Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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@Nikki Moonlight@IceboundMemoire@Lady Athena

Rai was initially shocked by Guren's appearance, thinking that he was a vampire who was lying in wait at first, upon looking closer Rai immediately realized his assumption was wrong. Guren made his offer just as suddenly as he made his appearance. " A chance to g-get back at those bloodsucking freaks?" Rai thought about this for a moment, the vampires had killed Aya and nearly killed Valerian, if there were people who dished out retribution to the vampires Rai wanted to join up with them. "Count me in Mr. Ichinose." Rai then looked back at the still-unconscious Valerian, he was hurt really badly so Rai was not about to pass up a chance to get him some help. " U-um Mr. Ichinose? My friend here is really hurt, is there any way you can help him?" Rai asked while showing Guren where Valerian laid and all the injuries he had attained.


Rai was at his locker and looking into a cracked mirror that was inside. He had changed a bit over four years, he'd gotten much taller, and he did not sound like the same person he was four years ago. Thanks to Aya, he had made it out of that hellhole along with Valerian and Eleanor. He wasn't exactly proud of running away and leaving Aya behind, but that was what Aya wanted, everyone else to go free. However, Rai didn't exactly feel "whole" anymore. A part of him was left behind and died four years ago, Rai wasn't even sure what part of him got left behind, he just felt "incomplete".

He was stuck in this school by Guren who claimed it was "an important part of their training" and Rai hated every breathing moment of it. It all felt like irrelevant, boring, nonsense that wouldn't help them in the slightest when they had bloodsuckers at their throats, he had accepted Guren's offer in order to get back at the vampires, not so he could endlessly slave over a textbook! Nonetheless, Rai was grateful that Guren came along when he did, he didn't even want to think about what would've happened if Guren never showed up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IceboundMemoire
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IceboundMemoire Frigid Member Berry

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@CriticalHit @Lady Athena

Valerian did enjoy his studies quite a bit. It was a vast change from the life the orphans had endured in the Vampire City. Whilst he knew that both Rai and Eleanor wanted vengeance for what happened to Aya and the other orphans, Valerian knew that that could lead them down a dark path. He didn't bear any sort of grudge towards the vampires, only a disgust for Ferid, but not one that would drive him to hatred. When Guren asked whether he wanted revenge or not, his only answer was that he wanted to protect his remaining family: Rai and Eleanor. Whilst Eleanor had become distant to the point that it was clear she disliked him, Rai had remained the same. They were both family, despite their differences, and that had to be cherished.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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@CriticalHit@Lady Athena@IceboundMemoire

Aya walked for what seemed like hours before seeing some humans. She hid to see what they were doing. She narrowed her blue vampire eyes and saw they were harmless and had no idea where they were going. She then walked away,praying they didn't see her. She then got back and saw Ferid standing there. She had taken a hatred for this man ever since the massacre.


Aya pushed past him despite his protests and whining, then she spotted Devon. She sat alone a little ways away from him and pulled out a book.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

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Eleanor did in fact want revenge, but she always wanted to be able to kill vampires any way. She was beginning to become impatient with Guren, but she knew patience would help her get out of this stupid class and onto the field quicker. When Guren asked Eleanor if she wanted revenge or not, She kind of just shrugged and replied with "I guess, but I other objectives, some of which include defending others and becoming more adept in her plan making". That conversation did end with tears, but it was convincing enough that Guren bought the half truth.

Larges bangs of horsemen and the imperial army could be heard from the school. Eleanor just sighs as she imagines herself taking down a horseman. Followed by a rather familiar scene... The deaths of everyone at the hands of Ferid. She snaps out of her daymare when the teacher shouts at her "W-What?.... Sorry, I wasnt paying much attention. I was having a trauma attack" The teacher facepalms as Eleanor is pointed towards the door. The room was completely empty besides her and the teacher "Oh... Sorry. Ill be going now"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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@IceboundMemoire@Lady Athena@Nikki Moonlight

Rai still felt his desire for revenge burning deep inside him, they all needed to pay for what they did to Aya and the others, one vampire in particular however deserved it more than all of the others combined. Lord Ferid had earned Rai's hatred, the very thought of him made Rai visibly angry. Ferid is a deceptive, cold-hearted parasite who needs to die! Rai thought to himself. Revenge wasn't the only thing Rai wanted though, his true agenda was the liberation of as many human captives as possible. He'd been asked by a few people what life was like in the vampire city, his response was always the same "Down there, you're drained of your blood and treated like dirt on a daily basis, nobody deserves that kind of fate." Aya had given everything so Val, Ellie, and he could escape, so Rai decided that he would give what Aya gave them to as many people as possible, the chance to live a free life.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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@Nikki Moonlight

Devon folded his arms and watched the exchange between Aya and Ferid. Clearly they weren't talking, again. Devon knew why, of course, Ferid had killed several of her orphan friends when Aya had been human, and had betrayed the little girl's trust. Four years was nothing to Aya, just like human lives were nothing to Ferid. Actually... were any lives valuable to Ferid? Devon smirked. Probably not. He looked over at Aya, considering going over to her and tapped a finger against his arm. Truth was, Devon was planning on betraying the children as well, but not like that, not like Ferid did. That had definitely been over the line.

Devon then shifted his beautiful red eyes over to the tall, lean vampire noble's back as he walked away slowly, pretending not to be offended by Aya's dismissive rejection. Damn Ferid could act, and he could keep up his act for years too. He never missed a beat on pretending to be kind to Aya, even after all this time, regardless of how she ignored him. Sometimes, Devon actually wondered if Ferid felt guilty. Then there was the fact that Aya was the queen's child, and Ferid hadn't seen that coming. Of course any child of hers would be best for him to get along with.

Devon turned his head so that Aya could hear him. "I know you've been outside, Aya. I know you've found some humans and were watching them."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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Aya looked at Devon. "Yeah. They were harmless though, just children." Her voice held no emotion as she spoke to him. She was beginning to get thirsty, very thirsty. But she refused to drink human blood.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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@Nikki Moonlight

"Feral humans are quite young. Aren't they? Humans are so much like us, but yet they know so little. A human is like... a pre-person, like a child waiting to be born. That does make them precious, in a way. Of course, we can't can't turn all of them. There just isn't enough room for all of them to be born, and all that are not turned eventually die."

Devon knew Aya didn't think like he did, not yet anyway, but regardless, what he said was nothing less than true. He looked at her while leaning against a wall. "You're still dying, actually, Aya. You've grown in 4 years, but it's because you're aging. Ferid doesn't actually have to bring any harm to you... All he has to do is wait."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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Aya looked down. "I know. And I know what you're going to tell me to do to help with it. I refuse." She took out a vial full of the Queen's blood and she tipped it down her throat. Her thirst went away for the most part and she felt it keeping her alive. She closed her eyes and then opened them again. "And I won't let Ferid do anything, I'll kill him first."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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"You? Kill Ferid?" Devon frowned. "I know you hate him for what he did, Aya, but let me be the voice of reason for you. It's a very narrow minded goal. Even if it were possible, I would hope that you had something else to live for besides revenge, because when it is over, you have to have some reason to keep going on. What you keep overlooking is that you have an *immortal* life. If killing Ferid is the only thing you plan on doing with it, then you should just kill yourself now. It'd be just as meaningful. Think about that."

Devon puts his hands in his pockets and started walking away. He liked Aya. He really did. That's why it was difficult to see her suicidally sulk all the time. He had to remind himself that she was still an infant, not even an adult by human standards.

He kept on walking, now focusing his mind on other things. There were humans all too close to the city, and he at least was going to keep proper tabs on them. He left the city and passed through the wilds to spy on the humans. What were they up to?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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Aya did not in fact want to kill Ferid. She had meant she would kill him if he tried to kill her. She would not kill a Progenitor unless she absolutely HAD to. She said softly, "That's not what I meant..." She watched him walk away. She knew he saw hr as an infant. She closed her eyes, long thick black lashes brushing softly against her cheekbones.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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@CriticalHit@Lady Athena@IceboundMemoire

Devon was sneaking around where Rai, Elenaor, and Valerian were.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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As much as Rai wanted to shut out the stream of thoughts regarding Aya's death and why she sacrificed herself, he couldn't manage to block them out. Rai's expression changed to one of regret as doubts flooded his mind. Do I even have a reason to be here? Should I have died back there four years ago? Why did I get to survive instead of her? Rai gritted his teeth and started beating back the doubts, he knew why he was here, and he knew that if he died as well that night he would've went against what Aya wanted for the Hyakuya orphans. With those thoughts staved off for now Rai turned his eyes to the cracked mirror inside his locker and practically stared his reflection down. " I'm here to give your gift to as many people as possible. Aya... I swear I will not let your sacrifice mean nothing. That is the reason I'm here." Rai unknowingly said aloud. Lucky for him there weren't too many people left in the hallway to hear him...

Rai deposited his books from his last class in the locker, he'd almost forgotten he was carrying them this whole time! He was done with classes for today so he decided to go and search for Valerian, who had remained relatively friendly to him as opposed to Eleanor who became quite cold towards him. Rai knew Val could be doing almost anything right now but he was probably either studying or practicing down at the gym so he decided to head down the the school's gym to look for Val.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

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Eleanor left her class as it was finished. She didn't care too much for Rai or Valerian, so she just went outside and lied underneath a tree. She just stared at the sky wondering how much longer these classes would take before she could finally wield a weapon and take down some vampire butts. What was taking Guren so long, she wasnt the biggest fan of school and she would rather be out fighting and making plans for fights
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by IceboundMemoire
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IceboundMemoire Frigid Member Berry

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Valerian delivered a blow to each side of the punching bag. Whilst it had helped to imagine Ferid's face on it as he struck each blow, he didn't want those feelings of revenge. He noticed Rai walking from the entrace of the room and ran over to greet him.

"Hey, Rai. What do you need?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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CriticalHit What is your "Truth" now?

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Rai walked into the gym and caught a glimpse of Val landing a few punches on the bag, he kept walking towards Val before being met halfway. "I don't really need anything Val, I just sorta came here to talk to you and see what you were up to." Rai said as he looked around the room. "So I'm a bit curious, why do you practice boxing Val? You planning on knocking a vampires fangs out or something?" Rai asked while smirking.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by IceboundMemoire
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IceboundMemoire Frigid Member Berry

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"Well," he began, "This fist's for Ferid." He punched the bag with his right fist. "I plan to break all of his teeth."

He punched the bag with his left hand. "This one's for Guren."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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@CriticalHit@IceboundMemoire@Lady Athena

Guren was walking around the school with no aim whatsoever at the moment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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Rai watched closely as Val pounded the bag, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of Ferid's smug face getting smacked by Val's fists. "Make sure you don't stop at just his teeth, he deserves way worse than just that." Rai commented. The mention of Guren reminded Rai of a particular question that he wanted to ask Val about. "Speaking of Guren, when do you think he'll give us our shot? I mean it's been four years now? I'm not exactly a patient person, but doesn't it seem like we've been waiting quite a while?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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Guren heard but decided not to say anything as he came walking up to them. "Yo, kids."
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