Hello, and welcome to my RP! In short, this RP is a dark medieval fantasy experience rife with blood, combat, magic, and intrigue. If you're a fan of Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer Fantasy, Dragon Age, or ASOIAF, I think you'll want to take a look. This is set in a fantasy universe of my own making, apart of a series called 'Into The Dark' that I've been working on since 2010.
In this Roleplay, you'll be able to roleplay as various races and classes. The main goal is to set up your own free company of mercenaries and to gain a reputation, though that is not your only option. You needn't be a sword for hire. Perhaps you're the rogue who works as the company's eyes and ears within the city, or perhaps you even betray your fellow comrades for gold? Perhaps you're a wealthy merchant that seeks to fund this ragtag group, or even oppose it? Or even so, maybe you've merely met the group and play the part of an ambitious lordling/lady seeking the mantle as city ruler?
Please let me know if you're interested!