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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 19 days ago

and the first bit of a collab between Lyger and Bast is up.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 19 days ago

I'll be getting some more stuff up tomorrow hopefully. I'm going to be leaving Saturday morning (at about 5AM) to go visit my father for a few days. I should have internet, but I'm not sure how much I'll be around.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KaiserElectric
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KaiserElectric Spaghetti Enthusiast

Member Seen 4 mos ago

So stupid question, but what was the name of the city out west that we were going to start RPing in come season 2?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

So stupid question, but what was the name of the city out west that we were going to start RPing in come season 2?

Pacific Point
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fdeviant
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fdeviant Witch o' the Wood

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Have we reached the point yet in Natural Selection where the whole cast and crew needs to come together for a large collaborative effort?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


I'm back with a post!

@fdeviant I'm going to catch up on everything tomorrow so I can help with the arc.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I'll see what I can do about a SS response sometime tonight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Culluket
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Culluket Tertium Non Data

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Had War-Pulse gone too far?" is going to be one of those things that just gets thrown up on the screen at the end of every episode by default, while they're telling you to tune in next week, same time, same channel.
4x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Our Characters after these events should take a break, with some Overwatch. Think about it. Heroes playing a game about Heroes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GamerXZ
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Character you have created: Evergreen

Alias: Jaden Maxwell

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using): Aqua

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Jaden is for all intents and purposes a rather easygoing and calm individual. He enjoys life for what it is and tries not to worry too much about the future. Growing up with his Aunt and Uncle bestowed on him the values of hard work and independence, as such when he commits himself to something he tends to see it through, regardless of the consequences. Being a fanboy of anything related to anime or video games, when he runs into someone who shares what he is into, he can get surprisingly passionate and ecstatic, to the point that he briefly stops acting his age.

Inspired by the comics he read growing up, he has a strong sense of justice and morals and tries to see the good in people along with being willing to stand up for those who can't do so for themselves. He does not want to see anyone else suffer the tragedy of lost loved ones, but that does not mean he is blind to the real world either. He is aware that unfortunate things happen regardless of what one does in life but does not see that as a reason to do nothing either.

He does have a fun-loving side to him too, sometimes using his power to pull off jokes or pranks on his friends all in good fun.

Uniform/costume: Back when he was human, his appearance was that of a young fair-skinned man with jet black hair in a crop cut with brown eyes and weighing around 200 pounds. He stood about 5 foot 10 inches and typically wore clothing that fit the climate, such as tank tops and shorts during warmer months and baggy pants and sweatshirts during the fall and winter.

Thanks to being transformed into a living plant, Evergreen is capable of morphing himself into a wide range of plant-based appearances. Here are a few examples:

Origin Info/Details: Jaden had, for the most part, a normal upbringing growing up. He was born to a loving Mom and Dad who took good care of him for the first few years of his life and he had an Aunt and Uncle who thought the world of him that he frequently visited on the weekends or during the holidays. However, when he was about 7 years old...tragedy struck.

One night, he was at his Aunt's place watching cartoons when the phone rang. His Aunt went to answer it only to drop the dish she'd been drying in horror at what the man on the other end had told her. Mr and Mrs Maxwell had been on their way home when a drunk driver slammed into them, killing both parents at once. Needless to say, it was like Jaden's entire world had come crumbling down in the course of just one night.

After the funeral, Jaden was taken in by his Aunt and Uncle and it quickly became evident that despite the fact that they treated him well, that life was not going to be easy since both relatives were in their elderly years and they did not have too much money. As such, Jaden had to learn at a young age to pitch in and be self-sufficient, helping his folks around the house and gradually learned skills such as cooking, cleaning dishes and even pulling weeds out of the garden. It didn't help that they ended up having to move twice even before he got into high school.

Life was difficult but it wasn't bad by any means as the young lad excelled in his classes and enjoyed helping others with their work. He took on a part-time job at one point to help his folks too. Of course, he sometimes let himself get lost in video games and anime as he got older. Eventually, he graduated from high school to the delight of his Aunt and Uncle and seemed to have a bright future ahead of him.

However, that's when his life took a most unexpected turn. During one summer, he took part in a field trip set up by a club he use to be part of that were planting trees in an area that had recently been decimated by a wildfire. During the program, Jaden caught sight of a bear cub that had slipped into the water and was now heading down the stream towards a waterfall. Without thinking, he risked his life to save the cub and return it to its family. Despite not thinking much of it, someone else took notice of his act...

That night, he was visited by a voice in his dreams. The voice introduced itself as Gaia, Spirit Of The Earth. It had watched the man's act and, despite its usual indifference towards humans, had been intrigued by his selfless act despite the fact he had risked his life and got no reward out of it. He explained that he didn't do it for a reward but because it was the right thing to do and that he didn't want anyone else to endure the pain of lost loved ones.

Growing ever more intrigued with him, the spirit handed him what she called the "Seed Of Gaia" and that she would give him the chance to prove to her that humans and the Earth could co-exist together. With that, the dream ended...Jaden thought no more of it.

One night though, he was in his room, doing some reading when he heard a commotion downstairs. Going to check, he saw several men in black suits ransacking the place while holding his Aunt and Uncle at knife point.

For a brief moment, he felt like a small boy all over again, like history was about to repeat itself...but not if he had anything to say about it. When the men saw him, they shot the young man on the spot...only for his wound to heal up within seconds, causing all those present to freeze in shock. Anger fueling his actions, Jaden's power activated and vines broke through the windows and floorboards, disarming the men and slamming their bodies against the walls over and over again with enough force to shatter the plaster.

However, just when it looked like he was ready to do the unthinkable and take their lives...his Aunt and Uncle's voices brought him back to reality. He collapsed to his knees, sobbing and wondering what he had become. His folks consoled him as the would-be murderers were taken into custody, likely traumatized for life by the ordeal. The police asked questions but nobody was in the mood to give the actual story.

After having some time to calm down, and being reminded that his Aunt and Uncle still loved him, it was decided that he needed
to learn control since the world was likely not ready for an individual like Jaden. As such, the next week or so saw him practicing
with his new abilities and growing quite adept at them. His body underwent more changes until he instinctively created a new
identity for himself to go with his new form.

For a time, things went well. Jaden kept his identity a secret. He used his powers to secretly bring life and prosperity to neighboring farms and communities, sometimes travelling further to places that needed him. Of course, he always felt like there was more he needed to do...

And as more and more "Metahumans" appear in the world, he now faces the dilemma of whether to step forth and reveal himself...and what changes await both him and the world if he does so...the changes that he would bring as Gaia's Chosen Champion, Evergreen...

Hero Type (Select one): Elemental

Power Level (Select one below): World Level

Powers (Be Specific):

Plant Manipulation: The power to control any and all plants and forms of flora within an area. The uses for this power are vast and varied, giving it immense versatility and almost unrivaled destructive power if misused. Jaden's control allows him to conjure giant vines and roots to wrap around, constrict or even crush a target completely. He can bring trees to life and have them serve as guardians along with being able to call upon the aid of a massive venus flytrap that is capable of tearing through solid steel like cardboard.

Since plants are technically an extension of himself now, he can use them in order to listen in on conversations from vast distances and gather intel. He has a type of "Plant Sonar" that allows him to mentally detect the locations of plants and flora within an area.

He can make constructs to do his bidding such as golems made out of plant moss and wood or even clones of himself. He can accelerate the growth of flora so that it quickly engulfs the area, or decelerate it back to a seed or sapling for easy transportation, along with controlling the properties of fruit and vegetables, being able to form weapons and barriers out of them or increase their size and density to simply drop on his enemies, along with any other number of tactics. Since he has a deep connection to nature, he can revitalize decaying plant matter with his own energy, potentially turning once dying fields and gardens into lush, green areas full of life.

It is possible for him to also extend this power to being able to influence things that were made
from plants though he is still working on this.

Healing Factor: Jaden's entire genetic makeup has been radically altered and as such, he is closer to a plant now than a flesh and blood human. As a result, and as a reference to his main power, he can regenerate from wounds that would normally be fatal for a human in a surprisingly short time period. Gashes and cuts heal in a matter of seconds and even shooting or stabbing does little to slow him down.

Also, as long as he can remain in contact with water or direct sunlight, his regenerative powers can go even further, to the point of being able to repair a destroyed head or regrow entire sections of his body in no time. Also, as long as he takes proper care of himself, he is likely not to age either as a result of his constant healing.

Enhanced Strength: Can shift the density of certain parts of his body to unleash a devastating punch that has enough force to wreck a semi truck with little trouble. Even without this, he is still strong enough to carry two fully grown adults around with minimal trouble and throw punches with enough force to break concrete or create a small blast of air.

Enhanced Mobility: Having had almost all of his bones replaced with organic plant matter has given Jaden a massive increase to his level of agility and overall mobility. He is light enough to either stand on or even run across water and can jump remarkably high and vast distances, being able to clear entire city blocks with just a few leaps. He can also balance himself on cables and tall vantage points with little trouble and is surprisingly acrobatic too.

Enhanced Endurance:: Another benefit to having no real bone structure is vastly heightened levels of stamina and endurance, being able to work for hours at a time and survive falls from the tops of buildings with hardly a scratch.

Healing: Although nothing amazing, Jaden is capable of a modest form of healing thanks to being able to manipulate the genetic structures of fruits and vegetables that, once consumed, significantly accelerates the human body's natural healing capabilities, to the point that wounds that normally take months to heal can be patched up in a matter of days.

Transformation: Yet another extension of his already versatile plant manipulating powers. Being a living plant means that even
without all his already extremely potent long-range capabilities, Evergreen is still a force to be reckoned with due to being able
to morph his body in all sorts of manners. His arms being able to stretch up to multiple feet, forming blades and drills that can cut or dig through solid steel with enough effort, alter his size to an extent, form shields strong enough to resist even gunfire from assault rifles or grenades, and even alter his form to anything that's plant-related and so on. This also gives him the added benefit of limited camouflage, being able to hide in plain sight to ambush a target.

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Strength Level: 10 Tons (When using constructs, can go up to 100 tons)
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 80 MPH
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 4 Hours.
Intelligence: Above Average
Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Average

Weaknesses: Despite the enormous power and potential at his disposal, Jaden has a number of weaknesses, mainly related to his new physiology. For one thing, Fire is his worst enemy as it can destroy his constructs with little effort and even inhibit his regenerative capabilities as long as he remains close to it. Also, being mostly a plant now means he draws a great deal of power from the Sun and to a lesser extent the water so he can be at a disadvantage when fighting in dark locations or that is far from a body of water, weakening the durability of his weapons and constructs to below even decaying wood eventually.

Supporting Characters: Adrian Maxwell: Jaden's Uncle. Runs a store tailored to the maintaining of anything garden-related. A
rather tall, well-built man who at first seems rather imposing but actually has a big heart and values his loved ones and his work.

Laura Maxwell: Jaden's Aunt. A kind, sweet woman but at the same time not somebody you want to cross and more than willing to put her foot down if she feels something is going too far. She was even the one who taught Jaden to fight for what he believes in. Despite the changes happening, she and her husband trust Jaden to do what is right and make a difference.

Gaia: The spirit of the Earth itself and the one responsible for giving Jaden his powers and mission. She watches over and protects all life but in recent decades her power has started to wane due to pollution and humanity's wasteful ways and as a result she has begun to lose her faith in them and distance herself from them and their affairs. Despite this, she is willing to give Jaden a chance to prove her wrong.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:

What do YOU think? XD

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

oh. Oh dear. You messed up Bambi, I'm. I'm actually really impressed by your post.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@fdeviant I believe Hero and Melon wanted some interaction, which I suggest they might want to do a small Collab. Afterwards we can do a massive one when NN gets caught up.

@DearTrickster, @MelonHead, @EnterTheHero, @NeutralNexus, @Nytefall and @fdeviant

To everyone within the current arc, we might want to determine the end result for this scene.

There's about three possible options:

a. Villains teleport Rach away, barely getting away in the nick and store her away until Gene co arrives. This can allow the Heroes to seek out the villains, then form a plan then try to rescue her for a second round while also fighting against Gene Co baddies.

b. Heroes force the villains to retreat, allowing them to escape and form a new plan to recover for their mistake. Which they can reform, call for assistance, and set up another ambush later for the heroes. Which we’ll determine what happens next from there.

c. Odette teleports herself, Lehk and/or Rach away, barely eluding capture. However, due to Odette’s unsavory nature (was talked to Trickster before as well) gives Rach nightmares which triggers an ability yet to activate, turning her into iron and expelling her randomly elsewhere within Cowl’s territory. At this point Rach would be up, groggy and weak as hell still, causing destruction and mayhem unintentionally while both parties seek her out.

As a note to everyone, I have 3 endings planned out for Rach depending on each of the outcomes. In addition she will encounter, unless the Player doesn’t want to, everyone she’s met in this arc when she is in S-2. However, where she ends up will be another matter at the start of the next seasons.

Currently, I think with this small group number that we could talk and vote for the ending of this scene that might be most suitable to our needs or wants while explaining why. Or someone could offer another possibility and we can talk about that as well.

I’ll take the first vote and example, though as I said, keep in mind I want this to be fun for everyone and I do have plans for all three possible ends either way. (Rach ending up with the Heroes, Villains or None) I think number 3 might be fun as it allows the Villains/Heroes both to show off additional talents, gain re-enforcement, and even come up with additional game plans for dealing with they have currently encountered while exploring/wrecking Cowl’s territory.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Fallenreaper Don't forget, Barron is like backup plan D or F at this point. In case neither of these outcomes come to pass once Season 1 ends.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Fallenreaper Don't forget, Barron is like backup plan D or F at this point. In case neither of these outcomes come to pass once Season 1 ends.

He's actually ending C here Vat.

Villains are ending A, Heroes are ending B, and Barron (which is Rach being undiscovered) is ending C.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DearTrickster
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

@fdeviant I believe Hero and Melon wanted some interaction, which I suggest they might want to do a small Collab. Afterwards we can do a massive one when NN gets caught up.

@DearTrickster, @MelonHead, @EnterTheHero, @NeutralNexus, @Nytefall and @fdeviant

To everyone within the current arc, we might want to determine the end result for this scene.

There's about three possible options:

Villains teleport Rach away, barely getting away in the nick and store her away until Gene co arrives. This can allow the Heroes to seek out the villains, then form a plan then try to rescue her for a second round while also fighting against Gene Co baddies.
Heroes force the villains to retreat, allowing them to escape and form a new plan to recover for their mistake. Which they can reform, call for assistance, and set up another ambush later for the heroes. Which we’ll determine what happens next from there.
Odette teleports herself, Lehk and/or Rach away, barely eluding capture. However, due to Odette’s unsavory nature (was talked to Trickster before as well) gives Rach nightmares which triggers an ability yet to activate, turning her into iron and expelling her randomly elsewhere within Cowl’s territory. At this point Rach would be up, groggy and weak as hell still, causing destruction and mayhem unintentionally while both parties seek her out.

As a note to everyone, I have 3 endings planned out for Rach depending on each of the outcomes. In addition she will encounter, unless the Player doesn’t want to, everyone she’s met in this arc when she is in S-2. However, where she ends up will be another matter at the start of the next seasons.

Currently, I think with this small group number that we could talk and vote for the ending of this scene that might be most suitable to our needs or wants while explaining why. Or someone could offer another possibility and we can talk about that as well.

I’ll take the first vote and example, though as I said, keep in mind I want this to be fun for everyone and I do have plans for all three possible ends either way. (Rach ending up with the Heroes, Villains or None) I think number 3 might be fun as it allows the Villains/Heroes both to show off additional talents, gain re-enforcement, and even come up with additional game plans for dealing with they have currently encountered while exploring/wrecking Cowl’s territory.

Vote: A

I personally see things reasonably leaning toward the Villain's succeeding in kidnapping Rach through the portal after considerable struggle (though I am 100% biased and hopeful). I would also be interested in seeing a final clash of heroes and villains with Gene Co being a great climax for the arc, also an opportunity for Rach to be awake and causing trouble of her own.

So my vote is, success in kidnapping Rach. Seeing the heroes regroup to a final clash with Gene Co and the villains, with Racheli awake smack dab in the middle of the entire conflict.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Voting goes as follows:

Option a: 1
Option b: 0
Option c: 1

@DearTrickster, @Fallenreaper, @MelonHead, @EnterTheHero, @NeutralNexus, @Nytefall and @fdeviant
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 19 days ago

Character you have created: Evergreen

Alias: Jaden Maxwell

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using): Aqua

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Jaden is for all intents and purposes a rather easygoing and calm individual. He enjoys life for what it is and tries not to worry too much about the future. Growing up with his Aunt and Uncle bestowed on him the values of hard work and independence, as such when he commits himself to something he tends to see it through, regardless of the consequences. Being a fanboy of anything related to anime or video games, when he runs into someone who shares what he is into, he can get surprisingly passionate and ecstatic, to the point that he briefly stops acting his age.

Inspired by the comics he read growing up, he has a strong sense of justice and morals and tries to see the good in people along with being willing to stand up for those who can't do so for themselves. He does not want to see anyone else suffer the tragedy of lost loved ones, but that does not mean he is blind to the real world either. He is aware that unfortunate things happen regardless of what one does in life but does not see that as a reason to do nothing either.

He does have a fun-loving side to him too, sometimes using his power to pull off jokes or pranks on his friends all in good fun.

Uniform/costume: Back when he was human, his appearance was that of a young fair-skinned man with jet black hair in a crop cut with brown eyes and weighing around 200 pounds. He stood about 5 foot 10 inches and typically wore clothing that fit the climate, such as tank tops and shorts during warmer months and baggy pants and sweatshirts during the fall and winter.

Thanks to being transformed into a living plant, Evergreen is capable of morphing himself into a wide range of plant-based appearances. Here are a few examples:

Origin Info/Details: Jaden had, for the most part, a normal upbringing growing up. He was born to a loving Mom and Dad who took good care of him for the first few years of his life and he had an Aunt and Uncle who thought the world of him that he frequently visited on the weekends or during the holidays. However, when he was about 7 years old...tragedy struck.

One night, he was at his Aunt's place watching cartoons when the phone rang. His Aunt went to answer it only to drop the dish she'd been drying in horror at what the man on the other end had told her. Mr and Mrs Maxwell had been on their way home when a drunk driver slammed into them, killing both parents at once. Needless to say, it was like Jaden's entire world had come crumbling down in the course of just one night.

After the funeral, Jaden was taken in by his Aunt and Uncle and it quickly became evident that despite the fact that they treated him well, that life was not going to be easy since both relatives were in their elderly years and they did not have too much money. As such, Jaden had to learn at a young age to pitch in and be self-sufficient, helping his folks around the house and gradually learned skills such as cooking, cleaning dishes and even pulling weeds out of the garden. It didn't help that they ended up having to move twice even before he got into high school.

Life was difficult but it wasn't bad by any means as the young lad excelled in his classes and enjoyed helping others with their work. He took on a part-time job at one point to help his folks too. Of course, he sometimes let himself get lost in video games and anime as he got older. Eventually, he graduated from high school to the delight of his Aunt and Uncle and seemed to have a bright future ahead of him.

However, that's when his life took a most unexpected turn. During one summer, he took part in a field trip set up by a club he use to be part of that were planting trees in an area that had recently been decimated by a wildfire. During the program, Jaden caught sight of a bear cub that had slipped into the water and was now heading down the stream towards a waterfall. Without thinking, he risked his life to save the cub and return it to its family. Despite not thinking much of it, someone else took notice of his act...

That night, he was visited by a voice in his dreams. The voice introduced itself as Gaia, Spirit Of The Earth. It had watched the man's act and, despite its usual indifference towards humans, had been intrigued by his selfless act despite the fact he had risked his life and got no reward out of it. He explained that he didn't do it for a reward but because it was the right thing to do and that he didn't want anyone else to endure the pain of lost loved ones.

Growing ever more intrigued with him, the spirit handed him what she called the "Seed Of Gaia" and that she would give him the chance to prove to her that humans and the Earth could co-exist together. With that, the dream ended...Jaden thought no more of it.

One night though, he was in his room, doing some reading when he heard a commotion downstairs. Going to check, he saw several men in black suits ransacking the place while holding his Aunt and Uncle at knife point.

For a brief moment, he felt like a small boy all over again, like history was about to repeat itself...but not if he had anything to say about it. When the men saw him, they shot the young man on the spot...only for his wound to heal up within seconds, causing all those present to freeze in shock. Anger fueling his actions, Jaden's power activated and vines broke through the windows and floorboards, disarming the men and slamming their bodies against the walls over and over again with enough force to shatter the plaster.

However, just when it looked like he was ready to do the unthinkable and take their lives...his Aunt and Uncle's voices brought him back to reality. He collapsed to his knees, sobbing and wondering what he had become. His folks consoled him as the would-be murderers were taken into custody, likely traumatized for life by the ordeal. The police asked questions but nobody was in the mood to give the actual story.

After having some time to calm down, and being reminded that his Aunt and Uncle still loved him, it was decided that he needed
to learn control since the world was likely not ready for an individual like Jaden. As such, the next week or so saw him practicing
with his new abilities and growing quite adept at them. His body underwent more changes until he instinctively created a new
identity for himself to go with his new form.

For a time, things went well. Jaden kept his identity a secret. He used his powers to secretly bring life and prosperity to neighboring farms and communities, sometimes travelling further to places that needed him. Of course, he always felt like there was more he needed to do...

And as more and more "Metahumans" appear in the world, he now faces the dilemma of whether to step forth and reveal himself...and what changes await both him and the world if he does so...the changes that he would bring as Gaia's Chosen Champion, Evergreen...

Hero Type (Select one): Elemental

Power Level (Select one below): World Level

Powers (Be Specific):

Plant Manipulation: The power to control any and all plants and forms of flora within an area. The uses for this power are vast and varied, giving it immense versatility and almost unrivaled destructive power if misused. Jaden's control allows him to conjure giant vines and roots to wrap around, constrict or even crush a target completely. He can bring trees to life and have them serve as guardians along with being able to call upon the aid of a massive venus flytrap that is capable of tearing through solid steel like cardboard.

Since plants are technically an extension of himself now, he can use them in order to listen in on conversations from vast distances and gather intel. He has a type of "Plant Sonar" that allows him to mentally detect the locations of plants and flora within an area.

He can make constructs to do his bidding such as golems made out of plant moss and wood or even clones of himself. He can accelerate the growth of flora so that it quickly engulfs the area, or decelerate it back to a seed or sapling for easy transportation, along with controlling the properties of fruit and vegetables, being able to form weapons and barriers out of them or increase their size and density to simply drop on his enemies, along with any other number of tactics. Since he has a deep connection to nature, he can revitalize decaying plant matter with his own energy, potentially turning once dying fields and gardens into lush, green areas full of life.

It is possible for him to also extend this power to being able to influence things that were made
from plants though he is still working on this.

Healing Factor: Jaden's entire genetic makeup has been radically altered and as such, he is closer to a plant now than a flesh and blood human. As a result, and as a reference to his main power, he can regenerate from wounds that would normally be fatal for a human in a surprisingly short time period. Gashes and cuts heal in a matter of seconds and even shooting or stabbing does little to slow him down.

Also, as long as he can remain in contact with water or direct sunlight, his regenerative powers can go even further, to the point of being able to repair a destroyed head or regrow entire sections of his body in no time. Also, as long as he takes proper care of himself, he is likely not to age either as a result of his constant healing.

Enhanced Strength: Can shift the density of certain parts of his body to unleash a devastating punch that has enough force to wreck a semi truck with little trouble. Even without this, he is still strong enough to carry two fully grown adults around with minimal trouble and throw punches with enough force to break concrete or create a small blast of air.

Enhanced Mobility: Having had almost all of his bones replaced with organic plant matter has given Jaden a massive increase to his level of agility and overall mobility. He is light enough to either stand on or even run across water and can jump remarkably high and vast distances, being able to clear entire city blocks with just a few leaps. He can also balance himself on cables and tall vantage points with little trouble and is surprisingly acrobatic too.

Enhanced Endurance:: Another benefit to having no real bone structure is vastly heightened levels of stamina and endurance, being able to work for hours at a time and survive falls from the tops of buildings with hardly a scratch.

Healing: Although nothing amazing, Jaden is capable of a modest form of healing thanks to being able to manipulate the genetic structures of fruits and vegetables that, once consumed, significantly accelerates the human body's natural healing capabilities, to the point that wounds that normally take months to heal can be patched up in a matter of days.

Transformation: Yet another extension of his already versatile plant manipulating powers. Being a living plant means that even
without all his already extremely potent long-range capabilities, Evergreen is still a force to be reckoned with due to being able
to morph his body in all sorts of manners. His arms being able to stretch up to multiple feet, forming blades and drills that can cut or dig through solid steel with enough effort, alter his size to an extent, form shields strong enough to resist even gunfire from assault rifles or grenades, and even alter his form to anything that's plant-related and so on. This also gives him the added benefit of limited camouflage, being able to hide in plain sight to ambush a target.

Attributes (Select one at each category):
Strength Level: 10 Tons (When using constructs, can go up to 100 tons)
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 80 MPH
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 4 Hours.
Intelligence: Above Average
Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Average

Weaknesses: Despite the enormous power and potential at his disposal, Jaden has a number of weaknesses, mainly related to his new physiology. For one thing, Fire is his worst enemy as it can destroy his constructs with little effort and even inhibit his regenerative capabilities as long as he remains close to it. Also, being mostly a plant now means he draws a great deal of power from the Sun and to a lesser extent the water so he can be at a disadvantage when fighting in dark locations or that is far from a body of water, weakening the durability of his weapons and constructs to below even decaying wood eventually.

Supporting Characters: Adrian Maxwell: Jaden's Uncle. Runs a store tailored to the maintaining of anything garden-related. A
rather tall, well-built man who at first seems rather imposing but actually has a big heart and values his loved ones and his work.

Laura Maxwell: Jaden's Aunt. A kind, sweet woman but at the same time not somebody you want to cross and more than willing to put her foot down if she feels something is going too far. She was even the one who taught Jaden to fight for what he believes in. Despite the changes happening, she and her husband trust Jaden to do what is right and make a difference.

Gaia: The spirit of the Earth itself and the one responsible for giving Jaden his powers and mission. She watches over and protects all life but in recent decades her power has started to wane due to pollution and humanity's wasteful ways and as a result she has begun to lose her faith in them and distance herself from them and their affairs. Despite this, she is willing to give Jaden a chance to prove her wrong.

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Looks good to me
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


A: preferably, because I genuinely believe it would be a more interesting climax (not to mention giving the villains some early success, as a general look through history seems to show that the villains lose every time.)

C: as a backup, basically anything but B, which would be a bit of a kick in the teeth after all the planning and build up that went into this scene thus far.

So, I guess I vote A, though I'm also biased. Can't have Silence fail his first mission, he needs the money to pay for his sick dog's vet bills.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Culluket
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Culluket Tertium Non Data

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Our Characters after these events should take a break, with some Overwatch. Think about it. Heroes playing a game about Heroes.

Little do they know they're playing against villains!

The villains lose because Silence keeps lagging.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Broker plays Mercy in the Devil skin
1x Laugh Laugh
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