@Framing A Moose several things.
1. She is ugly morphed (or whatever you call it.)
2. She couldn't die and come back. The shards don't work on the dead. I'll except near death.
3. What are her limits.
@Framing A Moose
Hmmm. I am not sure how the shard would heal her. Not all of them can. If it dsaved her from death one why wouldn't it do it again.
Once that has happened, it fuses with the heart and becomes one with the person, so that the person cannot live without it. It literally becomes their heart.
@Framing A Moose
well well well.. hello again framing, and wow with the character. looks like we basically have actual rival abilities.. that will probably wish to kill each other.
None of them can live without their shard. But they don't know it yet. That doesn't explained how the shard could save her from death once but won't be able to do it again.
@Framing A Moose so it's a one time thong or will it regenerate each time she gets wounded in the heart?
Rebirth isn't an uncommon theme in mythology, especially in reference to supernatural tampering, and the person doesn't even have to be dead. It could be speculated that it didn't actually save her, but used her pure life force in tangent with it's corruption abilities to force a supernatural rebirth, essentially using her own soul to bring her back from the very brink of death. These things happen once, and cannot happen again, as it requires a pure soul. Once corrupted, the tainted life force wouldn't be able to repeat the results due to the large amounts of imperfections. Easily explains both the new hair, the new heart, and the inability to do it again. Would also explain why the mother didn't work, but the daughter did. An adult would have already passed the point of no return.
@Framing A Moose
Is that what you were going for, since you said you liked the thought of her being reborn?
I'm just spit-balling here, not trying to tell anybody how things should or shouldn't work. It's your character, and Katherin's the GM, what she says goes.
@CreedTheChimera@Framing A Moose Moose is a good RPER but I don't slways understand her ideas. I always have to ask a dozen questions because her ideas are so deep. That bad thing. As for a pure heart I think that age is always a factor. The shards have only been on earth a month or so. 22 year old aren't that pure.
@Framing A Moose
I guess I never specified but I always start as if the abilities are new. Otherwise it siesta make sensemble for everyone to just be looking for others like them, still struggling with their powers, or having strange creatures attack.
@Framing A Moose change how she survives.
@Framing A Moose She would still be purer then her mom just not as pure as a child.