The most unified race in all of Torek, as well as the most ancient (aside from Dragons). They are exceptionally strong and heavy for their size, and they are reknowned for their determination and skill in warfare and craftsmanship. Even with their long memories and historical records, Dwarven history precedes even their own knowledge, stretching back at least 10,000 years.
Dwarves tend to keep to themselves, only leaving their underground and mountain homes (or sparse farmlands) to trade or sell their wares. It's rare to see a Dwarven mercenary or adventurer that doesn't have a motive to further his clan or hold. Even a Dwarven lass serving drinks at a tavern will give a small tribute to her family and clan of her earnings. To insult a Dwarf is to insult his family, his clan, his Kingdom, and perhaps even all of Dwarfdom if the offense is great enough.
All Dwarves are governed by a High King, who has 12 lesser Kings that rule great Dwarf holds, and thanes that rule lesser regions and outposts. Each King is apart of one of the 12 original Dwarven clans formed after the great Demon War 2,000 years ago. Every Dwarven Kingdom has a hall for every clan, as well as various guilds, and a separate hall for the priests/runesmiths.
Dwarven surnames can be their ancient surnames, which are akin to a human surname that is passed from generation to generation. They can be a reflection of clan pride, and can be dubbed a clan name such as Ironskin or Fellhammer if allowed by the clan heirs. Or, it can be given by a Thane or King (or even a group of lower caste Dwarves) if they have achieved a particular deed, such as 'Dragonslayer'.
Dwarves are effective tunnel fighters, and infantryman above and below ground. They have excellent siege weapons, and make the finest crossbows in the world (as well as the finest blades and weapons in general). Despite their stature, they have an excellent, albeit uncommon, ranger Tradition. They only have a small cavalry mounted on rams and warboars, used for heavy charges. Despite their short legs, Dwarves hardly tire, and can move vast distances over a short amount of time for the simple fact that they will probably walk through the night, while most armies would rest.
They can smell freshly cut stone, and have an innate ability to see the imperfections and quality of stone and metal. A Dwarf can see in the dark as well as a Dark Elf, and better than all of the other Elven subraces. They are organized, brilliant tacticians, strong willed, and resistant to magic and poison. Their drink is legendary, though often too strong for normal men to endure. Their weaknesses lie in their Gold lust, pride, and closed mindedness.
A Dwarf has the same life expectancy as an Elf, close to 400 years. While some Elves use magic to increase their lifespan, some Dwarves do so out of sheer willpower. A Dwarf stands 4 to 4 1/2 feet tall. Males are typically 180-200 pounds, while females weight between 140 and 160. Their language and secrets are kept closely guarded, but all can speak Northern common. Some northern Dwarves enjoy ritualistic tattoos to show their accomplishments upon their skin.
Ironskins founded by Toril Ironskin
FellHammers founded by BJÖRN FellHammer
FarForgers founded by Dagni FarForger
StoneCarvers founded by Ragna StoneCarver
Darkfighters founded by Einar Darkfighter
OathBearers founded by Njord OathBearer
Goldnuggets founded by Frode Goldnugget
SkullCrushers founded by Ingvar SkullCrusher
Gemcutters founded by Virket Gemcutter
MountainGuards founded by Gulbrandr MountainGuard
Little is known of the enigmatic Gnomes. Their prospective origins are only known to a few human scholars. Some fancy them to be an offshoot of the Dwarves, and others believe they are a type of Elf. Gnomes stand 3 1/2 feet in height, and weigh between 40-60 pounds, depending upon gender and build. They have curious eyes, large noses, and males are typically bald with prized goatees. They are known as tinkerers, sorcerers (particularly illusion and transmutation magic), and smiths of jewels and stone. Their largest region is called Cutterstone, located above and below a large collection of hills close to Thundrim Kadrin, a Dwarf Hold that guards one of the few passes that link the North and the Southland. Other than that location, the race is scattered throughout the land, mostly around Dwarven lands. However, some Gnomes find themselves as valued Scholars in great libraries of men.
While they are fascinated by jewelry, stone, and the workings of an engineer, they also have a love of nature and enjoy being outside on a nice day. Gnomes can whittle with the best, and have famous and ingenious pipe designs they both create and use for themselves for a light smoke.
The Great Demon War & The Elves
Roughly 2,000 years before the present day, the previously uncharted Primieval forest spilled forth with an army of cultists, demons, Death Knights, and various other hellish abominations. So great was the sin of the world, that their army numbered in the millions. The men of the North at that time were caught completely unaware, doing their best to hold back this new, and powerful threat. The Dwarves were similarly attacked from within their tunnels, holding off the 2nd half of the invasion that tried to hit the humans from below ground, but numbers and powerful magic pushed back the civilized world of men step by step. That is, until the arrival of the Elves.
12 years previous, Elven ships that could navigate the stars landed upon eastern Torek, in the fabled land of Shi'Ran. Some began to make settlements in the lush jungles of the eastern world, though the majority of them moved ever westward in search of a new home. Slim and graceful, with powerful but wild magic, the Elven vanguard crashed into the Demonic flank, giving the world of men a small respite to regroup and make a counter attack upon the armies of the Dreadlands. With the combined might of the Elves, Dwarves, and Men, as well as groups from other races such as the Dragons, pushed back the immense invasion and sealed the Demons back into the Dreadlands by creating the Mythal-Tiriths. When the dust settled and the war was over, the world of men was all but broken. Much of their greatness was lost, though with the help of their allies, new and old, they rebuilt and thrived in the north, creating the Empire of Praelior. The Elves moved ever westward, until the last remaining of them settled on the fabled Island of Aléborn, south of the Praelior peninsula and east of the Southland and Fangs of the world. They became known as the Silver Elves. There were some who elected to stay behind in the east of the Primeival forest, keeping the ancient traditions of their people, who are now known as the Great Clan Elves. Some elected to stay in the forest proper, and patrol it, learning to live with the natural world and becoming great huntsman, befriending the creatures like the Centaurs and Sendarius, the God of Nature. These became the Wood Elves. The Dark will see.
Over the years, as the Praelian Empire began to collapse, the Elves became more and more isolated in their new homes. The Dwarves owned many lands above ground, but were settled by the Elves unknowingly before the war was over, as the Dwarves were too busy fighting underground to argue the point. However, once they were able to breathe, there were border disputes, and relations have never been friendly, though there is no true animosity either in the modern day. Elves are merciless warriors, learned scholars, and the most feared archers and mages on Torek.
Note: While their bodies are often athletic, certain aspects of the Elves, such as powerful longbows with over 150 pounds in draw weight, should not be easy for someone as slim as an Elf to use. So how do they do it? Through a power they call 'Khala,' what humans now know as 'Ki.' By manipulating the energy in their bodies, Elves are capable of 'split second' feats of strength that otherwise would not be possible for people their size and girth. It comes naturally to them, which means that they cannot control it for longer than an instant, and only use it for short time periods, such as the time it takes to draw back a bowstring. Some small groups of men called Monks have been able to harness their own 'Khala' or 'Ki' thanks to observing the Elves. Dwarves however, are incapable of using Ki.
Silver Elves
When someone thinks of Elf in the North, more than likely they'll think of a Silver Elf. Lithe, with a light but undeniable grace and fair skin, Silver Elves are the most 'civilised' and 'advanced' Elven subrace. They make their Kingdom of Leth'Arian along the eastern coast of the Southland, and the Isle of Aléborn less than 100 miles off the coast, parallel to the Fangs of the World. Silver Elves are organized and patient, yet have a love of fine wine and slightly hedonistic tendancies. They hold a great deal of fascination with magic and produce the most powerful mortal mages, but there are no shortages of swordsman/spearman in gleaming armor and superb archers in their ranks. They are excellent seafarers, and there are rumors they have discovered other continents across the sea from their expeditions.
Their Kingdom is, ironically, organized in a similar fashion to the Dwarves in a way. They have a high Queen, and lesser Kings and Queens that pay homage to her from her throne on Aléborn. It's slightly reminiscent of Andred and Praelian governments too, for they have a loose feudal system, though the common folk are treated with much more respect and opportunity to further themselves than most human serfs. It makes a bit of sense, for the Silver Elves were the ones who had a helping hand in Praelior's rise to power. They stand at 5'5 to 5'7 in height, and typically weigh 130 pounds for either gender. They have long pointed ears that poke out of their lush hair, and long eyebrows and lashes. Hair color is generally black, golden, or pure silver. Brown eyes are rare among them.
Wood Elves
After the Great Demon War, some Elves elected to remain in the Primieval forest and patrol it, to halt the flow of Demons from civilized lands, and to protect the forest from other mortals and monsters. These Elves became the Wood Elves. Their Kingdom is called Vérna'thelan, but there are no true borders to it. They consider the Great Forest as a whole, their domain, though they are happy to share it with Centaurs, Furbolgs, Nymphs, and others who are friends to the forest. They live in loose villages within the trees for the most part. There is also a few loose Wood Elf villages located in the north, concentrated on the Kaelic Isle. Those particular Elves tend to wear blue woad, and are dubbed humorously, Woad Elves.
Wood Elves are, of course, masters at guerilla warfare, unparalleled in woodcraft and archery, excellent melee combatants, and all share a fierceness for protecting the land and people they love. They are graceful and coordinated, even compared to other Elves, able to run across the trees almost as easily as solid ground. While slim, they are a bit stockier and slightly more tan than Silver Elves. Golden, brown, and black hair is common, though auburn is not unheard of for a hair color. As is the case with Silver Elves, brown eyes are rare. Wood Elves often have animal companions, and have a limited ability to communicate with them. While tolerant of blundering outsiders, they are ever wary and on guard against outer threats, and Demonic incursions from within.
Great Clan Elves
Some Elves felt that their journey across the Stars and the Eastern Sea led them to lose their original culture, and decided to settle in seclusion near the East of the wooded foothills of the Primeival forest. While they are not as civilized as the other Elven subraces, they are not simple barbarians. The Elves of the Great Clans preserve a way of life that they had before their subsequent cultural shift and journey across the stars.
They are more physical than their counterparts, with thicker and stronger limbs. They grow their hair long and unkempt, and live in simple, earth colored robes. Despite their humble attire, they have wicked and well forged blades, and prefer to fight in melee combat usually (archers are still common, however). The Elves of the Great Clans have a small margin of control over their 'Khala' and use it to increase their attack power and speed for a bit longer than other Elves. They have a shamanistic tradition, and live in scattered villages made of timber, hide, and clay.
Dark Elves (& Vampires)
During the Great Demon War, the bloodshed was so thick and the armies so large, it was hard to tell who was winning at any discernible time. A faction of Men and Elves broke away from the fighting, and began to delve into the deepest and darkest lore of both of their races, in order to find some way to banish the Demons back into the Dreadlands. It took them three years, until they found an ancient Elvish legend written upon a scroll from across the stars. It was an incantation to summon a being that was Demon nor God, or perhaps both. They gathered their greatest mages, and summoned the Eldritch creature Bal'thamon. They pleaded with him to help them push back the Demons, and he promised them power the like they have never seen. Such was the time of their curse. He touched them, and the Elves suddenly changed. Their hearts were twisted, and the curse of Bal'thamon released them of all inhibitions and brought to the forefront all of their selfish desires just as their skin turned dark indigo and their eyes gave off a faint, eerie glow of either gold or silver. The High born Elves, now transformed into Dark Elves or 'Dorcha' grew a small craving for mortal blood as well. However, they were not dependent upon it like the transformed Men, who became the Vampires.
The Dorcha fought against both Demons and their previous kin, fleeing underground as the last of the Demons were banished and the full might of the goodly races fell upon them.
The Dark Elves have now created vast city states in the Low-ways, finding empty spaces and initially pushing back the battered Dwarven defenders from a few key holds. Their politics are full of schemes and backstabbings, even more than the most vile northern court. Torturers are treated with respect, and females rule with an iron fist. A Dark Elf, while athletic compared to a human, is a tad more full bodied than most Elves.
Something to Note: Bal'Thamon's curse began to wear off after a few generations, but the damage was done to both their view by surface Elves, and to their own society. Now the Dark Elves, with full control over their faculties, grow up in a society that promotes wickedness, hedonism, and cruelty, and therefore treat the world in such a fashion. They have also discovered how to draw their taint and infect others. It is a costly ritual, that requires great magic and multiple mages, but if they capture a Surface Elf, they can curse them just as they were cursed, destroying all moral boundaries of the Elk and making them a full Dorcha.
Due to most Elves living in the Southland or off the coast, it's not a common thing for a Man and Elf to have children, but it does happen. When it does, it creates a Half Elf. With lightly pointed ears, attractive features, and athletic human builds, they can blend in with either community, but not fully. Many Elves will generally see them as a curiosity or a wayward outcast, while it can vary wildly with humans, going from being admired to being shunned. They tend to live 180 to 200 years, and stay youthful longer than men do, even with equivalent age.
The Skayliegh
A curious union, born within the forests of the Kaelic Isle. The Skayleigh people are what you get when you cross a Wood Elf with a Giant. Standing 7 feet tall and statuesque, the Skayleigh are lithe figured, yet thick bodied and solidly built. They have greater grace than men, with added strength due to their size and natural Giant heritage. They tend to have ears near as sharp as Elves, with blonde or brown hair. Many people are wary of this curious race, and the Skayliegh tend to fight alongside the Woad Elves and Kaelic people against the occupying Andred forces. Giants see them as an oddity and do not accept them as their own, yet they do not scorn them either.

Known as the Doomed Race, or the Race of the End Times. Drabarians are essentially powerfully built Draconic humanoids. They are said to be the bastard offspring of the Dragon God, Thron. No one knows their true origins, but scholars believe their original land was upon the northern Steppes above the Khalahar plains. There are ancient texts indicating they fought the Demons during the last Great Demon War, but they did not truly make contact with civilized humanity until the Praelian Empire was about to collapse. While they came and tried to help the crumbling Empire by slaying the invading barbarians, their approach was seen as a herald of the End. Indeed, when Andred was formed, Bael the God of Justice gave a prophecy to the Drabarian leader, the Ker'gon. He told him that his people would remain scattered, and would only find what they seek at the world's end. It was discovered that they left their original home to find their missing Relic, the
Flame Apex. Bael took pity on them, and gave him his blessing.
From then on, the Drabarians have traveled the land, searching for both their relic, and heroic deeds to be done. Truly, every Drabarian is only worth by what they do with their life. Their culture is very much revolved around combat, dedication, and a heroic ideal for serving justice. They are friends to Dwarves, and the human nation of Thangoradrim.
A Drabarian can live to be 250 years old. They reach maturity at age 50, but do not stop growing until they die. Their growth depends on their personal prowess. If a Drabarian lives up to Bael's blessing and Thron's warrior ideal, he will grow larger, and if he is especially lucky, he will grow a tail and perhaps wings like their Draconic ancestors. An average Drabarian weighs over 350 pounds and stands 7 feet tall, but by their 250th year, it is not uncommon for a Drabarian to reach 8 or 9 feet in height and might perhaps weigh 600 pounds. Drabarian's have a breath weapon akin to Dragons, that grows stronger with age and success. They have a natural armor of scales, lightly magic resistant.

Also called the Undying, and the derogatory term 'Leech' (mainly given by Priests and Dwarves, or those with a particular distaste for Vampires). The first Vampire's story is divided. Some say they were touched by the otherwordly being Baltha'mon, along with the Dark Elves. Another tells of a mortal who was touched by both Nar'rogg (God of Death and Destruction) and the powers of the Dreadlands. Becoming both death and demonic, yet neither. These beings hunger for blood and nothing else. Drink and food are merely consumed because of taste, or perhaps habit. Once a mortal becomes one of the Undying, they not only gain immortality, but unholy strength and speed, as well as nightvision and the ability to beglamour their prey. They have a weakness for sunlight, holy items and spells, and silver, along with a stake through the heart. It is currently unknown if they have an actual aversion to garlic. Burn by fire and sun can only be healed if they drink an excessive amount of blood immediately, lest their burns become permanent. From what modern Scholars can tell, Vampires form tight nit 'families' so to speak. They are often ruled by a Master or Mistress. One that sired the rest of them (or sired their first followers, who in turn sired more). Not to say there are not rogue Vampires. But they are few and far between, for without proper guidance from an elder Vampire, a newly Undying can easily lose themselves in bloodshed and become easy prey for those they presume to hunt.
The Origins of this race is long lost, though old tales hint of a wager amongst the Gods. Werewolves are similar to Vampires in that they are made via bite from a different Werewolf. Once you have contracted the 'infection', you must have a priest cast healing magic over the wound and drink a tea of the Wolfweed plant to fight through it. Otherwise you will become a Werewolf.
Much of a Werewolf's abilities depends on age along with trial and error. Initially a Werewolf can merely transform by the light of the full moon. Most often a human, the man grows a foot in height and gains a few stone weight in muscle mass. His skin grows thick fur over the course of seconds and your mouth and nose restructures to form a snout. Your ears, mouth, teeth...all are Wolf like (along with the senses). Only your eyes remain the same. You also get a bushy tail at your back and your hands grow fierce claws.
Once a Lycan becomes more used to his transformation, he has greater control over his transformed state. Eventually, if you are not stabbed with Silver or beheaded, you can transform without the full moon (however, if there is a full moon out you cannot help but transform). Some even gain the ability to talk in their Wolf state.
Ancient Werewolves are able to transform into normal wolves and communicate with them, though so few are so old and many consider this legend (even other Werewolves). You gain a resistance to normal weapons, but of course, if enough of them hack into you you'll eventually die.
A non transformed Werewolf has absolutely no powers unless they are extremely old and powerful.
Common Enemies/NPC Factions
Orcs are a race of brutal raiders that live entirely on combat. While they have the capability of being somewhat intelligent (somewhat is the key word) they instead do their best to fight among themselves, and to kill all who they deem are their enemies, which means about everyone. There have only been a handful of Orcs in history that didn't immediately attack a man/elf/dwarf/gnome on sight. And most of those attacked eventually anyway. They breed rapidly, and it seems the more they kill, the bigger they grow. Orcs have skin color ranging from moss green to mud brown, and typically stand a head taller than a man. They have prominent tusks, muscled bodies, and brutal features. They follow the biggest and meanest Orc around, who tends to boss them around.
Unknown to many, Lizardmen culture is as old as the Dwarven one, stretching back many thousands of years. Information on it is very hard to come by however. They are extremely defensive of their swamps and hunting grounds, and seem to have a supernatural knowledge of whatever region they call home. They are masters of guerilla warfare, and enjoy eating all kinds of meat (including sentient beings) though they'll eat plants when need be. A Lizard man stands between 6 and 7 feet tall, though they are often hunched or crouched. They have powerful tails, claws, and can breathe underwater as well as in air. Cousins to Drabarians, while they aren't quite as strong of arm (most of the time) they are still quite powerful, and can regenerate lost limbs. Their scales provide a natural armor as well (though not as useful as a Drabarian's thick hide).
Gnolls share many similarities with Lizardmen. Both are tall and lean, but muscled. Both are avid hunters, and neither are necessarily evil at heart. However, while the Lizardmen are protective of their homes, Gnolls are nomads. While not evil, they have a particular taste for mortal flesh, especially human and Elf flesh. Even more so than other animals. These creatures are particularly violent, and will literally their enemies apart and eat them as they lay still alive. However, there is a strange honor among Gnolls as there is among Lizardmen.
Ogres are huge humanoid creatures, standing 10 feet tall on average and weighing 800 to 1000 pounds. They aren't the most intelligent beings, but they aren't incredibly stupid either, able to speak some broken Northern. These monsters tend to live in clans, but often times wander alone in the forest looking for food. They are favorite subjects of dark wizards or lords looking for creatures to fight in arenas.
Trolls are simian and stupid creatures that are often seen far North. 'Seen' being the keyword, for they can often be found within Mountain Caverns, even in the borderlands. They're typically the size of Ogres, though a tad heavier and often hunched, making them look broad but shorter, perhaps being less than a head taller than a Skayleigh at eye level, when hunched. Their arms are massive and apeish, with huge hands they used like clubs (when they cannot find a club of their own). A Troll might be stooped, but their strength is legendary, even for one of their size.
Their ears are pointed and drooping, like a Goblin's ears. A Troll's hide is tougher than leather, and is sought after in northern climes when metal armor is in shortage. It takes a lot to pierce their hide, and they bleed very slowly, which makes them difficult to kill. A troll loves to pepper enemies with large rocks if they see them coming, and will try to rip them limb from limb or crush them when up close. They'll eat travelers and passersby.
Trolls can
sometimes speak Northern Common, but oftentimes merely grunt and roar regardless. They can regenerate akin to a Lizardman. As in, their regeneration does not aid them very much in outright battle, but if you don't kill a Troll as soon as you can, they can recuperate from massive wounds after mere days of rest. If they cannot find people or animals to eat, they can, in fact, resort to eating rocks.
1 Gold = 20 Silver
1 Silver = 10 Bronze/20 Copper
1 Bronze = 2 Copper
To be continued...