you the entire time - don't you see?" Valerian was worried that Aya would do something stupid. He didn't really want to lose his family, and this vampire was dangerous.

He thought over the situation quickly in his head, then decided to grab both of Aya's arms and pull her back to prevent her going towards Ferid.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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@IceboundMemoire@Lady Athena@CriticalHit@Wraithblade6

Aya looked and saw Ferid had one of the children and had his fangs in the child's neck. "No!" she cried and she aimed the gun at Ferid.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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@Nikki Moonlight@IceboundMemoire@Lady Athena@Wraithblade6

Rai's previous calm attitude disappeared immediately upon seeing Ferid at the other end of the room, how did Ferid know that everyone would be here right now? Before Rai got a chance to speak, Ferid had grabbed one of the kids and had sunk his fangs into them! Rai immediately jumped back a step, his facial expression changed to one of fear. He would look to the rest of the group and in a panicked voice ask "Wh-what are we supposed to do now?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

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@CriticalHit@Nikki Moonlight@IceboundMemoire@Wraithblade6

Eleanor stares in horror as one of the other children is murdered. She felt a sudden urge of fear over come her, but now wasnt the time, they had made it so far and this will not be the end. She draws some spoons and starts to throw them all over the room keeping a few just in case Ferid was to come close to them. She watches as Aya points the gun at Ferid and hopes that Aya's aim was on point.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IceboundMemoire
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IceboundMemoire Frigid Member Berry

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@Lady Athena@CriticalHit@Nikki Moonlight

"Aya! Can't you see this was planned in the first place? The map was probably a dud, so the same will be for the gun! It might explode and kill us all if you pull the trigger! It seems unlikely that someone like Ferid would have a gun in his house; what reason would he need it for? He's high enough to legally deal with most people, and he's strong enough to do so illegally! We can't beat him!" Valerian whispered the next part. "We need to work out a plan to get out of here alive. We can't escape."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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@IceboundMemoire@Lady Athena@CriticalHit

Aya's hands were shaking as she fired the gun at Ferid but he had dodged and ran towards her, then cut off her arm. "Agh!" she screamed as the gun dropped to the floor. The children began to run. Aya was on one knee and she shouted, "Run guys, now! Go toward the exit!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IceboundMemoire
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IceboundMemoire Frigid Member Berry

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@Nikki Moonlight@CriticalHit@Lady Athena

"Aya, we're not leaving you behind! It was you who planned this out; how can we escape without our leader?" He headed over to Aya, in order to help her up and allow her to escape with them; he hoped it wouldn't fail. He didn't want to lose Aya, of all people.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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@CriticalHit@Lady Athena@IceboundMemoire@Wraithblade6

Aya held the stump of her arm as Valerian helped her up. "I'm dead weight, Valerian," she said calmly, though her voice held a lot of pain. "Leave me, I'll be fine!" She pushed him toward the exit, then her opposit leg got cut off and she fell down. "Run, you idiots!" she yelled. Most of the other children were dead except for Ellie, Rai and Valerian, and Aya would soon be joining the dead ones, she was bleeding out rather quickly. She grabbed the gun from the ground beside her and she shot Ferid in the head, who fell to the ground. She panted, her vision going blurry.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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@Nikki Moonlight@IceboundMemoire@Lady Athena

Rai looked on in terror, unable to move as Ferid chopped off Aya's arm. Usually a sight such as this would have sent Rai running and crying in the opposite direction, but this time something was different. He could feel the terror melt away, only to be replaced by rage and anger. Rai was about to charge Ferid directly when suddenly, Ferid dropped dead from a shot to the head. Rai looked over and saw Aya who was dying on the ground, just as fast as his rage had appeared it was quickly replaced by sorrow and tears.

He ran to Aya, who was now missing both an arm and a leg, she was begging them to run. Rai would run and escape this horrible place, but first there was something he had to do. Rai knelt down, grabbed Aya and hugged her as tight as he could before barely managing to say "Th-thank you... for everything... A-aya-sama" through many tears. Rai didn't want to let go of her, if he did he'd never see Aya again. Rai did let go however, he needed to make sure Aya's death had some meaning, all this death would be pointless if no one got away. Rai stood up and looked to the others, tears in his eyes and running down his face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IceboundMemoire
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IceboundMemoire Frigid Member Berry

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@CriticalHit@Nikki Moonlight@Lady Athena

As Aya pushed Valerian towards the exit, his foot caught on the floor and he tripped forward into the exit, despite his wishes to stay and help Aya. He couldn't stop himself and found himself hurdling through the exit. "No... Aya..."

He rolled down in the snow, unable to control his movement, and kept rolling until he met a tree with a thump. As he lay there dazed, thoughts of what could be happening to the others left behind ran through his head. He struggled up, and hobbled back towards the exit, hoping to go through and save Aya.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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CriticalHit What is your "Truth" now?

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@IceboundMemoire@Nikki Moonlight@Lady Athena

"S-see you on the other side Ellie" Rai said before following Val through the tunnel, where their freedom supposedly lied. Upon reaching the other side, Rai was greeted by the bitter chill of the snow. He grabbed a nearby tree to stop himself from slipping wildly, he was relieved to see that Val had made it out relatively unharmed. Rai carefully made his way down to where Val was before asking "Wait, Val where are you going?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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@Lady Athena@CriticalHit@IceboundMemoire

Aya laid there shivering and she saw Valerian's shadow. "No, Valerian...." She struggled to get up and she said, "Valerian, what did I say?! Run! That gunshot wound I gave Ferid won't hold him much longer!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IceboundMemoire
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IceboundMemoire Frigid Member Berry

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@Nikki Moonlight@CriticalHit@Lady Athena

"Nev-" he began, but it was cut off by a groan of pain and Valerian falling backwards, away from the exit, and being knocked out cold.

The truth was, though Valerian had acted like it was nothing, the vampires and the rolling had taken a severe toll on his internal structure, and the pain was too much for him to bear. That wouldn't have been enough to knock him out, however.

Someone else had done that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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@IceboundMemoire@CriticalHit@Lady Athena

Aya panted, falling back down onto her back. While he got knocked out and dragged away, Ferid got up, looking pretty angry. "Little brat shot me." Aya smiled, her eyes growing dull, then as Ferid was about to put Aya out of her misery A female voice called, "Ferid Bathory." Aya froze. That was the Queen...what was she doing here?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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CriticalHit What is your "Truth" now?

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@IceboundMemoire@Nikki Moonlight@Lady Athena

Rai rushed over to Valerian as soon as he collapsed, in this position Rai and Valerian would be in full view of the vampires if any of them looked through the tunnel. He didn't have many options, so Rai decided to drag the now unconscious Valerian to the cover of the nearby trees, it would be a little harder for the vampires to see them that way. As Rai was trying to drag Valerian, he would say "We've lost so many people already, I'm not going to lose anyone else!" to reassure himself. He came to a stop underneath a large evergreen tree, where Rai would try to wake Valerian. "Val, come on, wake up, I need you to be okay!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

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@CriticalHit@IceboundMemoire@Nikki Moonlight

Eleanor watches as Ferid vanishes from sight and she hears Aya behind her. She turns to face Aya and stares in horror. She begins to cry at the sight of Aya, but she was told to run. She picks up Aya and starts dragging tripping every few steps. Her eyes begin to water and then Aya's words hit her "I-i-i cant leave you?! I want you to stay with me!"

At that moment she hears another voice in the room sounding much younger. She shook a bit in fear before making a sprint for the exit, leaving her friend behind... She runs out into the bright white cold world and begins to tumble down a hill out of the cave, tumbling past Rai and Valerian
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by IceboundMemoire
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IceboundMemoire Frigid Member Berry

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@CriticalHit@Lady Athena

In spite of Rai's attempts, Valerian did not stir. He had a bruise running down his chest to his abdomen due to his repeated injuries, and it could be surmised that some of his bones had been fractured in ribcage. He needed medical help soon, or he would join the rest of the orphans.

In death.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@IceboundMemoire@CriticalHit@Lady Athena@Wraithblade6

A man was waiting for them, a human. He caught Ellie and he asked, "Are you kids alright? I'm Colonel Guren Ichinose of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army. How would you like to get back at the vampires?"

Aya received the blood of the Queen and became a vampire, even growing her arm and leg back, and she could sense they were safely gone. She huddled, making a personal vow never to drink human blood and not become a full vampire.

Aya was sitting and looking out over the landscape, having been assigned to patrol the area. She was in the royal Vampire Army now. She got up and she walked around, needing something to do. She had tried falling on blades since she became a vampire but the Queen always saved her. She hated herself, she wished she was living happily with all the Hyakuya orphans as a human, even if it was as livestock to them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

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Eleanor looked up to the man and begins to nod at the offer. The vampires killed her friend and all the other children. Now it was her chance to take down the vampires.


Eleanor sat in a classroom and was bored out of her mind. It had been four years and she still hadnt got the chance to kill the vampires. She looks out the window and remembers how she got to this point. She wasnt meant to die, Aya was meant to live... Aya should of been here with here. At certain moments she wanted to just go on a killing frenzy. She still had the need for revenge, not only because the vampires killed Aya, but because they left her with Rai and Valerian.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IceboundMemoire
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IceboundMemoire Frigid Member Berry

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Lady Athena@CriticalHit


Valerian was changed by the incident. Rather than feeling revenge, what was enhanced was his level of compassion towards the others; his friends. He felt a kinship between them - whilst Ellie, for one, had become more distant from him than they were before (although they were never close anyway). This could be attributed to the loss of Aya. He could sympathise with her feelings of revenge but could never feel them himself. The vampires themselves were a tragedy; their life depended on the suffering of the human race. Only a few individuals were the bad guys, right?

He had become an astute student, academically and physically. He studied hard for school and was in the top end of the class. On the other hand, he had begun practising boxing; whilst it wasn't exactly the best method of self-defence, it could help somewhat.
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